1 Masturbate Her Emotions - The Dopamine Trigg

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Dear friend,

This month I’m going to teach you the secret “jerk behaviours” which turn women
on and make them chase you.

Tell me:

Have you ever been in a conversation with a woman, and things were going “fine”...

...but you just couldn’t figure out how to get her to show a sexual interest in you?

Have you ever wanted to know how to trigger girls to chase you and make a move
on you?

Have you ever seen a beautiful woman you wanted to date, but she was with a
“badboy” and you could see that she was into him…

...and you wanted to know the secret formula for how to make her obsessed with
you in that way?

Well, today you’re going to get it.

Because today I’m going to reveal the secret to making any woman:

■ obsess over you

■ chase you

■ hit on you

■ become addicted to you

The secret is emotion.

Emotion is the root cause of why we take action.

Not thought. Not logic. Not anything else.


If you can make a woman feel strong emotions (both positive and negative), she’ll
do anything you like.

In fact…

...once you know the art of making a womn feel strong emotions…

...it’s literally like being able to control her mind like she’s a robot.

Now I know that sounds bad.

It sounds kind of “manipulative”.

But it’s really not as bad as it sounds.

And here is why:

Being horny is kind of a nice feeling, right?

It’s hot… it’s sexy…. it’s exciting.

Just like how when you see a gorgeous 19 year old girl dancing on a pole wearing
practically nothing… it makes you lose control and get incredibly turned on.

You could say she’s manipulating you with her breast implants… makeup and
revealing clothing, and you’d be right.

She IS manipulating you.

She doesn’t look like that when she wakes up in the morning with no makeup,
greasy hair, and acne.

Maybe she even wears a retainer, and glasses, normally.

But when she wants to make men horny, she does a series of things to
manipulate you into seeing her as more attractive than she really is…

...like going to the tanning salon, putting on makeup, hair extensions, contact
lenses, a padded bra, padded panties, and a short skirt and 6 high heels that push
her ass up in the air.

And when she does that, when she manipulates you in that way, she suddenly goes
from being kinda plain and boring to being IRRESISTIBLE…

...and making your heart start beating in your chest excitedly just from looking at

As guys we like it when our woman is able to turn us on, to look good for us, and
to be so sexy we can’t say no to them.

That’s something you WANT in a woman.

Well, likewise…

Women want a guy who’s able to make them feel pleasure and lust and

… to make them horny and tease them, to make them feel strong emotions, and
even to be obsessed with a guy.

That’s what women CRAVE.

They want a man who can make them feel intense horniness and sexual frustration,
then satisfy that horniness by fucking her hard until she can barely remember her
own name.

So that’s what you’re going to learn how to do this month.

Ok, that’s enough foreplay.

Let’s get down to the nitty gritty….


Emotional push/pull, when applied properly, is the most powerful outer game
technique in the whole of seduction.

Yet the raw mechanics of it are actually very simple.

It is a simple binary dynamic: of "I hate you” and “I love you".

Doing this…

● does not require the memorisation of lines or routines.

● does not require any special ability to think of elaborate phraseology on the
spot while in set.

● All that it requires is the internalisation and expression of the single alternatin
current of “I hate you / I love you” – repeated endlessly.

● And most importantly, It’s not the words that are important but the emotional
energy behind them.

The positive energy (“I love you”) is one of affection for the girl, sexual desire
for her, approval of her.

Anything positive towards her.

I generally find that the "pull" side of push/pull is best achieved mostly non-verbally -
i.e. by using strong eye contact + flirtatious physicality off the approach and
throughout the interaction.

This can come in the form of, for instance:

■ hugging the girl

■ speaking intimately into her face while holding the hug

■ bringing your face inches to hers in a dominant way and gazing in her eyes
without speaking

■ touching her playfully

■ placing your hands on her shoulders as you speak to her

■ placing her hands around your waist

■ pulling her in close to you

■ kissing her neck

■ holding her hand(s)

(NOTE: the above should all be accompanied by unbreaking eye contact.)

The negative energy (“I hate you”) is one of repellency towards the girl,
contempt of her, a desire to get away from her, even hatred towards her.

For maximum effect, pushing (a.k.a. "negging") is ideally done verbally,

simultaneously with physically pulling. For example:

■ approach her, get up in her face intimately so that you're gazing into each
other's eyes and say: "You'll never see me again."

■ hug her off the open, keep your arms around her waist and, while staring in
her eyes, say: “I fucking hate you.”

■ kiss her neck, then gaze deeply into her eyes: “This isn’t going to work, you
should probably go.”

■ after making out with her, pull away and totally sever physical contact: “You’re
free to go if you want.”

The key is variation.

When it becomes predictable - when you're always pushing or always pulling - it gets
boring and loses its stimulative power.

There are material biomechanical reasons for this which are important to understand
and which we'll explore later.

Along with variation comes the principle of deliberate illogicality.

There should be no logic or pattern to what you're saying.

For example:

▪ Interspersed: “I'm Michael, nice to meet you. What's your name? [...blah blah
blah...] Oh seriously? Get lost. I fucking hate you. [...reaction, hold the frame
for a while...] No, I'm just kidding. You're adorable, I'm glad I found you. [...blah
blah blah...] Oh, you're friends with Josh? Fuck off, why are you lying to me
bitch. I’m just kidding. [...etc...]”

▪ Rapid fire: “I love you. We’re meant to be together. Pathetic, go talk to that
guy. No, it’s over. I’m going to leave you on your own and never return. I don’t
know why I like you so much. Pathetic. Dog. Just kidding, I love you.”

▪ Same sentence: “You’re really attractive to me but I just don’t think it’s going to
work between us because I don’t find myself liking you at all.”

It doesn't make sense, but it doesn’t need to.

It’s not logical that you could say you hate a girl and then say you love her half a
second later, but you'll never hear a girl tell you that.

The girl is not really listening to the words, and she's definitely not breaking them
down logically.

Rather she's reacting to the emotional meaning of the content. This is what's
compelling to her.

If you deconstruct the words themselves they sound idiotic - but as I say, it's not the
words that matter but the energy behind them.

Note that all of this love and hate stuff can and should be said almost
immediately off the approach.

Does that make logical sense? No.

How can you possibly love or hate a girl who you’ve just met? You can’t.

But the purpose here is not to be logical.

You may notice that things that are fun are often, if not always, completely illogical.

Most movies are illogical in some way or another. But when you go to a movie, you
suspend your disbelief. You don’t care if the movie isn’t completely logical. You just
want to be entertained.

A girl does exactly the same thing when you blast her with push/pull: she suspends
her disbelief.

Logically, she knows that you’re not serious, nor could you possibly be serious.

She knows on some level that for you to be spending time with her and getting up in
her face you must sexually desire her.

But on an emotional level, push/pull is so stimulating to her that she suspends
disbelief... a little like when she’s watching a romantic movie which is full of

That’s what she’s in the club for, remember: to be emotionally stimulated.


“A simple system / I string ‘em up, I cut ‘em down.”

– Queens of the Stone Age, Avon

As I’ve said, “I hate you, I love you” is really all you need.

That should be all that's running through your head when you're practicing this: I
hate you, I love you.

The phrases or gestures that you use to get across love and hate are up to you -
that’s a matter of personal style. It's the emotional energy behind it that matters.

All that's required is a constant and unpredictable alternation between the two
energies of love and hate.

Remember, the key to making this work is not in the content but in the chaotic
and unpredictable variation of it.

What makes this work is continually flipping from positive to negative to positive and
so on, in and unpredictable and illogical procession of different emotions.

The greater the range of polar opposite emotions you can take the girl through, and
the stronger these emotions are, the more attached to you she will become.

If you need some ideas of how to make push/pull more interesting, a list of
very basic pushes and pulls – both verbal and non-verbal - is included below.

Important note: all hard pulls and hard pushes should be delivered while staring
deeply into the girl’s eyes.

Strong eye contact is always necessary when you’re making strong moves – and
what follows are some of the strongest moves you could possibly make.

