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Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 133 (2019) 198–213

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Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution

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Phylogeographic variation within the Buff-browed Foliage-gleaner (Aves: T

Furnariidae: Syndactyla rufosuperciliata) supports an Andean-Atlantic forests
connection via the Cerrado
Gustavo S. Cabannea, , Leonardo Campagnab,c, Natalia Trujillo-Ariasa,d, Kazuya Naokie,

Isabel Gómezf, Cristina Y. Miyakig, Fabricio R. Santosh, Giselle P.M. Dantasi, Alexandre Aleixoj,
Santiago Claramuntk,l, Amanda Rocham, Renato Caparrozm, Irby J. Lovetteb,c, Pablo L. Tubaroa
Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales “Bernardino Rivadavia” – CONICET, Av. Ángel Gallardo 470, Buenos Aires C1405DJR, Argentina
Fuller Evolutionary Biology Program, Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY, USA
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA
Escuela de Biología, Universidad Industrial de Santander, Bucaramanga, Colombia
Instituto de Ecología, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, La Paz, Bolivia
Colección Boliviana de Fauna – Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, La Paz, Bolivia
Instituto de Biociências, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil
Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Museu Paraense Emılio Goeldi, Caixa Postal 399, Belém, PA, Brazil
Department of Ornithology, American Museum of Natural History, NY, USA
Department of Natural History, Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, ON, Canada
Departamento de Genética e Morfologia, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas da Universidade de Brasília, Brazil


Keywords: We evaluated whether the Andean and the Atlantic forests acted as refugia during the Quaternary, and tested
Andean tropical forests biogeographic hypotheses about the regions involved in the connectivity between those biomes (through the
Atlantic Forest Chaco or the Cerrado). To achieve these goals we selected the Buff-browed Foliage-gleaner Syndactyla rufosu-
Birds perciliata (Aves, Furnariidae) as a study system, a taxon distributed between the Andean and Atlantic forest. We
Approximate Bayesian Computation
first explored the historical connectivity between regions through niche modeling. We subsequently used DNA
Population genomics
sequences (n = 71 individuals) and genomic analyses (ddRADseq, n = 33 individuals) to evaluate population
genetic structure and gene flow within this species. Finally, we performed population model selection using
Approximate Bayesian Computation. Our findings indicate that the Andean and the Atlantic forests acted as
refugia, and that the populations of the focal species from both regions contacted through the Cerrado region,
thus suggesting that the historical dynamics of Andean and Atlantic forests are important for the evolution of
forest birds in the region. The results are in agreement with studies of other organisms and may indicate a more
general pattern of connectivity among biomes in the Neotropics. Finally, we recommend recognizing both the
Andean and the Altantic forests lineages of S. rufosuperciliata as independent species.

1. Introduction phenomena with evolutionary consequences occurring across biomes

(e.g., between the Andean and the Atlantic tropical forests), remains
Pleistocene climate cycles are thought to have driven the diversifi- limited (e.g., Batalha-Filho et al., 2013; Prates et al., 2017; Trujillo-
cation of Neotropical forest organisms by promoting isolation and di- Arias et al., 2017).
vergence of populations in islands of habitat (Forest refugia, e.g., The Andean and the Atlantic tropical forests (Fig. 1A) are currently
Haffer, 1969; Moritz et al., 2000). This hypothesis is derived from case isolated from each other by xerophytic forests and open-vegetation
studies concerning processes taking place within biomes (e.g., Amazon regions: the Chaco and the Cerrado biomes. Despite being isolated,
forest, Haffer and Prance, 2001). However, our understanding of these tropical forests share species and closely related lineages of

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses:, (G.S. Cabanne).
Received 4 May 2018; Received in revised form 21 December 2018; Accepted 10 January 2019
Available online 17 January 2019
1055-7903/ © 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
G.S. Cabanne et al.

Fig. 1. Study area for the phylogeographic study of Syndactyla rufosuperciliata and working hypotheses. (A) Study area, working hypotheses on the historical connectivity between the Atlantic and the Andean forests, and
(B) sampling localities for the phylogeographic study. Sampling localities for the sister species S. dimidiata are also shown. Underlined locality IDs indicate samples included in the genomic study. See full ID of localities in
Table A.1.
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 133 (2019) 198–213
G.S. Cabanne et al. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 133 (2019) 198–213

rainforest organisms (Nores, 1992; Olrog, 1963), which suggest that semideciduous) in the Cerrado region (hereafter the “Cerrado connec-
they have been connected in the past (Chapman, 1926; Trujillo-Arias tion”) (Trujillo-Arias et al., 2017). As mentioned above, transient forest
et al., 2017). For instance, according to geographic distributions expansions in the Cerrado are supported by palynological studies, as
mapped in Ridgely and Tudor (2009), as well as in Erize et al. (2006), well as by niche models of forest taxa and biomes.
there are 23 rainforest bird species shared between these tropical for- These hypotheses of connectivity between biomes can be tested by
ests. The link between the Andean and the Atlantic regions could have studying SDM and phylogeographic patterns of species present in both
allowed for secondary contacts and gene flow, as well as could have the Andean and the Atlantic forests. SDM can be useful for evaluating
promoted colonization of new areas. This connection is supported by the effect of repetitive phenomena, such as glacial cycles. The five most
palynological studies as well as by niche models of forest biomes and of recent glacial cycles were similar in duration and intensity (Lisiecki and
the taxa that inhabit them, suggesting that wet forests expanded tran- Raymo, 2005), thus scenarios modeled for a specific period such as the
siently in some locations (e.g., Cerrado) towards the Andes and during Last Glacial Maximum (i.e., 21,000 years ago) could also represent
the glacial maxima of the Pleistocene, a phenomenon that could have scenarios that occurred during earlier glacial maxima. These modeled
connected these forest domains in the past (e.g., Cabanne et al., 2016; distributions can help generate hypotheses that can be further tested
Ledo and Colli, 2017; Ledru, 1993; Sobral-Souza et al., 2015; Thomé with genetic data. Moreover, the populations that occur in-between
et al., 2010; Trujillo-Arias, 2017). The tropical Andean and Atlantic both regions could help shed light on the biogeographic history of the
forests, as tropical rainforests, are commonly thought to have con- Andean and the Atlantic forests, because different histories of con-
tracted during cold and dry phases of the global climate (i.e., glacial nectivity should result in unique evolutionary relationships among
maxima) (Anderson et al., 2007). However, there is a growing body of populations and patterns of relative historical gene flow across regions.
evidence indicating that the fate of tropical forests during glacial phases For instance, if wet forest taxa populations that exist in gallery forest in
also depended on local climatic conditions, instead of solely global the Chaco (i.e., along the rivers Pilcomayo and Bermejo, Fig. 1A) are
climate, and that in some locations tropical forests actually expanded genetically intermediate (i.e., show admixture) between the Andes and
during glacial maxima; for instance in northeastern Brazil (Cabanne the Atlantic Forest, a connection through the Chaco would be sup-
et al., 2016, 2008) and in the southern Cerrado (Ledo and Colli, 2017; ported. To our knowledge there have only been two phylogeographic
Ledru, 1993). studies designed to test the connectivity between the Andes and
Under this historical biogeographic scenario, the Andean and the Atlantic forests. Through the study of two forest passerines, Trujillo-
Atlantic forests could have acted as refugia, and their dynamic history Arias et al. (2018, 2017) concluded that the tropical biotas of both
(i.e., cycles of connection and isolation) could have been an important forests interacted cyclically through a main Cerrado corridor, even
driver of speciation in the Neotropics (Nores, 1992; Trujillo-Arias et al., though a Chaco corridor could not be excluded.
2017). In the present interglacial period, these forested biomes re- Here we study the Buff-browed Foliage-gleaner (Syndactyla rufosu-
present forest refugia (Interglacial refugia, Bennett and Provan, 2008), perciliata; Aves, Furnariidae) to evaluate connectivity between forest
where isolated organisms in either biome are expected to become dif- domains. This species is an appropriate model with which to explore
ferentiated (e.g., by drift or divergent selection). During other climatic the Andean-Atlantic forests connection because it inhabits both the
phases both forests would have been connected, allowing for gene flow main forest domains and the areas that could have been directly in-
between forest domains. A prediction of this hypothesis states that volved in bridging them: the gallery forests of the eastern Chaco and
species shared by both domains should show their deepest phylogeo- some regions in the southern Cerrado (Fig. 1B). There are five sub-
graphic gap between these forested biomes. Alternatively, if the forest species in this taxon: the nominal subspecies, oleaginea Sclater, 1884;
dynamism allowed for high and constant rates of historical gene flow, cabanisi Taczanowski, 1875; similis Chapman, 1927; acrita Oberholser,
enough to preclude differentiation, the shared species should show si- 1901 (Fig. 1B) (Remsen, 2003). However, it is unknown if they re-
milar levels of differentiation between and within regions. Further- present independent evolutionary lineages.
more, under this hypothesis we would expect to find evidence of past The general aim of this study was to evaluate if the Andean and the
geographic expansions of the forest biomes into the area that currently Atlantic forests acted as refugia during the Quaternary, as well as to test
separates them, for example through palynological studies or indirectly hypotheses of historical connections between those regions (Fig. 1A).
using species distribution models (SDM). We first explored the possible connection routes by means of SDM in the
Many aspects of the connection between the Andean and Atlantic present and in the past; second, we used DNA sequences and genomic
forests remain unknown, such as the geographic areas where these analyses to evaluate population structure and patterns of gene flow; and
connections took place. One biogeographic hypothesis states that the third, we performed population model selection using Approximate
contact between these forests occurred in the region occupied in the Bayesian Computation (ABC). We aimed to answer the following
present by the Chaco (hereafter termed the “Chaco connection”), questions: (1) Is the main phylogeographic gap of the focal species lo-
through gallery forests along the main rivers in the region (e.g., cated between the Andean and the Atlantic forests?; (2) What is the
Bermejo and Pilcomayo Rivers, Fig. 1A) (Nores, 1992; Olrog, 1963; phylogenetic position of samples from the southern Cerrado and from
Smith, 1962). These gallery forests are currently not continuous be- the Chaco?; and (3) Where and when did the main connection between
tween the Andean and the Atlantic regions, but the hypothesis states these regions occur? In addition, we also investigated whether the
that they expanded during interglacial periods, allowing migration of different subspecies in S. rufosuperciliata are independent evolutionary
forest taxa between regions. The Chaco connection hypothesis is mostly lineages.
based on present distribution patterns of forest birds along these gallery
forests (i.e., Nores, 1992). However, there is no evidence supporting 2. Material and methods
extensive expansions of evergreen forest in the Chaco during the
Pleistocene (Trujillo-Arias et al., 2017; Zurita et al., 2014). Silva (1994) A full description of methods is presented in Supplementary
extensively criticized the Chaco connection model, mostly on the base Material.
of geological, palaeoecological and zoogeographical information. Silva
(1996) also documented the occurrence of Atlantic Forest birds in the 2.1. Species distribution models
gallery forests of the Cerrado, arguing that gallery forests in that region
are more stable than in the Chaco (see also Adamoli et al., 1990). To explore the Andean-Atlantic forests connection we modeled the
Following Silva (1994) and Silva (1996), we propose the alternative distribution of S. rufosuperciliata using MAXENT (Phillips et al., 2006)
hypothesis that the connection between the Andean and the Atlantic and 128 specimen records (MAXENT infile available with
regions occurred through past forest expansions (i.e., gallery and or Supplementary Material). We first studied niche divergence between

