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Capstone project draft:

Name: Tia Date: Feb 23

Teacher: Mr. Green Block: C

Capstone focus: Entrepreneur

Proposed title: Selling art to fund for my education

Inquiry questions

How can a monetized hobby be an effective unemployment alternative?


I choose this question as it closely reflects my personal reasoning for my capstone. Choosing this as a
question could help me get creative in my current state and my future state to understand how to make
money in nontraditional ways. I am passionate about having money so I am hoping that this can be a
viable option in my future in case I cannot get a job right away. This is a topic I am focusing on because I
was planning to do this either way, whether now or later.


I do not know very much but there are freelance artists that I have seen that can make a decent living or
at least gain any source of income from commissions. I would focus on paintings and drawings but if I
had the time and resources, I could do videos or bracelets or whatever.

More research will be done so I can understand fully what I am getting into.

Career connections

I am planning to go into animal sciences which is a long and expensive career path. Because of my move
here two years ago after an unfortunate situation I am a bit of a late bloomer when it comes to maturity.
I do not have any well-off relatives that are willing to pay for my education and I am not even sure if
either of my parents helped set up a savings thing for me, so I have work to pay for my own education.

This I guess will help me learn independence, it will also help me explore other ways to prevent myself
from having no money.

Interdisciplinary and core competency connections

I guess this would work on self-motivation again. Since this is my project, it requires me to stay on top of
any potential opportunities that come my way. I will have to generate ideas, art ideas, and diverse ways
to promote.

Capstone presentation medium

I'll be promoting my art to achieve an answer to my question via Instagram and in person promotion.
People can either e-transfer me with my email or PayPal. I usually work with paper, pencils, and crayons
but will also be using alight motion and ibis paint to make digital products.

Description of capstone project

Planning for how I am going to achieve my capstone goal and answering the question will be universally
accessible to me.

First, I will be refreshing my drawing skills. The time can vary as I will I be going until I am
satisfied with my skills.

Second, I will research how much I should set my commissions as a beginner artist. I will
research and use different platforms to promote my work. I will be doing this by basing my commission
info off of other people's info just to get an idea. I will make a list and have customers refer to it before
making a purchase. I will study and work on diverse types of skills I could further develop in my art so
that whatever potential customers are content with whatever money they may have spent.

Third I will start posting and making an Instagram account to gain a decent following that I am
hoping I can sell to. This will take longer as the Instagram algorithm is difficult to navigate; this will be
harder to get into as well because I am worried that no one will like the stuff I am making. The art that I
will be making and posting is a mix of digital and traditional, this will be done by using supplies from the
art room in my art class and digital programs.

The fourth step is to set up the commission process, telling people that it's open and informing
my online audience that they can pay through a PayPal process.

Resources and technology

I will need paper, a pen, pencil, a digital drawing program, time, and motivation. The skills that this
would require are time management, creativity, and self-motivation. I have most of these materials,
though they are not the highest quality. Hopefully, the skill that I do have can overcome that though as I
do not want to spend money if I do not have to. I am currently in an art class so I could take the time
there to work on any commissions I may get.

Mentors and community

I do not think that I will need any mentors. If so, I have my art teacher to help if I need assistance. I
could research or message some people that I follow online in case I get desperate.

Project limitations

Time could be a limitation; resources could be a limitation. It could also be a limitation if no one tries to
buy anything because that is like the whole point of the capstone.

Other considerations

I may split between making animations/edits and art, or I could take inspiration from a persona I
follow and do both. I also already have an alternate account and would like to use that for the capstone
instead of starting fresh. (I have run out of emails to use as well). This account already has content on it
that I would not want to delete either, I would be willing to achieve them though for the meantime until
this project is done though.

I am rather good at Self-regulation. I suppose that I passively set goals that I work hard on but
never have a specific set-in-stone date. My ability to hold myself responsible for my own actions and be
my own source of motivation allows me to accomplish things in non-traditional ways. These
accomplishments can be seen in my academics, extracurricular activities, and personal life. I have a love
hate things going on with my ability to understand patience and time as I know that for the best work to
be done no one should be rushed but also understanding that there is not really a thing as “enough” or
“the right” time. I suppose this statement could also show how I need to work on regulating my
emotions as I am mediocre at doing so but so far, they have not gotten in the way of progress. Knowing
where I have come from to where I am now is a prevalent example of my ability to preserver through
tough times. This is a strength because not very many things will bother me or get in the way of my
success, and if it does, I have a way to deal with it. This will be vital to my capstone as I'll need to be on
top of my game.


3Voices (Contributor), By, & (Contributor), 3Voices. (2024, January 16). Strategies to “monetize” your hobby to
survive unemployment. 3News.
Sabatier, G. (2024, January 31). How to live without a Job. Millennial Money.

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