For those who have not yet mastered holding continual, calm eye contact with
every single woman you approach, the following material may be hazardous.

Examples of verbal “strong pulls”:

▪ “I love you”

▪ “Come here”

▪ “We’re meant to be together”

▪ “You’re my girlfriend”

▪ Telling other girls in the environment that she’s your girlfriend in front of her,
even if you’ve just met

▪ “I’m in love with you”

▪ “You’re very attractive”

▪ “I don’t know why I like you so much”

▪ “You’re special to me”

▪ “I’ve never felt this with anyone before”

▪ “You’re so attractive”

▪ “I just feel like I can open up to you”

▪ “Why are you doing this to me”

▪ “I’ve never met someone I felt this way about before”

Examples of verbal “strong pushes”:

▪ “I hate you”

▪ “Get the fuck away from me”

▪ “Go talk to that guy”

▪ “You can leave now if you want”

▪ “Get the fuck out of here”

▪ “Stop embarrassing me in front of my friends”

▪ “It was nice meeting you”

▪ “Forget it”

▪ “You’re pathetic”

▪ “Such a slut”

▪ “Fuck off”

▪ “Brat”

▪ “Dog”

▪ “Pathetic”

▪ “Trash”

▪ “Whore”

▪ "Why are you so desperate"

▪ “It’s over between us. You can go now”

▪ “We’re done”

▪ “See you never”

▪ “Go talk to one of your little faggot boyfriends”

Although the above are seemingly extreme, you’d be surprised how easy it is to get
away with saying these things if you do it when you’re:

(a) in a great mood

(b) holding Seek + Destroy eye contact with the girl as you say them

Of course, while it's hypothetically possible that you could go too far with a
hard neg and offend the girl, it's rarer than you'd think.

If you do it while gazing deeply in her eyes, most girls will respond with delighted
laughter as if you're joking... which, essentially, you are.

There should be an underlying humour to this which is neglected at your peril.

Remember, this is a roleplay: you don't actually mean what you're saying - you're
doing it to give her an experience.

And even the girls who pretend to be offended will be aroused, because whether or
not they admit it, most hot girls are sexually excited by controlled anger, and/or by a
kind of in-your-face "fratboy-ish" attitude and sense of humour.

If a girl does get offended, making it right is actually a lot easier than you'd think.

Simply smile and say: "I'm just kidding." Then quickly cut the thread and move the
conversation on.

For example:

Me: I fucking hate you.

Girl [genuinely angry]: How dare you talk to me like that.

Me [cracking a cheeky smile]: I'm just kidding. Are you from Sweden?

Girl [smiling coyly]: No I'm from Lithuania. You're so mean, what's wrong.

I should note here that I've never gotten a bad reaction from strong pushes/

Although I've been rejected in every possible way you can imagine, I have never in
my life gotten any pushback from doing hard negs.

What seems "dangerous" is actually the safest of all...

And you can always defuse the tension, if necessary, by reframing it as a joke.

What's interesting is that in a club environment, a very hot girl will usually be far
more "bitchy" if you're nice to her, while she'll generally respond with delight,
affection and instant love eyes if you treat her like trash.

Don't ask me why - it's just what I've observed.

Examples of non-verbal “strong pulls”:

▪ Hugging her

▪ Getting up close (nose to nose, toes to toes) and gazing into her eyes while
you talk to her. (Best done right off the approach in order to set the frame.)

▪ Touching her affectionately

▪ Throwing her over your shoulder caveman style, putting her down against a
wall and making out with her

▪ Kissing her

▪ Fingering her

It should go without saying that if you ever go too physical and the girl gets
uncomfortable, back away immediately. "I'm sorry, I thought you wanted me to."

What you'll often find, interestingly enough, is that if you get physical while at the
same time going negative verbally, she will happily go along with the physicality in
most cases.

It's a very effective little escalation/compliance "hack" which rarely fails: verbally
objecting while physically escalating.

It can function as a pattern interrupt which induces a mild trance in the girl, putting
her in a compliant and suggestible state in which she'll go along with whatever you're
doing - in this case escalating.

Examples of non-verbal “strong pushes”:

▪ Casually flip her off (middle finger) - this is great as an opener

▪ Gesture to her with your arm outstretched, palm facing down and moving your
fingers in the "go away" motion while simulating an angry/disgusted face - this
is also an excellent stock opener

▪ In the middle of conversation, walk away from her - or pretend to. Turn your
back on her for a few seconds as if going to leave, then come back. “Just

▪ (Lightly) shove her into other guys. “Why don’t you talk to them?”

▪ Open other girls in front of her

▪ If kissing her or holding her close and she says something you disapprove of
or gives you a cheeky comment, drop your hands down by your sides so that
you're no longer touching her at all (subtle but effective)

▪ Bring other girls into the set with her and introduce them to each other.
(Example: introduce the first girl to the new girl as your “grandmother”. Or
introduce the new girl to the first girl as your “girlfriend”. Mix it up. Create
chaos. Girls love this.)

▪ Making out with other girls in front of her. “How does it make you feel?”

Fun stuff.

Remember: no logical structure.

You tell her you hate her, then you pull her in close.

You make out with her and finger her, then you do a back turn.

You tell her you’ve never felt this way about anyone before, then you approach a
different girl in front of her.

And so on.




“I have no fixed ideas. I simply observe how people respond to stimuli.”

- David Ogilvy, legendary advertising executive

Although you can sleep with hot girls by simply being normal and laid-back,
many girls (including probably the majority of "9"s and "10"s) respond
extraordinarily positively to a chaotic mix of extremely aggressive, hostile
energy and unapologetic sexual desire, love and affection.

How can it be that by "degrading" the girl, insulting her, and belittling her, it makes
her love us, feel excited by us, and want to chase us?

In trying to answer this question, people have invented all kinds of convoluted
theories based on pop psychology.

Some say that by negging a girl you "take her down a peg" and/or "lower her self-
esteem" so that the only way for her to regain her inflated sense of self worth is to
get your validation by having sex with you.

Others say it's standard EP: by being unconcerned about offending a girl you
subcommunicate that you have other options, that you're in demand with girls who
are either as or more desirable by society's standards than she is, and that therefore
your seed represents an attractive vehicle by way of which her genes can reproduce.

While these factors may play some role, they pale in comparison to the real reason,
which has to do with the biomechanics of how dopamine is released in the
human brain.


Dopamine (3,4-dihydroxyphenethylamine) is a hormone and neurotransmitter

associated in the brains of animals and humans with reward, and particularly
with sexual desire.

Many of the most addictive narcotics, notably cocaine, exert their action by
intensifying the dopamine reward signal.

According to popular understanding, dopamine is released when we experience

what we perceive as a rewarding stimulus (for most people this means things like
sugar, sex, attention, addictive television, novels and movies)... The dopamine high
ultimately "motivates" us to move towards those experiences.

What research is beginning to find, however, is that dopamine doesn't encode

"reward" as such, but "reward prediction error"... defined as the degree to
which a reward is greater than expected.1

Not only that: what is also coming to be understood about dopamine is that just as
rewards that are greater than expected produce a short-term spike in dopamine, the
omission of a reward that is expected can cause dopamine to fall below its
original level.

Strong push/pull releases a sharp spike of dopamine in the girl's brain,

because the reward (the pull/love side of the equation) is greater than
expected, relative to the pushes.

What this means is that when you understand how to incorporate a dynamic of
constantly alternating and unpredictable negative and positive emotions into your
interactions, it gives you a direct line to controlling the pleasure center of the girl's

Learn to apply this principle, and it's the equivalent of feeding her constant
bumps of cocaine...

The same neurotransmitters are being fucked with in each case.

Unlike giving the girl cocaine, however, creating an Emotional Influence Vortex to
give her this kind of pleasure is (a) free, and (b) physiologically quite harmless.

1“Getting formal with dopamine and reward”, Schultz W, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/


It can be just as exciting to the girl, however... and just as addictive.

