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10617701721 (BBA 6-B)

Vivekanand School of Business Studies

Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies
AU Block (Outer Ring Road) Pitampura
Delhi - 110034



1. Acknowledgment iii
2. Student Undertaking iv
3. Certificate V
4. Abstract 6-7
5. Introduction 8-15
 Objectives of the study
 Industry profile
 Industry introduction
 Online Grocery shopping
 Indian online grocery shopping
6. Literature review 16-24
7. Research Methodology 25-27
 Problem statement
 Need for the study
 Rational of the study
 Research objectives
 Type of study
 Research design
 Collection of data
8. Data Analysis 28-36
9. Findings and Conclusion 37-49
10. References 40
11. Limitations of the study 41-42
12. Appendix 43-50


I would like to thank my Project Mentor, for guiding me throughout this assignment. She was
there to help me every step of the way, and her motivation is what helped me complete this
assignment successfully.
I thank all the teachers who helped me by providing the necessary equipment, without which
I would not have been able to work effectively on this assignment.
It gives me immense pleasure in mentioning the name of my project guide Mr. RIDHIMA
SHARMA whose helping hand led to the completion of my project.
I would also like to thank my family and friends for providing me with monetary as well as
non-monetary support, as and when required. Their trust and patience are now coming out in
form of this.
Last but not the least; I would like to thank all of them who directly or indirectly helped me
in completing this project that will go a long way in my career, the project is knowledgeable
and worth cherishing


This is to certify that I have completed the Project titled” “A Study on Consumer
Perception towards online grocery shopping” under the guidance of “Mr. RIDHIMA
SHARMA” in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of Bachelor
of Business Administration (BBA) at Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies,
Vivekananda School of Business Studies, New Delhi. This is an original piece of work and
has not been submitted elsewhere.




This is to certify that the project titled “A Study on Consumer Perception towards online
grocery shopping” is an academic work done by “SRISHTI GUPTA” submitted in the partial
fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Business
Administration (BBA) from Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies, Vivekananda
School of Business Studies, New Delhi., under my guidance & direction. To the best of my
knowledge and belief, the data & information presented by him/her in the project have not
been submitted earlier.




Executive Summary

Consumer purchase habits for food shopping online are very different from those in
actual stores. This study aims to better understand consumer attitudes about online
grocery shopping and determine its long-term feasibility. There is a pandemic
problem right now. This has encouraged consumers to buy groceries online and has
given customers confidence. The future of the online grocery industry is now more
secure, but it is crucial to keep an eye on sustainability. The future of market analysis
will be crucial after the situation has stabilized.

The role of customers is crucial in internet business. The younger generation in India
is accessing the Internet more often, creating a fresh potential for online stores. Online
retailers may provide better service to their clients if they are aware of the factors and
how they interact that affect Indian consumers' purchase decisions.

Combining these factors with the methods for turning idle internet users into active
clients may help them boost their marketing. The primary objective of the study is to
learn more about consumers' attitudes about and perceptions of online grocery
shopping. A survey was done, and the results from the survey were utilized to analyze


Objective Of Research:

The objective of this research is to investigate and understand consumer perceptions

towards online grocery shopping.

Chapter 1: Introduction



Consumer perception is essentially the process by which a customer chooses,

filters through, and contributes to creating a meaningful view of the brand. It's
essentially a three-step procedure that transforms meaningless upgrades into
meaningful knowledge. The individuals construct their assumptions after
understanding their significance in a way consistent with their attitudes, beliefs,
and motivations. Openness, considerations, and understanding are the first three
stages of discernment. Comparatively speaking, it is the method by which a
customer perceives a certain band about everything the person has the choice to
understand by seeing the item, its upgrades, and input. In the client's mind, there is
a certain brand image. The entire capacity to ascertain the meaning might be taken
to be the exact definition of the word "insight." The phrase, which derives from the
word "see," conveys the capability of elevating whatever is picked up by our

senses. According to Schiffman, it is "the process by which a person selects,
assembles, and interprets boosts into an important and cognitive image of the
world." Client insight is "a displaying notion that encompasses a client's
perception, attentiveness as well as understanding about an organization or its
contributions," according to one definition of the phrase.

Consumer impression is typically influenced by marketing, auditing, advertising,

internet entertainment, personal interactions, and other media. The Internet is
quickly spreading around the world and altering the way people shop, hire workers,
and purchase items. Different affiliations have proactively started recollecting for
the web business with an outrageous objective to decrease their advancing and
publicizing costs and, in this way, decline the expense of their things and
affiliations. By doing this, they need to stay horrendous, handle their cut of the pie,
and open up new business locales. Additionally, businesses have been using the
Internet to contact consumers regarding fulfillment, sell items, collect real-time
feedback, deliver messages, and spread information. People use the Internet to
investigate prices, product characteristics, and the after-sale services they will
receive if they buy the item from a certain store in addition to making online
purchases. Many industry professionals are highly enthusiastic about the future of
online shopping.

