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Submitted to: Alexandra Rogerson-McDermid

Submitted by: Anju Rani(A00109187)

Fully automated business processes have their points of interest and detriments. Imagining the automation
of Amazon, bricks making, and dole I feel, it will cause more damage than anything else. As I would like to
think, full automation isn't the best approach to efficiencies later on. A portion of the reasons are clarified

1. Full automation straightforwardly impacts Human Resources: In the case of full automation, Human
Resources will be diminished to simple onlookers. The part of the human staff will be extremely low and
restricted. All they should do is screen and screen the machine. Most likely, it will diminish their degree of
endeavors; yet over the long haul, human resources will consistently decrease. In the future time,
organizations that have received full automation will be without human abilities. Without human abilities
clearly, associations will keep on declining in their productivity.

2. Completely automation organizations have pretty much nothing or a low extent of HR: HR are prime
resources of an association. In the scenery of less or little extension for HR, representatives will keep on
leaving the association. Wearing down the pace of association will be on the ascent in this way expanding the
representative turnover rate. High representative turnover brings about associations committing a lot of their
time and monetary assets in overseeing enrollment and choice. High speculation of time and cost in human
asset capacities allows for the administration to zero in on arising issues that require prompt consideration.
On the off chance that this situation proceeds for long, the association will be clamorous and before long

3. Full automation of business requires tremendous venture: It would not be right to say venture becomes
uneven leaving little for promoting and other basic regions of business. Costs brought about in mechanization
range from buying, establishment, and support. Organizations need to dish out increasingly elevated
measures of assets for support as time passes. Such a venture isn't reasonable and almost certainly, the
business remains in danger. Immense interest in the region makes an association wasteful as it would be left
with small assets for other basic capacities.

4. Full automation of business measure requires total computerization of its stock including clients: These
sorts of data are inclined to security chances. There have been numerous occurrences where information was
taken. The Affectability of the information has raised numerous worries. In case of information being taken,
associations need to confront legitimate obstacles. Legitimate methodology burn-through significant expense
and season of the organizations.

Subsequently, in light of the assertions above, I accept that automation isn't the best approach to efficiencies
later on.



Bricks Making:

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