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Practical Female Psychology: Summary &

By Lucio Buffalmano / 11 minutes of reading

“Practical Female Psychology” is a dating and relationship book for men.

The authors explain the psychology of women in dating and relationships from what
we could maybe call a “manosphere” point of view.

It has some really great insights and much of this content you would never find in
more “official” psychology texts.
But it also has some poorer and unfounded information.

This review of “Practical Female Psychology” will help you discern which is which.

Contents [show]

About The Authors: There are three authors, all of them anonymous and writing behind
pen names or first names only.

Joseph has read heavily on seduction since his breakup, and, as he said, he took several
David DeAngelo seminars (I’m not a big fan of DeAngelo, see “Sexual Communication”
and “Advanced Dating Techniques“).

Franco is a psychiatrist.

Joseph W. South, looking at his Twitter, seems to be a Trump supporter and near the
alt-right end of the political spectrum. That included joining the “no mask” campaigns
with retweets of dubious, conspiracy theories supported by “solid” bro-science:
He writes for Girlschase, and we have commented here on the quality of Girlschase
content and products in “How to Make Girls Chase” and “One Date“.

#1. Women Are Manipulators

The authors say that women are manipulators by nature.

Manipulation is not always necessarily bad, though, and the authors say that
manipulation can sometimes also support the relationship or the child’s welfare.

But some other times it will undercut the man, and to avoid being taken advantage of
(and to avoid having her attraction tank), he must stop all harmful manipulation

The authors quote Games People Play, but go much further than that to list and
explain the following games women play:

Double bind
Bait and switch
Rich descriptions (this one made little sense to me)
Pouting and whining
For practical examples, read:

Games women play

And, most of all:

Manipulative games women play

10 Nasty Games Women Play (Women, Stop These!)

#2. Screen For Sex Drive & Self-Esteem

The authors categorize women depending on their sexual drive (high or low) and self-
esteem (high or low).

I very much enjoyed the difference, but the self-esteem part seemed like a huge
The authors are not really describing self-esteem but end up describing much broader
qualitative categories such as “low-quality women” and “high-quality women“.

3. Schizophrenic Female Logic

The authors say that at its core, female logic is schizophrenic.

Women with high sex drive present more female logic than women with low sex drive,
and men should not try to repress the female nonsense because they would end up
thwarting their very feminine nature.

The authors describe an example of Franco’s wife jumping from one topic to another,
forgetting about their movie date, and accusing him of enjoying being away from

Franco does not contradict her like most men would have done. And he doesn’t even
remind her of the movie date they had planned.
Instead, he goes along with her, and, as he notes, he missed a lot of movies like that.
My Note: Not a good idea to adapt to craziness
I disagreed with the example.
It’s true that most men would do much better in relationships if they understood
female psychology better. But going along with nonsense, disjoined talk means that
you become nonsense and disjointed. And you relinquish power.
Instead, better let her conform to you.
Not taking the lead to make sure she sticks to the common decisions seems to me like
a failure of relationship leadership.

Also, read:

How women psychologically manipulate men in relationships

Female Domestication: How Women Control Men & Relationships

#4. Women Divide Men Into Providers & Lovers

The authors revisit a very popular topic in the dating literature: the difference between
providers and lovers.

They say:

in their hearts chicks love to love bad boys, but in their heads they know
that nice guys make much better husbands.
This Female Basic Conflict is a schizophrenic duality between a
woman’s need for survival, on the one hand, and her need to express
her own sexuality, on the other.
This creates a psychological condition whereby a woman’s sexuality is
necessarily ambivalent and conflicted.

The authors say that most women will manipulate men to become providers, which I
also found quite true.
Also, read:

Lovers VS Providers (and Friends)

Should you be a lover or a provider?

Lover VS Provider: How to Pick Your Best Strategy

In spite of one of the authors writing on Girlschase, I agreed that it’s nonsense to tell
men it’s best to never pay for the date.
Indeed, I often got laid after having paid for a couple of drinks and I never noticed a
major difference in results between paying and not paying. So I never much believed in

However, the authors also say that it must be congruent with who you are and what
you believe.
You must not change your rules and “buckle under pressure” to pay or you will look
like a chump. And I also agree with that.

