Arnold & Jennifer Warren - Review Questionnaire - 06.05.2019..

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TP Financial Advantage Pty Ltd

Level 32 101 Miller St

North Sydney NSW 2060
+61 2 8019 7278

GWM Adviser Services Limited

ABN 96 002 071 749
AFSL 230692
Australian Financial Services Licensee
Registered Office at 105-153 Miller Street North Sydney NSW 2060

Client Review Questionnaire

Client 1 name Warren Arnold

Client 2 name Jennifer Lee Arnold

Adviser name Tony Perich

Date completed 6 May 2019

Private and confidential

Important Notice to Clients
In order for us to provide financial planning advice to you, we need to have a reasonable basis for that advice. The
information requested in this Client Profile is one of the tools we use to establish a basis for the advice we will
provide. It is therefore important for you to complete this document as accurately and fully as possible. Failure to do
so could result in advice being provided that is not appropriate to your individual needs, circumstances and objectives.
Client Review Questionnaire – Private and Confidential

Client Review Questionnaire

Please check the accuracy of the information we have about your personal and financial circumstances, needs and
objectives. Make any amendments that may be required and return to our office.

Personal information
Personal information Client 1 Client 2
Title Mr Mrs
Given names Warren Jennifer Lee
Surname Arnold Arnold
Preferred name Warren Jennifer
Date of birth 12/09/1947 12/07/1947
17 The Lakelands 17 The Lakelands
Home address

Business address

17 The Lakelands 17 The Lakelands

Address for correspondence
Coomba Park NSW 2428 COOMBA PARK NSW 2428
Home phone (02) 65542026 65542026
Work phone (02) 49978215
Mobile 0409 656704
 Mail  Phone  Email  Web  Mail  Phone  Email  Web
Preferred method of contact
 Unknown  Unknown

Children / dependants

Living at
Name Relationship Related to Date of birth dependent
 Yes  No
 Yes  No
 Yes  No
 Yes  No

Employment Client 1 Client 2
Occupation (Insurance Type) / Job
Other Other
Industry Unknown Unknown
Employment status Retired Retired
Hours worked per week

Health details
Client 1 Client 2
Health status Good Good
Smoker No Yes

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Version 1.005
Client Review Questionnaire – Private and Confidential

Needs and objectives

Need and Objective Priority Detail When
Review your current investments and
Review your investments strategies to ensure they are appropriate
2 - High
and financial strategies for helping you achieve your goals.
Invest $50,000 of your spare cash to
Invest your cash 2 - High receive higher returns.
Ensure your investments remain
appropriate and flexible through an
Ongoing advice 3 - Moderate ongoing relationship with your financial


Non-financial assets
Assets – lifestyle Owner Amount
Retirement / Annuity Warren $0

Total assets $0

Financial assets

Assets - investment Amount

001191319 (NWM) MasterKey Pension
MLC MasterKey Pension - Horizon 2 Capital Stable
Portfolio - MLC0825AU
MLC MasterKey Pension - Horizon 4 Balanced Portfolio -
MLC MasterKey Pension - MLC Global Property Fund -
MLC MasterKey Pension - MLC IncomeBuilder -
MLC MasterKey Pension - Platinum International Fund -
Subtotal $690,536.18
Total $690,536.18

Default Account
Bank Account - BANKACC $50,000.00
Subtotal $50,000.00
030830352 (MLC) - 030830352 - MasterKey Investment Service Fundamentals
MLC MasterKey Investment Service/Unit Trust - MLC
Cash Fund - MLC0011AU
MLC Wholesale Horizon 4 Balanced Portfolio -
Subtotal $57,427.37
Total $107,427.37

Warren & Jennifer (Joint)

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Client Review Questionnaire – Private and Confidential

Default Account
Macquarie Cash Management Trust <T> $12,360.82
Subtotal $12,360.82
Total $12,360.82

Total assets - investment $810,324.37

Liabilities Owner Value

Total liabilities

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Client Review Questionnaire – Private and Confidential

Income Owner Amount
MLC Pension Income / MLC
Warren $54,000.00
Masterkey Pension
Colonial Pension Income / Personal
Jennifer $12,000.00
Pension Plan Nil Entry Fe

Total income (per annum) $66,000.00

Expenses Owner Amount

Total expenses (per annum)

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Client Review Questionnaire – Private and Confidential

Personal Insurances

Benefit Period
Type of Level of Waiting Premium
Insurer/Product Policy number Policy owner Life insured
cover cover period ($p.a.)
Accident Sickness

Additional information

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Version 1.005
Client Review Questionnaire – Private and Confidential

