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5G Measurement Adaptation Based on Channel Hardening Occurrence

Victor Farias Monteiro , Icaro L. da Silva, and Fco Rodrigo P. Cavalcanti

Abstract— In 5G, reference signals may be transmitted on

beams. Thus, the amount of UE measurements might increase
with the number of beams, increasing battery consumption.
With narrow beams, under specific conditions, channel variations
may decrease, the so-called Channel Hardening (CH) effect.
So, the UE might obtain highly correlated measurements, which
suggests that the measurements could be reduced without major
drawbacks. This letter proposes a method for CH detection and
measurement adaptation. Moreover, an overview of CH and 5G
reference signals, i.e., SSB and CSI-RS, is presented. Simulations
show that our proposal can reduce measurements in up to 8x.
Index Terms— Channel hardening, measurement, CSI-RS,


I N DECEMBER 2017 and June 2018, the 3rd Generation

Partnership Project (3GPP) released the non-standalone and
the standalone 5G New Radio (NR) specifications, respec-
tively. These are the first sets of 5G standards, known as
3GPP specification serie 38 Release 15. Some of the key NR
features are the support to high frequency bands, deployment
of massive antenna arrays and multi-beam operation.
To support multi-beam operation, NR introduced the con-
cept of Synchronization Signal Blocks (SSBs) and broad- Fig. 1. Possible causes of channel fluctuations reduction.
ened the use of Channel State Information Reference Signals
(CSI-RSs). These signals may be directionally transmitted on Transmitter and receiver are surrounded by objects which
beams. Thus, the amount of User Equipment (UE) measure- reflect and scatter the energy, causing several waves to arrive
ments might increase with the number of beams, increasing at the receiver via different routes [3]. The multipath compo-
battery consumption. In order to overcome this issue, one nents usually have different phase and amplitude leading to
might consider that channel variations due to fast fading may frequency selective fading and time dispersion.
decrease when narrow beams are deployed. In the frequency domain, the coherence bandwidth of a
The fact that the channel fluctuations might decrease due channel measures the range of frequencies over which all
to the use of narrow beams and the deployment of large spectral components have approximately equal gain and linear
antenna arrays is not new, this is the so-called called Channel phase, i.e., the range of frequencies over which the channel can
Hardening (CH) effect [1]. Works from the 60s had already be considered “flat”. In the time domain, the RMS delay spread
confirmed this. For example, the author of [2] experimentally is used as an indicator of dispersion. It takes into account the
noticed that the number of times the fading signal crossed relative power of the different taps as well as their delays.
an arbitrarily chosen level, below the average signal strength, When deploying narrow beams, as in Fig 1a, part of the
decreased significantly when considering narrower beamwidth. scatters are not illuminated, thus the channel delay spread
As illustrated in FIG 1a, the channel fluctuations are due might be reduced and the overall channel response might look
to the different delay taps coming from different reflectors. flat. Narrow beams might act as a spatial filter on different
Manuscript received May 28, 2019; accepted June 21, 2019. Date of delay taps, leading to high channel correlation, and reducing
publication July 2, 2019; date of current version September 10, 2019. the degree of channel non-stationairty [4].
This work was supported by Ericsson Research, Sweden, and Ericsson From another perspective, instead of considering narrow
Innovation Center, Brazil, under UFC.43 Technical Cooperation Contract
Ericsson/UFC. Victor F. Monteiro was also supported by CAPES under grant beams, the authors of [5] combined the signal transmitted
88881.132080/2016-01. The associate editor coordinating the review of this by antenna elements from a large antenna array. It was one
letter and approving it for publication was F. Wang. (Corresponding author: of the first works to use the term CH. They concluded that,
Victor Farias Monteiro.)
V. F. Monteiro and F. R. P. Cavalcanti are with the Wireless Telecommunica- combining many random channel realizations reduces the total
tions Research Group (GTEL), Federal University of Ceará (UFC), Fortaleza channel variation. Fig. 1b illustrates this concept. The left
60.020-181, Brazil (e-mail:; hand side presents a transmitter with M antennas, while the
I. L. da Silva is with the Ericsson Research, 164-40 Kista, Sweden (e-mail: right hand side presents the evolution in time of the hi links.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LCOMM.2019.2926268 Suppose that the links are independent and that the probability
1558-2558 © 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Ottawa. Downloaded on January 16,2023 at 19:34:57 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