G.S. Cabanne et al. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 133 (2019) 198–213

both regions (Andes and Atlantic Forest) by performing the PCA-en- ligated adapters that allowed for multiplexing. The libraries, each
vironmental ordination test (Broennimann et al., 2012) in ecospat (Cola containing approximately 20 samples, were size-selected and PCR-en-
et al., 2017) for R (R Core Team, 2016). For this test, occurrence re- riched, incorporating the Illumina TruSeq adapters. Finally, all groups
cords were organized into the two studied regions (Andes, and Atlantic of samples were combined in equimolar proportions and sequenced on
plus Cerrado and Chaco). Because niche conservatism was not rejected, an Illumina HiSeq 2500 lane.
we performed a final model considering all species records. For the After assessing read quality with FastQC (http://www.
model we used the climate variables available at WordClim 1.4, we used FASTX-
(Hijmans et al., 2005), where BIO 1, BIO 3, BIO 8, BIO 9, BIO 12, BIO Toolkit ( to trim sequences to
13, BIO 14 and BIO16 were selected for the final model (Supplementary 97 bp to discard lower-quality base calls at the 3′ end. Subsequently, we
Material). We projected the niche model of the present to three past used FASTX-Toolkit to retain reads without a single base below a Phred
periods: (1) mid-Holocene (6000 years before present –ybp-), with two quality score of 10 and with at least 95% of bases with quality above
climate models: CCSM4 (Community Climate System Model) and 20. We demultiplexed reads using the ‘process_radtags’ program from
MIROC-ESM (; (2) Last Gla- the STACKS 1.41 bioinformatics pipeline (Catchen et al., 2011), dis-
cial Maximum (LGM; 21,000 ybp), past climate models: CCSM3 (Com- carding reads that did not pass the Illumina chastity filter, had barcode
munity Climate System Model, available at: http://www.ccsm.ucar. contamination, lacked an SbfI cut site or one of the unique barcodes
edu) and MIROC (Model of Interdisciplinary Research on Climate, used for multiplexing at the 5′ end.
available at: We obtained an average of 1.05 ± 0.60 million quality-filtered se-
tech-repo.pdf); and (3) Last Interglacial (LIG; 120,000 ybp) (Otto- quences per individual. Three S. rufosuperciliata individuals with a low
Bliesner et al., 2006). We obtained a stability model by summing binary number of reads were discarded. All reads were 90 bp in length once the
maps of all six models. inline barcodes were removed. We assembled reads into RADseq loci
using the de novo pipeline from STACKS. The bioinformatics pipeline
2.2. Samples for genetic analyses consisted of ‘ustacks/cstacks/sstacks/rxstacks’ and, finally, a second
iteration of ‘cstacks/sstacks’. Parameters were set to a minimum cov-
We sampled the range of S. rufosuperciliata comprehensively, in- erage of 20 (m), up to five differences between alleles of the same locus
cluding localities in between the Andean and the Atlantic forests that (M), and five differences among aligned loci of different individuals (n).
are in the hypothesized corridors between regions: locality 23 (Cerrado; This combination of parameters produced a catalogue with 23,021 loci
Fig. 1B); and localities 32–34, which are associated to the gallery forests from which we exported SNPs and calculated summary statistics using
of the Pilcomayo and Bermejo rivers (Chaco; Fig. 1B). The localities the program ‘populations’ from the STACKS pipeline. We retained loci
from the Chaco region are key to this research because they are located that were present in at least 80% of the individuals and exported one
where the Andean and the Atlantic forests are at their closest point. SNP per RADseq locus to avoid including linked loci. These filtering
We studied first a set of DNA sequences obtained by Sanger se- criteria produced 2386 SNPs for the S. rufosuperciliata and S. dimidiata
quencing (hereafter Sanger data-set). We sampled a total of 71 S. ru- comparison. We also re-exported SNPs under the same filtering criteria
fosuperciliata including all subspecies and 29 localities (Fig. 1B). We but excluding S. dimidiata samples, retaining 2883 SNPs. Data files used
also included nine samples of outgroups, with three individuals of the in these analyses are deposited in Mendeley Data (
sister species of our focal taxon (Planalto Foliage-gleaner, Syndactyla 17632/5353vbczxh.1).
dimidiata; Derryberry et al., 2011). S. dimidiata inhabits gallery forests
and woodlands of the Cerrado region (Fig. 1A), being clearly differ- 2.5. Phylogeographic analysis: Sanger sequencing data-set
entiated from S. rufosuperciliata by plumage color and song characters
(Ridgely and Tudor, 2009). To explore the phylogeographic structure of S. rufosuperciliata we
We also conducted a study with double-digest restriction site asso- performed Bayesian Inference (BI) and Maximum Likelihood (ML)
ciated DNA sequencing (ddRADseq, Peterson et al., 2012) with a sample phylogenetic analyses. The concatenated alignment of DNA sequences
of 24 S. rufosuperciliata and 9 S. dimidiata. For this analysis we used for the intraspecific phylogeny resulted of 1776 bp (Cyt B, VLDL9R and
samples from all of the distribution of the focal species, except for G3PDH), with 68 sequences from S. rufosuperciliata and 8 from out-
Cerrado and Perú, because these regions were represented by samples groups (Fig. 4). We used ModelTest 3.7 (Posada and Crandall, 1998)
from toed pads, or because they were not available at the time of col- and the likelihood ratio test to select nucleotide substitution models to
lecting RADseq data, respectively. Because our preliminary genetic re- be used in the phylogenetic analyses: for CytB, model TNei93+I+G;
sults suggested introgression between S. rufosuperciliata and S. dimi- for VLDL9R and for G3PDH, HKY+I+G. We used BEAST 1.8
diata, we decided to include various samples of the latter species. See (Drummond et al., 2012) to perform the BI analysis with the following
Table A.1 for information on the samples used in this study. conditions: (a) unlinked molecular evolution models for each marker,
(b) with I and G optimized by the analysis, and (c) a Yule tree prior,
2.3. Molecular methods: Sanger sequencing data-set with constant population size for each gene tree. The analysis con-
sidered heterozygous sites in nuclear markers as polymorphic char-
DNA was purified from muscle, blood or toe pads from museum acters, and not as ambiguous sites (N), and used a burn-in of 10%, of a
study skins (Table A.1). We used Sanger sequencing to obtain DNA total of 50 million generations, sampling every 1000 generations. We
sequences of Cytochrome b (CytB, ca. 1009 bp), intron 9 of the Z-linked used GARLI 2.0 (Zwickl, 2006) to perform the ML phylogenetic analysis
Low-Density Lipoprotein Receptor gene (VLDL9R, ca. 440 bp), and in- with a search of a maximum of 5 million generations and 100 search
tron 11 of Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphodehydrogenase (G3PDH, ca. replicates using stepwise addition. For each marker we used the best fit
325 bp). See samples, primers and PCR conditions in Supplementary model of molecular evolution and allowed parameters to vary; how-
Material. Sequences generated in this data set are deposited in Genbank ever, we noted that results did not change when using GTR+G+I
under accession numbers MK410646-MK410882. (numratecats = 4) for every marker. Node support was evaluated with
a nonparametric bootstrap (500 replicates), with support values sum-
2.4. Molecular methods: RADseq data-set marized in Treeanotator, a companion program of BEAST.
For the population genetic analyses we studied sequences of CytB,
We generated RADseq loci following the approach outlined by VLDL9R and G3PDH from 71 S. rufosuperciliata and 3 S. dimidiata. This
Peterson et al. (2012), and described in detail in Thrasher et al. (2018) data-set included three S. rufosuperciliata from the Cerrado that were
and in Supplementary Material. Briefly, we digested each sample and not included in the previous phylogenetic analyses. We tested

