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Stan Simpson
 valuable (adj): having worth, important
 abusive (adj): hurtful, cruel, harsh
 embarrass (v): to make someone feel confused, uneasy, or ashamed
 behavior (n): the way a person acts, conduct
 a spectator (n): someone watching the game - khán giả
 recruiting her (v): trying to get her to join my team - tuyển
 in line for: going to happen to
 commentary (n): statement about the issue - lờ i bình luậ n
 an indictment of (n): an negative comment about - bả n cáo trạ ng, sự buộ c tộ i
 overzealous (adj): extreme, instene - quá nhiệt tình
 decorum (n): good behavior - sự trang nhã, đoan trang
 living vicariously through: pushing their own dreams on
 profanity (n): bad words - sự báng bổ
 banned (v): kept away from


Barbara Bey
Curfews (n): a rule that everyone must stay at home between particular times,
usually at night (during a war or a period of political trouble) - lệnh giớ i nghiêm
 accountable (adj): responsible for sth
 authority (n): power over others - thẩ m quyền
 discrimination (n): treating pp unfairly because of what they look or believe
 Synonym: prejudice
 impose (v): setting (rules) - áp đặ t
 Synonym: establish
 Antonym: cancel
 neglect (n): a lack of care and attention - sao nhãng
 Antonym: care, attention
 prohibit (v): keep pp from doing sth - cấ m
 Synonym: prevent
 Antonym: allow
 restriction (n): sth that limits activity
 Synonym: limit
 violate (v): break (law)
 Synonym: go against
 Antonym: follow
 entity (n) : group, organization
 banned (v): not allow
 First-time violators: pp who break the law for the first time - vi phạ m lầ n
đầ u
 becoming confrontational: causing a fight
 puts young pp under house arrest: is like locking teens in thier homes -
quả n thúc
 loiter (v): hang around without a reason - lả ng vả ng
 held their ground: kept their decision - giữ vữ ng lậ p trườ ng
 chaperoned (adj): supervised - bị giám sát
 offspring (n): children


Robert Winston
 control (v): have the power to direct or manage things
 extraction (n): act of removing one thing from another thing
 Synonym: removal
 Antonym: addition
 inherit (v): receive sth as a heir - thừ a kế, thừ a hưở ng
 molecule (n): very small particle or piece of a substance
 sequence (n): order
 trait (n): feature or certain way that sth is - đặ c điểm
 Synonym: characteristic
 transmit (v): pass sth on to someone or sth else - chuyển giao
 Synonym: send, pass on
 Antonym: receive
 unique (adj): one of a kind
 Antonym: common
 DNA (n): deoxyribonucleic acid
 rungs (n): steps
 segment (n): part, section
 an ingenious (n): a clever
 coiled (v): twisted - cuộ n lạ i
 with the naked eye: without a special tool - bằ ng mắ t thườ ng
 squashed (v): packed
 sperm and egg cells: the cells from your mother and father that created
 an embryo (n): the early stage of human life - phôi thai
 genomes (n): sets of chromosomes - bộ gen
 take priority over: is stronger than - lấ y đượ c sự ưu tiên
 dominant over: stronger than - trộ i, chiếm ưu thế
 especially prone to genetic defects: more likely to inherit traits - dễ bị
khiếm khuyết
 texture (n): feel
 outgoing (adj): socially friendly
 factors (n): things, conditions

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