And because in hacking her dopamine you're manipulating the same neurochemical
that controls sexual desire, strong push/pull can be a powerful (though optional)
"secret weapon" for rapidly accelerating both the speed and intensity of the
seduction itself… because in stimulating her emotions you’re also stimulating her sex
center… without necessarily appearing to do so.




In animal studies researchers found that injecting dopamine into the brain of a
prarie volens causes it to develop an instant monogamous bond with whoever
it happened to be with.2

Now… while we cannot literally inject dopamine into the synapses of a girl we've just
met, strong push/pull is the next best thing, because, as was explained, by triggering
reward prediction error it infuses her brain with a continuously fluctuating range of
dopamine spikes.

Making out with a fitness model within a minute of approaching her is only the
beginning of the power that this tool can offer when properly applied.

Get the emotions strong enough and you can bring girls into the realms of actual

I'm talking about women confessing their love for you and begging you to be their
boyfriend within twenty or thirty minutes of you having opened them.

It doesn't make sense... until you understand the science underlying the principle.

Infusing strong emotions - both positive and negative - into your interactions is
literally like going "under the hood" of the girl's brain and messing with her dopamine

When you go in with strong negative energy, then give the girl the reward of love/
affection, it produces a massive dopamine spike, because the reward is so much
greater than expected based on your initially (or simultaneously) hostile behaviour
towards her.

Take this love/desire for her away, however, and her dopamine actually drops below
its original level.3

To restore the high, she needs you to give her the validation of love/desire again.

2“Nucleus accumbens dopamine differentially mediates the formation and maintenance of

monogamous pair bonds”, Brandon J Aragona, Yan Liu, Y Joy Yu, J Thomas Curtis, Jacqueline M
Detwiler, Thomas R Insel, Zuoxin Wang, http://www.nature.com/neuro/journal/v9/n1/abs/nn1613.html.
3“Getting formal with dopamine and reward”, Schultz W, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/

When you don't do so, she tries to deliberately elicit it by chasing you.

And once you’ve got her chasing you, it can be very easy to lead the interaction
towards sex if you desire to do so.

Attraction and arousal is simply a matter of staying in set and enduring tests.

But game... emotional influence... getting the girl chasing you… this is a question
of getting her dopamine neurons involved in the interaction.

For men, dopamine response is tied to sexually enticing appearance.

For women, dopamine is connected to strong emotions.

Getting her chasing is when she wants more from you in terms of dopamine than you
want from her.

(It's NOT when you don't want anything from her, which is realistically impossible if
she's attractive and you’ve got a healthy sex drive.)

Will these techniques turn her into a brainwashed zombie? The answer is: they
kind of can - though not in the way you think.

When combined with other effects - namely, natural biological sex magnetism - the
result can, at times, look something like mind control.

But one could reverse this and say that women are in general far better at
brainwashing men and turning them into zombies than the reverse... though
they don't necessarily do so intentionally.

In this respect, a man can learn a great deal about seduction if he will take the time
to rigorously and soberly self-analyse any period in his past during which he became
overly emotional about a girl he barely knew. (Crushes, infatuation, “unrequited
love", desperation + neediness, etc).

When the neurochemistry underlying these states are understood, they can be
reverse engineered and deliberately induced in another…



Recall an occasion on which you became emotionally invested in a girl too


Most likely, this happened with a girl who:

(a) had given you some kind of indicator of interest, and

(b) was better looking than most of the girls you had elicited the attentions of
up to that point, historically.

Potential sexual interest from a woman with a more sexually inspiring visual
appearance than you were accustomed to triggered a huge spike of dopamine -
because this reward was greater than expected.

(Rewards that are greater than expected = +1 dopamine)

When it didn't work out as you had hoped, your dopamine plummeted below the
level that it had been at before the girl expressed an interest.

(Omission of expected reward = -2 dopamine)

And in this way you became identified, attached to and “infatuated” with the girl: she
became far more important to you than anything else in the world.

Although we would logically expect that the omission of the reward should simply
return dopamine levels to their neutral point, this is not how the brain actually works.

In reality, the girl shows an interest in us, we get a dopamine high, then she flakes us
- but rather than returning to neutral, our dopamine levels go negative… lower than
when we originally met her.4

This is the biological cause of irrational neediness, and the “depression” which being
“rejected” can often cause a man to experience. It’s pure mechanics.


4“Getting formal with dopamine and reward”, Schultz W, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/


When you understand the factors that trigger irrational infatuation in yourself (on
the basis of self-knowledge + empirical neuroscience) you can reverse engineer
this process so as to induce it within the psyche of the women you interact with...

The trigger in either case is the same formula: greater than expected reward (+1
dopamine), followed by the omission or reversal of expected reward (-2 dopamine =
-1 dopamine)...

...where -1 dopamine is expressed psychologically as infatuation, neediness, and

“chasing” behaviours, as the subject attempts to stabilise his or her dopamine
levels with more rewards from the object of desire who provided the initial reward

The only difference is, again, that whereas dopamine is connected to visuals for men
(think porn) - for women, dopamine is connected to strong emotional experience
(think romance novels).

I repeat: while for men, dopamine response is triggered by sexually enticing

visuals that are greater than expected, for women dopamine is triggered by
strong emotions that are greater than expected.

In your own case, a dopamine spike is triggered when you happen to elicit interest
from a girl who is visually more desirable than the girls you’re accustomed to
interacting with.

When this stimulus is removed - she stops replying to your texts, for example - your
dopamine crashes.

You become needy, “desperate”, and start trying to game her as much as you can.
She is now in a position of maximum leverage, and because most women are turned
off by having power of any kind over a man, the relationship is usually over.

Conversely, in the girl’s case, a dopamine spike (euphoria) occurs when a man
makes her experience positive emotions (the feeling of being loved/desired) that
are stronger than those she has become accustomed to expect.

When this reward is omitted or reversed, it results in an identical dopamine crash far
below the original stable level... with all the associated neediness and desperation it


So this is another very interesting aspect of how reward prediction error

triggers dopamine while expected reward omission destabilises it...

...and if you know how to apply it at just the right moments, it can be a
fiendishly effectively way to trip the biomechanical wire which releases the
emotions associated with "falling in love" in the girl's brain.

You give the girl strong positive emotions.

Then - just when she's expecting these to continue - you pull the rug out from under
her by omitting them… or by blasting her with a sudden and unexpected barrage of
insanely irrational negative emotions.

...And not only does this cause her dopamine to drop to the neutral level it was at
when you approached her, but it causes it to drop below its original level.

The girl literally gets "withdrawal symptoms”... she'll do nearly anything to get the
“high” back.

Men underestimate the power of strong emotions, but chemically speaking, strongly
positive emotional roleplay followed by a "freeze out", push or takeaway is literally
the same as giving the girl three lines of cocaine, then refusing to give her any more
coke when her buzz has worn off.

I say literally, and I mean literally. Again, it's the same neurochemical which is
activated in each case: 3,4-dihydroxyphenethylamine.

It’s like she’s been on cocaine (dopamine reward of: attention, validation, being
desired) and suddenly all the cocaine is gone.

Now, not only does she feel the lack of a high, she feels worse than if she hadn’t
done cocaine at all.

And, as is well-known, drug addicts will do damn near anything to escape withdrawal
symptoms, up to and including having sex with complete strangers…




Remember, the purpose here is not to make the girl a passive zombie who
obeys your will, but to elicit her active participation in the seduction... to get
her seducing you... and this is exactly what dopamine's legitimate role is in the
human organism.

Dopamine is the neurotransmitter which primarily controls desire, motivation and


Consequently, when you stimulate the girl's dopamine neurons with strong push/pull,
it can often trigger a change in her personality from passive to active.

She becomes more sexually and romantically aggressive, and her competitive
instincts and desire to “win you over” are amplified.

Her motivation to “get you” increases. By stimulating and destabilising her dopamine,
you’re essentially training her to fight for you.

