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Higher Ethical Reputation

Jabed, a former employee of University X, has attested to the fact that he was not compensated for
overtime worked while employed there. In an interview, he stated that the job description only required
him to work eight hours a day. However, over time, the university continued assigning him
responsibilities, forcing him to work between ten and twelve hours a day for three months. He was
informed that this was his responsibility rather than overtime. He added," The HR manager failed to keep
his promises and It was very Disturbing for me so I had to quit the job."

Lower Ethical Reputation

In an interview, University Y employee Jabed stated that the university always makes concern to abide by
labor laws. Employees follow the terms of their contracts and are free to choose whether or not to work
overtime as they are compensated for each additional hour. Employees can, therefore, take breaks and
resume working extra whenever they're ready. "The HR manager fulfilled his commitment to us," he
declared. We are happy with the organization because it allows us to work overtime if necessary, without
being penalized, and we are paid decently here."

Higher Ethical Reputation

In an interview, a former faculty member of the University X Mamun asserted that in order to improve the
university's image and financial support, the staff was directed to award all students with excellent scores,
regardless of their performance. He said, "Many of my coworkers were against this choice too and we
discussed this with the VC too but unfortunately they did not agree to change their decision." "It was not a
fair decision to those who actually work hard for good grades and it would destroy the reputation of the
university in the long run," a student at the university said. Despite the eff orts of the faculty and students,
the VC was unprepared to listen." Additionally, Mamun said, " With the assurance that they would receive
good grades, students began to skip classes and give up attempts to study more. I made the decision to
leave my job because I was quite disappointed with the circumstances.

Lower Ethical Reputation

In an interview, a faculty member at University Y Mamun asserted that the university never sacrifi ces
morality for fi nancial gain. Mamun commented," I used to work in a university where we were forced to
give good grades to every students to raise funding and ranking but in university Y we were told to focus
on quality education more than ranking." According to the interview, University Y students receive what
is rightfully theirs. Teachers strive to give them the best instruction possible and support their learning
during offi ce hours. But without putting forth a lot of eff ort, there is no way to obtain decent scores.
University Y student Tonni stated, "Our faculty members adhere extremely closely to the gradesheet. For
whatever reason, they don't even curve the grade. However, they support our education in every manner
Higher Ethical Reputation

Zabeda, a student of University X claimed that University X does not deliver exact data or benefi t to its
students/guardians. As of late due to a few specialized issues her installment was not balanced and as a
result her University ID got blocked. She went to the enlist offi ce

to know how to solve the issue. They gave her a test application to be taken after but the following day
the partner of VC declined it saying it Doesn't conclude the essential informations. She did it once more
but by the cruel time VC sir had gone to a meeting. She had to hold up for sunday to submit it once more.
On Sunday, she have to be know from the partner that she seem submit it online and it would take her 2-3
hours as it were where she missed her course enlistment due to this handle. So, she faults the register offi
ce for not giving exact data to the students which may spare their time.

Lower Ethical Reputation

According to Mishika, a University Y student, the university guarantees advanced communication

technology and services. They deliver precise information on schedule. She claimed that when her ID was
restricted, she phoned the university to report the problem. She was instructed to go to her site and submit
an application for an ID unblock using a picture of her documentation. She received precise information
over the phone on time, thus it only took her three hours to get her ID unblocked. If not, it would have
taken a long time to resolve the issue by going to the university. She found the service to be satisfactory.
Thus, she asserted that University Y off ers its guardians and students excellent service.

Higher Ethical Reputation

A shocking interview stated that few faculty members of University X discriminate students based on
gender. Asad claimed, " It was a GED course and the Faculty was male. He was very friendly to female
students but extremely rude to male students of the course from the very beginning. We tried to ignore it
but at the end I got C where my female friend got B+ even if we got same marks. I was not the only
victim so many of the students complained to authority regarding this and we were assured to have an
investigation on this but we didn’t hear anything from them yet." Mitu said," even if sir was really nice to
me I went against him only due to his gender discrimination. Complaints were made but no action has
been taken yet. "
Lower Ethical Reputation

An interview stated that the faculty members of University Y are not biased to any gender at all.
According to a survey, no student of this university faced any discrimination regarding gender ever from
the faculty members. Tanjib, a student of University Y said," our faculties treat us like their own children.
They teach us, they scold us but at the end they give us what we deserve. They do not support any unfair
activities. " Ramisa said, " our faculties treat us in the most fair way and they grade us fairly. We never
faced any biasness in our courses. They grade us based on our performance only and this creates a fair
environment in our university.

" The interview tried to potray that the University Y is free from gender discrimination as both genders
are treated here equally.

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