Wills and Powers of Attorney

Client 1 Client 2
Do you have a Will? No No
Date of original Will
Date Will last reviewed
Location of Will
State in which documents prepared?
Will provides for a Testamentary
No No
Name of appointed guardian
Enduring Power of Attorney No No
General Power of Attorney No No
Enduring Power of Guardianship No No
Medical Power of Attorney No No

Risk Profile
Your investment risk profile plays a big part in helping us select the strategies and investments we recommend. If
you disagree with the profile or you’re not comfortable with this level of risk, please contact us.
Client 1 Client 2
Profile from questionnaire None None
Agreed profile 100% Growth 30% Defensive / 70% Growth

Your related entities agreed profile(s)

Entity name Profile from questionnaire Agreed profile

Reasons why the determined Risk Profile is Appropriate

Reasons why the determined risk profile is appropriate in assisting you achieve your Needs and Objectives

Risks and Consequences of the Agreed Risk Profile

Risks and Consequences why the determined risk profile may impact you achieve your Needs and Objectives

Product Preferences to meet your Needs and Objectives

Your advised preferences you have in relation to product costs and features/benefits, keeping in mind there may be a
trade-off between the two:

I don’t have any preferences

We discussed the following in regards to product costs and features/benefits:

Arnold is happy
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Version 1.005
Client Review Questionnaire – Private and Confidential

Changes to your personal circumstances and finances

Have there been any changes in the last 12 months? Are there likely to be any changes in the next year or so?

Topics for discussion

Please list any topics, issues or concerns you would like to discuss with us during your annual review meeting.

Client 1: Warren Arnold Signed Date

Client 2: Jennifer Arnold Signed Date

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Version 1.005
Client Review Questionnaire – Private and Confidential

Appendix: Portfolio Valuation

Date of valuation: 6 May 2019

Unit Unit % Market

Position Quantity Net Cost Market Value Gain/Loss
Cost Value Value

Arnold, Jennifer
Bank Account - BANKACC 50,000.0000 $1.0000 $50,000.00 $1.0000 $50,000.00 6.17% $0.00
Total: $50,000.00 $50,000.00 6.17% $0.00

030830352 (MLC) - 030830352 - MasterKey Investment Service Fundamentals

MLC MasterKey Investment Service/Unit Trust - MLC Cash
227.9500 $1.0000 $227.95 $1.0000 $227.95 0.03% $0.00
Fund - MLC0011AU
MLC Wholesale Horizon 4 Balanced Portfolio - MLC0260AU 46,294.7760 $1.1198 $51,841.23 $1.2355 $57,199.42 7.06% $5,358.19
Total for 030830352 (MLC) - 030830352 - MasterKey Investment Service Fundamentals: $52,069.18 $57,427.37 7.09% $5,358.19
Total for Arnold, Jennifer : $102,069.18 $107,427.37 13.26% $5,358.19

Arnold, Warren

001191319 (NWM) MasterKey Pension

MLC MasterKey Pension - Horizon 2 Capital Stable Portfolio -
3,252.4667 $18.1563 $59,052.90 $18.7050 $60,837.32 7.51% $1,784.42
MLC MasterKey Pension - Horizon 4 Balanced Portfolio -
15,641.6513 $12.7577 $199,552.21 $25.5140 $399,080.62 49.25% $199,528.41
MLC MasterKey Pension - MLC Global Property Fund -
3,583.6576 $9.0967 $32,599.62 $17.5124 $62,758.34 7.74% $30,158.72
MLC MasterKey Pension - MLC IncomeBuilder - MLC0801AU 2,154.1137 $15.1429 $32,619.59 $35.8779 $77,285.12 9.54% $44,665.53
MLC MasterKey Pension - Platinum International Fund -
5,685.4246 $5.8260 $33,123.12 $15.9311 $90,574.78 11.18% $57,451.66
Total for 001191319 (NWM) MasterKey Pension: $356,947.44 $690,536.18 85.22% $333,588.74
Total for Arnold, Warren: $356,947.44 $690,536.18 85.22% $333,588.74

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Client Review Questionnaire – Private and Confidential

Unit Unit % Market

Position Quantity Net Cost Market Value Gain/Loss
Cost Value Value

Warren & Jennifer Arnold (Joint)

Macquarie Cash Management Trust <T> 12,360.8200 $1.0718 $13,248.61 $1.0000 $12,360.82 1.53% -$887.79
Total: $13,248.61 $12,360.82 1.53% -$887.79
Total for Warren & Jennifer Arnold (Joint): $13,248.61 $12,360.82 1.53% -$887.79
Grand Total: $472,265.23 $810,324.37 100.00% $338,059.14

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Version 1.005

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