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Patent Trademar Industrial Geographical Plant Trade Secret Copyright

k Design Indications Varieties
What to Technical Words and ornamental or products unique secret formulas, know- original
protect? inventions and design aesthetic against misuse plant how and other key works of
products / elements aspects of a or imitation of varieties information that gives authorship
processes product the registered them a competitive including
Name logo name Comes edge. literary,
symbol, Conture, after dramatic,
slogans colour Reputation species Confidential business musical, and
information artistic works

Conditions novelty or It shouldn't be identify a (1) new, not being public, that which is
/Criteria newness be too independently product as to be
generic or created by the originating in (2) distinct offering some protected
utility or describe the designer. a given place. from economic benefit, must be a
usefulness product or existing or work of
(capability of service original In addition, the commonly and being actively authorship
industrial itself. qualities, known protected
application) be "new"– i.e., characteristics varieties, it must be
The no identical or reputation competitiveness original
non-obviousness trademark design has of the product (3)
should not previously should be homogenou and it must
inventive cause been made essentially due s or be fixed in a
confusion available to to the place of uniform tangible
harmless with the public origin. and medium of
existing and/or. expression.
trademarks. (4) stable.
be original – Be in fixed
distinctive the design is Harmless material
not a copy or form
imitation of an
Duration generally 20 valid for 10 granted for a Unlimited 20 to 25 unlimited period of the life of the
years from the years as of limited period. years time, unless it is author plus
date of filing the the date of The duration discovered or legally an additional
patent filing the of the 25 for acquired by others and 50 years.
application. application protection of wines and disclosed to the public.
industrial trees
designs varies
from country
to country, but
it amounts at
least to 10 –
15 years.

Examples he Telephone: Apple shape, Champagne is The hybrid The secret formula for poetry,
Patented by patterns, lines a GI for wine lavender Coca-Cola. novels,
Alexander Coca cola or color that comes Lavandula movies,
Graham Bell in from the x The formula is said to songs,
1876. The Coca-Cola Champagne intermedia be locked away in a computer
Lightbulb: Bottle region of vault in Atlanta, software, and
Patented in 1878 France Cotyledon Georgia, and only a architecture
by Thomas orbiculata few people know the
Edison. Colombian exact ingredients.
Internatio Patent The Paris The Hague Lisbon Internation The Paris Convention Berne
nal treaties Cooperation Convention Agreement Agreement for al Treaty for the Protection of Convention
Treaty Concerning the Protection on Plant Industrial Property and the
, Madrid the of Genetic (Paris Convention) Universal
Agreement, International Appellations Resources Copyright
and Deposit of of Origin and for Food Agreement on Trade- Convention
Industrial their and Related Aspects of (UCC)
Trademark Designs”. International Agriculture Intellectual Property
Law Treaty Registration Rights (TRIPS
UPO Agreement).

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