#5. The Female Archetypes

The authors also list and describe 7 different female archetypes who, they say, are on
top of the archetypes Robert Greene lists in “The Art of Seduction“.

Their archetypes mix sex drive with self-esteem and add on top:

Good girls (more concerned about society’s approval)

Materialistas (care more about material possessions)
Adventuress (thrill seeker)

All women have some materialista in them, and all of them will try to extract something
from men.
So don’t get angry when she shit-tests you and asks you to buy a drink.

I also wholeheartedly agree with the authors when they say that it’s a good sign to
have some materialista in them because it means they care about getting the best deal
they can get (so stop complaining about female hypergamy).

To learn more about materialistas also read:

A goal digger guide

Ho Tactics

Real-Life Applications
Switch from feminine to masculine

“Practical Female Psychology” presents some genius content.

This is one of them with which I wholeheartedly agree (minus the schizophrenic part
because there is nothing schizophrenic about it):

Therefore, to increase sexual and emotional arousal within a woman

you will need to learn to shift between two identities in an almost
schizophrenic manner.
At times you will want to talk to women in a very masculine way:
directly, succinctly and logically. At other times, you will want to you
talk to women in the same manner that a female friend might do.
I enjoyed reading “Practical Female Psychology” and I can also recommend it (as long
as you keep your critical thinking on).

But I also deeply disagreed with the following:

#1. Made-Up Evolutionary Biology

There is a lot of made-up evolutionary psychology in some manosphere corners.

“Practical Female Psychology” is guilty of that, at times.

I’m actually a huge, huge fan of evolutionary psychology and I believe it explains much
of our behavior and much of our dating behavior.

Yet, the way many authors makeup evolutionary biology reminds me of a beautiful
sentence by Daniel Kahneman, author of Thinking Fast and Slow:

The more I listen to evolutionary psychologists, the less I believe in

evolutionary psychology

Indeed, the authors reference the book “Sperm Wars“, which is a joke among
researchers (check the link for more information on the criticism of that book).

It’s not the worst case of made-up evo psych, though.

The authors also reference The Red Queen, for example, which is an excellent piece of

#2. Missed the Mark on The Madonna-Whore Dichotomy

The authors talk a lot about evolutionary psychology.
Yet, they fail to see the obvious reason why it likely evolved in the first place (because it
didn’t fit their narrative).

For example, they fail to consider the Madonna-whore dichotomy might actually make
sense from a male perspective.
It does make sense indeed for a man to impregnate the easier women and marry
the less easy ones.
If the authors themselves do admit that women differ in sex drive and the likelihood of
cheating and sleeping around, then the Madonna-whore complex does serve an
important male need (which is a point that Robert Wright also makes in “The Moral

Also, read:

Madonna-Whore complex

Or watch this video:

#3. Some Misunderstanding of Dating Economics

The authors write:

Basically, when a female has agreed to be in an isolated venue with a

man, she has decided (at least subconsciously) that the male in
question is superior in terms of genetic fitness, in comparison to all the
other males in her proximity.
That’s not really true: men and women pick partners also based on what they feel is
their own sexual market value and how closely they think they match.
If that weren’t the case, average and lower sexual market value folks would never pair
up with anyone.
Also, read:

The dynamics of the sexual marketplace

The Sexual Marketplace: Overview of Intersexual Dynamics

#4. Relationships and Seduction Are Not the Same

The authors write:

In a relationship, you are picking up the same woman, over and over
and over again.

I believe the dynamics of seduction and relationships are very different.

Also, read:

Basics of relationship power dynamics

How to maintain relationship power

#5. Some Generalizations

The authors write:

men who become physically unfit in relationships learn very quickly

that many women have no compunction against kicking a man while
he is down.
As David says, she needs to feel that he is the same strong bastard she
was initially attracted to, even when he is sick-in-bed with the flu.