of one of them is facing a deep fading is P , then the probability

of all of them is fluctuating is P M . Thus, when the number of
antennas grows, this probability becomes smaller. The red
dashed line in the right hand side of Fig. 1b presents the
envelope link. In this example, there is always at least one
link in good conditions, so the envelope fluctuates less than
the links themselves.
Based on real measurements, the authors of [6] also con-
cluded that the composite channel formed by a massive
antenna array tends to follow the average of the single antenna
case, smoothing out the fast fading. Larger variations started
to occur over the course of seconds rather than milliseconds.
They also noticed improvements in robustness and latency due
to the mitigation of fast-fade error bursts. Fig. 2. Time-frequency structure of a SSB.
Important to highlight that the CH depends on the character-
istics of the channel. According to [7], under uncorrelated fad- which a UE could send and receive data (based on CSI-RS
ing, 100 antennas is typically sufficient to benefit from almost measurements) will be longer than the range where a cell can
perfect CH. The authors of [7] also concluded that under be detected (based on SSB measurements).
spatially correlated fading, it is still possible to achieve CH, Regarding the SSBs, as illustrated in Fig. 2, it is a group
however the number of required antennas increases compared of 4 Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM)
to the previous case. symbols along 240 subcarriers [9]. It consists of Primary Syn-
The majority of the works in the literature studies CH chronization Signal (PSS), Secondary Synchronization Signal
from the point of view of information theory, exploring the (SSS) and Physical Broadcast Channel (PBCH).
consequences in the channel capacity. This letter presents a As in LTE, in NR there are 3 possible values for PSS. The
different approach. We explore CH aiming at reducing beam UE applies a time domain matched filtering to search for one
measurements supporting beam-based procedures, e.g., beam of them. After finding it, the UE knows the timing of the
management, handover, dual connectivity or carrier aggrega- SSB and can also find the SSS. The SSS can assume 336
tion setup, etc. More specifically, this letter proposes a method different values, twice more options than in LTE. Together,
to identify when CH is occurring and also a measurement PSS and SSS indicate the physical cell ID, which can then
adaptation method based on CH occurrence, useful for UE assume 3 × 336 = 1008 different values [9].
power savings. Before addressing these topics, next section When operating with beams, the BSs transmit SSBs in
presents in more details NR synchronization and reference bursts. Beams from the same cell have the same PSS and SSS.
signals used for mobility management. The main difference between them is the content of PBCH,
which tells the beam index and is usually associated with a
II. 5G S YNCHRONIZATION AND R EFERENCE S IGNALS given transmission direction, as illustrated in the bottom part
As in LTE, in NR, the CSI-RSs are used for Channel of Fig. 2. The number of SSBs that can be broadcast in a
State Information (CSI) acquisition, which is important for burst depends on the frequency range. Frequency ranges up
scheduling and link adaptation. Besides, in NR, their use to 3 GHz may have a maximum of 4 SSBs in a burst, while
has been broadened and, as the SSBs, they are also used for 3 GHz-6 GHz the maximum is 8 and for millimeter Waves
for Reference Signal Received Power (RSRP) measurements, (mmWs) is 64 [10]. Furthermore, the time duration of the burst
which is important for mobility management. must be lower than or equal to 5 ms.
One of the main differences between SSBs and CSI-RSs is When accessing the network for the first time, the UEs
the way how the UE can measure them. The SSBs are blindly should assume a SSB periodicity of 20 ms. Other values for
decoded, which means that even in idle mode the UEs can the SSB burst periodicity are defined in [8], which are: 5 ms,
detect and decode them. However, in order to decode the CSI- 10 ms, 40 ms, 80 ms and 160 ms.
RSs, the UEs must be already connected, since they need to
be configured in advance by the Base Stations (BSs). Among III. C HANNEL H ARDENING I DENTIFICATION AND
other configurations, the BSs need to inform the UEs in which M EASUREMENT A DAPTATION
part of the spectrum they should perform the measurements Since CH is characterized by the decreasing in channel
and which CSI-RSs they should monitor [8]. fluctuations, in order to detect if it is happening or not in
Another difference between CSI-RS and SSB is that the first the time domain, we propose that the UEs use a sliding
one can be UE specifically configured, while the second one is window to log the last X measurements of a given quantity,
used for general broadcast. Thus, one possible deployment is e.g., RSRP, and calculate the Standard Deviation (STD) of
to transmit SSBs with wide beams and CSI-RSs with narrow these measurements. It is expected a low STD when CH
ones. On one hand, wide SSBs make the system more robust to happens.
blockage, since they can propagate signals in more directions. Based on the calculated STD, the UE can estimate the level
On the other hand, narrow CSI-RSs provide better Signal to of CH and execute a couple of actions. A simple example
Noise Ratio (SNR). The negative side is that the range at is shown in Table I. In this case, the physical layer (L1)

