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To change the password of an existing user in Oracle SQL, you can use the ALTER USER

statement. Here’s how you can change the password for an existing user (in this case, the user

1. Connect to the Database: First, make sure you are connected to the database with an
account that has the necessary privileges to change user passwords (typically an
admin or DBA account).
2. Use the ALTER USER Statement: Execute the ALTER USER command to change
the password for the user.

Example:  Design the Overall BPM Architecture and Solution:

 Develop and maintain the ovasdaerall BPM architecture.

 Ensure integration with existing systems and adherence to best practices.
 Define technical standards and guidelines.
 Provide technical leadership and direction.

 Technical Leadership and Detailed Design:

 Lead technical deliberation and detailed design with the development team.
 Responsible for the development and delivery of change requests and user stories.
 Build configuration sasdacripts and customize modules as required.
 Create and review test cases.
 Conduct meetings and demos with the help of the team.

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Replace new_password with the desired new password.

Detailed Steps:

1. Connect to the Oracle Database: You can connect using SQL*Plus, SQL
Developer, or any other database management tool.

Using SQL*Plus:

Copy code
sqlplus admin_user/admin_password@database

Replace admin_user and admin_password with your administrative username and

password, and database with your database connection string.

2. Execute the ALTER USER Command:

Copy codeasda
ALTER USER hr IDENTIFIasdasED BY new_password;

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