G.S. Cabanne et al. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 133 (2019) 198–213

population genetic structure by means of BAPS 6.0 (Corander et al., population). We assumed the subpopulations delimited in Fig. 4 as
2008) and by an Analysis of Molecular Variance (AMOVA, Excoffier demographic units for this test, and evaluated the three simplest likely
et al., 1992). BAPS estimated the most likely number of genetic clusters, models directly related to the working hypotheses that only varied
where for each marker we surveyed K = 1 to K = 20 by performing a according to topology. Each scenario tested could have been originated
mixture analysis with and without considering information of the col- either by vicariance or dispersal events between regions. Tested models
lection locality. We estimated Fst and the proportion of genetic varia- are: (1) a Central Cerrado contact (CCerr), with subpopulations P and
tion among regions by performing an AMOVA in ARLEQUIN 3.5 SE considered as sister to all the other subpopulations of their regions;
(Excoffier and Lischer, 2010), based on pairwise differences. (2) a Southern Cerrado contact (SCerr), with NB and CE as sister to the
We defined subpopulations according to the genetic results con- other subpopulations of their regions and; (3) a Chaco contact (Ch),
sidered in concert (Fig. 4); they were named as: P, Peruvian; NB, with TB and CH as sister to the other subpopulations of their regions.
northern Bolivia; TB, Tucumano-Boliviano forest; SE; Southeastern Models with CH and CE as sister to Andean populations were models
Atlantic Forest; S, Southern Atlantic Forest; CE, Cerrado; and CH, rejected a priori, because these topologies were incompatible with the
Chaco. We estimated divergence time (Tdiv), gene flow (M) and ef- phylogeographic structure (Fig. 4). Also, we did not include S. dimidiata
fective population size (Ne) with CytB, VLDL9R and G3PDH and the in the models because migration with S. rufosuperciliata was very low
isolation with migration method in IMa2 (Hey and Nielsen, 2004). First, and limited to only two subpopulations (see Results).
we modeled five subpopulations of S. rufosuperciliata, and dimidiata For coalescent simulations we modeled data of the most variable
(Sdim), assuming the topology: (((NB, TB), P), ((S + CH + CE), SE)), Sanger-sequenced loci (CytB and VLDL9R). For each model and marker,
Sdim). We used this analysis to explore M and Tdiv between Sdim and S. we performed 100,000 simulations in BayeSSC (Anderson et al., 2005).
rufosuperciliata. In a second analysis we excluded Sdim and assumed The model parameters (current observed migration, divergence time
(((NB, TB), P), (((S, CH), CE), SE)). between subpopulations and effective population size of each sub-
population) were estimated in IMa2 and then used as priors for the
2.6. Phylogeographic data analysis: RADseq data-set simulations (see values in Fig. 4, Table 1 and Table S1). Priors were
entered as uniform intervals, considering a coefficient of variation (CV)
We assigned individuals to genetic clusters with STRUCTURE 2.3.4 of 10%, defining the maximum and minimum limits of the interval by
(Pritchard et al., 2000). We ran STRUCTURE twice, with and without Sdim. adding and subtracting three CVs, respectively. For each historical
We selected the most likely value of k using the Evanno et al. (2005) event, the sink population was the largest of the pair in the event. For
method implemented in STRUCTURE HARVESTER 0.6.94 (Earl and simplicity, we did not use population growth.
vonHoldt, 2012). We also assessed the overall level of differentiation We selected summary statistics from the set estimated by default in
among species and populations by (1) conducting a principal compo- BayeSSC by generating an initial set of 10,000 simulations under each
nent analysis (PCA) in R with the package SNPRelate 3.3 (Zheng et al., model, by selecting candidate statistics that differed the most across
2012) and (2) by using haplotype information to calculate a PHI sta- models, and by evaluating those subsets of statistics with the cross-
tistic (PHI-ST) value for each RADseq locus and an average PHI-ST validation test in cv4postpr of the abc package for R (Csilléry et al.,
value per pairwise comparison in STACKS. 2012). The final set of 34 summary statistics consisted of, for each
We estimated demographic history using the Generalized marker: 10 pairwise Fst values and private alleles (Pv) from 7 pairwise
Phylogenetic Coalescent Sampler (G-PHOCS 1.2.2) (Gronau et al., subpopulation comparisons (Table S3). Observed summary statistics
2011). G-PHOCS co-estimates Tdiv, Ne, and asymmetrical M using a full were estimated in ARLEQUIN.
coalescent isolation-with-migration model. We inferred the demo- We estimated model posterior probabilities (PP) with the algorithms
graphic history of S. rufosuperciliata and S. dimidiata using sequence rejection and mnlogistic (Beaumont, 2010), in the package abc while
data from 2697 RADseq loci (including both variant and invariant loci varying the degrees of tolerance (Csilléry et al., 2012). We used two
as long as they were present in at least 80% of the individuals). First, we quality controls. First, a cross validation test with abc’s cv4postpr
explored a full model with 33 free parameters. Because some migration function (Csilléry et al., 2012). The objective of this test is to evaluate
parameters within S. rufosuperciliata did not converge in this full model, whether the model selection procedure is able to distinguish between
we only used this model to estimate Ne and Tdiv. Second, to estimate the proposed models by using the existing simulations. Briefly, the
gene flow rates, we conducted runs with 10 different simplified models, summary statistics from one of the simulations are considered as
which differed from the full model in that they only included bidirec- pseudo-observed summary statistics and classified using all the re-
tional migration parameters between one pair of populations at a time maining simulations. Then, if the summary statistics contain sufficient
(total of 15 free parameters). The number of simplified models was 10 information to discriminate among models, it is expected that a large PP
because this is the number of pairwise population comparisons. The should be assigned to the model that generated the pseudo-observed
subpopulation tree was: ((NB, TB), (SE, S + CH), Sdim). We converted summary statistics (Csilléry et al., 2012). We performed four cross-va-
the model parameters to units of individuals (Ne) or generations (di- lidations, testing tolerance rates tol = 0.001 and tol = 0.01. Second, we
vergence times) assuming a generation time of one year and a mutation performed an evaluation of stability of the model selection across dif-
rate of 10−9 substitutions per site per generation (Kumar and ferent tolerance rates. It was important to evaluate the stability of the
Subramanian, 2002). results because ABC results might vary across tolerance rates.

2.7. Testing biogeographic scenarios using ABC 3. Results

We used Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC, Beaumont et al., 3.1. Distribution models
2002) to evaluate the fit of the Sanger sequencing data-set to hy-
pothetical population models of the connection between the Andes and The test of niche divergence between the Andean and the Atlantic
the Atlantic Forest (Fig. 2A). Assessing these scenarios complemented forest populations did not reject niche conservatism (D = 0.0147, both
the previous population genetic analyses to evaluate the working hy- comparisons’ P-values > 0.05), which supported performing a single
potheses. Specifically, we applied a historical biogeography approach model for both regions. The distribution model for S. rufosuperciliata
based on vicariance and or dispersal to derive population models (See a performed much better than a random model (Average AUC = 0.921,
full explanation in Fig. S1, as well as in Fig 12.4 of Brown and Fig. 3A and Fig. S2). Modeled distributions for the Holocene matched
Lomolino, 1998), and assumed that certain subpopulations directly the current distribution, while models for the LGM and LIG denoted
descended from the ancestral population that linked regions (a relic expansions of habitat suitability into areas where the Cerrado and

G.S. Cabanne et al. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 133 (2019) 198–213

Fig. 2. Demographic models involving subpopula-

tions of Syndactyla rufosuperciliata tested by
Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) and a
Sanger data-set. (A) Models are defined according to
relationships among subpopulations, and according
to the following parameters with fixed values across
models: M (gene flow, values in Table S1), Tdiv
(time of demographic events, Fig. 4), and Ne (po-
pulation effective size, Table 1). Time of demo-
graphic events (in millions of years before present
–MY-) have been taken from a uniform distribution.
The inset represents the distribution of subpopula-
tions (See details in Fig. 4). (B) Variation of posterior
probability (PP) of the ABC model selection across
tolerance levels (tol) and model selection criteria
(logistic and rejection). See details in Table 2.

