SR Scmodela 2022 P2 Gta 03 P2 Qp&key

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यश TG~ @bohring_bot

Sec: OSR.IIT_*CO-SC Date: 31-03-24

Time: 3HRS Max. Marks: 180

Name of the Student: ___________________ H.T. NO:





यश TG~ @bohring_bot
Narayana IIT Academy 31-03-24_OSR.IIT_*CO-SC_JEE-Adv_GTA-3(P2)_Q’P
+Ve - Ve No.of Total
Section Question Type
Marks Marks Qs marks
Sec – I (Q.N : 1 – 8) Questions with Single digit integer(0-9) +3 -1 8 24
One of More Correct Options Type
Sec – II (Q.N : 9 – 14) +4 -2 6 24
(partial marking scheme) (+1)
Sec – III (Q.N : 15 – 18) Single Correct option type +3 -1 4 12
Total 18 60

+Ve - Ve No.of Total
Section Question Type
Marks Marks Qs marks
Sec – I (Q.N : 19 – 26) Questions with Single digit integer(0-9) +3 -1 8 24
One of More Correct Options Type
Sec – II (Q.N : 27 – 32) +4 -2 6 24
(partial marking scheme) (+1)
Sec – III (Q.N : 33 – 36) Single Correct option type +3 -1 4 12
Total 18 60

+Ve - Ve No.of Total
Section Question Type
Marks Marks Qs marks
Sec – I (Q.N : 37 – 44) Questions with Single digit integer(0-9) +3 -1 8 24
One of More Correct Options Type
Sec – II (Q.N : 45 – 50) +4 -2 6 24
(partial marking scheme) (+1)
Sec – III (Q.N : 51 – 54) Single Correct option type +3 -1 4 12
Total 18 60

OSR.IIT_*CO-SC Page. No. 2

यश TG~ @bohring_bot
Narayana IIT Academy 31-03-24_OSR.IIT_*CO-SC_JEE-Adv_GTA-3(P2)_Q’P
SECTION – 1 (Maximum Marks: 24)
This section contains SIX (08) questions.
The answer to each question is A SINGLE DIGIT INTEGER rangeing from 0 TO 9 , BOTH INCLUSIVE.
For each question, enter the correct numerical value of the answer using the mouse and the on-screen virtual
keypad in the place designated to enter answer.
Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks : +3 If only the correct option is chosen.
Zero Marks: 0 If none of the option is chosen.(i.e the question is un answered)
Negative Marks: -1 In all other cases.
1. Let A  a ij   2n 1 2n 1 be a square matrix of order 2n  1 , and f  x   xI  A , where
   
   

 2  2n  i  j  2  4n  ,i  j

a ij  
 1  2n 2  i  j  2  4n  ,i  j
 2

If f k  0  denotes the value of k th derivative of y = f  x  at x = 0,

f 2 n2  0  102

and m    1 l , then the digit in units place of ‘m’ is equal to ____
n 1
 2n  2 ! n 1

2. The equations of a hyperbola and a circle are given below

H :  x  2    y  3  2
2 2

C :  x  2    y  3  10
2 2

Let circle ‘C’ intersects the line y = 3, at points P and Q, such that P is closer to (-2, 3) .
A line L passing through P meets the hyperbola H and the circle C at a total of 3 points.
Then, number of such straight lines L, is equal to ____

  ae 2
4  1 n 

3. Find the value of min (a + b), where lim n   e 2

 ;a, b  
n    1  n 2   b
 

4. If z1 and z 2 are two complex numbers such that z1  z 2  4, z1  z 2  5, z1  z 22  3 ,

where  represents an imaginary cube of unity, then the value of  z 2  4 3  is equal


to ____([ . ] G.I.F)

OSR.IIT_*CO-SC Page. No. 3

Narayana IIT Academy यश TG~ @bohring_bot 31-03-24_OSR.IIT_*CO-SC_JEE-Adv_GTA-3(P2)_Q’P
dy y  2x 3 c
5. Let p  x, y   c is a solution of a differential equation  The value of 14 
dx x  2yx 2
x 1 y 1 z 1
for which the line   intersects p  x, y   c is ____([ . ] G.I.F)
2 3 1
a 39
6.  20
c 2 r 20 c 2 r  2 
a 1
 c21 19 c10  and xy  4a then total number of ordered pair solution
r 0

(x, y) where x, y  I  is ____

7. Let N be the number of ordered 6-tuples  x1 , x 2 , x 3 , x 4 , x 5 , x 6  of positive integers

satisfying x1  x 2  x 3  3x 4  3x 5  5x 6  21 , then N is equal to ____

 dy  
8. If y  cos x    y 1  sin x  cos x, y  0   1 then the value of y   equals ____

 dx  3

SECTION - 2 (Maximum Marks : 24)

This section contains SIX (06) questions.
Each question has FOUR options for correct answer(s). ONE OR MORE THAN ONE of these four option(s) is
(are) correct option(s).
For each question, choose the correct option(s) to answer the question.
Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks : +4 If only (all) the correct option(s) is (are) chosen.
Partial Marks: +3 If all the four options are correct but ONLY three options are chosen.
Partial Marks: +2 If three or more options are correct but ONLY two options are chosen, both of which are
correct options.
Partial Marks : +1 If two or more options are correct but ONLY one option is chosen and it is a correct
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the options is chosen (i.e. the question is unanswered).
Negative Marks: -2 In all other cases.
9. Let E – ABCD be a pyramid on square base ABCD where A is the origin and B and D
are lying on positive x-axis and positive y-axis respectively. If E is (0,2,3) and
 
DE. ˆi  ˆj  0 , then which of the following statement(s) is (are) CORRECT?

