MM Unit 5 - Issues and Development

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Social, ethical and legal aspects of marketing:

Marketing, while primarily focused on promoting products or services to consumers,

operates within a broader framework of social, ethical, and legal considerations. Here's
an overview of each aspect:

Social Aspects:
● Consumer Welfare: Marketing should aim to benefit consumers by
providing them with accurate information, quality products, and fair
● Cultural Sensitivity: Marketers must be aware of and respect cultural
differences when promoting products or services in diverse markets.
● Public Health: Marketing practices should not promote products or
behaviors that can harm public health, such as tobacco or alcohol
● Social Responsibility: Companies should engage in socially responsible
marketing practices, such as promoting sustainability, diversity, and
community involvement.
Ethical Aspects:
● Honesty and Transparency: Marketers should be honest and transparent
in their communications with consumers, avoiding deceptive or
misleading tactics.
● Privacy: Marketers must respect consumer privacy rights and adhere to
regulations regarding the collection and use of personal data.
● Fair Competition: Marketing activities should adhere to principles of fair
competition, avoiding practices such as price fixing or false advertising.
● Stereotyping and Discrimination: Marketers should avoid reinforcing
stereotypes or engaging in discriminatory practices in their messaging or
Legal Aspects:
● Consumer Protection Laws: Marketing activities are subject to laws and
regulations designed to protect consumers from deceptive or unfair
practices, such as false advertising or bait-and-switch tactics.
● Intellectual Property Rights: Marketers must respect intellectual property
rights, including trademarks and copyrights, when creating and
distributing marketing materials.
● Data Protection Regulations: Marketers must comply with laws governing
the collection, use, and protection of consumer data, such as the General
Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union or the California
Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) in the United States.
● Advertising Standards: Marketers must adhere to industry-specific
regulations and advertising standards set forth by regulatory bodies or
industry associations.
Marketing of services - international marketing, green marketing, cyber marketing,
relationship marketing and other developments of marketing

International Marketing:
● Global Expansion: Service firms often seek international markets to
expand their reach and tap into new customer segments.
● Localization: Adapting services to fit the cultural, linguistic, and regulatory
contexts of different countries or regions is crucial for success.
● Market Entry Strategies: Choosing the right market entry mode, whether
through exports, joint ventures, franchising, or foreign direct investment,
requires careful consideration of various factors such as market size,
competition, and government regulations.
Green Marketing:
● Sustainable Practices: Service providers can adopt eco-friendly practices
such as reducing waste, conserving energy, and using renewable
resources to minimize their environmental footprint.
● Communicating Sustainability: Green marketing involves communicating
the environmental benefits of services to consumers, emphasizing how
choosing eco-friendly options contributes to environmental conservation.
● Green Certification: Obtaining certifications or eco-labels can enhance the
credibility of green marketing efforts and assure consumers of a service
provider's commitment to sustainability.
Cyber Marketing:
● Digital Channels: Service firms leverage digital platforms such as websites,
social media, email marketing, and mobile apps to reach and engage
● E-commerce: Offering services online allows customers to access and
purchase them conveniently, driving sales and expanding market reach.
● Data-driven Strategies: Analyzing customer data collected from digital
interactions enables personalized marketing campaigns, targeted
advertising, and improved customer experiences.
Relationship Marketing:
● Customer Engagement: Building strong relationships with customers is
essential for service firms to foster loyalty and repeat business.
● Personalization: Relationship marketing involves tailoring services and
communications to individual customer preferences and needs,
enhancing customer satisfaction and retention.
● Customer Feedback: Service firms actively seek customer feedback to
understand their needs, address concerns, and continuously improve
service quality.
Other Developments in Marketing:
● Content Marketing: Creating valuable, relevant content helps service firms
attract and engage customers, establish thought leadership, and build
brand authority.
● Innovative Pricing Models: Service firms experiment with new pricing
strategies such as subscription-based models, pay-per-use, or freemium
offerings to provide flexibility and value to customers.
● Experiential Marketing: Offering immersive, memorable experiences allows
service firms to differentiate themselves, create emotional connections
with customers, and drive brand loyalty.

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