Despite the E-commerce industry's great development potential, it offers

businesses an appealing way to more effectively connect with both present and new
customers. Experts in business-to-customer trade should be optimistic even though
business-to-business trade makes up the majority of online exchange earnings.
Only ten years ago did the B2C E-commerce sector start to grow. The goal of
researchers and industry professionals in the field of electronic commerce is to
better understand online consumer behavior As e-commerce develops, researchers
continue to analyze customer behavior from a variety of angles. They have
conducted a sizable majority of their investigations on novel factors that are
emerging or hypotheses that are based on conventional theories of consumer
behavior. This study tries to understand why consumers choose to purchase a
necessary product online.

10 | P a g e
1.1 Industry Profile

Various affiliations have proactively begun inspecting the web business with an
insane goal to decrease their progressing and publicizing costs and, in this way,
decline the cost of their things and affiliations. By doing this, they need to remain
appalling, handle their cut of the pie, and open up new business areas.

Just forget about standing in line at the register, counting your purchases to
determine whether you qualify for the Express Lane, leaving your basic shopping
list at home, and carrying hefty bags up your front steps.

Online food purchasing is fundamentally changing how consumers interact with

grocery stores, transforming a once-luxurious service into a virtual supermarket. A
web-based supermarket is a website that, in the not-too-distant future, enables
users to order food over the Internet and have it delivered to them.

Food may be ordered online in the same way that any other product can be - either
by expressly searching for the ideal food products or by browsing lists of goods or
parts, much like the aisles of a physical grocery store. The selections at an online
supermarket are identical to those at a physical supermarket. When one is done
shopping, one must pay with a credit card and choose a time for picking up the
food or scheduling a delivery. Consumers at Internet restaurants typically pay a
delivery fee based on the quantity of food they purchase because the food must be
delivered to the customers.

As with eBay clients in the West, Murali Krishnan B., country director for eBay
India, observes that Indian consumers favor expensive goods like clothing and
accessories over the presently popular electrical devices and books, which create
higher total sales but are less frequently bought. He asserted that a younger, more
technologically savvy working class is increasingly turning to online shopping in a
nation where Internet usage is rapidly rising. He claimed that this is creating a
flood in India's early and emerging internet business market, which was previously
primarily dominated by people buying tickets for flights, trains, movies, and hotels.

11 | P a g e
1.2 Industry Introduction

The Internet all around influences how clients search for and purchase work and
things, and it has quickly spread over the world. Different affiliations have
proactively started integrating on the web business with an outrageous objective to
diminish their advancing and publicizing costs and, consequently, decline the
expense of their things and affiliations. By doing this, they need to stay savage,
handle their cut of the pie, and open up new business districts.

Additionally, businesses have been using the Internet to contact consumers

regarding fulfillment, sell items, collect real-time feedback, deliver messages, and
spread information. People use the Internet to investigate prices, product
characteristics, and the after-sale services they will receive if they buy the item
from a certain store in addition to making online purchases. Many experts are quite
upbeat about the future of online shopping.

Despite the E-commerce industry's great development potential, it offers

businesses an appealing way to more effectively connect with both present and new
customers. Experts in business-to-customer trade should be optimistic even though
business-to-business trade makes up the majority of online exchange earnings.

12 | P a g e


Big Basket and Grofers, who both have a combined market share of 80% in the year
2019, are the two leading companies in the E-grocery business, as can be seen in the

Other competitors like Amazon Fresh and Flipkart are also getting their fair part of
the market, which is close to 5%. There aren't many competitors in the Indian
grocery business yet.

1.3 Online Grocery Shopping

The way that the standard region store can now be digitalized and made open on
your phone, tablet, or PC shows that no industry inside the retail business is
impervious to the unforeseen in electronic purchasing. On a very basic level said,
you won't have to hold tight in broadened checkout lines, count your purchases to
see whether you meet all fundamentals for the Express Way, leave your key
shopping list at home, or convey huge sacks up your front advances. Electronic
looking for food is influencing the way that clients connect with stores, changing
once-rich assistance into a common solace.

Advantages Of Online Grocery Shopping

Convenience is the main advantage of ordering food online. Online ordering

enables speedy product browsing and ordering without having to navigate through
lengthy hallways. Additionally, it cuts down on time and money spent getting to
the store. Given the Internet's extensive accessibility, it makes sense that carrying
out duties like grocery shopping or trying to do other jobs from a distance should
be possible. For instance, using an online grocery store enables a lady to complete
her whole food shopping during her lunch break at work. As the meal is brought
right to their front doors, it is also quite helpful for people who do not have vehicle
access or are physically unable to move around properly. The usage of online
supermarkets is increasing as more people become accustomed to utilizing the
Internet to make purchases.

13 | P a g e
Disadvantages Of Online Grocery Shopping

Challenges in Electronic Looking for food Given that food ought to be passed and
the alluded on to thing isn't generally speaking open, it might be more expensive. It
is no question inconceivable that someone would have the choice to purchase an
additional fixing on the web and have it given to finish his supper expecting he was
setting up a specific dish and recollected that he required it. Additionally, it
engages one to set up their food buying before when they will require it. Expecting
transport would require a short speculation, they ought to must have additional
fundamental food sources open before they run out.