Chaco occur in the present, as well as further south. The SDM suggested phylogeographic structure, with the exception of splitting the subclade of
continuous distribution of S. rufosuperciliata between Andes and the Southern Atlantic Forest into three geographic units (CE, CH and S). An
Atlantic forest during the LGM, and nearly continuous during the LIG. AMOVA, with subpopulations grouped into two regions (Andean and
The suitable area for S. rufosuperciliata during the present was the Atlantic regions), indicated strong genetic structure between regions for
smallest among all modeled periods (Fig. 3A). During the LGM, the CytB (variation between regions –Va– = 47.7%) and VLDL9R
suitable area was 2–2.67 times larger than during the present, de- (Va = 42.16%), and no structure for G3PDH (Va = −3.4%, interpreted as
pending on the LGM climate model used for comparison. During the Va = 0). Fst values were significant for all markers (Fst-CytB = 0.75, Fst-
LIG, the suitable area was 1.67 times larger than during the present. VLDL9R = 0.49, and Fst-G3PDH = 0.065; all with P < 0.01).
The stability map indicated high historical habitat suitability in the According to the IMa2 analysis, the divergence between Andean and
Chaco, and in some portions of the Cerrado, yet the habitat suitability Atlantic forest lineages occurred in the Pleistocene (Fig. 4). IMa2 also
was continuous between the Andes and the Atlantic area only where the indicated high gene flow within regions, with the exception of gene flow
Chaco region is located in the present (Fig. 3B). between Southeastern and all Southern Atlantic Forest subpopulations (S,
CE and CH) (Fig. 5A, Table S1). Also, IMa2 indicated a high rate of his-
torical gene flow between the northernmost population in the Atlantic
3.2. Phylogeographic analysis: Sanger sequencing data-set
Forest (SE) and Northern Bolivia (NB), as well as low gene flow between
the Chaco (CH) and NB subpopulations. Gene flow between the south-
The phylogenetic analysis recovered S. rufosuperciliata as mono-
ernmost subpopulations of the Atlantic Forest (S and CH) and of the Andes
phyletic, with maximum BI support, but with low ML support (Fig. 4).
(TB) was zero. Results of IMa2 also suggested that the Atlantic region has
Within S. rufosuperciliata we recovered two main phylogroups: an Andean
larger effective population size than the Andean region (Table 1). For
clade formed by samples from Perú, Bolivia and northwestern Argentina
instance, the highest theta in the Atlantic lineage was 10.12 (subpopula-
(subspecies similis, oleaginea and cabanisi); and an Atlantic clade, formed
tion SE), while the highest theta in the Andes was 3.57 (subpopulation P).
by samples from the Atlantic Forest, as well as from gallery forests in the
In a different IMa2 analysis, we explored migration with the sister
humid Chaco and from some isolated forest in southern Cerrado (rufosu-
species of S. rufosuperciliata (S. dimidiata). The analysis estimated that S.
perciliata and acrita). None of the recognized subspecies were mono-
dimidiata has low gene flow with subpopulations SE and S of S. rufo-
phyletic. However, acrita (paraphyletic) and rufosuperciliata (polyphyletic)
superciliata – i.e., bidirectional migration Sdim-SE: 0.39 inds/gen
were close to being monophyletic (sample LGEMA1364 assigned to sub-
(HPD95: 0–1.9 inds/gen), and bidirectional migration Sdim-S:
species rufosuperciliata grouped together with samples assigned to acrita,
0.035 inds/gen (HPD95: 0–0.5 inds/gen). All gene flow estimates be-
Fig. 4). Because this sample was collected in the geographic transition
tween S. dimidiata and the other subpopulations of S. rufosuperciliata
between acrita and rufosuperciliata (Fig. 1B), this result denoted a contact
were estimated to be equal to zero (results not shown).
region between the clades associated to each subspecies. The samples
collected in the gallery forests of the Chaco (localities 32–34 in Fig. 1B) did
not form a clade sister to all the other Atlantic samples, therefore the idea 3.3. Phylogeographic analysis: RADseq data-set
of them being part of a relictual population that was isolated after the
contact between the Atlantic Forest and the Andes is not supported. The Using the full RADseq data-set, STRUCTURE separated samples into
same is true for the Cerrado samples (locality 23, Fig. 1B). two clusters coinciding with the species level taxonomy of S. rufosu-
Results of BAPS with both VLDL9R and G3PDH markers supported a perciliata and S. dimidiata, but also revealing admixture in samples from
single population (results not shown), while results with CytB indicated locations near the geographic contact between these species (Fig. 6A).
two and four populations, depending on whether the geographic location The two admixed samples of S. dimidiata are from northern Paraguay
of the samples was considered or not in the analysis, respectively (Fig. 4). (locality 25, Fig. 1B), in the ecotone between the Cerrado and the
The BAPS assignment of samples into two clusters using CytB grouped all Atlantic Forest biomes, and the most admixed samples of S. rufosu-
Peruvian samples with the Atlantic Forest cluster, suggesting a biogeo- perciliata are from the Southeastern Atlantic Forest (SE, localities 22
graphic link through northern regions. To further evaluate population and 28, Fig. 1B). A suboptimal structuring supported three clusters
structure and to define a population model to estimate divergence time (k = 3) that consisted of S. dimidiata, and two clusters in S. rufosu-
and gene flow between regions, as well as to test among demographic perciliata, conformed by the Andean and the Atlantic forest and Chaco
scenarios with ABC, we grouped the samples into seven subpopulations samples. We therefore conducted a second STRUCTURE analysis re-
(inset map of Fig. 4). This set of seven subpopulations respected the stricted to S. rufosuperciliata. The analysis supported two clusters,

G.S. Cabanne et al.

Table 1
Population size parameters of subpopulations of Syndactyla rufosuperciliata and S. dimidiata estimated with a data-set obtained through Sanger sequencing in IMa2, and with a RADseq data-set in G-PHOCS. See Fig. 4 for
definitions of subpopulations of S. rufosuperciliata.
Data-set and sample size S. rufosuperciliata S. dimidiata

Current subpopulations Ancestral† Current


Sanger (3 loci, ns CytB, 6, 12, 8 4, 7, 8 25, 33, 34 6, 10, 12 7, 10, 14 11, 17, 20 12, 28, 30 – – 3, 5, 6
1741 bp) VLDL9R,
Theta (C.I. 3.57 3.47 0.025 (0-?)§ 0.125 0.125 (0–43) 5.625 10.13 (4.525-?)§ n.e.π n.e. 7.325
95%) (0.725–6.775) (0.625–23.88) (0–33) (2.175–13.43) (1.67–38.58)
NeN (C.I. 95%) 0.739 (0.149–1.4) 0.720 0.0512 (0-?)§ 0.026 0.026 (0–8.9) 1.164 (0.45–2.78) 2.096 (0.450-?)§ n.e.π n.e.π 1.516

(0.130–4.94) (0–6.8) (0.345–7.982)

RADseq (2697 loci, ni€ n.a.£ 4 6 n.a.£ 9 2 10 11 9

242730 bp)
Theta (C.I. – 0.003 0.001 – 0.004 0.003 0.001 0.009 0.002
95%) (0.002–0.003) (0.000–0.001) (0.003–0.005) (0.002–0.004) (0.001–0.002) (0.008–0.010) (0.002–0.003)
NeN (C.I. 95%) – 0.675 (0.575–0.8) 0.25 (0.2–0.295) – 1.05 0.8 (0.648–0.992) 0.32 (0.25–0.375) 2.31 (1.95–2.5) 0.554
(0.912–1.207) (0.514–0.594)

Ancestral populations of the model: AND, Andean population; AF, Atlantic Forest population. See Material and Methods for further details.

Samples size in number of sequences (ns) of each marker of the Sanger data-set separated by commas and in the following order: CytB, VLDL9R and G3PDH.
Maximum value of the interval not presented because the likelihood distribution was flat at the end.
Not estimated by the model (n.e.).

