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Class name Subclass name Subclass description

Sorcerer Pheonixheart These sorcerers get their power from the blessing of the phoenix, which they
received at birth. This blessing awakens a deep power hidden within any
creature's being, and allows them to control this power through fire. These
powers are called Phoenixheart powers as they often resemble the abilities of
a pheonix.

Sorcerer Dune Magic These sorcerers are blessed with the power of sands, and gain the ability to
manipulate sands within combat. Their sands have a variety of capabilities,
and allow them to withstand attacks as well as create summons to distract
and damage enemies.

Warlock Chaos Lord Warlocks with the power of the Chaos Lord are very rare. This is mostly
because the Chaos Lord resides at the End of The World, and that is the only
place where they can really be contacted.

Chaos Lord warlocks are capable of many different things, and there is heavy
variation between these warlocks because the Chaos Lord is the god of both
chaos and creation. This allows for warlocks with his favor to choose whether
they want to use the powers of creation, or the powers of chaos to shape their

This class is only available to use if your DM specifically approves it due to its
highly overpowered possibilities.

Paladin Oath of Mead The Oath of Mead encourages paladins who follow it to be pure… enough.
These paladins follow their god to the fullest extent of their will, and they often
seek chaos by the order of the gods. They receive many blessings that help
them devote themselves to their oath, and they can become a very
formidable force. Some of their abilities revolve around drinking any form of
alcohol, and mead is often what they drink.

Note: all mead created by abilities can be substituted to a different alcoholic

beverage if you want, but this substitution must be the same at all times,
unless the DM specifically allows it.

Paladin Oath of Equality Oath of Equality paladin’s deities favor the balance of forces above all else.
These gods urge their paladins to take a much more fair and neutral stance
on views, without being skewed towards the law or towards chaos. Many of
the paladin’s abilities revolve around keeping the forces of life and death
balanced within the world.

Note: Oath of Equality paladins cannot have a chaotic evil alignment.

Rogue Desparado Desperados are known commonly as cowboys in the wild west, and they also
come with a very unique set of skills. They excel at distanced combat, and
they are often lone wanderers who seek retribution upon those who have
done wrong.
Fighter Blademaster These fighters have completely mastered their weapon technique to the point
where they don’t even need to enhance themselves, but rather they choose
to focus on improving their weapon instead. Some have even found a way to
engrave an aspect of their soul into their weapon.

Ranger Shadowcraft These rangers have unlocked the secrets of the ancient unicraft magic, a
powerful technique that allows them the fuse two objects together in a way
that combines the pure essence of both objects. They have also merged their
own technique with the magic of shadows, allowing them to control their
powers through shadows and darkness.

Artificer Mechanus

Artificer Operator

Wizard Memeomancer

Bard College of screeching These bards are dedicated to producing what they believe to be the most
exquisite sounds in the world. However, these sounds just sound like
screeching to other people most of the time. They focus on supporting allies
by dealing damage to enemies, and by debuffing enemies, and they get
better when more allies are supporting them.

Note: this is meant to be a DnD comparison of heavy metal “music”

Druid Circle of monsters Circle of monsters Druids are on the more experimental side of nature. They
have turned their shapeshifting into an ability that suits their own body more,
rather than just using the bodies of other creatures. In society, most people
don’t know of the existence of these druids, describing them as shapeshifting
demons rather than guardians of nature, resulting in them being cast out from
places, or having to hide their powers from everybody.

These druids can shapeshift only certain parts of their body into parts of
different creatures. This gives them an advantage with being able to blend in
better while still retaining certain attributes of creatures.