Albeit this might be true in quite a few cases, it’s dangerous to generalize like that and
it provides fertile ground for the rampant misogynism that is common in red pill

That being said, “Practical Female Psychology” is not a misogynistic book and the
authors espouse a much healthier mindset.
They say:

Our belief is that it’s never appropriate for a man to expect altruism
from a woman, only to appreciate a woman’s altruism when she
provides it

#6. Sweeping Generalizations Without Any Backing

“Practical Female Psychology” presents lots of sweeping generalizations that have no
scientific backing and, in my experience, barely any empirical backing.

For example, they mention “The Female Brain” to say that:

Though females may train themselves to act like men, in reality they
have a very deep biological urge to be talkative

Sure, women might be on average more talkative than men. But “deep biological urge”
to be talkative?
Sure men and women are different but not as different as books such as “Men Are
From Mars, Women Are From Venus“, which the authors also reference, make them out
to be.
Also, this idea that “women are natural manipulators” as if men weren’t, is misleading.
Also, read:

Manipulation: Techniques, Strategies, & Ethics

#7. Advises to Adopt Some Weak Frames

And I found some typical “alpha male caricature” stuff that ends up being more
harmful than helpful.

Here is one example:

Wife: Let’s go out to eat

Man: I like the way you think. Grab your coat and keys, you’re driving.
Wife: Where are we going?
Man: (Spins her around) We’ll know when we get there!

The authors say that men should learn that statements such as “let’s go out to eat” are
tantamount to “I’m bored, entertain me”.

Which, sometimes… could be true.

And it might even be true that women are on average more childish than men.
But generalizing to all or even most situations is the fruit of the toxic masculinity
mindset which wants to see women as “silly and cute” and who are not worthwhile
partners for a more serious discussion.

Of course, there are times when women love being treated as silly and cute.
But likely not in a matter-of-fact conversation about where to go for dinner (especially
if she’s driving, doh!).
That’s silly of him, not of her.
Furthermore, if she “wanted to be entertained” and he’s going out to eat just to “make
her play”, that’s really low-quality of him.
In the example above he is fully buying into her frame and relinquishing all his needs.
A busy man shouldn’t have too much time for playing around.

Learn more about what a real alpha male looks like:

What Is An Alpha Male: 10 Traits & Weaknesses

Some good psychology wisdom

Albeit I heavily criticized “Practical Female Psychology” for its pop psychology and its
made-up facts, I also have to praise it for the many pearls of wisdom it presents.

I even took something away from our products here which is the greatest compliment I
can make to the authors.

For example:

Many pathological male reactions that can be observed within couple

relationships are in fact a desperate defense mechanism, employed by
men who have no skills with women.

This stuff is true, but it’s not what you will find in research, studies, or more scientific
books like the ones from John Gottman.

Some very humorous lines

There were a few lines that really got me laughing.

For example:
Female Integrity To many men, the very notion of female integrity is an
oxymoron of the highest caliber. Right up there with “military

Practical Female Psychology reminded me a bit of “The Rational Male” and of Red Pill

And by that, I mean that it has some top-notch, very insightful content, mixed with
some nonsense, generalization, and unfounded personal conjectures that scream “bro-
science / pop psychology“.

To recognize which is which you need some good personal experience with women
and a good understanding of psychology.

This review of “Practical Female Psychology” will help you separate the wheat from the
chaff so that you can safely read the full book and get the most out of it.

Also, read:

Best dating books for men

Best psychology texts

Or get the book on Amazon

About The Author

Lucio Buffalmano

The author holds a master's degree from La Sapienza, department of

communication and sociological research, and is a member of the American
Psychology Association (APA). He studies psychology, persuasion, strategies, and
anything related to people and power dynamics. Lucio's approach combines
science, first-hand experience & critical analysis. He believes that you can only teach
effectively when the three go together. You can leverage his condensed life's work
to gain status, confidence, and mates by joining Power University.

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