Sample size in number of individuals (ni) studied in subpopulation.
Estimated population size in millions of diploid individuals.
Samples were not available (n.a.) to collect RADseq loci for this subpopulation.
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 133 (2019) 198–213
G.S. Cabanne et al. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 133 (2019) 198–213

(Fig. 6D). The lowest average PHI-ST observed between an Andean and an
Atlantic population was between (S + Ch) and NB (PHI-ST = 0.19). The
average divergence between subpopulations of S. rufosuperciliata and S. di-
midiata was PHI-ST = 0.32 (min. PHI-ST = 0.27, corresponding to the
comparison with SE; max. PHI-ST = 0.38, comparison with TB).
Finally, we estimated Ne, M between populations and Tdiv between
regions with G-PHOCS. Present and ancestral Ne values tend to be
higher in the Atlantic Forest, in agreement with the Sanger data-set
(Table 1). The Tdiv between main regions, and with S. dimdiata, oc-
curred in the Pleistocene (Fig. 4). Gene flow estimations in the set of ten
simplified models (summarized in Fig. 5B, and Table S1) conformed to
those from IMa2 qualitatively, but were generally smaller in magnitude
and with narrower confidence intervals. Gene flow values were low,
even within both the Andean and Atlantic regions. Gene flow between
the Andes and the Atlantic regions was detected only through the axis
SE-NB and S-NB, with higher values from East to West. This result,
which agrees with the IMa2 analysis, supports a Cerrado contact. The
G-PHOCS analysis supported the admixture detected by STRUCTURE
between subpopulations SE and S of S. rufosuperciliata and S. dimidiata.

3.4. Selection of biogeographic scenarios with ABC

The ABC analyses tested three demographic scenarios (Fig. 2A). The
observed summary statistics used in these tests are presented in Table S3.
Results of the cross-validation examination indicated that the approach
was able to select the correct model because posterior probability values
(PP) of correctly classified models were always higher than PP of the
misclassified models. Briefly, PPs of correct models varied from 1.05 (lo-
gistic, tol = 0.001, correct model CH) to 6.5 (logistic, tol = 0.01, correct
model CH) times larger than PPs of misclassified models, which is in ac-
cordance with other ABC empirical examples (Bidegaray-Batista et al.,
2016; Csilléry et al., 2012; Singhal and Moritz, 2012).
The final ABC analysis rejected as best fit the model of a Chaco con-
nection, a result that is stable across tolerance rates and model selection
criteria (Table 2, Fig. 2B). The best fit model with the most stringent
tolerance rate (tol = 0.0005) assumed an Andean-Atlantic Forest contact
through central Cerrado (model CCerr). Selection of a Cerrado contact
model was robust across different values of tolerance, but both Cerrado
connection models (CCerr and SCerr) were not resolved with logistic when
less stringent tolerance values were applied (Fig. 2B and Table 2), because
only Bayes factors (BF) > 3 indicate substantial evidence for a specific
model (Kass and Raftery, 1995). However, this last result did not affect the
overall outcome of rejecting a Chaco contact.

4. Discussion

Here we modeled the distribution and studied the population ge-

netic structure of a forest passerine to test whether the tropical Andes
Fig. 3. Present and past distribution models of Syndactyla rufosuperciliata. (A) and the Atlantic Forest acted as refugia, and whether these biomes were
Binary models for Present, Holocene (6000 years before present –ybp-), Last once connected through the Cerrado or the Chaco. Our SDM and ge-
Glacial Maximum (LGM, 21,000 ybp) and Last Inter-Glacial period (LIG, netic results suggest that both rainforest acted as refugia, and that the
130,000 ybp). For each period we report the size of the suitable range as the connection between them could have occurred through the Cerrado
total amount of pixels (px) of the model; (B) Stability model. Map of habitat
region. The SDM also suggested greater opportunity for a Chaco con-
suitability across the six models.
tact, yet this possibility was not supported by the genetic analyses.

corresponding to the regions Andes and to the Atlantic Forest and 4.1. Biogeography of the Andean – Atlantic forests connection
Chaco (Fig. 6B). There were low levels of admixture between regions,
mainly in NB and the SE and S subpopulations. A principal component Our genetic analyses of S. rufosuperciliata supported an Andean-
analysis was consistent with the results of STRUCTURE (Fig. 6C). The Atlantic forests connection through the Cerrado region. First, the samples
first two principal components (together explaining 26% of variation) from Chaco (localities 32–34), which are the Atlantic forest samples geo-
separated both species, as well as Andean and Atlantic forests popula- graphically closest to the Andes, and which could have been a relic of the
tions of S. rufosuperciliata. population that contacted the regions (the local most recent common
The average PHI-ST pairwise differentiation between subpopulations of S. ancestor), are neither the most genetically closest to the Andean samples
rufosuperciliata was 0.2, with the lowest value corresponding to the com- nor are involved in an unresolved polytomy at the base of the phylogenetic
parison between subpopulations SE and S (PHI-ST = 0.07), and the highest tree (Figs. 4 and 5). Overall this pattern is not in agreement with the Chaco
value to the comparison between subpopulations SE and TB (PHI-ST = 0.36) connection model. Samples in between regions (CH and CE) were

G.S. Cabanne et al. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 133 (2019) 198–213

Fig. 4. Bayesian intraspecific phylogeny of Syndactyla rufosuperciliata and allies obtained with a Sanger data-set (concatenated CytB, VLDL9R and G3PDH, total
1776 bp). Node support is indicated as BI posterior probability and maximum likelihood bootstrap scores (ML, 500 replicates). Divergence times (Tdiv) obtained in
IMa2 and in G-PHOCS (G) are in millions of years (MY). Sample labels depict tissue number, sampling locality number and subspecies. Samples collected in gallery
forest in Chaco (CH) and Cerrado (CE) are indicated. See Table A.1 for further details on samples and localities. We indicate results of BAPS clustering, with (Loc) and
without (No-Loc) considering the collection location of samples as prior. We also describe the subpopulations used in downstream analyses. Inset map indicate
subpopulations of S. rufosuperciliata used in our remaining genetic analyses.

G.S. Cabanne et al. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 133 (2019) 198–213

