The Third Term English Exam: Republic Algerian Democratic and Popular

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Republic Algerian Democratic and Popular

Level :Ms 1 School : Laid Rabhi

year: 2023/2024 Timing: 1h30min

The third Term English Exam

.Maria is a pupil at Ben M'hidi middle school. She is 11 years old. She lives in Tlemcen
Every day, Maria wakes up at 6:30a.m. She has breakfast at 7: 00 a.m, then, she goes to
.school at 7:30 a.m. After school, she does her homework, watches tv at 7:00 p.m
Maria has dinner at 8:00 p.m. Then, she goes to bed at 9:00 p.m. At the weekend, she
.plays with her friend and visit her grandparents

I .Reading Comprehension:
Task 01 : I read the text and say ″true″ or‟ false‟:
1-Maria lives in Ouargla
2-She gets up at 6:30 am
3-She goes to school at 7:00 am

Task 02 : I read the text again then I match:

Maria visits her grandparents at 9:00pm

Maria has dinner at 8:00 pm
Maria goes to bed at the weekend

Task 03 I read the text and I find the synonyms :

Sleep ═………………………………/get up═……………………….
II .Mastery of language:
Task 01 :I reorder the following words to get correct sentences.
Wash/my face/. /I

Task 02 : I choose the right verb

I (go – goes)……… ……………….to school.
I (brush – brushes)……… …………my teeth.
Task : 03 : I classify the following words according to their pronunciation :
This -three - father –teeth

// /Ɵ/
………………. …………...
……………… .....................

ΙΙΙ Situation of integration : (6pt)

your friend wants to know about your daily and leisure activities. Send
him a reply using the following sentences ( get up – go to bed – watch tv –
read a book – read coran- visit my grand parents)

My name is …………………………………………………...............................................................

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. .

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