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Keep in mind:

1. This is a template only. You will need to tailor this agreement to your business
2. For the Ongoing Service Agreement ensure you delete the services that are not
relevant to your client’s Service Agreement. You will need to reflect the services
offered in your Fee Disclosure Statement (FDS) and keep track of what services have
been received by your client
3. Ensure the Service Agreement is on your approved Licensee letterhead
4. Advice fees must be consistent with advice and services provided in the service
agreement and other clients within the same service proposition.



Dear ##ClientSalutation##,

Service Agreement

Thank you for selecting ##BusinessName## to provide you with advisory services. This
agreement describes the access to our professional advice services and the work we will do
for you. As a valued client, you will receive the benefits of our personal attention, access to
timely information, professional advice and efficient administration.

##Delete if you are only referring to an ongoing service agreement##

Getting you started
Our initial services are designed to gather your relevant personal information and understand
your key financial goals and objectives. We then use this information to formulate appropriate
strategies to set the course for your financial future.
To get you started on the journey to financial freedom, we will provide you with the following
initial services:

Initial Services Service Component Benefits to you

Step 1: Come and Confidential upfront At the initial stage of our relationship it is
see us consultation important that we understand your unique
personal and financial situation and goals.

When you are ready, you can come to our

offices at a time that’s convenient for you for
a confidential discussion with your financial
advice specialist about your current
financial situation, your specific financial
needs and your goals and objectives.

1 October 2018
Step 2: Let us do Develop a financial plan for you Once we have a proper understanding of
the hard work your personal and financial situation and
goals we will develop an appropriate
financial plan, including recommendations,
which will be tailored to you.

The financial plan will be set out in a

document called a Statement of Advice
which will help you work towards your goals
and objectives.

Step 3: It’s time Explain the financial plan to Once the Statement of Advice has been
to make some you prepared, we will contact you to come back
decisions to our office so that your financial advice
specialist can explain the financial plan we
have developed for you.

At the meeting, your financial advice

specialist will clearly explain all the details
contained in your Statement of Advice
focusing on the strategic advice we believe
will help you achieve your goals and
objectives. We will take this opportunity to
ensure you clearly understand the
Statement of Advice and agree with our
recommendations or amend any
recommendations based on your feedback.

Step 4: It’s Implement your financial plan Once you are ready, we can implement the
implementation strategy and recommendations contained in
time the Statement of Advice.

For those who wish to take time to consider

the advice, this step can occur at a later
date. We can commence the
implementation process at the second

We will implement the agreed investments /

insurance needs on your behalf and review
the progress of your applications with the
Product Providers to ensure all details are
attended to in a timely manner. This
includes liaising with any third party
specialists such as an estate planning
lawyer or mortgage broker and, where
appropriate, and assisting them with the
implementation of the advice.

Once the strategy has been implemented

we will notify you to confirm your investment
/ insurance details.

##Delete if you are only referring to an initial service agreement##

Ongoing Service – supporting you on your way to financial freedom

1 October 2018
Setting up a financial plan is a great way to take control of your finances. It can help you
determine what your financial goals are, find ways to reach them, and implement a strategy
that works for you. But it’s only the first step.
We strongly believe that maintaining an ongoing relationship will help you achieve your goals
and objectives. Regular reviews of your strategy, advice, personal circumstances and desired
goals are essential to help ensure you achieve what’s important to you. With our
##ServicePackageName## we will support you on your way to financial freedom.
##Include for Opt-In clients that are new or existing, where this agreement results in a
significant change to the existing OFA only## Our ##ServicePackageName## is designed
to be provided over a two year period, after which you can decide to continue for further two
year periods.
##Include this paragraph for existing Opt-In clients where this agreement is not
significantly different from the previous OFA only## As our ##ServicePackageName## is
not significantly different from your previous arrangement the date where you can opt in to
receive our services for a further two year period remains unchanged which is #Insert date#.
Our ##ServicePackageName## involves the following:
##Select services relevant to your service package, delete those not relevant##
NOTE – It is a contractual obligation for you to deliver all services outlined in this
agreement (at the frequency specified), failure to do so may be a breach of this
contract. If you do not have adequate processes and systems to ensure 100% delivery
of the particular service we recommend you not include it as a contractual
commitment. You (not the Licensee) will be fully responsible for any loss for failing to
deliver the service. PI insurance does not generally cover refunds of fees for non-
delivery of services.

What we will do Description

Regularly update your Your financial situation constantly changes, and so it’s important to
financial plan review you financial plan from time to time.

Based on your circumstances we have agreed to arrange a review of

your financial plan ##annually/six monthly##.

We will remind you when you are due to come in for a review so that
you can book a convenient time to meet with your financial advice

If we can’t contact you, you don’t respond to us, or you tell us that
you are not available for a meeting or an alternative (such as a
telephone discussion), then we won’t be able to provide you with
your review. This is because we need to meet with you for your
review to occur. Please make every effort to make yourself available
for a review meeting, after all, you will be paying ongoing fees to help
ensure your financial future remains on the right track – It is not our
intention to refund fees if you are not available to meet with us for
your review.