Important to understand here is that - unlike, say, serotonin - dopamine isn't so

much a "pleasure" drug as a "seeking pleasure" drug.

Its function in our body isn't to make us enjoy a reward (that's accomplished by other
neurochemicals like serotonin, oxytocin, etc).

Rather, its purpose is to cause us to take action to seek the reward.

The generally stable scientific consensus that dopamine is a "seeking" rather than a
"liking" reward chemical has been established largely on the basis of observations
like the following:

■ People on drugs like cocaine and methamphetamine - which activate the

brain's dopamine center - exhibit pleasure-seeking behaviours, but do not
exhibit strong expressions of pleasure.

(C.f. opiates like morphine, which don't stimulate dopamine neurons, and
which greatly increase expressions of pleasure but cause no increase in
pleasure-seeking behaviours and activities.)

■ Animals in which the area of the brain regulating dopamine is made inactive
don't seek food... and they will actually starve to death if no one interferes. If

food is placed in their mouths, however, they will happily eat it and even
exhibit facial expressions indicating satisfaction.5

In other words, dopamine doesn't cause us to feel pleasure, but desire.

This seems at first like a fairly irrelevant distinction.

The reason it's useful to us, however, is that at an intermediate level in pickup, the
problem of a man is usually not that he can't cause the girl to feel pleasure...

By approaching, by touching her playfully, by flirting and bantering with her, and even
by making out with her in the club, you cause her to feel mild to strong pleasure (by
stimulating her serotonin, oxytocin, adrenaline/endorphin, etc), and which increases
the more time you spend together.

At an advanced level, however, game is not just about triggering pleasure but

If you can create desire, you can create sex.

It's the difference between getting "attraction" (club makeouts, numbers, etc) and
getting same night sex...

And it's easier than you think, if you understand the science of dopamine.

5“Dopamine, learning, and reward-seeking behavior.” Arias-Carrión O, Pŏppel E, http://




If you have any experience in cold approach pickup at all, you have probably
experienced something like the following:

You approach a cute girl and get to talking to her. You feel good, you're relaxed, and
you banter with her in a silly, flirty, playfully challenging way.

You and the girl end up making out, and she's clearly “into you”.

You lead her around the club and she follows you.

You may even feel her up while kissing and when your hand touches her pussy over
her panties, you can feel that she's wet for you.

(By the way, I don’t recommend doing this in the club because it kills sexual tension
and ambiguity but I say it here for the purpose of explication.)

But despite the fact that the girl is clearly aroused by you, she's not actively
chasing you.

She's making no effort to get you to stay, and when you hint at going somewhere
more private together, she exhibits no particularly strong desire to do so.

Making out with her makes her horny, but she's not exerting any special effort to
keep you around, or to get to know you better.

Being approached, flirting with an outgoing confident male, and semi-sexual stimulus
such as kissing or being in physical contact with your body will all cause the girl to
experience pleasure chemicals like serotonin and oxytocin... and maybe even a little

But none of these chemicals motivate people. They don't cause action. They
simply encode the sensation of pleasure.

Without a strong dopamine infusion (which causes motivation and seeking

behaviours), the girl is - to employ a rather crude analogy - equivalent to the animal
who has had its ventral tegmental area rendered inactive: it enjoys the food if it's
placed directly in its mouth, but if the food isn't given to it, it will literally starve to
death because it simply feels no motivation to seek it.

Meaning: the girl will be aroused by you in the moment, but she will feel no need to
try to "chase" you or to get you into bed or a relationship, which is our purpose here.

Conversely, when you learn to implement the simple hack of communicating
using a broad spectrum of strong emotions, it put hers dopamine into

It's the equivalent to injecting methamphetamine straight into her fucking mainline.

She's all over you, grinding on you, trying to touch your dick, telling you she loves
you and that she'll always love you, begging you to take her home.

■ UPGRADE: Engineering a “Feeding Frenzy”

At a more advanced level, these personality-rewriting effects can be

enormously amplified by merging sets and bringing other girls into the picture
in a chaotic way, which can end up creating something that they call a
"feeding frenzy" in RSD.

Once a certain level of skill has been attained, a feeding frenzy can be
engineered relatively consistently with the use of strong push/pull (eliciting
dopamine via reward prediction error), combined with merging sets, which
triggers a host of powerful cognitive biases including:

■ Envy-Jealousy

■ Deprival Superreaction Syndrome

■ Commitment + Consistency Tendency...

The immense power of this potent cocktail of high reward seeking (due to
dopamine hacking) + scarcity and envy (due to the outside threat of new girl/
s) is almost frightening in terms of its power to reprogram the girl's personality.



Q: Isn’t this simply manipulation?

A: You can think of “game” (emotional influence) as being the male equivalent to

Male sexual desire is mainly tied to visual/sensory stimuli.

In order to engineer male desire, women put a lot of effort and cunning and yes,
manipulation, into presenting a sexually enticing visual appearance.

Makeup is not natural, but it enhances women’s beauty and makes them more
sexually attractive.

Unlike male sexual desire, female sexual desire is tied not to visual but to
emotional stimuli.

Other than that simple distinction, everything else - all the mechanisms - are exactly
the same.

There is enormous power in understanding this, because most men don't.

When you understand how to give a woman a strong emotional experience, it's like
being as arousing and engaging to her as an elite female pornstar is to you.

■ Cosmetics/surgery (women) = engineering male desire by stimulating the

male gaze with a sexually enticing appearance, because men are primarily

■ Game (men) = engineering female desire by stimulating the woman's

emotions with strong push/pull, because women are primarily emotional.

Just like makeup in the case of women, as a man learning cold approach,
providing strong emotions should be like the final polish on an already rock-
solid structure of natural masculinity and animal magnetism.

Meaning: to be the man who masturbates women's emotions, you've got to have
your inner game handled first.

In essence, this means:

(a) high testosterone

(b) able to approach, endure tests, and stay in set for a long time

(c) full assimilation of the unconscious autohypnotic mental programming

which makes success automatic: namely, the knowledge that time = arousal,
and the deep understanding that there's no reason you're not enough.

Female game is aesthetic and visual.

Male game is emotional.

Both are manipulative, deceitful, and vain.

Both make the world a richer, more beautiful and more interesting place.

Naive people complain that game is manipulative, shallow, and deceitful. But a
cynic could say the same thing about cosmetics for women.

One way of viewing makeup and cosmetics is that the girls who use them are vain
and egotistical, preying upon male weakness and stupidity to elicit cheap and easy
attention, without improving themselves or offering value to others on anything but
the level of surface appearances.

A more helpful view is that the feminine impulse of embodying and expressing
beauty is partially what makes the world worth living in.

Girls put great effort and expense into making themselves beautiful - almost to the
point of becoming walking works of art.

Are cosmetics manipulative and deceptive? Yes.

Are they applied for almost purely egoistic and self-calming ends? Of course.

But cosmetics make the world a richer and more beautiful place.

They offer an outlet of self-expression for women, while increasing and enhancing
male aesthetic experience of the feminine and amplifying male sexual arousal.
Everybody wins.

Although it's a controversial view, I would like to suggest that giving the girl a
powerful and dynamic emotional experience is similarly win-win... so long as:

(a) you're doing it with completely positive intentions (consciously and


(b) you know in the core of your being as a man... and you believe in your
heart with 100% certainty... that it will be 100 to 1,000 times better for the girl
you're interacting with to choose to undertake a sexual relationship with you,
than to pursue any and every other option available to her, including doing

If you cannot honestly answer both of these conditions in the affirmative, you will
generally tend to have a very frustrating experiencing trying to emotionally influence
the girl... because you will be coming up against internal subconscious barriers in the
form of guilt and fear.


Here's how to become the man that women fantasise about.

When you're about to go out to do cold approach, and when you're infield talking to
chicks, don't worry about any of this. Don't think at all. Just go with the flow of the

But when you have a little distance between yourself and the field - when you're at
home actively meditating and reflecting on your "game" - start conceptualising the
entirety of your interactions with females in terms of the EMOTIONS you're making
them feel.