gene flow across routes involving the Cerrado region, and or the transition
between the Chaco and Cerrado, were higher (Fig. 5 and Tables S1 and
S2). Third, the ABC analyses rejected a model representing a Chaco con-
tact and thus supported as best-fit a model with Cerrado as corridor
(Table 2 and Fig. 2). We tested two models for a Cerrado contact, a
southern and a central Cerrado contact. Model selection with the most
stringent tolerance rate favored the scenario of contact through central
Cerrado, which assumes a contact between the northernmost subpopula-
tion of S. rufosuperciliata in the Atlantic Forest and the Peruvian sub-
population. However, when less stringent tolerance rates were applied,
connections through the southern and the central Cerrado regions were
both plausible. Regardless, this result does not invalidate the general
outcome that the Chaco contact model received the lowest posterior
The magnitude of historical gene flow from the Atlantic Forest to the
Andes was higher than in the opposite direction (Fig. 5, Tables S1 and S2).
We estimated gene flow from IMa2 and G-PHOCS, and the latter is expected
to be more accurate than the former because it’s based on a substantially
higher number of independent markers, and because IMa2 tends to over-
estimate absolute migration when a small number of loci are studied
(Cruickshank and Hahn, 2014; Hey et al., 2015). Therefore, we base our
interpretation of gene flow on the GHPOCS analysis. Differential migration
could be consequences of larger Ne in the Atlantic Forest, current and an-
cestral (Table 1), which implies a larger source population. Also, according
to the SDM, the Atlantic Forest and the gallery forests in the Cerrado and
Chaco have been historically less stable across time than the Andean forests.
In particular, the Atlantic Forest could have expanded toward a static An-
dean forest, during maxima of glaciations (i.e. LGM) through Chaco and
central Cerrado, and during interglacial periods (i.e., LIG) through regions
south of Chaco (Fig. 3B). Demographic expansions that followed sudden
habitat expansions in a specific direction might have contributed to define a
pattern of higher historical gene flow in the direction of the expanding
biome. Two recent studies also showed in two passerines (Trichothraupis
melanops and Arremon flavirostris, Trujillo-Arias et al., 2018, 2017, respec-
tively) a tendency of higher historical migration from the Atlantic Forest to
the Andes, suggesting that this pattern could be common to many of the
organisms shared between the tropical Andean and Atlantic forest (e.g.,
Batara cinerea, Phylloscartes ventralis and Pipraedea melanonota).
Fig. 5. Schematic representation of gene flow between subpopulations of
Syndactyla rufosuperciliata, as well as gene flow with the sister species S. dimi- Our research is in agreement with other studies supporting a Cerrado
diata (Sdim). (A) Point estimation (individuals per generation, inds/gen) and connection, such as palaeopalynological analyses (Ledru, 1993, 1991; Ledru
direction of gene flow obtained with IMa2 and three loci. (B) Point estimation et al., 2015; Oliveira-Filho and Ratter, 1995), genetic studies of birds and
and direction of gene flow, obtained with 10 simplified models in G-PHOCS and mammals (Batalha-Filho et al., 2013; Costa, 2003; Trujillo-Arias et al.,
sequence data from 2697 RADseq loci. Only gene flow values equal or above 2018, 2017) and by distribution models of animals and plants (Bueno et al.,
0.1 inds/gen are indicated. See full gene flow values in Supplementary Material 2016; Sobral-Souza et al., 2015; Werneck, 2011). These studies suggested
Tables S1 and S2. Gray areas indicate geographic distribution of the focal that rainforests expanded into the Cerrado multiple times, supporting a
species. Distribution of S. dimidiata is only schematic. scenario of recurrent contacts. Trujillo-Arias et al. (2017) found support for
a Cerrado contact in the passerine A. flavirostris, yet did not fully reject low
associated with samples from Southern Atlantic Forest, and because of levels of gene flow through the Chaco. This difference with S. rufosuperci-
their phylogenetic position, they do not seem to be directly descended liata could be related to ecological differences between the focal species,
from the populations that linked the regions. Also, the Peruvian and perhaps linked to their vagility or habitat preferences.
northern Bolivian samples, which are geographically closer to certain A connection between the Andean and Atlantic tropical forest biota
patches of Cerrado than to the Chaco region, are involved in the oldest through the Cerrado region could have existed from the late Miocene/
splits in the Andes, suggesting that the Andean lineage originated in the early Pliocene through the Bolivian foreland basin. For at least the last
northern portion of its geographic range and dispersed toward the Tucu- 10 million years the shortest path between the Andes and the Brazilian
mano-Boliviano forests of Bolivia and Argentina (Fig. 4). Furthermore, shield has been the Bolivian Andean foreland basin, around the Chapare
BAPS analyses with CytB clustered the northern Andes and Atlantic forest Buttress (Lundberg et al., 1998) (Fig. 1). This geological setting, together
in a single unit (Fig. 4), in full agreement with the idea of a Cerrado with forest dynamics associated with global glacial cycles during the
contact. Second, the population genetic structure and gene flow analyses Pleistocene, could have set up a scenario of biogeographic contact between
support a Cerrado connection because they indicate genetic connectivity regions (Trujillo-Arias et al., 2017). Even though the paleodistribution
through this region of central Brazil instead of high gene flow through the models of S. rufosuperciliata did not support continuous habitat between
Chaco (Figs. 5 and 6). For instance, the inter-biome pairwise PHI-ST the Andes and the Atlantic Forest through the Cerrado for the late Pleis-
comparisons indicated that the smallest divergence involved samples from tocene, and did support an unbroken forest bridge through Chaco, they
Southeastern Atlantic Forest and northern Bolivia (SE vs NB, Fig. 6D), as suggest the presence of large forest tracks in central Cerrado and around
well as from Southern Atlantic Forest plus Chaco and Northern Bolivia the Chapare Buttress during the last glacial maximum (Fig. 3). Although
(S + CH vs NB, Fig. 5D), consistent with a link through Cerrado and not part of this region is covered today by grasslands and xerophytic forests
through Chaco. In addition, gene flow across Chaco was very low, while (e.g., Chiquitano forest), past climatic shifts could have driven forest

G.S. Cabanne et al. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 133 (2019) 198–213

Fig. 6. Population genetic analyses in STRUCTURE of RADseq loci for (A) Syndactyla rufosuperciliata and S. dimidiata (2386 SNPs), and (B) S. rufosuperciliata alone
(2883 SNPs). The supported number of populations is indicated by k. Arrows indicate admixed individuals. Asterisks indicate individuals with robust estimations of
the ancestry coefficient, where admixture coefficients 95% CI did not overlap 0 or 1 (no admixture). (C) Principal component analysis of the RADseq data-set. (D)
Pairwise comparisons of PHI-ST (RADseq data-set) between subpopulation of S. rufosuperciliata and with S. dimidiata. The axis of PHI-ST = 0 is indicated in red. The
maps in the inset indicate the geographic distribution of both species, and of subpopulations of the focal species. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this
figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

transitions (i.e., from dry to humid physiognomies), a process that might (Adamoli et al., 1990; Ramella and Spichiger, 1989; Sennhauser, 1991;
have allowed wet forest taxa to establish. Some passerines showing a ty- Wilkinson et al., 2006). These biogeographic aspects of the Chaco could
pical circum-Amazonian distribution (e.g., Platyrhinchus mystaceus) present have precluded gene flow across the region for rainforest species like S.
an almost continuous distribution at the region of the shortest distance rufosuperciliata. A disagreement between the history suggested by SDM
between the Andes and the Brazilian shield (Remsen, 1991). Even though and the population genetics could have been observed if some degree of
the Andean foreland basin has been unstable in terms of river and megafan reproductive isolation between the Andean and Atlantic populations of the
dynamics during some periods of the Neogene (Lundberg et al., 1998; focal species existed at the moment of the potential contact. Also, the
Wilkinson et al., 2006), it has been relatively stable since the mid Pliocene, modeled climatic scenarios could not have been representative of sce-
after retraction of the Paranaense sea (Lundberg et al., 1998). narios when effective connections among population actually happened
The SDM suggested a contact between the Andean and the Atlantic (i.e., before the modeled LIG, c.130,000 years ago). This result indicates
forests during peaks of glacial periods, and the existence of a continuous that niche models are helpful to propose hypotheses on population evo-
habitat corridor that could have facilitated dispersion through the Chaco lution, but that only genetic data can indicate the actual evolutionary
region (Fig. 3). However, this hypothesis was not supported by our genetic history of those populations. Niche models are based on climate suitability,
analyses, or by other studies. Specifically, other studies suggest that the but factors different than climate would prevent gene flow (i.e., genetic or
characteristic current dry vegetation of the Chaco has been present in the geological factors), which could generate a disagreement between popu-
region for most of the Pleistocene (Contreras et al., 2015; Zurita et al., lation history and estimated paleodistributions.
2014, 2009), and that the course of the rivers in the area (e.g., Pilcomayo Few studies suggest the existence of short periods of humid and
and Bermejo), and their associated gallery forests, have been very unstable tropical climates in the Chaco during the Pleistocene (Turchetto-Zolet

G.S. Cabanne et al. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 133 (2019) 198–213

Table 2
Approximate Bayesian Computation analysis for selecting demographic models of Syndactyla rufosuperciliata. See model details in Fig. 2. Best fit models are indicated
in bold.
Model† Posterior probability PP

tol‡ = 0.05 tol = 0.01 tol = 0.005 tol = 0.001 tol = 0.0005
(n§ = 15000) (n = 3000) (n = 1500) (n = 300) (n = 150)

Rejπ Mnlog€ Rej Mnlog Rej Mnlog Rej Mnlog Rej Mnlog

CCerr 0.725 0.750 0.797 0.575 0.805 0.337 0.800 0.844 0.813 1.00
SCerr 0.184 0.222 0.147 0.413 0.145 0.648 0.163 0.156 0.160 0.000
Ch 0.091 0.027 0.056 0.011 0.050 0.013 0.037 0.000 0.027 0.000

BFΔ 1st vs 2nd 3.93 3.40 5.421 1.40 12.58 1.92 4.89 4.26 16 > 1000
BFΔ 1st vs 3rd 7.98 28.10 14.23 50 16.10 51.16 21.79 > 1000 30.45 > 1000

CCerr, Central Cerrado-contact; SCerr, Southern Cerrado-contact; Ch, Chaco-contact.

Tolerance rate.
Absolute sample size of the posterior sample after the rejection step (number of simulations retained).
Rejection method.

