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Questions will be appeared in your Exam

 MS of Facility or MS of between group or
 MS of Facility or MS of within group or Error
 Computing F-test statistics
 Sum square of total by giving SSR and SSE
 Sum square of Between giving SST and SSE
 Sum square of Error giving SSR and SST
 Interpreting the results based on the F statistics
value or P-value either less than or greater than 0.05
Sample interpretation:
1. If the p-value is less than 0.05 then we can concluded
that there is mean difference between the groups or
in other words the model is good model to the data.
2. If the Calculated F-value is greater than the tabulated
F-Value then we can concluded that there is mean
difference between the groups or in other words the
model is good model to the data.

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