Subclass Feature lvl1 Feature lvl1 Feature lvl6 Feature lvl14 Feature lvl18

Phoenixheart Phoenix’s life Radiant Firebird Flame infusion Eternal flame Blessing of the sun
Your body contains You can enter You gain Your body is always You learn to infuse
the power of a Radiant Firebird resistance to fire alight with flames. others with your
Phoenix, thus state by skipping damage. These flames exert powers of fire.
giving you the two of your turns, or a bright light for 20ft,
lifespan of a by using your When you use a and dim light for You can use an
phoenix. Phoenix's life sorcery point, another 40ft and action to give your
feature. the spell that is make you resist fire turn to an ally. This
When you die, you the target of the damage. doesn’t use up the
can forgo death In this state, you sorcery point ally’s next turn.
once, and enter gain wings and deals an extra When an enemy Doing this causes
Radiant Firebird talons made of 1d4 fire damage. attacks you, if they your ally to enter
state for an hour. glowing flames, and This damage roll under your AC, Radiant Firebird
This feature can be your body is increases by 1d4 they take 1d4 fire form for one turn.
used once every illuminated with a at levels 10, 14, damage. If they roll When the form ends,
long rest. fiery light. Your and 18. above or at your AC, the ally gains your
wings grant you a they take 1d4 fire eternal flame feature
flying speed equal When you cast a damage plus your for two hours.
to your walking spell that does charisma modifier.
speed, and your fire damage, you At level 20, this
talons grant you an deal an extra bonus also includes
extra 1d6 fire 1d6 fire damage. your constitution
damage when you This increases modifier.
make an unarmed by 1d6 at levels
strike. This state 10, 14, and 18.
can last for up to
two hours, unless
activated by
Phoenix's life, and
when it ends, you
go down to 5hp.

If you take fire

damage while in
this state, you heal
hp equal to the
amount of damage
taken. Every time
you take damage
increases the
amount of hp you
have left when this
state ends by 2.

Subclass Feature lvl1 Feature lvl1 Feature lvl6 Feature lvl14 Feature lvl18

Dune Magic Sand form Sand Shaper Sandworm spawn Sand Clones Infused Sands
As a bonus action, You can shape As a bonus action, As an action, you You can now cast
you can transform sand around you can make two can summon two spells while in sand
your entire body you into solid targets on copies of you made form, and if you go
into sand, allowing objects that you creatures within of sand. These into sand form, you
you to morph your can use. If this 60ft of you, and you copies have health can cast a spell as
shape and giving object would be can target the equal to half your you do so. You can
you +3AC. The AC used as a same creature max health, and an also cast spells
bonus increases by weapon or multiple times. You AC equal to your AC through both of your
1 every third level. projectile, it is then create one -4. On your turn, you summons at once, at
You can exit this destroyed when large floating worm can use a bonus half damage.
form freely, but you it hits a target. made of sand for action to command
can only hold it for each target, and the clones to move
up to five turns in these spawn 5ft up to your walking
combat. It can only away from you. speed, and/or make
be used once per Each worm targets an unarmed strike for
combat. While in one individual your unarmed strike
sand form, you can target and moves damage. These
merge with sand to 10ft closer to them clones can also use
either travel freely on each of your weapons created by
within it, or turns. When the your Sand Shaper
increase your size. worm reaches a feature, and when
While in sand form, space next to it’s the clones use the
you cannot use targeted creature, it weapon, it doesn’t
normal weapons, makes an unarmed break. If a clone is
or cast spells. strike against that reduced to 0
creature for 4 hitpoints, it dies, and
damage, and it any sand weapon it
repeats this action is using disappears.
at the start of every A sand clone also
turn. The worms dies after one day.
disappear after it
deals 40 damage,
or takes 30
damage. Worms
also disappear after
15 turns.

The amount of
worms you can
summon with this
feature increases
by one every fifth
level(10th, 15th,

Subclass Feature lvl1 Feature lvl1 Feature lvl6 Feature lvl10 Feature lvl14

Chaos Lord Rule of the Hand of Chaos Chaotic flux Cross-dimensional Rift of Chaos
Warlock Chaos Lord being
You gain the power You gain the ability to You can open a rift to
The Chaos to manifest a hand use the powers of You create two other dimensions
Lord is both the of the Chaos Lord. chaos to inhibit your alternate copies of using the powers of
god of chaos foes. yourself. Select a the Chaos Lord, and
and the god of You learn the non-warlock class use it to borrow the
creation, and Catapult spell As a bonus action, for each and level powers and items of
he allows you you can weave the them to your level. another dimension.
to choose As an action on essence of chaos These count as
which of his your turn, you can through your foes. secondary Roll a d20. This
powers fuel summon a Hand of This makes each characters for you, decides what you gain
your own. Chaos. This enemy in a 20ft radius even though they from the rift, based off
appears as a roll a d6, which are almost exactly of the Chaos rift table.
You pick one floating hand, and determines what yourself.
rule. Either the you can decide the effect they receive If you chose rule of
rule of chaos, features and look from the flux table. If you chose rule of chaos, you can use
or the rule of of the hand, as The effect they chaos, these this feature unlimited
creation. The long as it still receive lasts for 1 copies cannot use times, but only three
rule you choose greatly resembles a hour their class features times every combat.
changes what human hand. This normally within
your abilities hand can be up to If you chose oath of combat. Outside of If you chose rule of
do. 10ft in diameter, chaos, this makes combat, the class creation, you can only
and down to 2in in enemies roll a d10, features for the use this feature twice,
radius. which unlocks even other characters with charges being
more chaotic effects. work normally, but restored upon
This hand has an in combat, you can completing a long
hp equal to If you chose oath of only use one rest. You can also
15+your hp, and an creation, the enemies character’s class apply the effects of
AC of 15. When roll a d4 instead, and features. You can the rift to other allies.
you cast a spell, makes them take switch which
the hand is not damage equal to the character you can
affected by the amount rolled. use class features
spell, and any allies with when you
within 5ft of the finish a long rest.
hand are also not
affected, unless the If you chose rule of
spell is a creation, these
buffing/boosting copies act like a
spell. The hand is regular other
also affected by the character.
catapult spell