1.4 Indian Online Grocery Shopping Trends

In India, the market for web-based looking for food was surveyed to be worth USD
2.9 billion in 2020. From 2021 to 2028, it is conventional to increase at a CAGR of
37.1 percent. Due to clients' moving lifestyles, rising urbanization, and a
conclusively refined age that favors electronic shopping, the business has
experienced legendary improvement as of late. People are increasingly searching
for flexible and convenient web-based platforms to buy food rather than going to
their neighborhood grocery store as discretionary money and hectic lifestyles
increase. The need for online distribution of essential items grew stronger after the
COVID-19 flare-up. Consumers are concentrating their emphasis on buying food
online since it is both more convenient and safer as societal norms divide them.

Significant changes to the sector are anticipated to occur in the upcoming years. A
few web-based platforms, like Amazon, Big Basket, Grofers, and others, have
attracted customers with incentives including no-contact delivery and online
installment The dependence of consumers on the internet has increased
dramatically as a result of the health concerns surrounding Covid and a sizeable
section of the population telecommuting. The market thus offers a limited number
of potential opportunities. Each area in India has been compelled to adapt to the
new standard and adopt practices that have shown to be effective in terms of
cleanliness and well-being. In public spaces, particularly retail establishments,
people are forced to maintain social segregation, which takes a lot of time.
Contrary to expectations, customers learned that ordering groceries online and
having them delivered using contactless technology saves them time and keeps

14 | P a g e
them safe. In their sincere efforts to balance work and leisure, telecommuters have
also found that planning their daily meals online and ordering them from their
mobile devices is useful. The sector is also set to benefit from lower information
taxes and more affordable cell phone options. Additional driving drivers in the
sector have been the expansion of internet access and the rise in complex
installation. The nation's dependably rising web entrance as well as a flood in
modernized care are driving the online-based center business in India. Considering
the inescapable use of telephones and clueless costs, clients today need an
omnichannel shopping experience.

As the public power pushes the modernized financial construction and further
made capacity, the electronic staple market in India should encounter one more
impetus in its new turn of events. Purchasers in Level I metropolitan organizations
like Bangalore, Chennai, Mumbai, and Delhi should drive the market since they are
more used to electronic shopping thanks to the accessibility of the rapid web, better
phone flexibility, and chose comfort. Stresses regarding the retail affiliation and
workforce are clouding an immediate consequence of the public power's consistent
opening up of the market. Because of stresses over lodging, exceptional shopping,
and purifying, online food purchasing is the better decision for buyers.



As can be seen from the graph, there has been a significant change in online food

15 | P a g e
purchasing. Online grocery shopping is becoming more and more popular. This
growth rate is anticipated to continue.


16 | P a g e
Chapter 2: Literature Review

Vijayasarathy (2004), in his assessment, used an outline of 281 clients to test a

model of buyers’ means to use online shopping. The survey found closeness,
handiness, straightforwardness of course, and security to be key indications of
standpoint towards online shopping, but insistence was not. Another finding
showed that the assumption to use online shopping was enduringly affected by a
disposition toward online shopping, normalizing convictions, and self-abundancy.
Rainu Tan Go Singh (2012), endeavored the endeavor in Nirala Imex Inc. a
Taiwanese affiliation that offers Indian staples to neighborhood merchants and
wholesalers in the Taiwanese market. Early, the undertaking zeroed in on clients'
outlooks on electronic buying, as well as the parts that impact a purchaser's choice
to get things and associations. The last section of the evaluation portrayed what the
properties of web shopping mean for the respondent's purchasing choice. It
additionally fixed troubles partnering with internet purchasing. The last piece of
the task figures out which staple to buy. It picked the worth, quality, assortment,
closeness, and offers/endpoints of food purchasing on the spot. Besides, the
thought proposed business-supportive outline that consolidates getting a feature
district with contacting Kirana affiliations. Client-led online separations
irrelevantly from that of standard, withdrew purchasers.

According to Ba and Pavlou (2002), consumers' main concern when purchasing

items online is trust. In a buyer-seller relationship, the problem of trust is
predicated on information asymmetry is defined as a relationship in which one
side, generally the customer, has more information than the other. The supplier has
more information about the product or service quality than the consumer (Ba &
Pavlou,) It's also clear that technological acceptability and adoption are critical
Consumer e-commerce behavior is one factor to consider (Pavlou, 2003).
Consumers' adoption of e-commerce is influenced by several factors and

17 | P a g e
motivations, according to Tauber a German word that means (1972) These are
essentially personal inspirations (self-delight, actual activity, etc.

In his article, B Muralikrishnan, country head at eBay India, makes sense of why
Indian clients like to purchase very good quality things like pieces of clothing and
shoes, rather than electronic gadgets and books, which are the most notable
decisions right now however create lower net incomes and are fewer regular buys.
He guaranteed that India's initial web business market, which was recently
restricted to individuals buying train, flight, and film tickets, is encountering a
flood as a more energetic, very much educated middle class progressively goes to
web-based shopping in a nation where Web use is quickly developing. Technopak,
a counseling bunch, estimates a $70-billion yearly market by 2020, up from $600
billion at this point.