The next time you see a woman who is so beautiful that the image of her being
reflected in your retina puts your heart in your throat, understand that you can be
the male equivalent of this to any female you ever meet, if you train yourself to
express a wide, chaotic and unpredictable range of STRONG EMOTIONS - both
positive and negative.


Giving the girl a powerful emotional experience - oscillating between extremely

negative and extremely positive expressions - is the equivalent of being as
attractive to her - as engaging - as a model in high heels and a bikini is to you.

Again, the main difference between male and female sexuality is that men are put
into an erotic trance primarily through the visual modality, whereas for women,
sexual arousal and erotic trance induction happens through the emotional


■ Learn to be an artist of crafting emotional experiences in the same way

that the most gorgeous women are artists of crafting their visual image.

Just as visual exposure to insanely hot women in a high definition porn can quickly
reduce you to a state of more or less unqualified idiocy and inability to think
normally... exposure to constantly oscillating strong emotions can have a similarly
entrancing effect on the hottest girls.

Field experience, behavioural neuroscience, and the billions of dollars generated

annually by women's fiction bear this out.

Get this aspect of providing strong emotions down, and the game of seducing
almost anyone you want is yours to lose.


We call exercising emotional influence "masturbating a girl's emotions" for

three main reasons:


Like stimulating a girl's clit, emotional influence is more pleasurable for the girl than it
is for us.

We do it primarily to give her an exciting and pleasurable experience... as a fun and

engaging way of passing the time that we're going to be spending with her anyway
(in accordance with the principle that time spent with the girl - and nothing else - is
how you get laid).

Any benefit that accrues to us as a result - in terms of infatuation, love, increased

sexual desire for us - should be looked upon purely as an added bonus for
something which is already fun in itself.

Like orgasming, all women want to experience this state of intense emotional

They seek it out, they will pay for it (in the form of romance novels and movies), and
once they have found it in the form of a man who provides it in real life they will do
almost anything to hold on to him.

The reason most women don't experience intense infatuation with a man they've just
met is not because they don't want to, but because they have been wounded in the
past and so have many self-sabotaging guards in place around them (the club
persona, in this context).

Just as it is our aim in sex to make a woman relaxed so that she can gradually drop
her artificial and conditioned guards and have an orgasm, it is our aim in seduction to
remove similar kinds of emotional barriers so that the girl can allow herself to
become excited, infatuated and even obsessed with us… a state which, deep down,
every girl wants to experience.

By creating a vortex of strong emotions, you allow her to step into this fantasy
experience which she secretly craves.


Inducing a strong emotional trance in the girl is not about "making" her have sex with
us or turning her into a passive zombie who obeys our every command.

On the contrary, it's about getting her to become an active participant in the

The girl actually creates her own infatuation with us - we just help her to get there by
giving her certain biofeedback.

Again, this is similar to giving a girl an orgasm. If you are good at clitoral stimulation,
you will help the girl to orgasm. Notice the word I used: I didn't say "make" her
orgasm, I said "help her to orgasm".

As many of the more self-aware women will tell you, having an orgasm - being able
to orgasm - is ultimately something the woman herself does: but by being good in
bed... by touching her in the right way... be getting "in synch" with what's she's
feeling and amplifying it at the right moments and teasing her at other moments, a
man is able to help the girl to bring herself to orgasm.

Likewise with inducing an erotically charged trance in a girl from cold approach, and
putting her in a suggestible, infatuated, goofy, dorky state:

This is not something we do "to" the girl - it's something the girl does to herself with
our assistance.

All hypnosis is self-hypnosis.

This is echoed in the old phrase: "Love is not something you do to someone. It's
something they do to themselves in your absence."

We do not "make" the girl sexually and romantically entranced by us with push/pull:
rather, push/pull is simply a tool with which we can help her to create that state in



Some women need you to play with their clit for them to come. They literally cannot
orgasm without being masturbated clitorally.

Other women can come from regular vaginal penetration alone.

Likewise with strong emotional influence: some of the hottest girls generally won't go
home with a guy they've just met unless there is a powerful and dramatic

emotional component to the interaction (strong push/pull, hard negs, emotional
roleplay, her chasing you hard, etc).

Other girls won't need this. They'll simply be bored and horny and comfortable
enough with you after a period of time that you can take them home without
consciously "gaming" them at all.

Like with sex, it depends on the individual girl.

Some extremely hot girls respond positively to being treated like trash off the opener
- insulted, shouted at, ruthlessly toyed with and negged.

With others this isn't necessary - they're very receptive to you whether you inject
strong emotions or not.

Like with sex, as you interact with more women from cold approach you'll begin to
get an intuitive sense of what kind of experience is most pleasurable and exciting for
the girl based on her response and calibrate accordingly.


Q. I'm confused over what specifically triggers the dopamine release in the
girl’s brain. How could insulting her and being rude to her be a "reward"?

A. The neg isn't the reward.

Rather, the neg functions as a pattern interrupt which puts the girl mentally off
balance and disrupts her preprogrammed expectations of how men usually
communicate with her when she's got up in high heels, revealing clothes and

By using a hard neg or speaking to her in a loud, angry, commanding tone of

voice (Word of the LORD tonality), you viciously subvert the established frame
of "man chasing woman".

Then, because she isn't expecting you to reward her, when you express affection,
love or sexual desire (verbally or physically)... such as pulling her close to you and
gazing deeply in her eyes, or kissing her neck, or telling her that you love her and
that she's more special to you than anyone you've ever met... it is this that triggers
the dopamine response.

And going back and forth between the two - never letting it become predictable - is
what allows each reward you give her to keep being stimulating on a neurochemical

Remember: a reward must be relatively unexpected to trigger dopamine.

The less predictable your desire for her is, the more chaotic your interaction, the
bigger will be the dopamine infusion in her own brain on the highs... and the lower
her dopamine will drop on the lows, causing her to chase you to return to
biochemical emotional equilibrium.

I understand your confusion - I had the same kind of conceptual difficulty with
this for years.

It's important to note here that I'm taking it for granted that you're doing this with an
extremely hot girl.

I'm not talking about going this extreme with your half-cute neighbour or some girl
you go to college with. I'm talking about pornstar/model types of girls - the top 1% of
aesthetically enticing women in the club.

The hotter the girl is, and the more hectic the environment, the stronger the emotions
you'll want to use to penetrate her persona/distractedness.

Conversely, you can get the same neurochemical effect by using less intense
emotional expressions if:

■ the girl is more average looking

■ the environment is less hectic (e.g. daygame)

■ you and the girl already have a sexual relationship - which greatly intensifies
even the slightest fluctuation in emotion. (In this case a little bit of teasing, or
ignoring her for a few days without explanation, obviously provides intensely
greater emotional stimulation than it would with a girl you’ve just met and who
has zero personal emotional investment in your future together.)

In the above circumstances, you won't need to go all that strong and you can play it
much more natural.

But for an extremely hot girl, who you’ve just met, and who you’re encountering in a
hectic, over-stimulating nightclub environment, this high-strength negs are perfect.

They need to penetrate.


Q. Would it be fair to say that one of the main reasons this style of game works
has to do with the socially embedded preframed expectation that a so-called
"9" or "10" has about how men typically communicate with her?

A. Yeah, generally speaking that’s correct.

If you go all pull and no push - if you give her a compliment or tell her you love her or
show any other kind of affection - she has by now become so accustomed to
receiving "positive energy" from men that it is no longer surprising or unexpected...
and so it leaves her feeling cold.

Don't take anything I say for granted. Take a night to approach the hottest girls in a
club, give them compliments, tell them you like them, or simply be positive towards

You'll find in most cases that their response to this is largely deadpan.

Some girls will respond with a preprogrammed smile of "sterile politeness".

Others will actually react with naked hatred. They will tell you to fuck off, that you're a
creep and so on... because you gave them a compliment.

"Fair is foul and foul is fair."