 10 24 
A) Image of the point D in the plane ABE is  0, , 
 13 13 

 8 12 
B) Foot of the perpendicular of the point D in the plane ABE is  0, , 
 13 13 
C) Volume of the tetrahedron ABDE is 2 cubic units
D) Perpendicular distance of the point D from the plane ABE is

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Narayana IIT Academyयश TG~ @bohring_bot 31-03-24_OSR.IIT_*CO-SC_JEE-Adv_GTA-3(P2)_Q’P
  k 2  4k  3 
10. If  cos ec 1
k  2  k
   , then which of the following option(s) is/are
k 1
 
CORRECT? (where [.] denotes the greatest integer function)

d  1 2x   3  2
A)  sin 2 
at x  tan     is 
dx  1 x   4  3

 tan 1 2

B) 
 tan x  dx   tan 1 2

1  sin  x  2 

C) lim 
tan x  2  e 2

 3

x  tan   
 4 

 3 
tan 2   
D)  0
 4 
 tan 1 x  dx  2  tan1

   
n n
11. If E n  5  2 6  5  2 6 , n  N then which of the following statement(s) is/are
A) E n 1  10E n  E n 1 B) E n 1  10E n  E n 1

C) E n is divisible by 4 D) E n is divisible by 2n n  N

12. If X and Y are two non-singular matrices such that 3X  4YY T  I and Y 1  2X T (where
I represents identity matrix of order 3). If (Tr(A) represents sum of diagonal elements of
matrix A, A 1 represents inverse of the matrix), then which is/are CORRECT?

A) 2Y T  Y  4Y 3  5YX  1 
B) Tr  2X   I  2XY  4Y 3 
 2

C)  2X   4Y 3  D) Tr  3X 3  X 2   3

13. Let S1  x   0, 2 :1  2 cos x cos 2x cos 5x  cos 2 x  cos 2 2x  cos 2 5x


S2   x   0, 2  : sin x  cos x  tan x  cot x   sec x  cos ecx   2
 2
 
2 1 

 x 
S3   x  R :  sin 1  x   cos 1  x    x 2 , where[.]is G.I.F  .
 2 

n(S) denotes the number of elements in S The which of the following is (are) TRUE

OSR.IIT_*CO-SC Page. No. 5

यश TG~ @bohring_bot
Narayana IIT Academy 31-03-24_OSR.IIT_*CO-SC_JEE-Adv_GTA-3(P2)_Q’P
A) n  S1   13

B) S3  S2

C) S1S2  S1S3  AB   A  B    A  B  

D) n  S2  S3   3

14. A triangle with vertices P  2,5  , Q  5, 2  and R  1, 1 is inscribed in the rectangular
hyperbola xy  x  y  3  0 and let H   ,   is orthocentre of triangle PQR, let A,B and

C be the feet of perpendicular from P, Q and R on the sides QR, RP and PQ respectively
and r is inradius of triangle ABC, then

 3 3
A) Circumcentre of PQR is   ,  
 2 2

B) incenter of ABC is (3,3)

C) Equation of AB is x  y  0

2 2
D) r 

SECTION - 3 (Maximum Marks : 12)

This section contains 4 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which
ONLY ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +3 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -1 in all other cases.
      
15. Given four unit vectors a, b,c and d . The vectors a, b, and c are coplanar but not
   
collinear pair by pair and vector d is not coplanar with vectors a, b and c and

         
 a, b   (b, c)  3 ,  d,a    and  d, b    , if  d,c   cos 1
 m cos   n cos   then mn

   
 
( x, y   represents the angle between the vector between x and y is  )

A) 2 B) 0 C) 1 D) 4

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Narayana IIT Academy 31-03-24_OSR.IIT_*CO-SC_JEE-Adv_GTA-3(P2)_Q’P

16. Let X1 , X 2 ......, X18 be eighteen observations such that X

i 1
    36 and


X     90 , where  and  are distinct real numbers. If the standard deviation of
i 1

these observations is 1. If A  x  R : x     | 2 | 1 , B  x  R : x 2      1  1 , 
C  x  R : x     || 2 and Z is the set of all integers, then the number of subsets of

the set  A  B  C   Z is _______________ ( P C is compliment of set P)


A) 32 B) 64 C) 128 D) 256

sin  x  p  sin  x  q  sin  x  r 

17. Let f  x  be defined as f  x   cos(x  p) cos(x  q) cos(x  r)  p,q, r  R  and Let
cos  q  p  cos  r  q  cos  p  r 

    
 cos   sin  
 18   18  
matrix P   Where a, b, c be non-zero real numbers such that
    
  sin   cos  
  18   18  

 aP 12
 bP 6  cI  is a zero matrix and where I is identity matrix of order 2. If f(3) =   0 .

The absolute value of is

A) 4 B) 2 C) 1 D) 5

18. Given eight distinguishable rings, let N be the number of possible five-ring
arrangements on the four fingers (not the thumb) of one hand. The order of rings on each
finger is significant, but it is not required that each finger have a ring. The number of
distinct digits in N are

A) 2 B) 4 C) 3 D) 5

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यश TG~ @bohring_bot
Narayana IIT Academy 31-03-24_OSR.IIT_*CO-SC_JEE-Adv_GTA-3(P2)_Q’P
SECTION – 1 (Maximum Marks: 24)
This section contains SIX (08) questions.
The answer to each question is A SINGLE DIGIT INTEGER rangeing from 0 TO 9 , BOTH INCLUSIVE.
For each question, enter the correct numerical value of the answer using the mouse and the on-screen virtual
keypad in the place designated to enter answer.
Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks : +3 If only the correct option is chosen.
Zero Marks: 0 If none of the option is chosen.(i.e the question is un answered)
Negative Marks: -1 In all other cases.
19. In an experimental setup for photoelectric effect, with electrons leaving plate A and
arriving at plate B, the stopping potential is observed as 4V with a given conditions of
incident radiations. If the potential difference across the plates is now maintained as
VA  VB  3V while keeping same conditions for radiations, then the maximum kinetic
energy with which electrons leave the plate A is ___ eV.
20 Consider sample of a large number of particles, each having mass m and their speeds
different. The number of particles dN having speed between v and v  dv is given as per
following equation:
dN dv
 2
[with N o as total number of particles and vo as a constant]
No  v
1  1  
 vo 

The most probable speed of particles in the given sample is xvo . Find the value of x .
21. A small asteroid is approaching a spherical planet of mass M and radius R from a large
distance. Initially its velocity is along a tangent to the surface of the planet. It falls on the
surface making an angle of 30° with the vertical. If its initial velocity was , find
the value of x .
6 5
22. Figure shows a quadrant of a glass cylinder of radius R  cm and refractive index  
7 4
kept on a horizontal ground surface. Horizontal light rays are incident on flat surface of
the quadrant as shown.