George Adamidis et al (2006), in this paper, the producers dismantled an

unequivocal piece of shopping; searching for food. Searching for food is a focal
and routine sort of client direct, which over the most recent two or three distinct
years has gone through gigantic changes considering the speedy improvement of
movement. The e-head food things a new kind of search for food, which licenses
clients to work with things through the Internet from the accommodation of their
home. The improvement on the web moreover, in-store searching for food
unequivocally settled by the points of view and the strategy for overseeing the
actions of clients. The sign of this paper is to research and sort out Cypriot clients’
encounters, what’s more, reactions to electronic searching for food. An overview
that many-sided a free outline for get-together information from respondents
evolved around the capital of Cyprus; Nicosia. Cypriot clients are not organized
right now to see e-searching for food as a decision to standard searching. Taking
into account the divulgences of this design, "the surprising thought of the things
advanced" and "a mismatched risk" can be picked by the e-sellers as it appears to
be the better-wagered relievers. Too, "the serious costs of the things", "safe
dealings through the Internet" and "assurance to amazing things" may integrate
fundamentally valuable driving powers to become how much electronic clients.

E-business is an expansive term that determines electronically interceded monetary

exchanges between two gatherings like people or associations. The concentration

18 | P a g e
for this examination will be on business-to-shopper web-based business,
additionally alluded to as B2C web-based business, which are the exchanges
between retail providers and the end-shopper. Inside B2C internet business there
are four fundamental kinds of sites: brand building site, administrations arranged
relationship building site, gateway or a media site, and in conclusion conditional
web-based business website (Ellis Chadwick2011).

Online shopping for food is delegated to value-based internet business websites

since it takes place on a business site and is the fundamental reason for buying
online items and administrations (Ellis-Chadwick, 2011). The method involved
with purchasing basic food items online is very direct and follows three primary
advances: It begins with the buyer perusing around a scope of food and picking
items. The subsequent stage is choosing the season of conveyance and the last
advance is an installment, which should be possible with customary cards like
VISA and MasterCard (, 2015).

As online staple administrations have not had the option to take care of the
provincial regions and towns, the mindfulness about the same is additionally
restricted in such regions. There is a colossal part of the crowd who is ignorant
about such administrations. Huge contrasts were found in different segment
characteristics regarding familiarity with the OGS. Factors that affected the choice
of the customers significantly were viewed as seen risk, seen cost, saw
accommodation, and saw pleasure. (Ajit Kaushal, 2015).

Tatiana Marceda Bach distinguishes the impact of three dormant builds that could
influence online buying ways of behaving and distinguishes changes related to the
dormant and its impacts on customers’ purchasing conduct. The need to reevaluate
the techniques embraced by organizations that sell online to lessen chances and
thus increment trust in the direction was featured. (Veiga, 2020)

One more examination decided the association with regards to emotional standard,
saw handiness and on the web shopping conduct. It was seen that the emotional
standard and saw helpfulness emphatically affected the purchasing conduct of
clients as well as the other way around. (Safizal Abdullah, 2016)
In his article, B Muralikrishnan, country head at eBay India, figures out why Indian
clients like to buy first-in-class things like garments and shoes, as opposed to

19 | P a g e
electronic contraptions and books, which are the most striking choices at this point
yet make lower overall gains and are fewer progressive purchases. He ensured that
India's underlying web business market, which was as of late limited to people
purchasing train, flight, and film tickets, is experiencing a flood as a more
vigorous, particularly taught working class logically goes to electronic shopping in
a country where the Web use is rapidly creating. Technopak, a guiding pack,
checks a $70-billion yearly market by 2020, up from $600 billion as of now.
Sabari Shankar R and Nareshkumar S (2018), in their overview, said that web-
based shopping has changed into a fundamental piece of the client. To get a handle
on the effect of segment factors on purchaser viewpoint on web searching for food.
Research thinking is the range of procedures that are used to complete the
foundation. Clear rate assessment has been utilized to find and dismantle the
reaction rate to the elements of the study. The shut that there are immense few
variables influencing the parts of buying on the web.