- Shakespeare, Macbeth

That a woman could react with hatred to a compliment or an expression of affection,

while reacting with delight, laughter and instant love eyes to an expression of hatred
and naked rage, seems strange.

Put yourself inside the mind of a hot girl, however, and you'll understand.

The girl is getting... what we'll call positive emotional expressions from guys on a
daily, or even an hourly basis. Affection, compliments, turning heads, desire, love,
needy texts, invitations, gifts, etc.

It has long, long stopped being exciting or stimulating to her... because it is expected.

The hotter the girl, the smaller will be the dopamine infusion connected to
positive male attention... because a reward must be unexpected to stimulate
dopamine neurons.

Conversely, when you approach a lingerie model type of girl and - while
staring deeply into her pupils - tell her that you despise her and that she's
nothing but a dirty animal...

...you hold the pause, gazing deeply into her eyes...

...then you tell her that you're kidding, that she's the most adorable little girl you've
seen all day, and you pull her in close to you, it does two things:

(1) The neg arouses her sexually. Hostile aggressive energy, dominance,
and even controlled rage can be very sexually exciting to pretty young girls.

This is more advanced and we'll get to it later, but all you need to know for
now is that if you open a very hot girl with pure rage and hatred, if done right,
it consciously or subconsciously communicates that you are going to fuck the
shit out of her like a wild animal.

(2) The 1-2 punch of "strong neg" + "strong expression of love/desire"

causes the girl to actually feel the emotion connected with the latter...
because the unexpected and unpredictable nature of it stimulates her
otherwise hardened and stubborn dopamine receptors in a way that no other
man can.


a. Approach the girl and say: "You're so fucking sexy, I love you."

Although the girl would find this mildly surprising, if she's super-hot
she's highly accustomed to a lot of (drunk) guys being very “positive”
and affectionate towards her. Predictable positive expression = little
or no dopamine release.

b. Approach the girl and shout at her, "Come over here you little dog,
ewww don't touch me, you're trash. You're so fucking sexy, I love you."
Totally unexpected positive expression = massive dopamine


In our culture, the established frame set by the media - in which every man is a
sexually impoverished little beggar - is now deeply embedded into people's
behavioural scripts... and even into their brain chemistry.

Because of the madness that is universal among men, when you approach a hot girl,
even if she has never met you, she has been trained from her teens to expect that
because you've expressed an interest in talking to her, you want to impress her and
would do anything to sleep with her.

Does this describe you?

If you're a man, it shouldn't.

So why accept that frame, especially given that it's neither fun for the girl, nor will it
get you closer to a sexual relationship with her?

The answer is, you don't have to.

Strong, even vicious, push/pull is the way in which you ruthlessly subvert that frame,
and infuse new life, joy and excitement into a gorgeous woman's emotionally
impoverished existence.


Men who are as yet half-formed often complain jealously on online forums
about how attractive women "have it better" in terms of sexual choice.

This is a naive view, from the point of view of objective understanding.

While being a hot girl - being worshipped, being able to sleep with anyone, having
immense "power" over the opposite sex - sounds superficially like it would be fun,
because of how dopamine works, for most girls it is misery.

This kind of "power" that attractive women have over so-called men has only arisen
because the mass of men live no better than animals.

There is no pleasure in walking into a club and seeing stupid animals drooling over
you, particularly if it has come to be routine or expected.

It is only naivety that causes men to feel envious of this.

If you had grown up impoverished and never tasting sugar, being given a donut
would trigger a massive infusion of dopamine. Eating donuts every day would soon
fail to produce the same biochemical result, however.

In terms of eliciting the attention of the opposite sex, the position of the hottest girls
in terms of brain chemistry is equivalent to someone who gets twenty donuts force
fed to them every morning.

Although removing the stimulus of the donuts (read: male attention) would cause
their dopamine to drop, being fed the donuts has long ceased to cause any added
stimulation in dopamine cells because the reward stimulus of sugar has by now
become routine and expected.


While almost every very hot girl you'll meet is, to a greater or lesser degree,
addicted to the positive attention she gets from men, it does not make her feel

Internally, she is dead to their stares and turning heads, dead to their
compliments, dead to their professions of love... because she has been
conditioned to expect them.

She is like a habitual heroin user who, while still physiologically addicted to the drug
(in this case, male attention), no longer gets any pleasure out of it, because it has
become predictable.

She is emotionally imprisoned by the narrowly predictable behaviour of the "men in

quotation marks" with whom she is always and everywhere surrounded.

Paradoxically, when you subvert the paradigm by giving her extremely negative
emotions, followed by strong positive emotions - and so on, infinitely - you inject new
life into her VTA dopamine system and in this way liberate her from the numbing
predictability of her, in the objective sense, desolate existence.


"I'm like Shakespeare reincarnated except I spit flows and strip hoes naked."

- Akala, Shakespeare

Oscillate between strong emotions - push and pull - and you will become as or
more addictive to the girl than a romance novel or movie...

Women's fiction is embedded with exactly the same kinds of dopamine triggers... a
continual binary oscillation between fear and hope. This is what makes it so

In fact this is what makes any well-crafted plot-driven story addictive.

It taps into the ancient neurotransmitter of dopamine, and stimulates its release
through constant oscillation between hope and fear, positive and negative emotions.

Consider the Twilight franchise of novels and movies, from which billions of
dollars have been made by playing to this aspect of female psychology.

I don't know much about the whole thing (...yet - though I'm exploring the possibility
of getting into the women’s fiction racket at some point in the future, as much to
diversify my publishing empire as to tighten my conceptual grip on the biomechanics
of female psychology).

My ignorance on the matter being admitted, I quote Susan Carnell, Ph.D., a research
psychologist at Johns Hopkins, in an article she wrote in Psychology Today:

"Dopamine actually flows much more readily when the rewards are
intermittent, e.g... when you see Edward - he's nice to you sometimes… but
not always.

"Yes, I’m suggesting, reader, that the secret power of Mr. Cullen and his bad
boy brethren could be nothing to do with their pretty floppy hair or
superhuman abilities. Instead it could be down to something much more
simple: their sheer unreliability sets off your dopamine neurons."6

6 https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/bad-appetite/201205/bad-boys-bad-brains.


“They’ll believe, because they want to believe.” - Demosthenes

So we've established that strong push/pull is highly manipulative, and that we

engineer this emotional manipulation not really for our own sake, but primarily
to give the girl a compelling experience...

To provide her with the intense pleasure and excitement that can only come from
extreme emotional highs and extreme emotional lows... a lot like the erratic,
unpredictable male love interests in the movies, TV shows and romance novels
which women are addicted to consuming.

You can get very, very far on the principle of unapologetic, masculine sex drive
(physical expression and escalation) tempered with a chaotic counter-stimulus of
hard negs, strong pushes, and vicious pattern interrupts.

It's when you start mixing in irrationally positive romantic emotion on the pull
side, however, that your game really goes nuclear.

We call this the art of emotional roleplay. It’s about playing to the girl’s secret
fantasies and innermost sacred desires.

Julien of RSD is the established master of this kind of game7...

Bear in mind that although the girl will often be aroused by the masculine aggression
expressed in the negative side, mechanically speaking it is the "I love you" side of
the equation (the reward) which gives her the actual dopamine spike... so long
as it's unpredictable.

On the pull side, you can go very basic and normal. “I love you”, “you’re hot”, “I’m
glad I met you”, etc.

If you want to go more intense and need ideas, however, it can be helpful to look to
romance novels... the basic themes and the kinds of words used.


■ true love

■ infatuation


■ possession

■ wild passion which can’t be tamed even though circumstances and/or logic is
against it

■ relationship conflict (two people falling in love and trying to make the
relationship work despite facing seemingly insurmountable difficulties and
obstacles either internal or external)

In terms of what to say, this can just be random nonsense like:

■ "Baby, I love you so much, I've never felt this way about anyone before"

■ "I'm so infatuated by you."

■ "You're mine. We're going to be together forever. I love you."