OSR.IIT_*CO-SC Page. No. 8

यश TG~ @bohring_bot
Narayana IIT Academy 31-03-24_OSR.IIT_*CO-SC_JEE-Adv_GTA-3(P2)_Q’P
Light rays undergo refraction at the two surfaces and reach on ground. Ignoring the light
having zero angle of incident at the second refraction, the length on the ground
illuminated by the light rays on ground in cm is ___

23. An interference pattern is observed due to two coherent sources S1 placed at origin and
S2 placed at  0, 3 , 0  , where  is the common wavelength of the sources. A detector D is
moved along the positive x-axis. The coordinates on the x-axis (excluding x = 0) closest
to origin where maximum intensity is observed is  . The value of x is ____.

24. An unstable element is produced in a nuclear reactor at a constant rate. It has a half-life
of 100 years and initially no element was present. If the time in years is required to
achieve 50% of the equilibrium quantity of the active element is years , find the value
of x .

25. A stream of  particles are incident on a sample of hydrogen atoms in ground state.
Assume the Hydrogen atoms to remain initially at rest. The minimum kinetic energy of
 particles, to ionize the hydrogen atoms is  60  x  eV . The value of x is ____.

26. A liquid having surface tension T and density  is in contact with a vertical solid wall
due to which the liquid surface gets curved as shown in Figure.

Assuming that at the bottom, the liquid surface is flat, the atmospheric pressure is Po
and the contact angle of liquid with wall is zero, the difference in height h between
highest and the lowest points of the meniscus is . The value of x is ____.

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यश TG~ @bohring_bot
Narayana IIT Academy 31-03-24_OSR.IIT_*CO-SC_JEE-Adv_GTA-3(P2)_Q’P
SECTION - 2 (Maximum Marks : 24)
This section contains SIX (06) questions.
Each question has FOUR options for correct answer(s). ONE OR MORE THAN ONE of these four option(s) is
(are) correct option(s).
For each question, choose the correct option(s) to answer the question.
Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks : +4 If only (all) the correct option(s) is (are) chosen.
Partial Marks: +3 If all the four options are correct but ONLY three options are chosen.
Partial Marks: +2 If three or more options are correct but ONLY two options are chosen, both of which are
correct options.
Partial Marks : +1 If two or more options are correct but ONLY one option is chosen and it is a correct
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the options is chosen (i.e. the question is unanswered).
Negative Marks: -2 In all other cases.
27. Figure shows two solid cylinders A and B of radius R and 2R having masses M and
2M . The cylinders are free to rotate about their axes about hinges H A and H B as shown,
initially rotating with angular velocities 2 and  as shown.

The hinges are now slowly brought together such that the cylinders come in contact and
relative slipping occurs. After sufficient time relative slipping stops and both cylinders
achieve steady state angular velocities A and B . The considered directions of A and
B is shown in following diagram

Mark the correct option(s):

A) Angular momentum of the system of two cylinder remains conserved during slipping
about H A .
B) A  1.2
C) B  0.6
D) Angular momentum of both cylinders about their respective hinges change by equal

OSR.IIT_*CO-SC Page. No. 10

यश TG~ @bohring_bot
Narayana IIT Academy
A person throws balls from top of a high
building at regular interval of time t  3s , each
with equal speed of v  50m/s and common angle   37 above the horizontal level.
Consider balls A and B such that B is thrown just after A. Assume A and B remain in air
for long time.

A) Minimum separation between A and B occurs after 1s of throwing B.

B) Minimum separation between A and B is 120 m.

C) Minimum separation between A and B occurs after 1.5s of throwing B.

D) Minimum separation between A and B is 40 m.

29. In the circuit shown in figure, the switch S is closed at t = 0. The voltage across the
capacitor C at time t after the switch S is closed is V. The voltage as t   is V0 .

A) V 
1  e3t / RC  B) V0 
C) V 
1  e2 t / RC  D) V0 

30. Figure below shows two different circuits used to measure the resistance of a resistor
using the Ohm’s law.

Mark the correct option(s):

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यश TG~ @bohring_bot
Narayana IIT Academy 31-03-24_OSR.IIT_*CO-SC_JEE-Adv_GTA-3(P2)_Q’P
A) If voltmeter used is ideal while the ammeter used is non-ideal, then circuit I should
be used for accurate measurement of resistor.

B) If voltmeter used is ideal while the ammeter used is non-ideal, then circuit II should
be used for accurate measurement of resistor.

C) If voltmeter used is non-ideal while the ammeter used is ideal, then circuit I should be
used for accurate measurement of resistor.

D) If voltmeter used is non-ideal while the ammeter used is ideal, then circuit II should
be used for accurate measurement of resistor.

31. A particle having charge q and mass m is dropped from a large height from the ground.
There exists a uniform horizontal magnetic field B in the entire space as shown in the

Assume that the acceleration due to gravity remains constant over the entire height
involved. The particle will touch a maximum depth and then start climbing up.