S. Sathiyaraj, (2015), in their review, the creators present that, the rising
utilization of the web by the more youthful age in India gives an arising possibility
for online retailers. The primary goal of their review is to figure out the inclination
of the buyers concerning the purchaser while on the web shopping. The creator
gathered the essential information utilizing an organized poll by study strategy
from 200 respondents. Online staple administrations have been attempting to take
hold in the market anyway because of the absence of accessibility in an area and
because of the customary propensities for the buyers, an enormous crowd has not
had the option to acquire its advantages. It was seen that individuals use OGS
because of the apparent convenience. All things considered, on the web shopping
for food is as yet another idea and according to individuals can't connect with it or
they don't have a reasonable comprehension of the dangers implied in it. (Sherah
Kurnia, Ai-Wen Jenny Chien, 2003) As online basic food item benefits have not
had the option to take care of the provincial regions and towns, the mindfulness
about the same is additionally restricted in such regions. There is a colossal part of
the crowd who is ignorant about such administrations. Tremendous contrasts were
found in different segment qualities regarding the attention to the OGS. Factors
that impacted the choice of the customers incredibly were viewed as seen risk, seen
cost, seen comfort, and seen pleasure. (Ajit Kaushal, 2015)

20 | P a g e
Tatiana Marceda Bach recognizes the impact of three inert developments that
could influence online buying ways of behaving and distinguishes gambles related
to the inert and its consequences for shoppers purchasing conduct. The need to
reevaluate the techniques taken on by organizations that sell online to lessen
gambles and thusly increment trust in an independent direction was featured.
(Veiga, 2020). It was seen that the emotional standard and saw value decidedly
affected the purchasing conduct of clients as well as the other way around. (Safizal
Abdullah, 2016).

Another contributor highlighted some of the important differences in customer

experiences while shopping online and off the internet. Along with that, shopping
experiences were taken into consideration when shops tried to conceal real and
virtual elements. The investigation assumed that the benefits of unconnected
shopping experiences were greatly outweighed by the ease of procurement and
further delved into an earlier era of shopping interactions. (2016) Nicola Derrer-
Rendall and Alison Attrill S Sathiya identified a distinction in how Chennai
consumers see online food shopping. The studies also showed that segment
parameters like age and orientation did not affect the components.

In this research, Sabari Shankar R and Nareshkumar S (2018) claimed that

consumers now conduct most of their business online. to comprehend how
demographic influences affect how consumers view online food buying. Research
methodology is a group of techniques used to conduct the study. To determine and
analyze the answer % to the survey's factors, a straightforward percentage analysis
was used. The researchers concluded that only a select few significant variables
influence factors of internet shopping. In their research, S. Sathiyaraj et al. (2015)
note that the younger generation's growing use of the internet in India offers new
opportunities for online merchants. They conducted this research with the primary
goal of determining consumer preferences concerning Internet shopping. The
original data was gathered by the author from 100 respondents using an organized
questionnaire and poll methodology.

According to Muralikrishnan B., country boss for eBay's India, Indian clients like
to buy high-edge things like dresses and shoes, which is an equivalent model
among eBay clients in the West, rather than electronic contraptions and books,

21 | P a g e
which are at this point the most famous decisions, in any event, lower generally
gains and are less a colossal piece of the time purchased. He showed how the
young electronic business market in India, which as of now was by and large
restricted to people buying train, flight, and film tickets, is at this point
experiencing an impact as a more vivacious, showed middle class relentlessly goes
to web shopping in a nation seeing quick improvement in Web use. By 2020, the
business should make $70 billion dependably, up from its predictable level of $600
million, or just 0.05% of all web purchases from one side of the world to the other.
According to eBay, the Indian web retail industry will associate by generally 100%
in 2012.

Clients dependably visit various establishments, yet they have a pleasant

relationship with one "principal shop" that handles by a wide margin a large
portion of their purchases (Rhee and Ringer, 2002). Regardless, according to a
design (by George Adamidis et al., 2006), the "marvelous nature of the things
progressed" and "a genuine obligation" show up to be the better bet relievers for e-
traders, "indefatigable expenses of the things," "safe dealings through the Internet,"
and "obligation to astounding things" are seen as strikingly captivating and useful
inspirations for creating how much web-based clients.

The Asia-Pacific region's ongoing growth in smartphone and internet consumers

has aided in boosting online food sales. 37% of those who responded to a poll from
this area said, they utilize internet delivery and purchasing services. (2015 Nielsen
Supermarket Report). The days of ladies visiting the market to purchase groceries
are long gone. Online buying has evolved into a more favored and practical method
of browsing as the number of working women increases. (D. Zhang, L. Zhou, and
L. Dai, 2007).

Analysts have focused significantly on understanding how clients get new buying
tendencies and what pushes them to accordingly do. Hartman is one such review
pack. Hartman (2015) states that yet the 1990s work to sell principal food sources
online had all of the stores of being a misstep, web buying is at this point
superseding it. Without a doubt, clients are more organized to buy bundled things
that can be set something aside for two or three days. This helps the making
exhibition of web searching for food. Different genuine shops are worried about
their electronic presence because of the making reach of modernized stages as new

22 | P a g e
entertainers are taking their clients' wallet deals and fanning out a presence in their
psyches. Different affiliations right presently mean to change to the advanced age
and spread out an internet-based impression (Hartman Social event, Forbes, 2015).
As shown by Hartman Social Event (2015), real shops will not vanish from the
market, yet a few buyers are moving past doing their food search the normal way.
Whether online food purchasing will become ordinary and draw in a sizeable piece
of clients' spending is central to consider. As per a Hartman Get-together (2015)
study, early clients benefit from staple purchasing on the web They save around
39% of their time, 36% of their cash, and 27% of their gas. Electronic shopping
needs to focus on the going with regions to expand its authentication:

Young metropolitan residents and children are the target households.