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The STD depends on the window size. In a large window,

Fig. 3. In the presence of CH the channel (green curves) fluctuates less, thus a new measurement will have a low impact on the STD. In this
the STD (red curves) decreases. So, it is not necessary to perform so frequent case, a high measurement period could hinder reacting fast
to sudden drops in the signal quality, since it would take
longer time until we have enough measurements to produce an
important change in the STD. To overcome this, we could also
decrease the window size when increasing the measurement
period. A shorter window size would counterbalance the
higher measurement period and fewer measurements would
be necessary to detect when the signal fluctuations increase,
allowing the UE to react faster to this change.
Next section evaluates the proposed method.

Fig. 4. Signaling procedure for the proposed scheme. IV. N UMERICAL E VALUATION : C ASE S TUDY W ITH 5G NR
A. Simulation Assumptions
measurement period value is being set according to the calcu- The system parameters were aligned with NR 3GPP speci-
lated RSRP STD. fication serie 38 Release 15. We considered 7 hexagonal sites
Fig. 3 illustrates our proposal. Two situations are presented: with 3 sectors each and Inter-Site Distance (ISD) of 200 m.
with and without CH. The green curves are signal strengths. The UEs were dropped in the sites following a uniform
The red curves represent the STD related to these signals. The distribution (10 UEs per site). When not explicitly defined,
vertical blue lines show the time instants in which the UE the UEs’s speed was 0.1 m s−1 . The analyses presented in the
would perform a measurement. In this example, if the STD is following consider the results of 35 simulations.
lower than a given threshold (black dashed line) for at least a The maximum BS Tx power was 49dBm. Besides,
few instants of time (equivalent to the Time-To-Trigger (TTT) we adopted a system bandwidth of 40 MHz and carrier fre-
in a handover procedure), thus the UE is allowed to change quency of 28 GHz. The system was composed of 25 Resource
the measurement frequency from often to seldom. Blocks (RBs), each consisting of 12 adjacent subcarries spaced
Regarding practical aspects of implementation, Fig. 4 of 120 kHz. The value of the considered Transmission Time
presents the signaling involved in the proposed scheme. In NR, Interval (TTI) was 0.125 ms. Table II presents an list of the
the network sends Radio Resource Control (RRC) messages to adopted simulation parameters.
UEs in order to configure functions related to user and control Concerning the channel model, it was adopted the 3GPP
planes. This configuration typically informs if the reporting 3D urban macro described in [11]. It is a 3D geometry-
shall be periodic and/or event triggered, besides of informing based stochastic model that reproduces propagation effects of
what the UEs shall measure, e.g., cell/beam RSRP. One way to Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) channels, such as,
implement the proposed method is to incorporate the necessary distance-dependent path-loss, small-scale fading and shadow-
settings in the RRC measurement configuration, as depicted ing. Furthermore, it considers a multipath propagation taking
in Fig. 4. After being configured, the UE will periodically into account LOS/NLOS state probabilities. The 3GPP channel
perform RSRP measurements and evaluate the RSRP STD. model is spatially correlated with continuous evolution in time
When the RSRP STD changes of group (Table I.), the UE (time variant channel).
reports this information to its serving BS. If necessary, the BS Regarding the adopted measurement model, it was also
will then send a new RRC measurement configuration. aligned with NR 3GPP standards. According to this model,

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Fig. 5. Analysis of channel fluctuations in time and frequency domains.

in order to derive the cell quality, the UEs measure multiple Fig. 6. Difference between RSRP measured with default periodicity,
beams of a cell and averages the N best beams above a given i.e., 20 ms, and higher periodicities.
threshold with respect to the best beam. It was considered a
sliding window of 640 ms.