A) the speed of the particle at the moment it starts climbing up is

2m 2 g
B) The maximum depth of particle from the starting point is
q2 B2

C) the speed of the particle at the moment it starts climbing up is

m2 g
D) The maximum depth of particle from the starting point is
q 2 B2

OSR.IIT_*CO-SC Page. No. 12

यश TG~ @bohring_bot
Narayana IIT Academy 31-03-24_OSR.IIT_*CO-SC_JEE-Adv_GTA-3(P2)_Q’P
Two conducting sphere of radius R are placed at a large distance from each other. They
are connected by a coil of inductance L, as shown in the figure.

Neglect the resistance of the coil. The sphere A is given a charge Q and the switch ‘S’ is
2K 1
closed at time t = 0. Take   and K 
LR 4 ε o
A) Charge on sphere B as a function of time is q 
1  cos t  
LR 
B) The time at which charge on B is Q/2 is ;
2 2K
C) charge on sphere B as a function of time is q   cos t  
 LR
D) The time when charge on B is Q/2 is ;
2 K

SECTION - 3 (Maximum Marks : 12)

This section contains 4 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which
ONLY ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +3 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -1 in all other cases.
33. A solid sphere of radius R completely made up of ice absorbs heat from surrounding
only through radiations symmetrically from all directions. Which of the following graph
correctly represent the decrease in radius with passage of time:

A) B)

C) D)
34. A cone of base radius R and height H is placed upside down on a flat horizontal surface
as shown in figure below:

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यश TG~ @bohring_bot
Narayana IIT Academy 31-03-24_OSR.IIT_*CO-SC_JEE-Adv_GTA-3(P2)_Q’P
There is a small hole at the top of the cone through which a liquid of density  is slowly
poured in. After the height of the liquid inside the cone becomes H 2 , the liquid starts to
come out from circumference of the base of the cone. The mass of the cone (without
liquid) is:
5 3 5 1
A)  R 2 H B)  R 2 H C)  R 2 H D)  R 2 H
16 16 24 4
35. A spherical cavity of radius is removed from a solid sphere of radius R as shown in
figure. The sphere is placed on a rough horizontal surface as shown.

The sphere is given a gentle push. Friction is large enough to prevent slippage. The time
period for small oscillation of the sphere is
177 R 354 R 177 R 137 R
A) 2 B) 2 C) 2 D) 2
10 g 5g 5g 10 g

36. In resonance column experiment a tuning fork of frequency f  400 Hz is held above the
pipe as shown in figure.

The reservoir is raised and lowered to change the level of water and thus the length of
the column of air in the tube. The area of cross section of the reservoir is 6 times that of
the pipe. Initially, the reservoir is kept so that the pipe is full up to the brim. Tuning fork
is sounded and the reservoir is lowered. When the reservoir is lowered by 21 cm, first
resonance is recorded. When the reservoir is lowered further by 49 cm the second
resonance is heard. Find the speed of sound in air as per this experiment
A) 330 m/s B) 332 m/s C) 334 m/s D) 336 m/s

OSR.IIT_*CO-SC Page. No. 14

यश TG~ @bohring_bot
Narayana IIT Academy 31-03-24_OSR.IIT_*CO-SC_JEE-Adv_GTA-3(P2)_Q’P
SECTION – 1 (Maximum Marks: 24)
This section contains SIX (08) questions.
The answer to each question is A SINGLE DIGIT INTEGER rangeing from 0 TO 9 , BOTH INCLUSIVE.
For each question, enter the correct numerical value of the answer using the mouse and the on-screen virtual
keypad in the place designated to enter answer.
Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks : +3 If only the correct option is chosen.
Zero Marks: 0 If none of the option is chosen.(i.e the question is un answered)
Negative Marks: -1 In all other cases.
37. The total number of unpaired electrons present in the following compounds is ______.

 Pd  PPh 3  2 Cl2  ;  Co  CO 4  ;  Fe  SCN 6  ;Cl2O 6 ;  Ni  en 3  Cl 2 ; KO 2 ; Cu  NH 3 4  Cl 2

 3

38. Among the following, the number of reactions evolve dioxygen( O 2 ) gas as one of the
products is ______.
1) KO 2  H 2O 

2) Pb 3O 4  HNO3 

3) H 2 O2  I2  OH  

4) F2  H 2 O 

5) XeF2  NO 

6) HOCl  H 2 O2 

7) XeF4  O 2 F2 

39. Efficiency of the following cell is 84%.

A  s   B2  aq   A  aq   B  s  ; H  285 KJ . The standard electrode potential of the
 2

cell is  0.31 y  V . The value of ‘y’ is ___

40. A crystalline solid of a pure substance has a FCC structure with cell edge length 400 pm
& density 8g/cc. Assuming Lattice point to carry all mass of an atom, the minimum area
of a plane passing through the solid to carry 256 gms is 'A ' m 2 . Find ?
2 3  104
41. 1.8 g of ionic solid (that has CsCl type structure and completely dissociated in water) is
present in 1 L aqueous solution and osmotic pressure of this solution is 4.92 atm at 300
K. The density of ionic solid is 30 g/ cm3 with edge length ‘a’ nm. The value of ‘10a’ is
 Latm 
______  R  0.082 , N A  6  1023 
 mol K 

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यश TG~ @bohring_bot
Narayana IIT Academy 31-03-24_OSR.IIT_*CO-SC_JEE-Adv_GTA-3(P2)_Q’P
The number of isomeric tetraenes (NOT containing sp-hybridized carbon atoms) that can
be formed in the final product (in each stage consider major organic product)

43. The number of Sp3 hybridized carbon atoms in [S]

(in each stage consider major organic product)

Hg2+ / H+ NaOCl 1. NaOH, Electrolysis

C5H8 [Q] [R] [S]
[P] 333 K -CHCl3 2. V2O5, 770K, 20 atm
[Q] gives 2-pentanol
[P] liberates up on hydrogenation
H2 gas with Na