■ "You're so sexy, I've never met anyone who's made me feel like this."

■ "I feel like I can open up to you."

It can also be very powerful to shift away from talking about "you" and "me",
and move towards talking about "we" and "us".

Remember, it's not the words themselves, but the powerful emotional valence
associated with the words which masturbates her dopamine levels.

The words can be complete nonsense. They can really be pretty hamfisted, it doesn’t
matter. The girl will generally suspend her disbelief.

The words are just the vehicle.

What's important is the emotional force contained within the words.

It seems completely illogical that you would be telling a girl who you met thirty
seconds ago that you're infatuated by her, but the point of this is not logic, but
strong emotion.

The more illogical, the better.

Again, the girl knows you don't really love her, but she indulges it and finds it exciting
because it's a roleplay... Think of it like sexual roleplay, except with emotions.

Q. Won't going this strong on the "I love you" side seem desperate and needy?

A. Not if you approach it (internally) with a playful and experimental attitude.

Naturally, learning this will come across kind of weird on the first few girls you try it
with but everyone - everyone - has got to fall off the bike a couple of times before
they can learn to maintain their balance. There are no exceptions.

In any case, if you go too far in either direction it’s really not the end of the world: say
“I’m just kidding” and reframe the whole thing as a joke - the girl will find it funny.

We call this “having a sense of humour” about your game. It is an immensely

underappreciated asset which costs you nothing.

And, of course, make it a habit to balance all strong pulls with strong pushes...
vicious negative expressions, takeaways and pattern interrupts like the ones we've
been talking about.

The strength of this is precisely in the mix of the two poles, not just one.

Go only negative and you’ll be intriguing and she'll want to conquer you, but the girl
won’t feel comfortable enough with you to get intimate.

Go only positive and you’ll make her feel good about herself (stimulating her “greed
glands”) but she won’t feel compelled to get sexual to win you over.

As a beginner, you can practice this through mixing teasing and complementing -
which offers the girl a mild taste of negative and positive emotions.

As you become more advanced, however, you want to offer strong emotions
on both poles, not mild ones.

The mild ones ("you're cute" etc) simply don't penetrate emotionally, especially if the
girl is very hot and is accustomed to positive energy already.

If you tell a person, "I'm obsessed with you, we're meant to be together forever, I
love you baby, you're so special to me", that's going to penetrate because she's not
used to hearing it. As is grabbing her by the waist, pulling her close flirtatiously and
then shouting into her face to go fuck herself.

Remember: you can play anything off as a joke - but the emotional force will have
already penetrated either way.

Even if you make it a joke after the fact, the initial impetus will have subliminally
communicated the emotion to the girl’s subconscious, which is ultimately the aim.

To answer your question more directly: what women hate about guys who are
needy, desperate or clingy is not the emotions that the guy is expressing, per
se, but the fact that they’re predictable.

Predictability = no dopamine.

There’s a lot of pickup community programming that you shouldn’t tell a girl you love
her or express your feelings for her until she’s expressed these feelings for you. And
for a beginner, this is good advice.

However, at a more esoteric level of understanding, it’s actually better to use very
strong positive emotions from the outset - so long as they’re unpredictable, and
mixed chaotically with strong negative emotional expressions.

You tell her that you're infatuated with her and that she's your girlfriend, then you tell
her to leave, it's finished, get lost.

You hug her tight and whisper in her ear that you've never met someone who gave
you these feelings, then a minute later you're yelling at her like General Patton that
she's trash, or approaching another girl while holding her hand.

This is crack cocaine to pretty girls, and they react with delight, laughter and
infatuation. It's really like it's literally intoxicating to them.

Women enjoy strong emotions - even negative emotions. For instance, many
women actually enjoy crying.

When I first met my girlfriend, she told me that when she's bored, she sits in her
room and watches sad films or documentaries in order to deliberately trigger herself
into crying for an hour or more.

When I asked her why she would possibly want to do this, she said it’s because she
enjoys it. It’s a pleasurable sensation, she explained, not unlike masturbation - but
for the emotions rather than the body.

It seems totally wacky, and even deceitful and manipulative, but by providing strong
emotions you're satisfying a deep craving in the girl's life for extreme emotional
highs and lows… this is a primal need in her essence as a woman which she is
ultimately going to fill in some way or another, with or without you.



Continuously stimulating dopamine via reward prediction error in the way

described has a tendency to elicit what can only be described as insane desire
in young, hot, popular girls.

This breed of "strong" push/pull is most effective on the very hottest girls - eighteen
to twenty year old, pornstar/lingerie model, "dimepiece of the club" kind of girls.

The more beautiful a girl is - the more options she has - the more effectively
hardcore push/pull works... because it fills a deep, primal, subconscious need for
strong unpredictable emotions which she isn't getting from any other man.

Remember, as a general rule of thumb: the hotter the girl is, the more rigidly
predictable is the behaviour of the males with whom she typically interacts.

They all want the same thing, and they express this wanting in the same narrow,
limited, predictable way.

The reactions that strong push/pull can elicit from the most desirable women
can be difficult to believe.

Assuming you have a baseline of natural animal magnetism, she'll generally start
chasing hard. Manifestations of this can include:

▪ Trying to put her number in your phone

▪ Actively trying to sexually seduce you in public by groping you, trying to kiss
you, and so on

▪ Telling you that she loves you, and other expressions of affection and desire
(despite having met you only hours or even minutes before)


When a blonde twenty-one year old yoga bunny starts “chasing” you in this
way, it is natural to get a big head and to think that she really does “love” you.
She does not.

What’s actually happening is that she’s now trying to game you.

The girl is giving you this attention not out of real love (N.B. she doesn't know you)...
but because past conditioning has trained her that when she gives men these
signals of desire, they immediately give her strong signals of desire back.

Thus validated, she gets her reward, her dopamine returns to its original level, the
world is back to how it should be, and she can (in most cases) dispose of the man.

When you "buckle" to her attention by expressing unambiguous desire for her back,
it's a little bit like you were reading her a romance novel, and she was rapt with
attention wondering where it would go next... but then you skipped to the end and
told her how the story finished.

Instead, what you want to do is to tell her a story which never ends - constant
alternation between fear and hope in the form of strong pushes and strong pulls,
unpredictably patterned throughout the interaction.

The ups are followed by downs. The downs are followed by greater ups. But this
keeps going on. A.B.T. - Always Be Teasing.

Nothing is resolved. Closure is never offered.

Sex is just the beginning of seduction, not the end.

The girl becomes addicted to the strong emotions you offer her for life.

It's almost like she's got a kind of illness. She can't eat, can't sleep, can't work. It can
become very intense.

You shouldn’t think of that as being a net negative for the girl, however. For example,
think of the last time you became absorbed in an incredibly compelling television
series and couldn’t stop watching season after season online…

It’s the same type of experience - chemically speaking, it’s almost identical.

Not a very productive state of course - from the capitalistic perspective - but it feels
good, on the whole, when you’re in the vortex.

If the girl is begging you for your validation, it seems like you'd be "giving her
a break" by buckling and telling her you like her - but this is contrary to reality.

In fact, the moment you give her closure in the form of unambiguous desire for her,
you’re no longer providing the exciting emotional experience which she craves.

When the girl starts complimenting you, telling you you're hot, and attempting to
validate herself (showing you her modelling pictures etc), she's doing this not
because she loves you or even likes you on any real level, but because she wants
you to say similar things back to her.

And she knows from past experience that when she acts in this way towards guys,
they think they’ve won the lottery and immediately start telling her that she's
more beautiful than anyone they've ever been with, etc.

Dopamine, remember, is responsible not only for sexual arousal but also for
motivation. It causes us to want things.

If you give her what she wants (positive validation, the unambiguous desire of the
Other), she will no longer want it as badly or at all, and you will have lost the
maximum leverage that you otherwise could have held in the interaction.

Instead, when she starts chasing you, push back even harder.

This is easier said than done, of course.

