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ESE 211: Electronic Laboratory A

Spring 2011
2 credits
Web site: www.ece.sunysb.edu/~oe/leon.html
visit website regularly for updates and announcements

Prerequisites: ESE 271

Corequisites: ESE 372 for ECE/ESE majors only

Reading: J.A. Svoboda, “PSpice for linear circuits”

Second addition, Wiley, ISBN 9780471781462
A.S. Sedra, K.C. Smith, “Microelectronic Circuits”
Part 1 “Devices and basic circuits”, sixth addition (2010), Oxford, ISBN 978-0-19-532303-0

Instructor: Leon Shterengas (631-632-9376, leon@ece.sunysb.edu);

Office hours: TU,TH 10am-12pm, Light Engineering Bldg. 143

Teacher assistants:
(see website for changes and updates)

Grading: Labs - 40%, Quizzes - 15%, Portfolio – 5%, Midterm - 20%, Final - 20%
G di issues
Grading i mustt be
b resolved
l d within
ithi one weekk after
ft grading
di isi done.
ESE 211: Electronic Laboratory A
Spring 2011

The core of ESE211 is set of laboratory experiments designed for step by step introduction into
electronic circuit analysis and design. The weekly (very short) lectures cover (minimum) theoretical
background for the laboratory experiments (ESE 372 gives full scale support).

Lectures: Harriman Hall, Room 112

Monday 9.35am - 10.30am
Any lecture might start with 5min quiz covering material presented in the previous class (15% !!!).
It will not be possible to make up missed quiz.
(Quizzes is a necessary measure known to improve ESE 211 grades for labs and midterms)

Students will select a laboratory partner at the first meeting of laboratory section. Groups of more
than two students are not permitted. Students must be registered for one of the following laboratory
Experimental laboratory: Light Engineering, Room 283. Contact Person: Anthony Olivo
Lab. Sec. 1 Wednesday 9:30am - 12:30pm
Lab. Sec. 2 Wednesday 6:55pm - 9:55pm
Changes between laboratory sections will be permitted during the first two weeks of the course.
To change sections students must talk to Mrs. Huggins, Room 267, Light Engineering.

Computer Laboratory (PSpice): Light Engineering, Room 281. Contact Person: Scott Campbell
Student will need to obtain account to get access to CAD lab resources.
resources Do it ASAP!!!
(Recommended book comes with student version of PSpice that is adequate for ESE 211 circuits)
Place of Electronic Laboratory A in course hierarchy

ESE 271:
Teaches the general circuit analysis techniques.

ESE 231:
Teaches the physical principles behind operation of semiconductor devices.
Concentrates on internal structure of diodes and transistors

ESE 372:
Teaches how to deal with semiconductor devices when analyzing and designing
Concentrates on performance parameters of diodes and transistors

ESE 211:
Teaches how to use lab equipment and what to expect from real circuits
Really basic course.
“Basic” means neither easy nor obvious.
“Basic” here means that any ECE student MUST know it VERY WELL.
Supported by ESE 372.
ESE 211: Electronic Laboratory A

1. Analysis of DC and AC circuits using PSPICE.
2. DC voltage and current measurements.
3. AC measurements.
4. Transient response of RC and LR circuits.
5. Frequency response of RC and LR circuits.
6. Transformers.
7 Semiconductor
7. S i d t diodes. di d
8. Rectifier circuits.
9. BJT/MOSFET large-signal and small-signal parameters.
10. BJT/MOSFET ggain stagesg ((frequency
q y response).
p )
11. MOSFET differential amplifier (maybe).
12. Circuits with Operational Amplifiers. Operational Amplifier Design (maybe).

Laboratory assignments can be downloaded from www.ece.sunysb.edu/~oe/leon.html.

www ece sunysb edu/~oe/leon html The data
obtained during laboratory experiments must be approved by TA once the work is completed. The
laboratory report must be submitted to TA by the end of the next laboratory session. It will not be
possible to make up missed laboratory work. Report submission after deadline will lead to subtraction of
points See website for the laboratory report preparation guidelines
points. guidelines.
ESE 211: Electronic Laboratory A
Tentative Schedule
Week 01 Jan. 31 Lecture 1
Feb. 02 Lab 1 (DC and AC, PSPICE). Report is due on Feb.16th
Week 02 Feb. 07 Lecture 2
Feb. 09 Lab 2 (DC measurements). Report is due on Feb.16th
Week 03 Feb. 14 Lecture 3
Feb. 16 Lab 3 (AC measurements). Report is due on Feb. 23rd
Week 04 Feb. 21 Lecture 4
Feb. 23 Lab 4 (Transient analysis). Report is due on Mar. 2nd
Week 05 Feb. 28 Lecture 5
Mar. 02 Lab 5 (Frequency response). Report is due on Mar. 9th
Week 06 Mar. 07 Lecture 6
Mar 09
Mar. Lab 6 (Transformers).
(Transformers) Report is due on Mar.
Mar 16th
Week 07 Mar. 14 Lecture 7
Mar. 16 Lab 7 (Op. Amp .). Report is due on Mar. 30th
Week 08 Mar. 21 Midterm
Mar. 23 Lab 8 (Frequency 2nd, PSPICE). Report is due on Mar. 30th
Week 09 Mar. 28 Lecture 8
Mar. 30 Lab 9 (Diodes). Report is due on Apr. 6th
Week 10 Apr. 04 Lecture 9
Apr. 06 Lab 10 (Rectifiers). Report is due on Apr. 13th
Week 11 Apr. 11 Lecture 10
Apr. 13 Lab 11 (BJT). Report is due on Apr. 27th
Week 12 Apr. 18 Spring break No lecture
Apr. 20 Spring break No lab
Week 13 Apr. 25 Lecture 11
Apr. 27 Lab 12 (BJT gain). Report is due on May 4th
Week 14 May. 02 Lecture 12
M 04
May. L b 13 (MOSFET gain).
Lab i ) Report
R t is
i due
d on May
M 11th
Week 15 May. 09 Lecture 13
May. 11 No new lab. Make up time.
Finals May.16-23 To be announced

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