• Address underserved needs by emphasizing comfort

• Search for cultural hooks; pursue recurring revenue streams, etc.

The ease of having items brought with just one click, skipping lengthy lines, and
not having to tote heavy bags helps customers cut out the activity of physically
going to the stores. They also lessen impulsive buying behaviors and the tendency
to buy additional things when shopping in a store. The focus of consumers who
procrastinate and dislike going to stores will be swiftly captured. The following
five things about internet food buying were looked into by the Nielson group:

1. Notwithstanding the way that purchasers love online food purchasing, they will
require a potential chance to become adjusted to it. The interesting side ought to
chip away at the purchasing framework by making a straightforward e-web or
application interface. It ought to be not difficult to use and offer rapid and
practical transportation organizations.

2. Given that shopping online differs from shopping outdoors, online stores
should offer the greatest variety of product choices. The e-store ought to offer a
sizable selection of bundles and classifications.

3. Online purchases have a variety of effects on consumer image and behavior.

23 | P a g e
Consumers in India are increasingly choosing Internet retailers for their convenience over
local shops. E-commerce is still a relatively modest portion of the retail sector as a whole.
People have been reluctant to leave the shelter of their homes since the Covid-19 pandemic.
As social distance becomes the #NewNorm, traditional retail will lose attractiveness in
previously experience-heavy sectors, and online commerce will increase dramatically.

Before Covid-19, people who were employed shopped online after work hours in the
evenings, but they typically bought their groceries from a dependable local vendor or grocery
store. However, dependence on online buying has grown significantly since the epidemic
because so many people now work from the comfort of their homes. The struggle between
online and offline purchasing seemed to go on forever. Today, it appears that internet buying
is the only way to go and the #NewNormal.

Given the ease of doorstep delivery, the assurance of quality and sanitation, and new forms of
contactless delivery made possible by a strong digital payment environment, more people are
willingly choosing to order online as a form of social distancing. Since the Covid-19
lockdown, many professionals have been working from home to balance their obligations to
their offices and their families. Agritech apps that deliver groceries and other necessities have
proliferated in these hard times as a helping hand when time is becoming a precious

The current pandemic has forced marketers to think creatively and to increase their digital
presence more than before. Customers are choosing online platforms more frequently because
of their convenience. Today, many brands are competing for the wallets of people after

24 | P a g e
emerging in the supermarket market. To combat and survive the current situation, tiny and
medium-sized Kirana stores are also advancing in the race to serve customers and are
collaborating with well-known hyper-local delivery platforms. Regarding the commercial
side, during the lockout, the token size for necessities, particularly food online, grew to over
70%. Growth in digital payments versus the cash-on-delivery option is another noteworthy
aspect of this.

Call it time-saving, smart buying, or convenience, but online grocery shopping has emerged
as a viable and favored choice for many who work from home. The practice of ordering
goods online is likely to continue as long as #WFH does. We must endeavor to incorporate
this #NewNormal into our company plan so that it will get stronger shortly.

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Chapter 3: Research Methodology

3.1 Problem Statement:

To investigate consumer perceptions of online grocery shopping and comprehend

the variables that affect them.

3.2 Need For the Study

When the shift took place in the years 2018–2019, many consumers did not have
enough time to visit the shop and buy groceries. Due to the time it took to go from
one place to another, many of them were stranded between work and home,
making it impossible for them to do their jobs. Customers started switching from
offline to online food shopping. Some consumers have started purchasing online
due to the following reasons:

There are additional delivery window openings.

Product accessibility;
Guaranteed timely delivery;
Refund policies;
A range of payment methods
Product caliber

3.3 Rational Of the Study: With the number of people using the internet
expanding, there are many opportunities for business owners in the online
grocery sector. People's interest in online shopping has dramatically increased as
a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Businesses should seize the chance, and

27 | P a g e
academics should investigate the elements that affect consumers' decisions to
purchase online as well as their mindset.

3.4 Research Objectives:

• To identify the problems that customers face while shopping for groceries online.

• To identify the factors which influence consumers’ attitudes towards online grocery
3.5 Type Of Study

The study is descriptive in nature.

3.6 Research Design:

• The study's geographic scope was limited to urban and suburban areas.
• The research was conducted from January to April 2023.
• The type of study is analytical and descriptive in nature.
•There was a simple random sample.

• SAMPLE SIZE: A structured questionnaire with 11 items was used to gather the
main data for this study. There were only 100 respondents/responses in the sample.

3.7 Collection Of Data (Methods of Survey)

Primary Data: A questionnaire approach was utilized to collect data from

respondents and customers directly, in addition to conducting a general observation
of them. The various primary data sources for this project are as follows:

• Questionnaire - Closed-ended questions were incorporated into the questionnaire's design.

• Survey – Google Forms were used to conduct the survey.

