Project Basico 3.2

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Characteristic(kærɪktəˈrɪstɪk) of the career(kəˈrɪr)

- Successful( səkˈsɛsfəl ) performance(pər fôr′məns) in the

industrial(ɪnˈdʌstriəl) processes(procesis) of(ov)
chemical(kɛmɪkəl) plants(plænts).
- Expertise(expertis) in modern(moden) industrial(ɪn
ˈdʌstriəl ) technologies(tecnologis).
- Management(manɪdʒmənt) of industrial(ɪnˈdʌstriəl )
chemical(kɛmɪkəl) and metallurgical(metalargicoul)
My personal reasons(rizəns) to study the career(kəˈrɪr) is:
- The job is in industry(ɪndəstri) or
- The career(kəˈrɪr) is related( rɪˈleɪtɪd ) to( tu )
chemistry( kɛməstri ) and physics(fɪzɪks) .
- Research(rɪˈsɜːrtʃ) of(ov) chemical(kɛmɪkəl)
compounds(kɒmpaʊnds) and use( juːs ) of(ov)
laboratory(ləbrətori) instruments.
- The career(kəˈrɪr) is divided(duvaided) into(ɪntu)
several( sɛvrəl ) subjects(sʌbdʒɪkt) such(sʌtʃ/) as food
industry(ɪndəstri), hydrocarbon(haidrukarben) and
mineral(minerrul) processing(prəʊsɛsɪŋ).
My reason to study in tecsup is:
- The institution(instutooshn) stands(stænds) out(aʊt) for its
good teaching( tichɪŋ) and technology(teknoloyi).
- The careers are short and have a high( haɪ ) labor(leibr)
- It has student exchange(excheinj) programs(prowgrams).
- It offers(afers) internships(intrnshuhps) and
practical(præktɪkəl) training(treɪnɪŋ) at the end of the

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