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1. Look at the words in bold. Match them with the correct picture. Then with the correct meaning.

1. The city has wide pavements, where people can walk safely.
2. Grandpa waved goodbye to me when I left my house.
3. It’s dangerous for pedestrians to cross the busy road here.
4. The city has wide pavements, where people can walk safely.
5. Put your seat belt on when you sit in the car.
6. We saw a great performance of a play by Aristophanes in Epidavros Theatre.

a. in a way that is safe, without getting hurt or causing damage: …………………………………………..

b. a path where people can safely walk, next to a road: …………………………………………..
c. something that entertains an audience: …………………………………………..
d. a person who is walking in the street: …………………………………………..
e. you put around you to keep you safe when you are in a car, plane, bus, etc. : …………………………………………..
f. to hold up your arm and move it from side to side to greet sb or to attract attention :

2. Circle True or False.

a. Athens is an urban area. True / False
b. Educator means student. True / False
c. Educator is a person who teaches people. True / False
d. The opposite of positive is negative. True / False
e. Positive is always something bad. True / False
f. If you work part-time, you work every day for 8 True / False

3. Complete the sentences with one word for the box.

salary | road safety | positive | skills | control | part-time

a. Parents should teach their children about ……………………………… from an early age.
b. In the UK, many students have ………………………………. jobs in shops or cafés.
c. Freda Kahlo was famous for her ……………………………….. as an artist.
d. The company pays his ………………………………………. into the bank once a month.
e. The driver lost …………………………………… of his car because of the extreme weather conditions.
f. Our teacher usually writes something ………………………………………….. on our homework.

4. Choose 3 words from THE PREVIOUS exercises and write your sentences.

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