44. The total number of different organic molecules formed from one molecule of P on
complete ozonolysis (O3, Zn/H2O) is



SECTION - 2 (Maximum Marks : 24)

This section contains SIX (06) questions.
Each question has FOUR options for correct answer(s). ONE OR MORE THAN ONE of these four option(s) is
(are) correct option(s).
For each question, choose the correct option(s) to answer the question.
Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks : +4 If only (all) the correct option(s) is (are) chosen.
Partial Marks: +3 If all the four options are correct but ONLY three options are chosen.
Partial Marks: +2 If three or more options are correct but ONLY two options are chosen, both of which are
correct options.
Partial Marks : +1 If two or more options are correct but ONLY one option is chosen and it is a correct
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the options is chosen (i.e. the question is unanswered).
Negative Marks: -2 In all other cases.
45. In a sealed evacuated vessel of 8.2L capacity, 0.2 moles of 'A' is heated to 127°C,by
which a first order reaction occurred at constant volume and Temperature. The vapour
pressure of C(s) is 0.1 atm at 127°C. If the half-life of reaction is 20 min, select the
correct statement(s) regarding the reaction given below? (R = 0.082L – atm mol1K 1 )

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A  g   2B  g   C  s  .

A) After a long time, total pressure is 1.7 atm.

B) After 10% decomposition of 'A', total pressure is 0.98 atm
C) After 5% decomposition of 'A', total pressure is 0.88 atm
D) At t =20 min, total pressure is 1.3 atm.
46. Which of the following statement(s) is(are) correct regarding 3d-series elements in the
modern periodic table?
A) 'Vanadium' has the highest enthalpy of atomization
B) 'Zinc' has the maximum first ionization enthalpy
C) 'Copper' has the maximum second ionization enthalpy
D) 'Copper' is the only element in 3d-series having positive standard reduction potential,
E oM / M .

47. Consider the following sequence of reaction(s):

Which of the following statement(s) is (are) CORRECT?

A) (P) gives brown precipitate with alkaline K 2  HgI 4 

B) (Q) turns brown upon exposure to air

C) (P) gives blue precipitate with K 4  Fe  CN 6  in absence of air

D) (P) gives red coloured solution with NH 4SCN

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Narayana IIT Academy 31-03-24_OSR.IIT_*CO-SC_JEE-Adv_GTA-3(P2)_Q’P
Two container each containing liquid water are connected as shown in diagram.

Given that vapour pressure of H 2 O  l  at 300 K and 350K are 22 torr and 40 torr, select
CORRECT statement(s):
A) The final pressure in each container if valve is opened while keeping the containers
at the given temperature is 22 torr
B) The final pressure in each container if valve is opened while keeping the containers
at the given temperature is 40 torr
C) Mass of H 2 O  l  is decreased in container X

D) Mass of H 2 O  l  is decreased in container Y

49. Considering the following reaction sequence, the correct statement(s) is(are) (note in
every stage consider major organic product

A) Compounds [Q] and [R] both give effervescence with NaOH

B) Compounds [R] and [S] both react with hydroxyl amine gives corresponding oxime

C) Degree of unsaturation in [T] is 9

D) Compound [P] can give neutral FeCl3 test

OSR.IIT_*CO-SC Page. No. 18

यश TG~ @bohring_bot
Narayana IIT Academy
Choose the correct statement(s)

A) Polymerization of isoprene gives natural rubber

B) Buna-S is a homo polymer of 1,3-butadiene and styrene

C) Glucose on reaction with bromine water gives glutamic acid

D) All naturally occurring amino acids shows levorotatory

SECTION - 3 (Maximum Marks : 12)

This section contains 4 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which
ONLY ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +3 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -1 in all other cases.
51. Consider the following reactions:
CsF  XeF4 

PF6  XeF6 

The shapes of xenon containing species in (X) and (Y), respectively, is

A) trigonal bipyramidal, square pyramidal
B) pentagonal planar, square pyramidal

C) square pyramidal, pentagonal planar

D) see saw, trigonal bipyramidal

52. A solution is prepared by dissolving 0.1 mole of Na 3 PO 4 in sufficient water to make 1

litre solution. Calculate the concentration of OH– ion in the solution. Given: for H 3PO 4

k1  7.1  103 , k 2  6.3  108 , k 3  4.5  1013

A) 3.73  102 M B) 4.70  102 M

C) 3.73  103 M D) 4.70  103 M

Among  Ni  CO 4  ;  NiF4  ; Co  NH 3 4 Cl2  Cl; Na 3 CoF6  ; F2 ;  Ni  CN  4  ;CsO 2 ; Na 2 O 2


and Cr  H 2O 6  the total number of Diamagnetic compounds is


A) 3 B) 4 C) 5 D) 6

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यश TG~ @bohring_bot
Narayana IIT Academy
Choose the correct options regarding given scheme?

(in each stage consider major organic product)


H2, Pd/C

1. BH3·THF 1. Hg(OAc)2, H2O

[R] [P] [Q]
major 2. H2O2 / OH- 2. NaBH4
1 mole major

[Q] is a positional isomer of [R]

1. O3
2. Zn/H 2O

+ Other product

1 mole


B) [P] can exhibit geometrical isomerism

C) [Q] can be oxidized with PCC

D) other product in reaction scheme is 2 moles of formaldehyde

OSR.IIT_*CO-SC Page. No. 20

यश TG~ @bohring_bot

Sec: OSR.IIT_*CO-SC GTA-3(P2) Date: 31-03-24

Time: 3HRS 2022_P2 Max. Marks: 180
1 8 2 7 3 5 4 8 5 0
6 8 7 9 8 2 9 ABC 10 ABCD
11 BCD 12 ABC 13 AD 14 BCD 15 A
16 D 17 B 18 D