If we have not provided you with advice for a period of two years
(e.g. because you have declined or don’t respond to our invitations to
come in for a review meeting) we will cancel
##ServicePackageName## and switch off any ongoing advice fees.

When you come and see your financial advice specialist, you can
discuss any changes to your financial situation since you last met.

1 October 2018
Update your financial plan When key life events happen, such as retirement/redundancy, a
when your circumstances birth/death in the family, or receipt of an inheritance, you don’t need
change to wait until your next review to come and see us. You can come and
see your financial advice specialist to keep your financial plan up to

Give you access to regular You can access ##annually/six monthly## a report which
reports on your investments consolidates all your financial information, including information on
##Delete if not relevant# your investments, valuations, performance, asset allocation and
market commentary.

Provide access to education As a valued client, we will provide access to education seminars and
seminars and workshops events covering a wide variety of topics for you, your family and
##Delete if not relevant# friends. If you would like to adjust your preferences for receiving this
commentary then please let us know.

Provide access to Market Commentary newsletters providing you with insights into
newsletters periodically economic conditions, financial strategies and other information
##Delete if not relevant# relating to your financial situation. If you would like to adjust your
preferences for receiving these newsletters then please let us know.

Give you access to our easy You don’t have to wait for us to send you updates, you will be able to
to use client website access our client website which allows you secure access any time
##Delete if not relevant# to your investment details consolidated in one place and the latest
legislative updates.

##Mandatory: Include for all##


Your obligations
It is important that you tell us as soon as possible of any material changes to your financial
and personal situation so we can ensure our advice continues to be appropriate. These may
include, but are not limited to, changes in investments, employment or key life events.
Further, it is vital that you notify us if your contact details change, so that we can contact you
when necessary.
It is also important that you participate in the review process by making time to meet with us
when we send you the reminder about your regular review. We need your help in order to
ensure your financial strategy, goals and objectives remain on track.

Our agreement
These services will be provided on an ongoing basis until this agreement is terminated.
##Include this paragraph for Opt-In clients only## Our ##ServicePackageName## will be
provided to you for two years from the date this agreement is signed by you. At that time, you
can opt in to receive our services for a further two year period.
If at any time you would like to discuss the services offered, please do not hesitate to contact
us. If you wish to stop receiving our services (and cease paying fees) you can do so at any
time by writing to us. If ##BusinessName## decides to stop providing you with the services
you will be given one month’s notice.

1 October 2018
We can also terminate the services immediately:
 if you request us to cease charging fees or you stop paying our fees;
 where we have been unable to review your circumstances and provide you advice for
a period of two years (since we last advised you). This is regardless of the reason why
the review has not taken place (e.g. the agreement will terminate if you have declined,
or not responded to, our offers to have review discussions about your circumstances
during that two year period).
You acknowledge and agree that:
 our practice, and not ##Licensee Name## (Licensee), will provide you with the
services under this agreement;
 fees are paid so you can access the review and subsequent advice, and are not paid
for any other services;
 subject to your right to terminate the agreement, the fees are payable for the two year
period even if you do not respond to the adviser’s request to review your
circumstances or if you indicate you do not wish the review to be conducted with your
 you will provide all information and documents required by the adviser to provide
advice to you and if you do not do so the adviser will not be liable for the advice;
 you will notify your adviser as soon as possible:
o if there are any material changes to your financial and personal situation; or
o if any of your personal information has been incorrectly captured in an advice
document provided to you, or if you disagree with the advice document.
 if the review (or an agreed alternative, such as a telephone discussion) has occurred
and your adviser indicates that no change is necessary to advice that has been given
to you previously, then the adviser has discharged their obligations to provide that
review and consequently would retain fees paid.
 a refund of fees will not be provided in circumstances where you:
o do not respond to our review invitation(s);
o do not make yourself available for your review; or
o advise that you do not wish the review to be conducted.
 a refund of fees will only be considered in circumstances where:
o you have responded to the review invitation;
o you have requested a review date; and
o the adviser subsequently fails to deliver the review and advice.

Our Fees
[Option – Include rows as appropriate]

Fee Description
Initial Services ##$XX## or ##X%##, based on ##describe calculation basis (eg.
hourly charge, flat dollar, percentage of investment portfolio## and the
value and complexity of the advice. This fee, which is inclusive of GST
where applicable, will be payable by ##cheque / deduction from the
nominated investment administration service / Other## at the time of

1 October 2018
implementing your recommendations.

Ongoing Services ##$XX## or ##X%##, based on ##describe calculation basis (eg.

Hourly charge, flat fee, percentage of investment portfolio## and is
payable ##annually in advance, quarterly in advance, or monthly in
arrears## by ##cheque / deduction from the nominated investment
administration service / product name / Other##.

