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necessity or decision

Paula A.Rojas

The importance of the English language in today's society is a subject of debate. While some argue
that learning English is a necessity in order to compete in the job market and communicate in a
globalized world, others maintain that learning English is a personal decision and not necessarily an
indispensable requirement. Firstly, it is important to consider that English is the most spoken
language worldwide. According to the British Council, over one billion people around the world
speak English, making it the most widely used language in business and international relations.
Therefore, learning English can be a necessity for those who wish to work in an international
environment, as it would allow them to communicate with people from different cultures and

On the other hand, learning English can also be a personal decision. Knowledge of this language can
open many doors on a personal level, such as the opportunity to travel and communicate with
people from different cultures, or the opportunity to access cultural content in English, such as
music, literature, or film. In addition, learning a new language can improve communication skills and
self-confidence, which can have a positive impact on many aspects of daily life. Therefore, learning
English can be a personal decision that can have many benefits at an individual level.

In conclusion, learning English can be both a necessity and a personal decision. In an increasingly
globalized and connected world, knowledge of English can be essential for professional and business
life. At the same time, learning English can also be a personal decision that can improve
communication skills and open new opportunities at an individual level. Therefore, the decision to
learn English depends on each person and their goals at a professional and personal level.

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