You can move the

hand a distance
equal to your
walking speed
once per your turn.

If you chose the

rule of chaos, you
have unlimited
charges of this
feature, but you
can only have one
hand of chaos at a
time. If you chose
the rule of creation,
you have 4 charges
of this feature,
which restore upon
a short or long rest,
however, you can
summon two hands
of chaos at once.

Spell level Spells learnable

1st Chaos bolt, jim’s magic missile

2nd Nathairs mischief, rope trick

3rd Conjure animals, fast friends

4th Fabricate, dimension door

5th Animate objects, creation

Number rolled Chaotic flux name Chaotic flux effect

1 Weak muscles Gives enemy -1 AC

2 Stubbed toe Gives enemy -5ft movement speed

3 Unfocused mind Gives enemy disadvantage on their next save

4 Distracted strike Gives enemy disadvantage on their next attack

5 Foggy iris Gives enemy a -1 to attack

6 Muscle cramp Gives enemy a -2 to damage rolls

7 Twisted ankle Gives enemy -10ft to movement speed

8 Chipped edge Gives enemy a -4 to damage rolls

9 Butterfingers Gives enemy -3 to attack

10 Paper-mache armor Gives enemy -5 AC

Number rolled Chaos rift effect

1 Gives you a bag of holding

2 Gain 100gp

3 Skip an enemy's turn. If you roll this outside of combat, you take number 17 instead
4 Gives you wildshape for 5 hours

5 Gives you a compass that points towards where you need to go. This compass only exists
for 24 hours

6 Allows you to gain an item worth up to 500gp, or just gain 300gp

7 You refresh all spell slots

8 Gain an extra action each turn for the next 24 hours

9 Instantly casts silence on an area of your choice. You can forgo this and take 15

10 Allows you to set a portal that you can travel to from any location that lasts for two days(48

11 Allows you to create a portal from which you can travel to any location you have seen. This
lasts for two days(48 hours)

12 Increases your damage by 2d6 for 3 hours

13 You take 3d6 fire damage

14 Creates an instant banquet

15 Instantly casts Mass healing word

16 Gives you a deck of many things that only exists for 2 hours

17 Negates the next damage taken

18 You gain/restore three extra spell slots of any level(s). Any extra slots disappear when the
current combat ends(when the next combat ends if used outside of combat).

19 You instakill an enemy with under 150 hp. If you roll this outside of combat, you take
number 17 instead

20 You gain an extra life that prevents you from dying one time

Subclass name Feature lvl3 Feature lvl7 Feature lvl15 Feature lvl20

Oath of mead Meadblessing Aura of Kinship Intoxicated Hunger Ultimate brew

You have received the You emit an aura of If you take damage while you As an action, you
blessing of mead, which kindness and have a Meadblessing bonus can instill yourself
allows you to create or boldness, which activated, you can gain one and others with the
find almost any amount of your allies can stack of hunger. vigor of the god
mead at any time. This experience as well. mead.
doesn’t work if there is a When you make an attack, you
somewhat specific When an ally is may use one stack of hunger. When you do this,
magical means of you not within 10ft of you Using this removes one of your any allies you
being able to create or and you drink the stacks of Meadblessing, and choose within a 50ft
find the mead(e.x. You are mead from your heals you for 10hp. Using this radius gain 5 stacks
trapped in an ethereal Meadblessing also increases the damage of of hunger and 5
plane, you are trapped in feature, both you the attack by 5. stacks of
a magical sphere, you are and the ally gain the Meadblessing. You
in an important place for bonus from the You can also use one stack of gain double the
the plot, and so on). feature. hunger to remove all non amount of hunger
armor bonuses to your AC and and Meadblessing,
If you drink the mead that You also have heal the an amount of hp equal and take 20
you gain from this feature, advantage on any to the amount of AC you lost. If damage.
you gain +2 AC until the charisma based skill you lose any permanently
next morning. This can be checks on a active AC buffs, you regain Any enemies within
stacked once, and can be creature within 10ft them in the morning. a 30ft radius of you
stacked one more time at of you. when you do this
levels 7, 15, and 20. If you have any stacks of takes damage equal
These ranges hunger when it becomes to 150 minus your
increase to 30ft morning, you take 5 damage AC + your allies total
when you reach for each stack of hunger you AC.
level 18. have.