Resources Used for Analysis: After the initial data was gathered using a Google
form, the information was thoroughly examined and evaluated. Tables and graphs
were used to evaluate and analyze the data. Frequency analysis, percentage
analysis, hypothesis analysis, Chi-Square test, and correlation are some of the tools
that were used to analyze the data.

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Chapter 4: Data Analysis

The focal time of any outline is the data evaluation. Data appraisal mixes assembled
information. It integrates the assessment of data moved past the utilization of goal
and unequivocal thinking to perceive models, affiliations, or models.

The first of three essential events that occur during the data overseeing method is
data partnership. Joining outline and social event achieves the second most
extensively elaborate method for data decline. For clear ID and accomplice, it keeps
up with seeing models and focuses on the data.

Given how significant data is created utilizing words, depictions, pictures, articles, and
occasionally pictures, it acts more adequately particularly during data appraisal and study
than does numerical data. Going with choices from such complex material is endeavoring.
Thusly, it is inconsistently applied to data evaluation and preliminary review.

4.1 Demographics


As seen in the graph 48% of the respondents were female and 52% were male.

30 | P a g e

Male Female

Fig 1.4


18-25 25-30 30-35 35-40 over 45




Figure 1.5


18-25 69

25-30 20

30-35 4

35-45 4

OVER 45 2

4.2 Interpretation

Q1. How often do you buy groceries online?

31 | P a g e
Chart Title
Daily Weekly Monthly Rarely
Figure 1.6

Out of 100 respondents, 15% said they regularly shop for food online. While
41% of respondents claimed to shop for food online once a week. Among the
respondents, 24% said they only buy groceries once a month, while 20% said
they do it infrequently.
When taking into account the other factors, respondents in the younger age
group (18 to 30) tended to choose alternatives like purchasing groceries every
day or once a week, but older respondents tended to choose options like
infrequently and once a month.
This may be a result of the younger generation's impulsiveness and the elder
generation's planning tendencies.

Q2. How much money do you usually spend on buying groceries online?

24% of respondents said they only spend 500 rupees or less on online grocery
shopping, while 28% said they spend between 500 and 1000.
21% of respondents said they spend between 1000 and 2000 rupees on
groceries online, while 27% said they spend more than 2000 rupees.
When all the other factors are taken into account, women often spend more on
groceries than men do.

32 | P a g e
How much money do you usually spend on
buying groceries online?

more than 2000 27%

1000-2000 21%

500-1000 28%

less than 500 24%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30%

Fig 1.7

Q3. When you shop online, which items do you look for?

When you shop online, which items do

you look for?
9% Electronics
17% 5% Games
6% Music
2% Others


Fig 1.8

Out of 100 respondents, 53% reported that they typically spend money on food,
7% on electronics, 6% on books, 3% on games, 19% on apparel, and 19% on

33 | P a g e
Q4. Which of the following online grocery retailers you are aware of?

Big Basket was the online grocery shop mentioned by 57 respondents.

Amazon Fresh was selected by 32 respondents as the online food store they are
familiar with.
The online grocery shop mentioned by 59 respondents is Instamart.

26 respondents said that they are familiar with Nature’s Market as an online grocer.

Grofers was the online grocery shop mentioned by 74 respondents

Which of the following online grocery retailers

you are aware of?








Big Basket Amizone Fresh Instamart Nature's Market Groffers/Blink it

Fig 1.9

Q5. Which of the following factors motivates you to shop online for groceries?

Which of the following factors motivates you

to shop online for groceries?
Customer Service

Cashless Payments

Quality of the product

Brand Value

Attractive Offers

Time Constraint


Easy Availability
0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00% 70.00% 80.00% 90.00%

34 | P a g e
Fig 1.10

Time Constraint was cited by 58% of respondents as a reason why they buy
food online.
Price was cited by 53% of respondents as the reason they purchase food online.

Among the characteristics that encourage people to buy groceries online, 42%
of respondents cited attractive offers.
Brand Value was cited by 24% of respondents as a factor encouraging them to
purchase food online.
Cashless Payment was cited by 30% of respondents as a reason why they
prefer to purchase food online.
The quality of the product was cited by 32% of respondents as a reason why
they prefer to buy food online.
Easy Availability was cited by 77% of respondents as a reason why they prefer
to buy food online.
Customer service was cited by 32% of respondents as a reason why they prefer
to buy food online.

Q6. Are you satisfied with buying groceries online?

Are you satisfied with buying groceries on-




Fig 1.11

While 22% of respondents are dissatisfied with their online grocery shopping

35 | P a g e
experience, just 76% of respondents are happy, and 2% of respondents are

Q7. How do you think your e-grocery buying habits have changed during the

Fig 1.12

According to the graph, the majority of individuals select the other alternatives,
such as occasionally, occasionally but not often, and never, and just a few
people select always. This suggests that the majority of consumers were not
accustomed to making online grocery purchases.
Many people decided to shop for food online frequently and always throughout
Due to their newfound online grocery buying habits, the majority of consumers
made this decision in the current situation.

Q8. Which of the following problems do you face during online grocery shopping?