Logistic regression method.
Bayes factor between the first (1st) and the second (2dn), and between the first and the third (3rd) model, according to a ranking of posterior probability. When
BF < 3 we considered both models equally likely.

et al., 2016; Zurita et al., 2014), which might have allowed short per- 4.3. Introgression and molecular systematics of S. rufosuperciliata
iods of wet forest expansions and bouts of gene flow in forest organisms
(Trujillo-Arias et al., 2017). More research on the Pleistocene history of The SNP analysis revealed unexpected admixture between Syndactyla
the Chaco are needed to fully understand the region’s paleoenviron- dimidiata and the Atlantic population of our focal species, which could be
ment and the generality of our results. the product of a secondary contact between them. This result could ex-
plain the low phylogenetic support given to some nodes of the phylogeny;
4.2. Andean and Atlantic forests as interglacial refugia i.e., the basal nodes of S. rufosuperciliata and of the SE subpopulation
(Fig. 4). The observed pattern of admixture could be associated with
Our study suggest that the Andean and the Atlantic forests acted as shallow divergence at the time of secondary contact between species, and
refugia and therefore that their dynamism was important for the evolution does not question considering S. rufosuperciliata as an evolutionary in-
of forest taxa. Our analyses supported this idea as we found the deepest dependent unit. First, through coalescent analyses we detected introgres-
phylogeographic break in S. rufosuperciliata between these forest domains, sion between species (Fig. 5, Table S2) suggesting the pattern isn’t caused
and because the SDM suggested that these regions were connected in the by ancestral polymorphism; second, the number of admixed individuals is
past (i.e., during maxima of glaciations, and perhaps during some periods small (10–20% in each population, Fig. 6A), and the most admixed in-
of interglacial phases). Because the SDM of S. rufosuperciliata indicated dividuals were collected in regions of geographic contact between species,
that the smallest range of forest habitat (refugia) occurred in the present – i.e., within the Cerrado-Atlantic Forest ecotone in northern Paraguay,
an interglacial period-, and that the largest habitat range occurred during northern Paraná and in central Minas Gerais, Brazil (localities 22, 25 and
the LGM, the Andean and the Atlantic forests conform well with the de- 28 in Fig. 1B and Table A.1). This pattern is in agreement with the fact that
finition of an interglacial refugia system (Bennett and Provan, 2008). secondary contacts are usually associated with ecotones and environ-
Other forest taxa with allopatric populations restricted to both the mental gradients (Barton and Hewitt, 1985). Third, genetic analyses
Andean and Atlantic forests show their deepest phylogeographic gap be- clearly distinguished both species as entities (Fig. 6), in agreement with
tween these regions (Faivovich et al., 2005, e.g. Faivovich et al., 2004; the clear diagnosis observed in plumage and song characters (Ridgely and
Pavan et al., 2014; Percequillo et al., 2011; Rocha et al., 2014; Trujillo- Tudor, 2009). Our results further show that genomic data are revealing
Arias et al., 2018, 2017), in agreement with our results. Even though the unexpected introgression between unquestioned good bird species, many
number of studied taxa is small, there may be heterogeneity across taxa in of them considered as traditional examples of divergence in full isolation
the temporal divergence between the populations restricted to each forest, (e.g., Toews et al., 2015; Zarza et al., 2016).
which suggests that multiple biogeographic contacts could have occurred We suggest to recognize both the Andean and the Atlantic lineages of
between these regions. For instance, in a group of five songbirds with Syndactyla rufosuperciliata as full species because they are reciprocally
comparable ecological features and geographic distribution (S. rufosu- monophyletic and already recognized as sets of subspecific taxa (Fig. 4).
perciliata, Elaenia obscura, Arremon flavirostris, Trichothraupis melanops and The Andean lineage has subspecies oleaginea, cabanisi and similis, while the
Pipraeidea melanonota), the divergence between the Andean and the other lineage has the nominal and acrita (Figs. 1 and 4). Both lineages
Atlantic populations varied from about 1.47 MY to 0.15 MY (Lavinia, could be recognized as full species according to different species concepts.
2016; Rheindt et al., 2008; Trujillo-Arias et al., 2018, 2017; this study). For instance, according to the phylogenetic concept (Cracraft, 1983), they
A scenario of multiple biogeographic contacts between the Andean are full species because they represent monophyletic populations. Also,
and the Atlantic forests is expected by the cyclical nature of glaciations according to the general lineage species concept (de Queiroz, 1998), they
(Nores, 1992; Trujillo-Arias et al., 2017). Therefore, species shared represent independent evolutionary lineages (i.e., genomic gene flow be-
between these regions could have undergone recurrent cycles of isola- tween them M < 1) with morphological diagnosis. But, according to the
tion, divergence and secondary contacts. These cycles could have pro- biological species concept they are allopatric and therefore cannot be
moted diversification of these organisms and or could have allowed tested for reproductive isolation, although historical gene flow rates be-
colonization of new regions (Trujillo-Arias et al., 2018). However, be- tween them estimated based on the Sanger dataset are very small
cause responses to habitat shifts are species-specific (e.g., Burney and (Fig. 5B). However, recent taxonomic approaches considering advances on
Brumfield, 2009; Cabanne et al., 2016; Smith et al., 2014), comparative the genetics of speciation, reproductive isolation, directional selection, and
studies are needed to obtain a full understanding of the evolutionary hybridization dynamics, support that distinct and reciprocally mono-
role of these biogeographic links between Neotropical forests. phyletic sister populations of birds exhibit essential reproductive isolation

G.S. Cabanne et al. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 133 (2019) 198–213

and would not interbreed freely if they were to occur in sympatry (Gill, introgression between unquestioned good species.
2014), which is in further agreement with the split we proposed herein
between Andean and Atlantic Forest populations of the Buff-browed Fo-
liage-gleaner. Therefore, the Andean populations should be referred to as Acknowledgments
S. cabanisi (the taxon name with priority, which would also include cur-
rently recognized subspecies oleaginea and similis) (Remsen, 2003), while We thank the staff of the institutions that loaned tissue samples used
the Atlantic Forest populations are all grouped under S. rufosuperciliata in this study: Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino
(which also includes subspecies acrita). Our analyses did not support the Rivadavia (Argentina), Instituto de Biociências da Universidad de São
subspecies within the Andean and the Atlantic range as independent Paulo (Brazil); Louisiana Museum of Natural History (USA), Field
evolutionary entities. Even though the phylogeny revealed acrita and ru- Museum of Natural History (USA), Biodiversity Institute and Natural
fosuperciliata as nearly reciprocally monophyletic, the genomic analyses History Museum (Kansas University, USA), Museu Paraense Emílio
did not suggest clear divergence between them. Preliminary results of a Goeldi (Brazil) and Centro de Coleções Taxonômicas of the
study of the phenotypic variation in the species indicate that those two Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (Brazil). We thank the following
subspecies are part of a morphological cline (Cabanne unpubl.). institutions for granting collection permits: Administración de Parques
Nacionales (Argentina), Ministerio de Ecología de Misiones, and en-
5. Conclusions vironmental authorities of Bolivia and Brazil. This study was funded by:
the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas (PIP
Our study of a forest passerine supports that the Andean and the 2011 276, PIP 2015 637, Coop. Int. CNPq-CONICET, as well as Fondo
Atlantic forests acted as a refugia system, and therefore that their dy- IBOL Argentina), the Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y
namism is important for the evolution of forest biota. We also found Tecnológica from Argentina (Coop. Int. CAPES-MINCyT, PICT 2012
that the Andean and the Atlantic populations of the species contacted 1924 and PICT 2014 2154), and Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do
through expansions of forests in the region occupied today by the biome Estado de São Paulo (BIOTA, 2013/50297-0) from Brazil, and by the
Cerrado. This result is in agreement with studies with other passerines American Museum of Natural History through a Chapman Postdoctoral
in the region and may indicate a more general pattern. Finally, our Fellowship to SC. AA was supported by CNPq research productivity
results further show that genomic data are revealing unexpected fellowships (##308927/2016-8).

Appendix A

See Table A.1.

Table A1
Genetic samples used in the present study. Underlined samples correspond to those used in both the Sanger sequencing and the RADseq data-sets.
Locality Sample ID Institution† Species Subspecies Locality Latitude Longitude

1 B32446 LSU Syndactyla similis Quebrada Lanchal, ca. 8 Km ESE Sallique, Cajamarca −5.7056330 −79.271310
rufosuperciliata Department, Perú
2 B43881 LSU S. rufosuperciliata similis-cabanisi? ca. 24 km ENE Florida, San Martín Department, Perú −5.8766300 −76.882600
3 B40154 LSU S. rufosuperciliata cabanisi ca. 86 km SE Juanjui on E bank upper Rio Pauya, Loreto −7.8209440 −76.044971
Department, Perú.
4 B8051 LSU S. rufosuperciliata cabanisi ca. 8 km NW Cushi on trail to Chaglla, Playa Pampa, −10.7913570 −75.359464
Pasco, Perú.
5 FMNH429974 FMNH S. rufosuperciliata cabanisi San Pedro, Paucartambo, Curzco, Perú −13.3219240 −71.588001
FMNH429975 FMNH S. rufosuperciliata cabanisi
6 MACN6327 MACN S. rufosuperciliata cabanisi Chulumani, Sud Yungas, La Paz, Bolivia, 2179 msnm −16.3959160 −67.558816
MACN6328 MACN S. rufosuperciliata cabanisi
MACN6369 MACN S. rufosuperciliata cabanisi
MACN7237 MACN S. rufosuperciliata cabanisi
7 B38228 LSU S. rufosuperciliata oleaginea La Pajcha, ca 28 km S Samaipata, Santa Cruz −18.4013110 −63.835477
Department, Bolivia.
8 MACN6256 MACN S. rufosuperciliata oleaginea Pedernal Provincia Tomina, Dpto. Chuquisaca, Bolivia, −19.3621100 −64.119840
1470 msnm
MACN6272 MACN S. rufosuperciliata oleaginea
MACN6278 MACN S. rufosuperciliata oleaginea
MACN6301 MACN S. rufosuperciliata oleaginea
9 MACN1116 MACN S. rufosuperciliata oleaginea 2 KM E de Ocloya, Jujuy, Argentina, 1550 msnm −23.9381800 −65.217790
MACN1135 MACN S. rufosuperciliata oleaginea
MACN894 MACN S. rufosuperciliata oleaginea
10 MACN5721 MACN S. rufosuperciliata oleaginea Parque Nacional Calilegua, La Toma, near Mesada de las −23.6979320 −64.869690
Colmenas, Jujuy, 1400 msnm
MACN5722 MACN S. rufosuperciliata oleaginea
MACN5739 MACN S. rufosuperciliata oleaginea
MACN5741 MACN S. rufosuperciliata oleaginea
MACN5647 MACN S. rufosuperciliata oleaginea
MACN5659 MACN S. rufosuperciliata oleaginea
MACN5660 MACN S. rufosuperciliata oleaginea
MACN5679 MACN S. rufosuperciliata oleaginea
MACN5690 MACN S. rufosuperciliata oleaginea
MACN5691 MACN S. rufosuperciliata oleaginea
MACN5692 MACN S. rufosuperciliata oleaginea
MACN5700 MACN S. rufosuperciliata oleaginea
MACN5701 MACN S. rufosuperciliata oleaginea
(continued on next page)

