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"Centenarian" is a term for people who have reached the age of 100. In the US,
"The 100-plus Club" currently has about 61,000 members, by 2020 the number of
old men and women in this club will be able to increase to 214,000 people. To
learn about life expectancy, please read the Newsweek article, public on 11/8/97,
"How to live to 100 years old", roughly translated as how to live a hundred years
Unlike previous conceptions of decrepitude, Newsweek asserts that today
science proves that people can avoid this situation: "Decrepitude isn't inevitably".
Grammatically, this is a sentence using the expression "double negative" with the
purpose of reinforcing a positive idea. Instead of saying avoidable old age, people
use the expression "not impossible..." like the cases "not uncommon" or "not
impossible". However, care should be taken to avoid using "double negative" in
informal speech which is often considered sub-standard such as "I didn't see
nobody", "I didn't get no food", in these cases, instead "nobody" and "no food"
equal "anybody" and "any food".
Back to the centenarian issue, the article said: "New research shows we all have
the tools to live longer lives and die faster deaths". Although high-tech medicine
cannot change the outlook of the elderly, it is certain that we can lengthen our lives
and shorten our deaths.
The aging of people depends on how we live, that way of life is related to issues
of what we eat, how we employ our minds and how much we exercise.
In Japan, twin sisters Kin Narita and Gin Kanie have just celebrated their 105th
birthday. Kanie said that every morning they spend two hours exercising their body
by going for a walk.
Scientists think death rate has something to do with the quantity of burned
calories: the death rate among people who consume about 2,000 calories a week is
only half the annual mortality in people of the "couch potato" category. spend a lot
of time lying or sitting on the couch watching TV. To consume 2,000 calories, one
must walk about 20 miles, 1 "mile" is equivalent to 1.6km.
Obesity, hypertension, and heart disease are often consequences of diets that
rely on fat and salt.
"A diet based on low-fat, nutrient-rich foods not only prevent heart disease but
can help reverse it". Foods in the low-fat and nutrient-rich groups not only prevent
heart disease but also reverse the disease. Dietary change can eliminate or reduce
the phenomenon of high blood pressure, also known as "disease of civilization".
Studies show no increase in blood pressure in older people who previously lived
in primitive settings or in the pre-industrial period. The article states simple reason:
they do not use processed foods. In contrast, the ancient traditional diet consisted
of only rice, a little meat and lots of fresh fruit and vegetables. Fresh vegetables
provide 10 times more "potassium" than "sodium" and that is the ratio needed by
the body.
The question asked is "What makes processed foods so harmful?". Today, the
food industry uses salt in all stages, from preparation to processing. Humans are
the only mammal that knows how to use salt, and the only creature with high blood
Centenarians also need psychological factors. No matter how thoughtful the
health care is, loneliness also allows the demise to come faster. Many scientists
also believe that if physical activity avoids muscle atrophy, mental challenges help
preserve both the mind and the immune system.
According to the article, "People who reach 100 are not quitters", centenarians
have the ability to "re-negotiate" with each turn of life to accept the inevitable
losses and continue living.
Newsweek also featured Jeanne Calment (122 years old), the world's oldest
living person, under the headline "She makes the Eiffel Tower Seem New". When
the construction of the Eiffel Tower was completed in 1889, Calment was a 14-
year-old girl.
According to the article, at the age of 122, she appeared to be outliving even her
own body in a state of: "her teeth are gone. She is blind and nearly deaf". Mrs.
Calment was born on February 21, 1875, in Arles and lived a Provencal diet
consisting mainly of garlic, olive oll and fish. Mrs. Calment has never had cancer
or heart disease, and this is her advice: "Take care of yourself and stay healthy".
When Mrs. Calment turned 90, Mr. Andre-Francois Raffray bought her fiat
together with the condition that she contribute 500 dollars a month until she died.
In 1995 Raffray died before his grandmother and widow Raffray continued to pay
for the purchase of the apartment. Under the agreement, the children of the Rafray
family will continue to contribute in the event of their mother's death. However,
after Newsweek's publication, the world's older living person died on August 4,
1997, to officially give up the apartment to the Raffray family. Over the past 32
years, Mrs. Calment has earned over $180,000, 3 times the actual value of her
empty flat left after 122 years of life.
Sức Khoẻ Là Vàng

According to the latest report of United Nations Population Fund-UNFPA, the

life expectancy of Vietnamese was 64,9 years for men and 69,6 for women.
This is a high rate, “higher than the Asian average”. According to statistics, the
average life expectancy of Asian is 63,6 years for men and 67,7 for women.
Through the survey, UNFPA said there were about 90% Vietnamese are
enjoying the health care policy and have 95% population know about
“Contraception” is the term that refers intentional prevention conception by
using devices, agent, pharmaceutical, sexual practice or performing surgical
Variation of the word "contraception" is the adjective "contraceptive", however
if used as a noun. “Contraceptive” will be contraceptive pills or devices, such as
According to the article “Stars of the nation’s health” on Vietnam Investment
Review (public on 09-15/06/97). UNFPA warns that in Vietnam everyday has until
7 women dies due because complications during after pregnancy.
UNFPA have given figures for the number about alarming truth in Vietnam:
maternal death rate is 160 of 100.000 circumstances of birth.
In addition, for every woman who dies because of pregnancy, another 13 suffer
from a less serious threat to their health.
(1) The principal cause contains sterile condition does not guarantee because
childbirth carried out at home.
(2) Start childbearing too young while body especially pelvic bone has not fully
developed and.
(3) The long-tern malnutrition of mother.
UNFPA warning: “The outcome can be tragic for both the mother and the
child”. Young mothers must be going through unbearable pain typically leads to
hemorrhage, infection sometime worse is cripple.
In Vietnam, each year there are approximately 4,5% teenager has become a
mother, compared to the 0,5% rate in China and 2,6% rate tin Northern Europe.
"teenager" is a special phrase in English to refer to people between the ages of
13 and 19.
According to a survey by the National Nutrition Institute and HCMC's Child
Nutrition Center, up to 38% of women in the child-bearing age are undernourished.
Their daily diet provides about 1,658 calories while the body needs 2,300 calories.
Undernutrition often leads to anemia and it is also one of the main causes of the
pregnancy problem.
Because of lack of nutrition, Vietnamese women have lower height than women
in developed Asian countries. On average, Vietnamese women living in urban
areas are 1,52 meters tall and women in rural areas are 1.51 meters tall.
UNFPA also reports that for every 1,000 boys in Viet Nam, 61 children die
before the age of 5; in girls there were 67 cases. The rate of our country is still too
high compared to Singapore with 7 boys and 6 girls or Northern European
countries with 10 boys and 8 girls.
Anyway, compared to the average in South Asian countries, our country's
mortality rate is lower: "Vietnam's rate is still lower than the South Asian average
of 74 and 65".
Vietnam is considered a country with a young population with half under the
age of 25. However, the population growth is a major concern with a density of
220 persons per square kilometer in the ecological situation not always favorable.
"Vietnam currently has a population of 75 million, some 19.5 million people
live in urban areas, with Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City accounting for close to 10
If the fertility rate of women of childbearing age continues to be maintained at 3
children, "the country will see a population explosion in the next century".
According to estimates, in 2025 the population of Vietnam will be soar to 110

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