Portfolio Synopsis

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Submitted By: -

NAME : Mohit Raj

Class Roll No : 95

Reg. Roll No : 21B510626

Department : Computer Application (CA)

Session : 2021-2024

This thesis work has been an intellectually invigorating

experience for me. I am sure that the knowledge and
experience gathered during the course of this work will
make me stand in good stead in future.

With immense pleasure and due respect, I express my

sincere gratitude to in charge of Dr. Shyama Prasad
Mukherjee University Ranchi, for all his support and co-
operation in successfully completing this thesis work.

I would also like to extend my sincere gratitude to all faculty

members and staff for helping me in my college during my
B.Sc. CA course.

I would like to take this opportunity to extend my sincere

gratitude and thanks to my Pioneer Mrs. Shweta Kumari,
firstly for coming up with such an innovative thesis idea.
She has not only made us to work but guided us to orient
toward research. It has been real pleasure working under
her guidance and it is chiefly her encouragement and
motivation that has made this thesis a reality.

This is to certify that this is a bona fide record of the

project work entitled “Portfolio Website Development”

done satisfactory at “Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee
University, Ranchi” by Mohit Raj, in partial fulfillment of
B.Sc. (CA) Examination.

This report or similar report on the topic has not been

submitted for any other examination and doesn’t form
part of any other course undergone by the candidate.



In a nutshell, we need a portfolio website to showcase our

work. Whether we’re an individual, a small team of two or a
company often people, it’s crucial that we have a unique
online approach. A website portfolio will help us stand out
from the crowd, show our uniqueness, build trust, and
make sure that others can actually find us.

There are certain areas where a website portfolio is more

important than others. If we find ourselves in one of the
following, it’s safe to assume that we need a portfolio like a
book need words:

Having our own website means customers are always able to

find us and if interested, reach out for us. If we don’t have an
online presence nowadays, we are behind the times. A
portfolio is a great way for photographers, designers,
developers and a wide range of artists to present their work
online. It lets us reflect our identity through our works –
photos, graphic design, sketches, etc.

Time to roll up our sleeves! Today we’re going to dive into the
topic of portfolio websites and which industry experts should
be using them. Learning how to create a good-looking site
that uniquely showcases our work and the importance of
doing so. We want visitors and potential clients to remember
us for their next project.


This will provide an in-depth study of the literature on the

portfolio management in order to meet the main purpose that
carrying out with the objective constructing investment
portfolio based on the characteristic of institution investors.
The study of the literature has been divided into several areas.

Firstly, Introducing the reason of setting investment

objective and the development of Markowitz mean- variance

Secondly, the benefits of diversification.

Thirdly, the based theories to determine a utility function and

the value of its risk aversion parameter, finding and
evaluating the optimal portfolio based on the individual
investment objective, risk appetite, and constraints of
nationalized traffic Investment groups in China in 2018. What
is more, the exist strategies of
evaluating the performance of this company’s investment

Finally, this part also focuses on the basis opinions about

alpha strategy or hedging risk.


The basic formula of a portfolio website would include

a logo, tagline, your best work, and contact
information. Sometimes this works but in many cases,
it’s a poor implementation. To highlight your portfolio
in another light, consider to include other key
elements that will boost your portfolio’s user
experience: case studies, testimonials, blog, and even
a project you’re currently working on at the moment.
These are vital elements.

When working on your portfolio site design, think

about the elements your future clients should be able
to find. Ask yourself – what is the purpose of your
portfolio? Do you want to sell your services, are you
looking for a job and want to be hired, or is it a
website about you? The main focus of your portfolio
site should be catching visitor’s attention, and the
following elements will help you do that.

1.Designing Front-End of the Website
• Frontend of the website will be created using
HTML for Stylizing the Page with its layout
• Dynamic images will be Handled by Admins.

2.Designing Back-End of the website

• Back end of the website is created using Any
website that needs registration, posting, storage
of data, and more will need a backend system.
• We will also need a server-side programming
language like CSS etc. for server-side logic.

3.Designing Database
• The websites I have built for other people all use
a database because they
• need to handle user data and dynamically
generate content. My portfolio
• doesn’t have to do any of that, so I don’t need a

4.Coding and Implementing Front-End

• After doing all the Brain Storming for the
designing and implementation of multiple new
technologies it’s Time to Code All web pages, And
basic functionality. In simple terms we are
creating body of our website.

5.Coding and Implementing Back-End
• After creating body of our website, it’s time to
give it a brain. So, it can function. Right? The
Back-end includes parts like Coding admin,
Dashboard, Cart system, User Interactions such
as button actions and Behaviour etc.

6.Preparing a Report
• After developing our beautiful, WELL
FUNTIONING website it’s time to inform guide,
how our project has grown upon us via providing
a Report. The report will include all the details of
the website and its functioning in layman’s
language. And how to use them.

Proposed Work

Hardware Requirements:
1. Intel i9 13th Gen.
2. 16GB DDR4 Ram
3. 1TB Solid State Drive
4. 16GB GPU Nvidia RTX 4090

Software Requirements:
1. HTML Editor
2. Coffee Cup HTML Editor
3. Web Browsers
4. CSS Editor
5. Visual Studio Code



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