Channel divinity

You have two channel divinity options

1. Holy jug
You create an alchemy jug which can create two extra gallons of any liquid created
with it. Beer created with this counts towards your meadblessing feature.
2. Holy tavern
You create a mystical tavern up to 20ft in diameter that exists for up to five hours.
While in the tavern, you and your allies gain +3AC, and also gain advantage on all skill
and ability checks.

Paladin level Spells gained

3rd Tasha’s Caustic Brew, Goodberry

5th Suggestion, Enhance ability

9th Beacon of hope, Fast friends

13th Compulsion, Confusion

17th Skill empowerment, Contagion, Hero’s feast(Hero’s feast can be casted twice
per long rest)
Subclass name Feature lvl3 Feature lvl7 Feature lvl15 Feature lvl20

Oath of Equality Divine Equality Equalized Aura Binds of Peace Absolute Equalizer
When you use Within 10ft of you, if an If an ally takes As an action, you can
your divine smite, ally rolls a natural 1 on a damage, you can use select any amount of
your damage is roll, they can re-roll the your reaction to heal creature that you can
not increased. roll once. This also yourself for half the see. You then equally
However, any re-rolls the dice if an damage dealt. Also, if divide those creature’s
damage you deal enemy rolls a natural 20. you are damaged, hitpoints amongst them.
with your divine This only activates if you you can heal an ally You can choose to heal
smite active is roll a 3 or higher on a d4, for half the damage yourself by the amount
given to yourself which is rolled before the dealt. of health left in the
or an ally of your first dice is re-rolled. The selected targets. You
choice as healing. d4 increases to a d6 at can also give this
level 15, and is an healing to an ally
automatic success at instead.
level 20.
This feature can restore
This radius increases to hitpoints to downed
30ft at level 18. creatures, but not dead

Channel divinity

You have two channel divinity options:

● Harmony Domain
As an action, you can create a domain of pure harmony. This domain nullifies
any damage buffs, such as smite or hunters mark, and it makes any damage
dealt within the domain heal the dealer of the damage for half the damage
dealt. This domain lasts for two rounds.
● Harmonic Instillation
As a bonus action, you can instill a creature with the blessing of pure harmony.
This makes the creature heal for an amount of hp equal to the damage dealt
with an attack. This lasts for two rounds.

Paladin level Spells gained

3rd False Life, Hellish Rebuke

5th Find Traps, Aid

9th Counterspell, Feign Death

13th Death Ward, Gate Seal

17th Dispel Evil & Good, Antilife Shell

Subclass name Feature lvl3 Feature lvl3 Feature lvl9 Feature lvl13 Feature lvl17

Desperado Swift Shot Stand-off Bounty mark Headhunter Lone ranger

You gain If you are As a bonus action You can now apply As an action, you can
proficiency with standing exactly on your turn, you up to three bounty mark every creature
firearms, and can 10, 15, or 20ft can target a marks at once, within a 10ft radius
take two reactions away from a creature who has and creatures can that is within 80ft of
between turns. creature, you harmed another target multiple you with a bounty
gain the following creature within the other creatures mark, and these
You also gain a benefits: last three days. who have a bounty bounty marks don’t
horse familiar that This creature then on them. If you kill count towards your
you can mount. If the creature gains a bounty a creature with a total amount of marks.
This horse cannot makes a ranged mark. Only one bounty mark, you You also gain all
take actions in weapon attack bounty mark can restore 2d8+4 bonuses from your
combat. against you and be placed at once hitpoints. Stand-off feature for
misses, you can any enemy with a
When you use a use your reaction If a creature has a bounty mark on it.
firearm, you can to make a bounty mark on it,
ignore the loading sure-hit ranged all other non-allied
property of the weapon attack creatures that can
weapon. You can with a firearms see you mark your
also engage in weapon you are target must make
two-weapon weilding. This a DC15 Wis
fighting with applies in reversesaving throw
one-handed as well. when you do so,
firearms. and the DC for the
You have throw decreases
advantage on any by 1 every second
ranged weapon level(levels 10,
attacks against 12, 14, 16, 18,
the creature. and 20). If they
fail, nothing
When the happens. If they
creature moves succeed, they
outside the range must hit the
of this feature, marked target at
you can use your least once before
reaction to make they can target
an opportunity any other
attack. creature. If any
creature kills the
marked target,
you can use your
reaction to place a
bounty mark on
them, and both
you and the
creature that killed
the target gain an
extra action and
bonus action on
your next turn.
This only applies
once to you if you
kill the marked