G.S. Cabanne et al. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 133 (2019) 198–213

Table A1 (continued)

Locality Sample ID Institution† Species Subspecies Locality Latitude Longitude


11 MACN761 MACN S. rufosuperciliata oleaginea Sierra Santa Bárbara (East slope), Jujuy, 1975 msnm. −24.1200880 −64.455952
MACN724 MACN S. rufosuperciliata oleaginea
MACN776 MACN S. rufosuperciliata oleaginea
MACN_932 MACN S. rufosuperciliata oleaginea
12 LB3574 LBEM S. dimidiata Brejinho das Ametistas, Caetité, Bahia, Brazil −14.333333 −42.532317
LB3573 LBEM S. dimidiata
13 LB4103 LBEM S. dimidiata Córrego Capetinga, Fazenda Água Limpa, Brasilia, Brazil −15.9475000 −47.938889
14 UFG5099 (UNB17) LabGenBio S. dimidiata Reserva Ecológica do IBGE, Brasilia, Brazil −15.9399320 −47.884539
UFG5106 (UNB10) LabGenBio S. dimidiata
15 LB3670 LBEM S. dimidiata Ribeirão Furnas, Fazenda Monte Carmelo, Minas Gerais, −18.8788890 −47.915000
Indianápolis, Brazil.
LB3671 LBEM S. dimidiata
16 LB2319 LBEM S. dimidiata Turmalina, Minas Gerais, Brazil −17.1600000 −42.860000
17 LB3167 LBEM S. rufosuperciliata rufosuperciliata Alfredo Chaves, Espírito Santo, Brazil −20.5157290 −40.860620
18 LB3654 LBEM S. rufosuperciliata rufosuperciliata Gonçalves, Minas Gerais, Brazil. −22.6656110 −45.859041
LB3655 LBEM S. rufosuperciliata rufosuperciliata
19 LB3718 LBEM S. rufosuperciliata rufosuperciliata Mariana, Caraca, Minas Gerais, Brazil −20.1499550 −43.501292
20 LB3838 LBEM S. rufosuperciliata rufosuperciliata Itabirito, Minas Gerais, Brazil −20.3017020 −43.904329
LB3847 LBEM S. rufosuperciliata rufosuperciliata
LB4273 LBEM S. rufosuperciliata rufosuperciliata
21 LB636 LBEM S. rufosuperciliata rufosuperciliata Araponga, Minas Gerais, Brazil −20.6500000 −42.550000
22 LGEMA10274 LGEMA S. rufosuperciliata rufosuperciliata Mata do Jambreiro, Nova Lima, Minas Gerais, Brazil. −20.0402210 −43.854848
LB739 LBEM S. rufosuperciliata rufosuperciliata
LB945 LBEM S. rufosuperciliata rufosuperciliata
LB719 LBEM S. rufosuperciliata rufosuperciliata
23 MG51834‡ MPEG S. rufosuperciliata acrita Fazenda Harmonia, Bonito, Matto Grosso do Sul, Brazil. −21.2495310 −56.704311
MG51831‡ MPEG S. rufosuperciliata acrita
MG51835‡ MPEG S. rufosuperciliata acrita
MG52459‡ MPEG S. rufosuperciliata acrita
MG51832‡ MPEG S. rufosuperciliata acrita
MG51833‡ MPEG S. rufosuperciliata acrita
MG52460‡ MPEG S. rufosuperciliata acrita
24 FMNH395424 FMNH S. rufosuperciliata rufosuperciliata Boraceia, São Paulo, Brazil. −23.6777580 −45.798289
25 KU150 KU S. dimidiata San Luis National Park, Conceptción, Paraguay. −22.5316030 −57.511071
KU149 KU S. dimidiata
26 LGEMA1149 LGEMA S. rufosuperciliata rufosuperciliata Juquitiba, São Paulo, Brazil. −23.9274530 −47.091296
27 LGEMA11433 LGEMA S. rufosuperciliata acrita? Ortigueira, Paraná, Brazil −24.2045840 −50.91418
28 LGEMA1364 LGEMA S. rufosuperciliata rufosuperciliata? Wencenslau Braz, Paraná, Brazil. −23.9071490 −49.79504
29 LGEMA2155 LGEMA S. rufosuperciliata acrita Rancho Queimado, Santa Catarina, Brazil −27.6899180 −49.003879
LGEMA2156 LGEMA S. rufosuperciliata acrita
LGEMA2168 LGEMA S. rufosuperciliata acrita
LGEMA2172 LGEMA S. rufosuperciliata acrita
30 LGEMA2129 LGEMA S. rufosuperciliata acrita Arroio do Padre, Colonia Cerrito, Pelotas, Brazil. −31.3666600 −52.38333
LGEMA2133 LGEMA S. rufosuperciliata acrita Arroio do Padre, Colonia Cerrito, Pelotas, Brazil. −31.3666600 −52.38333
31 MACN1990 MACN S. rufosuperciliata acrita Parque Urugua-í, María Soledad, Gral. Belgrano, −25.8559880 −53.983427
Argentina, 304 msnm.
MACN2022 MACN S. rufosuperciliata acrita
32 MACN1659 MACN S. rufosuperciliata acrita Estación Biológica Corrientes, San Cayetano, Corrientes, −27.5509500 −58.68441
MACN2487 MACN S. rufosuperciliata acrita
33 MACN4491 MACN S. rufosuperciliata acrita Parque Nacional Chaco, Capitán Solari, Chaco, −26.8079670 −59.60878
Argentina, 67 msnm.
MACN4492 MACN S. rufosuperciliata acrita
MACN4530 MACN S. rufosuperciliata acrita
34 MACN4389 MACN S. rufosuperciliata acrita Parque Nacional Mburucuyá, Mburucuyá, Corrientes, −28.0180400 −58.026493
35 MACN4996 MACN S. rufosuperciliata acrita Parque Nacional El Palmar, Colón, Entre Ríos, Argentina, −31.8915500 −58.244332
23 msnm.
FMNH321565 FMNH S. ucayale Tono, Cuzco, Perú, 780 m.
B7410 LSU S. roraimae Cerro de la Neblina Base Camp, Amazonas, Venezuela, 140 m.
B6148 LSU S. subalaris W slope Cordillera del Cutucú, Yapitya, on Logroño-Yaupi trail, Morona-Santiago Province,
B43483 LSU S. subalaris 24 km ENE Florida, San Martín, Perú.
MACN3541 MACN Philydor lichtensteini Parque Nacional Iguazú, Iguazú, Misiones, Argentina.
MACN6866 MACN Philydor atricapillus Parque Nacional Iguazú, Iguazú, Misiones, Argentina.

Institutions where samples are housed: LSU, Louisiana Museum of Natural History, Collection of Genetic Resources, Baton Rouge, USA; FMNH, Field Museum of
Natural History, Chicago, USA; MACN, Bird tissue collection of the Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales “”Bernardino Rivadavia”, Buenos Aires, Argentina; LBEM,
Centro de Coleções Taxonômicas, Universidade Federal Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil; LGEMA, Laboratório de Genética e Evolução Molecular de Aves,
Universidad de São Paulo, Brazil; MG, Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi, Belém, Pará, Brazil; KU, Biodiversity Institute and Natural History Museum, Kansas University,
Lawrence, USA. LabGenBio, Departamento de Genética e Morfologia, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas da Universidade de Brasília.

Sample from toe pad.

G.S. Cabanne et al. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 133 (2019) 198–213

Appendix B. Supplementary material

Supplementary data to this article can be found online at

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