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REVIEWER EDUC UNIT 3 teaching provides the basis for agreement on and consistency

The External Environment around what constitutes quality teaching facilitates the
- All outside factors that may affect a school make up the articulation of the knowledge, understanding, skills and
external environment. The external environment is divided values for effective teaching through development of
into two parts: standards at the local level. Standards set clear performance
2 Parts of External Environment expectations for students, helping them understand what
Directly interactive: This environment has an immediate and they need to do to meet the standards. Standards lead to
firsthand Impact upon the school. This includes teachers, improved student performance and promote more
administrators, learners, community, stakeholders, etc. challenging, equitable, and rewarding experiences for all
Indirectly interactive: This environment has a secondary and learners.
more distant effect upon the school. This includes, pertinent A. What is the Philippine Qualifications Framework (PQF)?
laws, codes, and statuettes related to the education and - is a collaborative program by the Department of Education
school’s operation. (DepEd). Technical Education and Skills Development
Resource-Dependence Perspective Authority (TESDA). Commission on Higher Education (CHED)
- Resource dependency theory is based on the principle that Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) and Department of
an organization, such as a school, must engage in transactions Labor and Employment (DOLE).
with other actors and organizations in its environment in - describes the levels of educational qualifications and sets
order to acquire the standards for qualification outcomes
- Dependence is characterized as the extent of the need for a Qualifications
resource and its availability. - It refers to the formal certification that a person has
- It is directly related to the need for resources controlled by successfully achieved specific learning outcomes relevant to
other organizations. the identified academic, industry or community
- Suppliers gain power to decide whether schools get requirements. A Qualification confers official recognition of
resources they need and determine if the schools can use the value in the labor market and in further education and
resources the way they want If organizations are unable to training.
generate resources internally, they must Objectives
- enter into external exchanges which may consume vital a. To adopt national standards and levels of leaming
resources and or demand changes from the organization outcomes of education;
(Pfeffer, 1982, 1997) b. To support the development and maintenance of pathways
General Environmental Resources, Availability of Resources and equivalencies that enable access to qualifications and to
and Dependence assist individuals to move easily and readily between the
- The general environmental resource lies in the school different education and training sectors and between these
environment which refers to factors within the school that sectors and the labor market: and
influence the teaching- learning process. The school c. To align domestic qualification standards with the
environment includes classrooms, library. Technical international qualifications framework thereby enhancing
workshops, teachers' quality, teacher's methods, peers, recognition of the value and comparability of Philippine
among other variables that can affect the teaching-learning qualifications and supporting the mobility of Filipino students
process. The extent to which pupils learn could be enhanced and workers.
depending on what the school environment provides to the B. The ASEAN Qualifications Reference Framework (AQRF)
learners and the teacher. It is believed that a well-planned - The ASEAN Charter, which was signed by the ten ASEAN
school will gear up expected outcomes of education that will Leaders in Singapore on 20 November 2007, provides the
facilitate good social political and economic emancipation, basis for an ASEAN Qualifications Reference Framework
effective teaching-learning process and academic (AQRF).
performance of pupils. - "create a single market and production base which is stable,
Administering Resource Environments prosperous, highly competitive and economically integrated
- Schools' Environmental resource management is the with effective facilitation for trade and investment in which
management of the interaction and impact of community on there is free flow of goods, services and investment;
the school environment. It is not, as the phrase might facilitated movement of business persons, professionals,
suggest, the management of the school environment itself. talents and labor; and free flow of capital" and "develop
National Standards and Frameworks human resources through closer cooperation in education
The National Framework for Professional Standards for and life-long learning and in science and technology, for the
empowerment of the peoples of ASEAN and for the efficient use of resources, and better alignment of goals and
strengthening of the ASEAN Community" curricula (Harvard Family Research Project, 2010).
2. Internalization Learning partnerships can:
- Internationalization of higher education is described as 'the 1. Support student learning directly
process of integrating an international, intercultural and 2. Greatly benefit schools.
global dimension into the goals, teaching/learning, and 3. Strengthen and support community partners.
research and service functions of a university or higher
education system'. Internationalization emphasizes the
relationship between and among nations, people, cultures,
institutions, and systems while globalization stresses the
concept of worldwide flow of economy, ideas. Culture, etc.
Internationalization vs. regional characteristics and
connection with the local community
Internationalization acknowledges and builds on local,
national and regional priorities, policies and practices.
Internationalization is intended to complement, harmonize,
and extend the local dimension, not dominate it. If this
fundamental truth is not respected there is a strong
possibility of back lash and for internationalization to be seen
as a homogenizing or hegemonic agent. Honoring and
building on local culture and context is a fundamental tenet
of internationalization.
- Described as a structural phenomenon of increasing
interdependence among various parts of the world, for which
the effects of an action feel at a distance has produced a
variety of economic, cultural, and social changes that have
shaped the world over the past 50 years. Globalization has
had a relevant impact also in the educational field: the
convergence of models of educational organizations, the
internationalization of key competencies definition and the
diffusion of large-scale assessment of student’s performance
(PISA-OECD), are only a few of more relevant aspects of this
- Globalization and education are highly interrelated from a
historical view. At the most basic level, historical processes
that many identify as essential precursors to political-
economic globalization during the late modern colonial and
imperialist eras influenced the development and rise of mass
education. Thus, what we commonly see around the world
today as education. mass schooling of children, could be
regarded as a first instance of globalization's impact on
education, as in many non-Western contexts traditional
education had been conceived as small-scale, local
community- based, and as vocational or apprenticeship
education, and/or religious training.
The Why and How of School and Community Partnership
When schools and community organizations work together
to support learning, everyone benefits. Partnerships can
serve to strengthen, support, and even transform individual
partners, resulting in improved program quality, more

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