We will send you a Fee Disclosure Statement every year which

outlines the fees you have paid over the previous 12 months, along
with information about the services you were entitled to receive and the
service you did receive.

##Mandatory: Include for all, select relevant option below##

Advice fee acknowledgment
Your advice fee(s) will either be paid directly by you to the Licensee or paid (on your behalf)
by the product issuer to the Licensee, as directed by you, for the availability of the ongoing
##Option 1: Include for all self-employed Licensees and NABSE except MLC Advice and
The Licensee will then collect the advice fee(s) and pay (on your behalf) 100% of the advice
fee(s) to our practice.
##Option 2: MLC Advice operating less than six months##
The Licensee will then collect the advice fee(s) and pay (on your behalf) 100% of the advice
fee(s) to our practice (reducing to 85% after the first six months of our agreement with the
##Option 3: MLC Advice operating in excess of six months##
The Licensee will then collect the advice fee(s), retain 12% of the fee(s) and pay (on your
behalf) 88% of the advice fee(s) to our practice.
##Option 4: Advantedge##
The Licensee will then collect the advice fee(s), retain XX% of the fee(s) you pay and will pass
on the remaining XX% of the fee(s) to our practice. As we have a predetermined arrangement
in place, 20% of the fee(s) you pay will be passed on to ##insert referral source here## as a
result of the referral to us.

##Include for all unless including text A or B below##

The advice fee(s) are then, in part, used to pay for adviser salaries and incentives.
##A - Include if asset-based fees are charged AND adviser receives a form of revenue
share ##
Our practice will then collect the advice fee(s) and pay (on your behalf) a percentage of those
advice fee(s) (not exceeding 100%) to your adviser. This payment is further described below.
In addition to your adviser’s base salary and superannuation, your adviser is entitled to
receive a share of the revenue received by our practice, including any advice fee(s) paid by
The share of revenue payable to your adviser is a percentage (not exceeding 100%) of
revenue generated by your adviser in respect of all of your adviser's clients.

1 October 2018
Our practice has agreed this formula with your adviser, and does not exercise discretion in
paying it except where the revenue share paid to your adviser may be reduced if your adviser
breaches regulatory or licensee compliance obligations.
This revenue share is paid to the adviser who is nominated as your current servicing adviser
from time to time. All of the above means that the more you invest in financial products (based
on the advice given to you by your adviser), the higher the remuneration your adviser will
receive. Further information about your adviser’s remuneration can be found in the 'Adviser
Remuneration Schedule' available on request and free of charge from your adviser or our
##B - Include if asset-based fees are charged AND adviser is an equity holder##
Your adviser owns all or part of the practice and therefore benefits from its profits.

Third Party Referrals

Where required, we can provide you with referrals to third party professionals for specialist
##taxation, accounting, legal, estate planning, finance, general insurance, mortgage
broking## advice. Please note, neither ##BusinessName## nor ##LicenseeName## shall be
liable for the provision of services by a third party. Any referral fees we may receive for making
a referral are outlined in our Financial Services Guide and your Statement of Advice.

All information you provide will be treated as confidential and only disclosed to third parties
(your other advisers or service providers) with your agreement or as required by law.

Yours sincerely,

##Business Name##

Authorised Representative of

Client declaration & signature

I/we authorise and direct:

 the Licensee to collect these advice fee(s) either paid by me directly or collected on my
behalf by the product issuer and paid to the Licensee, as directed by me.
 the Licensee to pay the advice fee(s) to your practice on my behalf.
##Include if asset-based fees are charged AND adviser receives a form of revenue
 your practice to collect those advice fee(s) and pay (on my behalf) a percentage (not
exceeding 100%) of those advice fee(s) to my adviser.

1 October 2018
I/we acknowledge that:
 The advice fee(s) relate to my adviser providing personal advice to me that has
considered one or more of my objectives, financial situation and needs. This may
include arranging for the issue or sale of a financial product to me, or financial product
advice given by my adviser to me.
 by providing the authority and direction above, my adviser and your practice will
receive the fees or payments described above.
 I/we are responsible for keeping my/our adviser updated of any changes in personal
circumstances which may affect our financial advice
##Include if asset-based fees are charged AND adviser is an equity holder##
 my adviser has an ownership in the practice and as such benefits from the profits of
the practice which could include revenue generated from fees paid by me.

##Include for self-employed if giving advice to a couple / group and they are subject to
Where I/we have an ongoing service agreement, I authorise that either of us can renew it on
behalf of the other(s) until I instruct you otherwise in writing.

##Include for NAB if giving advice to a couple / group and they are subject to opt-in##
Where we have an ongoing service package, we authorise that either of us can renew it on
behalf of the other(s) until either of us instruct you otherwise in writing.

##Include for all##

This Service Agreement is signed on my own behalf or by my legal representative, and (if
relevant) in my capacity as director/trustee of my associated entities.

Signed: Signed:

Client Name: Client Name:

Date: Date:

1 October 2018
1 October 2018

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