19 4 20 1 21 4 22 2 23 5

24 1 25 8 26 2 27 BCD 28 BC

29 CD 30 BC 31 AB 32 AB 33 C

34 C 35 A 36 D

37 9 38 5 39 4 40 4 41 1

42 4 43 0 44 4 45 ACD 46 ABCD

47 AB 48 AD 49 C 50 A 51 B

52 A 53 C 54 A
Narayana IIT Academy यश TG~ @bohring_bot 31-03-24_OSR.IIT_*CO-SC_JEE-ADV_GTA-3(P2)_KEY&SOL
1. f  x  x 2 n 1
  tr A  x 2 n2
 .........  f 2 n2
 0     trA . 2n  2
102 2 n 1 102 102

=   1   n  1  i    1  2n  1 n  1   2n  1 n     n   2n  1  n 2  n  1

n 2 n 2 n

n 1 i 1 n 1 n 1

=   1
 n3   n  13     13  03    23  13    33  23  .......  1023  1013    1023
n 1
   

m = 2, n = 1 : 1 line
m = 1, n = 2 : 4 lines
m = 1 is possible, when line through P is tangent to H or parallel to ds total number of lines
4  1  2 (PA and PB)
   In 1  x 2   In 1  x 2    2
1 x 1 x  2
1 2
x 2
3. lim e In   e  lim

4  2 
x 0
x  1 x  
x 0
In 1  x   In 1  x   2x 1  2x 3 2x 5  
lim  lim 2x   .....  2x
x 0
x3 x 0
x 3   3 5 


CEF is a right 

E  CEB  60  90
16  9  BC2
cos150   BC 2  16  9  12 3
2 4 3
2 25  12 3
z 2  z 2 2  25  12 3  z 2  
1  2
5.  2x 3
 y  dx   x  2yx 2  dy  0
xdy  ydx  y
2xdx  2ydy  0 ie d  x 2  y 2   d    0
x 2
 y y
 d  x 2  y 2    0  p  x, y   x 2  y 2 
 x x
x 1 y 1 z 1
Now      x  2  1, y  3  1, z    1  0
2 3 1

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y 2 41
  1  x  3, y  2  c  x 2  y 2  94 
x 3 3
1  x   1  x 
20 20

6.  20 c0  20 c 2 x 2  20 C 4 x 4  ...    20 c 20 x 20
 c0 x  20 c 2 x18  20 c 4 x16      20 c20
20 20

9 1  x 2 n  1  x  2n 
So,  20 c 2r 20 c 2r  2  coeff of x 22in  
r 0 4
 a  10  xy  40 has total order pair  x, y  solution
7. x1  x 2  x 3  x, x 4  x 5  y, z  x 6
x  3y  21  5x 6 x 6  1, 2
x  3y  16,11
 x, y, x 6    4, 4,1 ,  7,3,1 , 10, 2,1 ,  5, 2, 2 
Number of 6-
Tuples = 43 2 C2 4 21C1  7 3 2 C2 3 21C1 103 2 C 2 2 21C1  53 2 C 2 2 21C1
 9  30  36  6  81
 dy  1 dy 1
cos x    y   y 2 1  sin x  cos x   2  .sec x  1  sin x
8.  dx  y dx y

1 dt t
t   1  sin x
y dx cos x
1  1  sin x  
This is LDE     sin x  1  y    2
y  cos x  3
x y z
9. Plane ABE is 0 2 3  0
2 0 0

   k   34  tan

10.    tan 1 k  2  tan 1 1

K 1

   5  2 6  , E
n n
11. En  5  2 6 n
  n  n , n  N
,  are the roots the equation x 2  10x  1  0 . So E n 1  10E n  E n 1
12. 3X  4YY T  I  3X T  4YY T  I  X  X T
Also, Y 1  2X T  2X
Y    Y T   Y 1  Y  Y T
T 1
 2X T  Y 1
Y 1Y  2XY  I and YY 1  2YX  I

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3XY  4Y 3  Y  4Y 3  Y  I
2Y T  Y  4Y 3  5YX  I  1
Tr   2X  1

 I  2XY  4Y 3  Tr  Y  4Y3  
13. S1 : a  cos x, b  cos 2x,c  cos5x
1  2abc  a 2  b 2  c 2  c 2  2ab.c  a 2  b 2  1  0
 c  ab  a 2 b 2  a 2  b 2  1  cos 5x  cos x,cos 2x  sin x sin 2x
 cos 5x  cos3x.cos 5x  cos x  5x  2n  3x 5x  2m  x
n n n
 x  n, 2 , x  3 , 4
4 3 2
S C 1 1 1
S2 : E  S  C        2 1  2
C S 2C S
 
y2  2
Let C  S  y  sin 2x  y 2  1  E  2
y 1
 2 1 2  

 y3  2  2 2 y 2  4  2 2  0 
 
y  2 only Sol. S3  0, 
 2
14. Orthocentre of PQR lies on hyperbola    3 Incentre of ABC is orthocenter of
PQR . Equation of AB is x  y  0
15. a.b  b.c 
a.d  cos 
b.d  cos 
Also b   a  c  b   a  c   
 1   1  1  1    1 b  a  c
 c  b  a  d.c  d.b  d.a
 cos   cos   cos 
   cos 1  cos   cos  
18 18

x     36,   x i     90
16. i
i 1 i 1
18 18

  x i  18    2  ,  x i2  2 x i  182  90
i 1 i 1

Hence x i  90  182  36    2 


x   xi 

Given  i
 1
18  18 

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 90  18  36    2   18    2   18
2 2