Very pretty Russian girl. Model good looks. Her hands are hugging your waist tightly.

Her face is an inch from yours. She's smiling at you with sweet nipple coloured lips
and huge dimples.

You're in the zone and feel like you can do no wrong. Your biochemistry is going
insane - you can feel yourself emanating testosterone like a forcefield.

She’s laughing like crazy, and telling you that she's never met anyone like you before
in her life, that she loves you, that she wants to be with you.

At this point it's easy to lose your nerve and give in by chasing her a little, asking her
if she wants to go back to your place: don't.

The more the girl chases you, the harder your pushes towards her should be.

Don't completely alienate her, of course. Give her a little bit of affection, physicality,
positive expression.

But if you want her to chase you even harder, then respond to chasing by teasing her
even more.

Wash rinse repeat (while simultaneously gradually leading her to isolation) all the
way until sex.

Julien calls this "stacking the pushes".8

It's not strictly necessary, but it is devastatingly effective, because it's even more

8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txDfzsPbNRo.


Q. It's all well and good to talk about this kind of game in writing, but how do
you go about learning it in practice?

A. If you're accustomed to speaking to women in a normal, logical way, without using

strong emotions, it can seem very unnatural, weird and daunting.

Once you've done it a few times, however, nothing will come more naturally than
communicating using strong emotions.

It becomes addictive... When you get this, you'll find that you never want to
speak to girls normally ever again.

Think of it like learning to ride a bike. In the beginning, you're scared of taking your
training wheels off.

Your dad is trying to encourage you to simply try riding the bike without training
wheels. If you don't like it, he says, you can go back to the training wheels.

But you're afraid.

When you finally work up the nerve, you have trouble maintaining balance.

You lean too much to the right, and fall over... In this case, you use too many pushes
without any pulls, and it intrigues the girl but she isn’t comfortable enough to let her
guard down around you.

You lean too much to the left and fall off again... You go very sexual, romantic or
direct, you compliment the girl and tell her she's hot, you get physical with her, and
while it arouses her it doesn't intrigue her enough to want to go home with you to see
what happens.

But as a result of falling off your bike a few times, you gain confidence…
because you realise it really doesn't hurt all that much, or even at all.

And with this new confidence (i.e. the disappearance of artificially programmed fear)
you're able to ride an adult bike with the assertiveness and sensitivity required to
maintain balance between the two poles.

At that point you're having so much fun tearing the neighbourhood a new ass that no
one could pay you to use your training wheels again... even though just a few days
ago you were afraid to ride without them.

How do you go about taking off the training wheels and injecting strong
emotions into your interactions?

As I’ve said, all you need to remember are the words: “I hate you. I love you”... all
that should be going through your head when you approach.

Self-programming this stuff is fairly simple:

Make the decision in advance to sacrifice at least two weeks to learning strong push/
pull. That means going out 2-3 times per week just to practice. After the two weeks
are up, you can go back to going out simply for fun.

The key to rapid success with any skill is to self-program it in advance. This step
alone will take months off your learning curve.

Do the Animal Instinct Reengineering exercise before going out. Mentally

condition it... literally see yourself blasting insanely hot girls with strong push/pull in
your mind’s eye and eliciting incredibly positive results (See ANIMAL INSTINCT RE-

When you get to the club, do one or two regular warm-up sets to get
acclimated to the environment and socially “in tune” with the people there.

Just chat to the girl normally for a few seconds. Give her a mild positive expression
such as telling her that she's sexy, or saying “I love you” as a joke.

On your next warm-up approach, hit the girl with a mild negative expression. E.g. flip
her off playfully while staring in her eyes as you’re passing by.

Girls usually find this really funny, and she'll either laugh or ask you what your name
is or both. The purpose here isn't to arouse her, however, but just to acclimate
yourself to using negative expressions. (Once you've gained a taste for it, it becomes

By now your brain will be switched on, and you'll be fairly comfortable with
both positive and negative expressions.

At that point, simply approach as usual, but pattern your otherwise normal “boring”
conversation with some very basic playful push/pull dynamics: "I hate you, I love

You approach, talk for a while, girl says something, you say, "I hate you". The girl
responds, you joke with her, she says something else, you say "I love you".

Mix it up. It doesn’t need to have any great effect - you just want to acclimate your
motor center to this medium of expression.

You may weird out the first few girls that you talk to, but who cares?


I can guarantee you that the girl won't remember a thing five minutes later.

You can re-approach her later in the night and 9/10 times she won't even remember

For the time being (assuming you've made the conscious decision to learn this) I
hate you/I love you is all that should be playing in your head.

Forget about everything else you normally do in your game. Forget about results,
good reactions, or having a good night.

Just like trying out the bike without training wheels, you can go back to what's been
working for you later on if you don't like how this plays out.

On your second or third night in a row of going out and doing the above
(keeping it stupid simple), expressing yourself in this way will begin to come
more naturally.

It will start to “flow” without you really being conscious of it.

You'll find that you naturally start embellishing your push/pull without having to think
about it, making your pushes and pulls more flowery and elaborate.

For example: "I hate you, you're annoying, fuck off. I'm just kidding, you're fucking
adorable, I love you, you're sexy."

Even this is not strictly necessary, however, so long as whatever you say or do is
laced with the alternating energies of love and hate, desire and aversion.

Q. I find that when I have to think about what to say it drains my energy and I
leave set early because there’s too much pressure.

A. This is true of every new skill in cold approach when you’re first learning it.

In the beginning it will drain your energy, because you’re doing it with your thinking

As you practice, the operationalisation of the activity passes to the moving center…
then it becomes automatic, and is also done much better.

(Remember, the "energy" which the thinking center uses is slowest of all.)

But in the beginning, all new skills must be learned first by the thinking center.

When it passes to the moving-instinctive center, it will feel more natural and will
require much less energy.

It’s like a juggler, or a marksman. First the skill is learned with the mind. It’s clunky
and the mental concentration required of one produces fatigue very quickly.

Gradually, however, what’s done with the mind will, with practice, be assimilated by
the body.

Then it becomes like magic. Almost no energy needs to be exerted. Thoughts cease.

And because thoughts cease, the activity itself actually becomes a form of
meditation which gives energy to the organism, rather than burning it.

(Some call this going from conscious incompetence, to conscious competence,

to unconscious competence.)

If you still aren’t able to do a basic approach and keep a conversation going,
then don’t worry about any of this yet.

Get the fundamentals handled, then return to this in a few months or even years,
depending on what you determine is best for you.

As I say, none of this is necessary for seduction - it’s just incredibly fun and gets
crazy responses, especially from the hottest girls.

Q. And if you go too far, play it up as a joke? Back away and say "I'm just

A. Exactly. Then change the topic by quickly asking the girl something else ("how old
are you", "where are you from", "where do you go to college", etc).

95% of the time her thinking brain won't have time to compute what just happened
and she'll scramble to answer your new question.

In the rare event that she takes the neg personally and doesn't let it go, simply be
patient with her.

Explain to her that you have a kind of obnoxious fratboy-ish sense of humour.

Tell her that you sincerely did not mean to offend her or hurt her in any way, and
mean it.

Such things are never necessary in reality, however.

Knowing that you can make things right at any time with the "I'm just kidding"
reframe is really more for your own psychological benefit than anyone else's.

In reality, you cannot go too far. It's physically impossible. The more extreme you go
with negs, the more delighted the girl becomes.

It's very strange.

I have taken this to dangerous lengths, just to see how far it could go, with
something I call "Frank Booth game"/Seething Hate pushes, which we’ll get into

Once you're comfortable with the basic dynamic of expressing a range of positive
and negative emotions, you can start experimenting with putting stronger and
stronger emotional force behind your negs/pushes... and that's when your
results really start to explode.

I call hard negs + strong emotional force the AR-15 of man-to-woman

communication, and it's my secret weapon for turning the hottest, bitchiest, brattiest
girls in the club into dorky, receptive little sex kittens…

And that is the subject of our next module.


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