Subclass Feature lvl3 Feature lvl7 Feature lvl10 Feature lvl15 Feature lvl18

Blademaster Master Solo weaponist Soulcarving Hyper attacker Deathstrike

Fighter weaponist
When you only You have learned to You can attack with If you hit an enemy
You choose any have your implant your soul into your mastered three times on a
one melee mastered weapon your weapon. weapon as a bonus turn, you can make
weapon to be equipped, action, even if you another attack
your mastered meaning you When you gain this have already used an against the same
weapon. Your have only one feature, you pick action to attack with enemy without an
mastered weapon and no what type of it. When you do so, action. This only
weapon cannot sheild equipped, soulcarving you have you do not apply your activates once per
be a magical or you gain a +2 from the soulcarving proficiency bonus or turn.
enchanted bonus to hit and a table, and this cannot use your extra attack
weapon of any +2 damage be changed. As a for the attack. If you kill an enemy,
kind. You are bonus. bonus action on your you gain an extra
proficient with turn, you can activate You gain two hyper bonus action on
your mastered If the enemy you your soulcarving action surges. If you your next turn. If you
weapon. are attacking has mode. When your use a hyper action kill an enemy with
taken no damage soulcarving mode is surge, you gain an your soulcarving
You then gain a from your allies in active, you gain any extra action and feature active, you
special version the past round, buffs listed on the bonus action. Only also heal hp equal
of your you gain an extra table, and this mode one hyper action to the amount of
mastered +2 bonus to hit. ends after three of surge can be used damage you dealt to
weapon that This bonus also your turns unless each turn, and they the enemy in
deals 1d10+Str activates if you otherwise stated. refresh upon a long soulcarving mode.
mod+Dex mod are fighting a rest.
base damage. boss enemy even
Your dex and str if allies have Your soulcarving
scores can go attacked it lasts for two more of
up to 26(+8). recently. your turns.
You also get to
choose one
weapon feature
based on what
kind of weapon
you have. Refer
to the weapon
features table
for options.

This weapon
can be any
weapon, even
one that you
yourself create.
This weapon still
has to follow the
original rules
though, and
must be a melee

Weapon description Effect

Long or spear-like weapon Gains any buffs that can only be applied to
two-handed weapons. Has a 10ft reach.

Large and shield-like weapon +5 AC, and can be used to gain any
shield-based buffs.

Sword-like weapon +3 to hit. Can be used to gain any

sword-based buffs.

Small weapon +10ft movement speed, can be used to gain

any light weapon-based buffs.

multi-bladed/serrated weapon Deals an extra 1d6 damage.

Soulcarving name Soulcarving effects

Godwinds Spirit +8 to hit +20ft Mspd

Accuracy If you miss an enemy, you deal half damage to another enemy

Blazing Fury Any enemy hit takes 2 damage at the start of any creatures turn, until
DOTs the end of their turn.

Nurturing Heart +10 temp hp

Health When you hit an enemy, you heal 5hp
Flowing Riversong Your attacks hit any enemies within a 10ft long and 15ft wide area.