 5  2  2  4   2  4  4  1
       4       0      0or 4

As  and  are distinct    = 4

A   ,1   3,  
B   , 2    2,  
C =  , 2   6,  
So, A  B  C   , 2    6,  
z   A  B  C  '  2, 1, 0,1, 2,3, 4,5
Hence no. of its subsets = 28  256 .
17. f '  x   0  f  x   cons tan t f  3   f  x   
f 1  f  2   f  3
 3
f  3
 2 2   n n 
 cos sin cos sin
18 18  n  18 18 
P 2  P.P   ;P   
  sin 2 cos 2    sin n cos n 
 18 18   18 18 
 1 3  1 3
    1 0 
2 2  2 2 
aP  bP  cI  a 
6 3
b c  O
 3 1  3 1  0 1 
    
 2 2  2 2 

a b 3
    c  0;  a  b   0  c  a  a  b
2 2 2
18. There are   ways to choose the rings, and there are 5! Distinct arrangements to order the
 5
rings [we order them so that the first ring is the bottom-most on the first finger that actually
has a ring, and so forth]. The number of ways to distribute the rings among the fingers is
equivalent the number of ways we can drop five balls into 4 urns, or similarly dropping five
balls into four compartments split by three dividers. The number of ways to arrange those
dividers and balls is just   .
 3
 8  8 
Multiplying gives the answer:    5!  376320
 5  3 

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19. The ejection of photoelectrons will still occur with the same maximum kinetic energy. By
application of voltage between the plates, kinetic energy of the photoelectrons will change as they
travel between the plates.
20. Most probable speed of given set of particles, is that speed which is possessed by maximum number
of particles. Here achieves maximum for v  vo .

The velocity V  makes 300 angle with the radius (normal) near the surface.
Conservation of angular momentum (about centre O)
mVR sin 300  muR
V  2u ........  i 
Energy Conservation
1 1 GMm
mu 2  mV 2 
2 2 R
1 2 1 GM
u   2u  

2 2 R
3 2 GM
 u 
2 R
u 
For the topmost light coming out of the curved surface, it should come out grazing the surface. This
is shown below:

R R
All incident rays above this light will undergo TIR. The distance shown is  . For the
cos   2 1
bottom most ray (except the ray which is incident normally on the second surface for refraction), the
light undergoes refraction from curved surface with following formula:
1  1  R
   v
v  R  1
R R
So the length of surface illuminated by finally refracted rays is: 
 1  2 1

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 4R  4  R
3 3
23. At x  0, path difference is 3 . Hence, third order maxima will be obtained. At x  , path
difference is zero. Hence, zero order maxima is obtained. In between them, first and second order
maximas will be obtained.

For second order maxima (closest to origin), we have

S2 P  S1P  2
 x 2  9 2  x  2
 x 2  9 2  x  2
Squaring both sides, we get
 x 2  9 2  x 2  4 2  4 x
 x

24. Let rate of production be R

  R  N
  N  R
Multiplying both sides by et , we get
et   Ne t  Ret
d  Net 
  Ret
 d  Ne t   Ret
Integrating, we get
Net  C

Where C is constant of integration
Now, at t  0, N  0
C 

 N  1  e  t 

At equilibrium, we have N  , for t  

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For 50% of the equilibrium quantity, we have N 

2 
 
 1  e  t
 e  t 
n 2
t   T1  100 years
 2

25. Let m1 and m2 be the mass of   particle and hydrogen atom.

By Law of Conservation of Momentum, we get
m1u1   m1  m2  v
Where u1 ius the initial velocity of the incident   particle and v is the final common velocity (or
velocity of centre of mass) of the particles.
By Law of Conservation of Energy, we get
1 1
m1v12   m1  m2  v   E0
2 2
Where E0 is the Ionization Energy
The loss in KE of the   particles must be gained by the atom as ionization energy, so we have
1  m1m2  2
  v1  E0
2  m1  m2 
1  m  m2 
 K1  m1v12   1  E0
2  m2 
 m 
 K1   1  1  E0
 m2 
 4
 K1  1   13.6  eV
 1
 K1  68 eV
26. At the lowest level meniscus liquid surface is flat, so
Pressure at the lowest level of meniscus is P0 and hence pressure inside the liquid at A is
PA  P0   gh
For horizontal equilibrium of liquid in the meniscus, let us consider a depth L of the liquid section
perpendicular to the plane as shown in Figure.

Force due to wall on the liquid is

Fwall  Pav A  Pav  hL 

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 P   P0   gh     gh 
 Fwall   0  hL   P0   hL
 2   2 
Force due to the atmospheric pressure is
Fatm  P0 A  P0  hL 
Force due to surface tension is
For horizontal equilibrium of liquid in the meniscus, we have
Fwall  FST  Fatm
  gh 
  P0   hL  TL  P0 hL
 2 
 gh 2
 P0 h   T  P0 h
27. Let the acting frictional force between the cylinders during the time of slipping be f .
t 1
0   fR  dt  2 MR A  2 
For cylinder A,
0  fR  dt  2  2M  2R  B     
t 2
For cylinder B,
1 1
 2  A    2  2  B     

2 2
 2  A    8B  8 
 6   8B  A 
As there occurs no slipping finally, A  R   B  2 R   A  2B
So, B  0.6 and A  1.2
29. V  V0 1  e  t / 
V0  (as both R and R are in series)
 V  1  e RC 

2 
Hence, (C) and (D) are correct.
31. Consider the origin in the starting point and the x and y axes as shown. Let the velocity of the

particle at any time be V  Vx iˆ  Vy ˆj

Force on the particle is:

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F  mgjˆ  q Vx iˆ  Vx ˆj  Bkˆ 
  mg  qBVx  ˆj   qBVy  iˆ
Hence, m  mg  qBVx ..... 1
And m  qBVy .....  2 
Differentiating equation 1 with respect to time
d 2Vy dVx
m 2
  qB
dt dt
d 2Vyq2 B2
Using  2   Vy
dt 2 m2
Solution to this differential equation is (as learnt in chapter of SHM)
 qB 
Vy  Vy 0 sin  t    ......  3 
 m 
V y 0 and  are constants.
It is known that Vy  0 at t  0
  0
 qB 
 Vy  Vy 0 sin  t
 m 
Differentiating wrt time
dV qB  qB 
a y  y  Vy 0 cos  t
at m  m 
At time t  0; a y  g
Vy 0 qB
Vy 0 
mg  qB 
Vy  sin  t  ......  4 
qB  m 
Put in 1
dVy  qB 
 g cos  t
dt  m 
mg   qB  
Vx  1  cos  t   ......  5 
qB   m 
Time after which the particle starts climbing up is after V y becomes zero (for the first time
after release).
Vy  0
qB m
 t  t 
m qB
At this time Vx is
This is required speed.
Magnetic force does not perform any work during th emotion of the charge particle.

