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American Literature Midterm Review Guide

Exam times, locations, and proctors:

Wednesday, May 29: 9-11am
● C/Yellow: Smith’s room with Tompkins
● G/Purple: O’Neill’s room with Burress

Bring the following to your exam:

● Your copies of Their Eyes Were Watching God, The Great Gatsby, The Things They
Carried, your Underrepresented Voices choice book, and any copies of Native American
literature that you saved (if your Underrepresented Voices book belongs to the Steward
library, you will turn it in to the proctor at the end of the exam, and I will return it for
you). You may also bring copies of your Native American stories, essays, and poems, but
I will also provide links
● Fully charged laptop and charger

Ms. Nellen is available for study sessions by appointment during the following times:
● Before school
● Community time
● Lunch
● After school
● Red
● Orange
● Green

Below is an overview of what you will be asked to do on the exam. Everything below began
as a copy of the exam (and was then slightly revised), so it is structured exactly how the
exam will be structured. Recommended review activities are in red. The exam will be
entirely digital and will be posted to Google Classroom.

10 points
You will be directed to complete a 10-question Membean assessment.
Practice your Membean. I will shut off new words during the last week of required practice.
Literary Analysis
12 points per piece of literature; 72 points total
8 points MLA-formatted bibliography
This section of the exam will be open-book; therefore, you will be able to use your books, and
you will be provided links to access the digital resources we read in class. You will type directly
onto a Google Slide presentation that will be provided on Google Classroom. You will NOT be
allowed to use Google or AI, and you will NOT be allowed to copy/paste from anywhere.

You will be asked to analyze each of the following pieces of literature by answering guided
questions. You will be asked to use quotes from the text (with internal citation) as evidence.
● Their Eyes Were Watching God
● Gatsby
● The Things They Carried
● Underrepresented Voices Choice Book
● Modern Native American essays, short stories, and poems (you will be asked to select
from this list, so you won’t have to do all of them)
○ “Yellow Woman”
○ “Superman and Me”
○ “Good Hair”
○ “How to Write the Great American Indian Novel”
○ “Indian Education”
○ “Indian Heads”
○ “Museum Indians”
○ “An American Sunrise”
○ “Conflict Resolution for Holy Beings”
○ “The Shawl”
You will be asked to create an MLA-formatted list of Works Cited on the Google Doc attached to
the assignment on Google Classroom that cites each text you analyzed.
Complete this review guide
Complete this review guide
Practice citing creating a list of works cited for all of the pieces of literature we have read this

Writing Self-Evaluation
10 points
You will answer questions on a Google Form about your personal growth in regards to your
Complete this review guide

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