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Why Straight Line Seduction Is The Best

Dating System
By Lucio Buffalmano / 10 minutes of reading

Straight-line seduction is the dating framework of “closers” and successful seducers.

The straight-line seduction approach to dating helps you to go from first meeting to
intimate faster, more often, and more reliably.

So in this post, we will learn exactly how the straight line seduction model helps you
seduce better, and more often.
Contents [show]

First, a definition:

Straight line seduction is a dating framework to go from first meeting

to intimate as quickly and as reliably as possible

Straight-line seduction is based on these two axioms:

Speed of execution: the faster you reach your goal, the more effective
you are. Conversely, the longer it takes, the more the chances something
will go wrong
Efficiency of execution: the simpler, more streamlined, and more
replicable the plan to reach your goal, the more effective you are.
Conversely, the more complex it is, the more difficult it is to replicate, and
the more likely it is something will go awry
At parity of everything else, a simple straight line from A to B beats longer and
convoluted detours

These two axioms apply to life in general and across many different endeavors.
And they’re especially relevant in dating.

From Sales to Seduction: History

The roots of “Straight Line Seduction” are in sales.

Specifically, in the “straight line persuasion” model by Jordan Belfort:

The main concepts behind “straight line persuasion” are:

1. Replicable sales scripts based on effectiveness and speed: the whole point of
the arrows as boundaries is to avoid time-wasting or harmful tangents and go from
opening to close as quickly as possible
2. Constant forward motion with end goal in mind: from the start the salesman
has the close in mind. However, and this is key, he never makes it seem like the close
is all he cares about and he never “pushes”.
Indeed the next point is:
3. “Gentle leading” with rapport and prospect’s buy-in, rather than a forceful
high-pressure sales approach. This approach combines the benefits of high-power
without the risks of raw dominance and confrontations (real-life example of how
confrontation fails you, especially early on, here)
4. Close framed as a win for the prospect: the interaction and exchange are
framed as a win for the prospect. The signature on the dotted line feels like a win for
the prospect

Straight line seduction is very similar.

Sales & Seduction Parallels

And albeit I don’t fully buy the story that great salesmen (necessarily) make for great
seducers, there certainly is an important overlap between seduction skills and great

Both of them require great people skills, leadership, power-awareness, and an eye on
the goal -and a touch of Machiavellianism sometimes, starting with the fact that you
don’t want to make it seem like the end goal is all you care about-.

The straight line persuasion approach to sales is like a salsa dance from first meeting to
sales, with the (sales)man firmly but gently leading and the prospect happily following
to the dotted line (or, in seduction, bed).

Jordan Belfort’s approach to persuasion translates really well to seduction because,

contrary to high-pressure sales, the focus on rapport and “win for her” turn
prospects/women into willing repeat customers.
And her eager buy-in makes the crucial difference between simply “sleeping with
someone” and “seducing”.

And if Jordan Belfort made billions with it, then you can probably use it to bed a few
women as well :).

Straight Line Seduction

We strategize properly at TPM.

So we didn’t just take the original sales concept and mindlessly applied it to seduction.
But we deepened it, expanded it, and tailored it specifically for seduction.

This is how Straight Line Seduction looks like in chart:

The baseline “Straight Line Seduction Model”

Once you get the gist, it’s rather straightforward.

But to truly get it, you also need to understand some crucial elements of social and
power dynamics.

So let’s quickly review them here:

1. Be higher power than her (X-Axis)

This is where it all starts.

It is THE most basic -and crucial- element.

And, as it happens, the one that most guys struggle with.

The importance of the power component between her and him VS salesman and
prospect buyer is also a key difference between seduction and sales (and one of the
main reason why I believe you can’t compare the two).

You can sell while being lower power than your prospect, but you can hardly seduce
while being lower power than your date.

Such as, you can be a junior salesman and sell to a CEO if the CEO sees the benefit of
your product -granted, it’s easier selling to an owner as an owner, but upward sales are
very possible and I know that from first-hand experience of successfully selling above
my paygrade-.
But in seduction you are the product. And you can hardly seduce if the woman sees
you as “less than she is” because if the man is “less than she is”, then there are no
benefits for her in that transaction -see: “hypergamy” for more-.

She feels it’s a win for her when she feels you’re more than her
So, to seduce effectively -or to seduce at all, really-, you must be “more than her”.

“More” in what, to be precise?

Well, the more the better.
For a quick overview, see the “sexual market value” article -or for a more practical
approach, get Seduction University-.

To keep it simple, we refer to “power” as the sum total of all traits that make her feel
you are “more than her”, a high(er)-value man, and a great catch.
The type of man that, if she were to sleep or get into a relationship with, would be a
win for her.
Hypergamy dictates: high power seduces because she wants him while low power
chases and gets rejected

The x-axis charts that crucial “power level”.

Zero is the neutral level of “power parity”, the point at which she sees you as an
The higher up from zero you go, the easier seduction becomes.
The lower you go, the more seduction becomes unlikely.

Up until here, most people get it.

What confuses many is the orange level above 100%.

So let’s dig deeper into that:

1.2. Golden Balance: be higher power, without overpowering her

This is what stumps many men:

There is such thing as “too high power”.

The “too high power” is the red portion above the 100% level.
And the portion between “parity” and 100% is the golden balance.
You are in the power golden balance when she feels you are more than her, but
she can still get you.
Above 100% though she feels like she either cannot get you, or that your power is not
used for win-win and, thus, it’s not a win for her.