B. Analysis 1: CH in SSBs and CSI-RSs Measurements

As presented in Section I, the channel may become flat in
both time and frequency domains. Thus, before evaluating the
proposed method, we analyze in Fig. 5 the fluctuations in both
domains. More specifically, we evaluated the impact of the
number of SSBs on the fluctuations of RSRP over the time,
5a. Besides, we evaluated the impact of the number of CSI-
RSs on the fluctuations of Channel Quality Indicator (CQI) Fig. 7. Impact of mobility.
measurements along the subbands, 5b. In this letter, the higher
the number of beams is, the narrower they are. in the measurements based on SSB transmission, compared to
Regarding the RSRP measurements, it was considered an the ones based on CSI-RS transmission.
L1 measurement periodicity equal to 20 ms and it was ana-
lyzed the STD of the samples inside of a sliding window of
640 ms. Fig. 5a presents the Cumulative Distribution Function C. Analysis 2: Measurement Periodicity Adaptation
(CDF) of the calculated STD. Notice that the 64 SSBs case In order to validate the proposed method, the RSRP mea-
presents lower values of STD. For example, the percentage surements were sampled with 3 different measurement period-
of STD samples with value lower than or equal to 0.3dBm icities, i.e., 20 ms (baseline), 80 ms and 160 ms. The samples
increases from 15% to 34%, when increasing the number of obtained with higher measurement periodicity, i.e., 80 ms and
SSBs from 4 to 64. This is due to the CH. 160 ms, were interpolated and we analyzed the difference
Concerning the CQI measurements along the frequency between them and the samples obtained in the baseline case.
domain, for each time instant, it was estimated the power Fig. 6 presents the CDF curves of these differences. The
gain of these measurements. Fig. 5b presents the STD for samples were split in 3 groups according to the STD thresholds
3 different number of CSI-RSs, i.e., beams. The higher the defined in Table I.
number of beams is, the lower the STD is. Considering 0.6 dB as the maximum acceptable difference,
According to 3GPP specification [12], the UE reports a which in linear scale corresponds to a difference of 15%,
wideband CQI and a 2-bit subband differential CQI for a in Fig. 6a, we can see that 80 ms can be used as a measurement
subset of subbands. CH occurrence in the frequency domain periodicity for groups 01 and 02 (STD lower than 0.8dBm).
could be exploited to reduce the size of CQI reports. Since, Analogously, in Fig. 6b, we see that 160 ms should only be
in the presence of CH, subbands might have similar values of used as measurement periodicity for group 01 (STD lower
CQI, the UE could report the CQI of a smaller set of subbands than 0.3dBm), since for the other groups the difference to the
and inform the BS that CH is happening. Thus, the report baseline periodicity, i.e., 20 ms, can be higher than 0.6 dB.
size could be reduced without loss of information. Moreover, Also, notice in Fig. 6 that the proposed method is valid
Radio Resource Allocation (RRA) algorithms could also be not only for a high number of SSBs, e.g., 64, but also for
simplified due to the reduced frequency selectivity. the case with low number of SSBs, e.g., 4. As shown in
Regarding the CH feasibility, it is important to highlight FIG. 5a, the scenario with 4 SSBs also presents cases with
that CH appears after coherent precoding has been applied low RSRP STD, even if they are fewer than in the scenario
and the UE is aligned with a beam direction. Since CSI-RSs with more SSBs.
can be UE specifically configured, it is possible to do this One could wonder if reducing measurements would affect
for each UE. However, SSBs are used for general broadcast. accuracy of some parameter analysis. The answer is no,
This is the reason why in Fig. 5 we have lower levels of CH since low values of RSRP difference, in Fig. 6, means that

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Fig. 8. Difference between RSRP measured with default periodicity, i.e., 20 ms, and higher periodicities considering 4 different UE’s speeds.

measurement periodicity of 20 ms can be obtained through is detected based on the STD of RSRP measurements in a
interpolation of a signal sampled with higher periodicity. sliding window and the measurement periodicity is dynam-
ically adjusted according to the level of CH. In the ana-
D. Analysis 3: Mobility Impact lyzed scenario, in some cases, the measurement periodicity
The impact of UE mobility on the proposed method was was increased from 20 ms to 160 ms, which means 8x less
also evaluated. For this purpose, 4 different values of UE’s measurements.
speed were considered: 0.1 m/s, 1.4 m/s, 5 m/s and 10 m/s. Regarding the CH feasibility, it was concluded that lower
As in Fig. 5a, Fig. 7 presents the CDF of the STD for levels of CH should be expected in channels used for SSB
the cases with 4 and 64 SSBs. According to this figure, transmission, compared to the ones used for CSI-RS, since
increasing the UE speed increases the channel fluctuations the last ones can be UE specifically configured. Besides,
in both cases, i.e., 4 and 64 SSBs. Besides, remark that the as presented, mobility is expected to negatively impact
mobility has a worse impact in the case with narrow beams, the CH, since the precoder coefficients must be updated
i.e., 64 SSBs. This is due to the fact that spatial focusing of more often in order to keep the alignment between beam
energy provided by a narrow beam translates to a larger spatial and UE.
decorrelation [6]. Thus, in a scenario with narrow beams, when
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