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Narayana IIT Academy
 mgh  mVx2
2m g
h 2 2
q B
32. Let q  charge on B time ‘t’
VA  VB  L
Qq q d 2q
K K  L 2
R R dt

[Sphere are at large distance. Hence charge on one does not affect the potential of other]
d 2q 2K  Q 
 2  q  …..(i)
dt LR  2
Q d 2q d 2 x
Let q   x which means 2  2
2 dt dt
In terms pof x, the differential equation  i  becomes
d 2 x 2K
 x
dt 2 LR
Solution to this equation is
 2K 
x  x0 sin t      
 LR 
 q   x0 sin t   
 q   x0 sin t   
Current i   x0 cos t   
Just after closing the switch (at t  0 ) the current is zero

q   x0 cos t
Also, at t  0, q  0
x0  Q / 2
q  1  cos  t 
q means cos t  0

t 

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2K 
LR 2
 LR
2 2K
34. Atmospheric pressure will play no role as its effects are present on both sides of the container.
Considering a depth x from the top, and further small length dx in downward direction, the force on
the strip shown is:

 H   R  
 dF vertical  g  x    2   xdx 
 2   H  
R H  H
  F vertical  2 g    H x  x   dx
 H   2  2
  F  vertical   gR 2 H
This should be equal to weight of the container. So, mass m   R 2 H
35. Location of centre of mass of the cavitied sphere is given by-
4  3 R3  4 R3 R
 R   x   
3  8  3 8 2

7 R
 x    density 
8 16
Moment of inertia of the cavitied sphere about an axis (  r to plane of the fig) through point
calculated as follows-
Let M = mass of cavitied sphere
4 3 1 3M 8
 R 1     M ;   
3  8 4 R3 7

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R 4 R3 M
 Mass of sphere of radius is m    
2 3 8 7
Mass of sphere without cavity M 0  m  M 
 Required moment of inertia
I  (moment of inertia of complete sphere without cavity about an axis through P)-(moment of
inertia of the cavity about the same axis)
7 2
 2  R 2  3R  

 M0R   m   m  
5  5  2   2  
7 8M 2  47 M 2  177
 R  R  MR 2
5 7  20 7  140
A purely rolling sphere can be considered to be pure rotation about the point of contact. Consider the
sphere at a slightly displaced position  , as shown.
Restoring torque in this position is
  Mg x sin   Mg

I    Mg 
177 R
 MR 2   Mg 
140 14
140 g
  
177  14 R
10 g
.  2 
177 R
177 R
 T  2
10 g
36. When reservoir is lowered by x, let the level of water fall by y
y 7y 6x
x  y  x   y
6 6 7
For x  21cm, y1  18 cm
x  21  49  70 cm; y2  60 cm

  e  18 ........  i 
 e  60 ........  ii 
 ii    i  gives

 42    84 cm  0.84 cm
V   f  0.84  400  336 ms 1

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37. 0, 0, 5, 0, 2, 1, 1.
38. KO 2  H 2O  KOH  H 2O 2  O 2
 PbO 2  Pb  NO3  2  H 2 O
Pb 3O 4  HNO3 
H 2 O2  I 2  OH   H 2 O  I  O 2
F2  H 2 O   HCl  O 2  H 2 O
HOCl  H 2 O 2   HCl  O 2  H 2 O
XeF4  O 2 F2   XeF6  O 2
G 0 nFE 0
39. Efficiency = 
H 0 H 0
84 2  96500  E 0
  E 0  1.24V
100 285  1000
41.   iC R T
T = 300 K, R = 0.082, I = 2
C  0.1
0.082  300  2
Molof salt
0.1 
Molar mass of salt = 18 g
1  18
6  1023  a 3
a3   1024 cm 3
6  10  30

a  108 cm
a = 0.1 nm
45. For C(s) to be in equilibrium with C (vapours), minimum moles of C(s) formed should be 0.025.
47. P is Mohr’s salt
48. The vapour pressure in Y is > x. When stopcock opened the vapour from Y diffuse into x and
condense there when equilibrium is re – established, mass of LiQ water in Y and is x 
The final pressure in two containers will same, 22 Torr.
51. X  Cs  XeF5  , Y  XeF5 PF6
52. Hydrolysis of PO 4 3 will take place
 
 HPO 42  OH   k h  k w 
PO 43  H 2 O 
c  x   x  y  x  y  z

k3 
 kw 
HPO 42  H 2 O   H 2 PO 4  OH
 
 k  
k2 
x  yz 2
 x  y  yz 
 kw 
HPO 42  H 2 O   H 3 PO 4  OH

 k  
k1 
 x  y  z 3
 yz z

OH    x  y  z
OH    x
X >>y>>z

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kh 
 x  y  z  x  y 
c  x 
kw x.x.

k3  c  x 
2.2  10 2

 0.1  x 
On solving x  3.73  10 2 molar
 Ni  CO 4  , Co  NH3 4 Cl 2  Cl , Na 2O 2 , F2 ,  Ni  CN  4 
53. are diamagnetic compounds

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