Many men fail to understand this concept because status among men works differently
than seduction. There is no limit to how high a man can climb while still maintaining
and accruing more status and respect.

But there are often limits to how high a man can go in a certain positive trait before it
starts becoming a con, rather than a plus (“threshold effect”).

“More than her” is great, “too much for her” is not

Power among men is unlimited:

the higher a man goes, the more other men keep awarding him with status points.

But in 1:1 seductions women sometimes “drop out” of dating instead of chasing him if
she does not feel that he either likes her, or that he’s an uplifting force (broadcasting
and fame are different).

Many women feel uncomfortable with men whom they feel are “too much for them”
because, they think, such a man would not want them -potentially even hurt them-. So
rather than staying and getting rejected, they self-reject (ie.: dismiss the possibility of a
relationship with you and dismiss you as a romantic candidate).

Too high-power: the over-revving pitfall

Over-revving is a perfect analogy for this concept.
That’s over-revving on a tachometer (note: not an odometer). Too high
revs mean a comparative loss of speed

Those of you who have been into cars or bikes will understand right away.

For those who haven’t, over-revving refers to delivering too much power for the
current gear.

Over revving is ineffective.

As a matter of fact, over-revving makes you go slower because the best approach to
move forward is to switch gears up, rather than delivering more power -and staying
stuck- at the current gear.

When you over-rev you focus more on power and useless noise -ego gratificaction and
reactions above results-, rather than speed and moving forward.
The solution is either to decelerate slightly to avoid straining the engine -and
relationship- or, even better, to switch gear to pick up speed and move forward.
And that’s what makes it the perfect analogy.
Similarly, overpowering in seduction means having too much power for the current
stage of seduction, with too little forward motion.
Archetypes of over-revving
There are many ways that men can f*ck up seduction by going too high-power,

1. Value man pitfall: focuses on pumping his value and makes her feel he’s “too
much for her” (too much value and not enough availability)
2. Game player pitfall: pretends to be disinterested, invests nothing, and makes her
feel like he doesn’t like her (not enough qualifying, or too many PUA games)
3. Poor socialite pitfall: focuses on his value, but fails to connect, relate, or simply
have a good time and makes her feel like there is no “spark” (not enough rapport
and connection)
4. Alpha male posturer pitfall: focuses on dominance (asshole game with not
enough warmth)
1. Angers high-power women (turns interactions into confrontations)
2. Makes more submissive women feel belittled (win-lose rather than win-win,
seduction is no more a win for her)
3. Makes women uncomfortable and potentially afraid

Many men harm themselves with one or more of these pitfalls.

And which one you’re more likely to fall for depends on your approach, personality,
and level of development.

Generally speaking, higher power issues are easier to fix than low-power issues.
Plus, albeit there are (almost) always exceptions to any rule, women make even more
exceptions for high-value men.
So, generally speaking, higher power is better and easier to fix than lower power.

However, it’s something to keep in mind because the more you work on yourself, the
more you’ll run into these issues.
And the less you’re aware of them, the less you’ll be able to fix them.

Luckily, there are simple ways to avoid all these issues, at once, without going crazy.
It’s all about implementing the right mindsets and habits.

One great tip to avoiding all these issues is this:

2. Focus on moving forward, rather than upward (Y-
Forward motion is what gets you to intimacy.

So once you have enough power and you see that she likes you, respects you, accepts
your leadership… Then move forward to the next step on the road to intimacy.

Forward motion is not only good: forward motion is necessary.

The more you stay put, the more you risk losing her.

As a matter of fact, in seduction forward motion and power are not independent but

If she thinks you like her and you don’t move forward, you lose power because she
thinks you’re not enough of a leader -and of a man- to take charge.
And if she’s not sure if you like her, she will think you’re not interested, you become
unavailable to her, and she will self-reject and write you off.

Finally, speed is inherently linked to effective dating and seduction.

As a rule:

The shorter the distance you travel, the quicker and more reliably you
reach the destination.

This is not an opinion, this is a law, and it’s a constant of the world we live in.

Conversely, the longer the distance, the more time it takes and the more likely it is
some issues will derail you.

Attention now though: “quick” is always dependent on “reaching the goal”

The two must necessarily go together. Going quick while losing women you like is not
seducing, it’s failure of seduction.
So albeit most men could probably move quicker, there certainly is such a thing as “too
fast” -something that’s been an issue of mine-.
So “fast” truly means “as fast as possible to reach intimacy, given the circumstances”.

How To Straight-Line Seduce

A bare-bone straight-line approach 🙂

For a quick overview:

1. Be higher power than her

2. Lead with win-win in mind: use collaborative and win-win frames. Especially in
the beginning, remember that early interactions are fragile and she won’t always see
you as higher power early on
3. Build her up to your level, qualify her, bond & connect, develop a “sense of us”
or, better yet, a “possibility of us”
4. Use your power to move forward

And, of course, generally run good interactions and dates -something that applies
across all socialization-.

For exactly how to execute each step, including real-life examples, see:

Seduction University
This is an excerpt from Seduction University, where you can learn real-life
applications of the method.

About The Author

Lucio Buffalmano

The author holds a master's degree from La Sapienza, department of

communication and sociological research, and is a member of the American
Psychology Association (APA). He studies psychology, persuasion, strategies, and
anything related to people and power dynamics. Lucio's approach combines
science, first-hand experience & critical analysis. He believes that you can only teach
effectively when the three go together. You can leverage his condensed life's work
to gain status, confidence, and mates by joining Power University.

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