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Curriculum Standards

➢ Content alligns with the curriculum standards?

➢ Are the learning objectives clearly stated and achievable?
➢ Does the unit cover the required skills?

Pedagogical Approach

➢ Is the teaching methodology appropriate for the students’ level?

➢ Are the activities varied and engaging?
➢ Does the unit promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills?

Language Appropriateness

➢ Is the language used in the unit appropriate for the students level?
➢ Is the language culturally appropriate?

Visual Design

➢ Is the layout of the unit visually appealing and easy to navigate?

➢ Are the images relevant and helpful in understanding the content?
➢ Does the design support different learning styles?

Content Relevance

➢ Is the content of the unit relevant to the students’ interests?

➢ Does the unit incorporate current and relatable themes?
➢ Are there real-life applications and examples included?

Content Authenticity

➢ Are the materials and texts authentic and representative of real world English
➢ Does the unit include diverse perspectives and voices?
➢ Are the tasks and activities reflective of authentic language use in real-life situations?

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