36 | P a g e
The majority of respondents cite the intangibility of the product as the issue
they have while doing their food shopping online.

In terms of the issue people encounter when doing their food shopping online,
pricing and security came in second and third, respectively. Despite appealing
savings, the cost of online grocery might occasionally increase because of
delivery fees and other convenience fees at the checkout.
31 respondents selected delivery time as the issue they have with online food buying.

Which of the folllowing problems do you face

during online grocery shopping?
Intangibility of Price Security Delivery Time Quality Issues
the product

Fig 1.13

Q9. What is the scale of your interest in buying groceries online in the upcoming

What Is The Scale Of Your Interest In Buying

Groceries Online In The Upcoming Future?
1 2 3 4 5 Depends




37 | P a g e
Fig 1.14
39% of respondents, who indicated a high level of interest in grocery shopping,
chose option 4. 5 out of the respondents (24%), who indicated a very high level
of interest in future online grocery shopping, were selected.
24% of those who selected option 3 indicated some curiosity about the future
of online grocery shopping.
Only 7% of respondents choose option 2, indicating that they have little interest
in doing their grocery shopping online in the future. And 5% of those who
made this choice said they would not be particularly interested in doing their
grocery shopping online in the future.

38 | P a g e
Chapter 5 Findings and Conclusion

5.1 Findings

• 24 % of respondents said they only shop for food online once a month,
while 56% said they do it frequently.
• 24% of respondents indicated that they spent less than 500 rupees on
internet groceries, showing that they still don't spend much. Only when
there is a deadline or another pressing need, do people often place an online
• 53% of respondents said they shop online for food and buy it there.

• Popular online grocery stores Bigbasket, Amazon Fresh, and Instamart all
offer their products.
• The main drivers of online grocery shopping are time constraints, low
prices, and easy availability.
• 76% of respondents say they are happy with their online grocery buying experience.
• A large number of consumers who did not previously purchase their
groceries online now do so.
• The primary issues people have while shopping for food online are
quality and the intangibility of the goods.
• 63% of respondents expressed a strong level of interest in online grocery shopping.

• The level of interest in online grocery shopping is not gender-specific.

• Why Online grocery shoppers frequently don't express a greater level of

enthusiasm in doing so in the future.

39 | P a g e
5.2 Conclusion

Customers make purchases from online retailers based on several various

considerations, including pricing and promotional offers, the range of items offered,
free home delivery, the site's usability, and the availability of EMIs. Several factors
have influenced how customers see food buying online, such as shifting economic
conditions. New strategies are being developed in light of shifting consumer
preferences and consider internet business models to be on the rise. There is still
hope for the future of India's online grocery buying sector, representing a significant
opportunity to generate enormous earnings. The pandemic has led to a complicated
increase in the dealings of the internet-based staple sector, but one of the biggest
problems the company is facing is the tiny edges of advantages. Due to the present
pandemic situation, more people are turning to internet food purchasing, and this has
given them the confidence to do so. The growth rate will be significant with over
400 million potential customers. The factors, such as accommodations, comfort,
mobile phone availability, and convenience they provide, as well as the hassle-free
online shopping experiences of customers buying basic food items, are paving the
way for staple stages to gather force.

40 | P a g e

 Sasser, W. Earl, Jr., Olsen, R. P. and Wyckoff, D. D. (1978), Management of

Service Operations: Text and Cases. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
 Lehtinen, U. and Lehtinen, J. R. (1982), “Service Quality: A Study of
Quality Dimensions,” unpublished working paper, Service Management
Institute, Helsinki, Finland.
 Lewis, R. C. and Booms, B. H. (1983), “The Marketing Aspects of Service
Quality,” in Emerging Perspectives on Services Marketing, Leonard L. Berry,
G. Lynn Shostack, and Gregory Upah, eds. Chicago: American Marketing
Association, 99- 107.
 Parasuraman, A.. Berry, L. L .and Zeithaml, V.A. (1988), “SERVQUAL: A
Multiple- Item Scale for Measuring Service Quality,” Journal of Retailing, 64
(1), 12-40.
 Parasuraman, Zeithaml & Berry (1985). A conceptual model of Service quality
and its implication for future research. Journal of Marketing, 49(4), 41-50.
 Parasuraman, A.. Berry, L. L .and Zeithaml, Valarie A. (1991),
“Refinement and Reassessment of the SERVQUAL Scale,” Journal of
Retailing, 67(4), 420-50.
 Ennew, C.T., Reed, G. V; and Binks, M.R (1993). "Importance-Performance
Analysis and the Measurement of Service Quality", European Journal of
Marketing, Vol. 27 (2) pp.59 – 70.

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There are several restrictions on this research study's methodology. These

restrictions include the following:

 Because we had a limited amount of time to finish the study, time

management was essential.
 The model size was restricted to 100 respondents by time and money
goals as well as the continuous Covid situation.
 The information given by the respondents might be legitimate considering
the way that a couple of respondents may not be serious. Regardless,
immensely significant advances have been expected to guarantee the
most raised degree of data precision.

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