Undying edge +3 AC
Not dying You cannot be damaged past 1 hitpoint

Subclass Feature lvl3 Feature lvl7 Feature lvl10 Feature lvl15 Feature lvl18

Blademaster Master Solo weaponist Specialized strikes Ultimate specialist Hyper attacker
(Technique weaponist
variant) When you only You gain up to three You choose one of You can attack with
Fighter You choose any have your specialized strikes, your specialized your mastered
one melee mastered weapon which can be found strikes. That strike weapon as a bonus
weapon to be equipped, on the specialized then becomes your action, even if you
your mastered meaning you strikes table. perfected strike. You have already used
weapon. Your have only one automatically use an action to attack
mastered weapon and no On your turn, when your perfected strike with it. When you do
weapon cannot sheild equipped, you make an attack, when you make an so, you do not apply
be a magical or you gain a +2 you can forgo using attack, and you can your proficiency
enchanted bonus to hit and a your extra attack forgo your extra bonus or use your
weapon of any +2 damage feature to use one of attack to use the extra attack for the
kind. You are bonus. your specialized perfected strike attack. You can use
proficient with strikes. version of the attack. a specialized strike
your mastered If the enemy you You gain a second for this attack.
weapon. are attacking has perfected strike at
taken no damage om/document/d/1aO lvl20. You gain two hyper
You then gain a from your allies in BBUzRx3_ShRZ_9tK action surges. If you
special version the past round, y8rq61WyeXrM69K5 use a hyper action
of your you gain an extra CZzVZ7olw/edit surge, you gain an
mastered +2 bonus to hit. Link to specialized extra action and
weapon that This bonus also strikes/perfected bonus action. Only
deals 1d10+Str activates if you strikes table. one hyper action
mod+Dex mod are fighting a surge can be used
base damage boss enemy even each turn, and they
Your dex and str if allies have refresh upon a long
scores can go attacked it rest.’
up to 26(+8). recently.
You also get to You gain two more
choose one specialized strikes,
weapon feature and one more
based on what perfected strike.
kind of weapon
you have. Refer
to the weapon
features table
for options.

This weapon
can be any
weapon, even
one that you
yourself create.
This weapon
must still follow
the original rules
though, and
must be a melee

Weapon description Effect

Long or spear-like weapon Gains any buffs that can only be applied to
two-handed weapons. Has a 10ft reach.

Large and shield-like weapon +5 AC, and can be used to gain any
shield-based buffs.

Sword-like weapon +3 to hit. Can be used to gain any

sword-based buffs.

Small weapon +10ft movement speed, can be used to gain

any light weapon-based buffs.

multi-bladed/serrated weapon Deals an extra 1d6 damage.

Subclass name Feature lvl3 Feature lvl3 Feature lvl7 Feature lvl11 Feature lvl15

Shadowcraft Unicraft magic Shadow shot Trinity shot Trinity shadow Void Breacher
You have an Your mastery of You have You can use an action You have fully
ancient power shadows allows mastered the to create two copies of embraced your
called Unicraft you to infuse magic of Unicraft yourself made out of shadow powers
magic. This power them into your to a point where shadows. These and have become
allows you to fuse attacks when you you can swiftly shadow copies have hp one with the dark
together the very are concealed. combine two equal to your hp -10, void itself.
essences of You also gain projectiles in and an AC equal to
objects, combining advantage on all order to do your AC -2. These When you make a
their abilities. stealth checks. massive damage copies can always use ranged weapon
As a 2hour ritual, your stage two of your attack using a
you can take two Stage one: When you make shadow shot feature, class feature, you
non-living objects If you make a a ranged weapon and make ranged deal an extra 1d6
and fuse them ranged weapon attack, you can attacks with your damage.
together. This can attack against an forgo using the weapon without any
create a weapon enemy who extra attack proficiency bonus, and When you use
or another item hasn’t seen you, feature and the copies cannot get your trinity
through the fusion. you can deal an instead prepare buffs applied to them. shadow feature,
When you use this extra 1d4 an attack that These copies have you can absorb
feature, you roll a damage to the does three times individual turns, and yourself into
d8. You then use enemy. This damage which their turn comes after shadows, become
the number rolled increases to 1d8 you use on your yours undetectable.
on the Unicraft at level 11. next turn. When you do this,
success table. You can also disguise your shadow
Stage two: You can activate yourself to be almost copies
The feature has If you make a this without indistinguishable from automatically
three charges, ranged weapon attacking first if your shadow copies, switch to simply
and a charge is attack while you you are not in with a successful DC15 attackng the
expent when you are obscured in combat. Wis(insight) skill check closest enemy to
fuse two objects shadows, you can revealing wich is the them.
successfully, and make an extra Attacking this real you.
charges are attack agianst way makes you While you are in
restored if you another enemy. unable to attack When you do this, you the shadows, if
unfuse an object on the next turn. activate the second the shadows
At level 11 this stage of your shadow become smaller
allows you to shot feature, but not the than half your size
attack without first stage(if first stage due to light, you
making an extra is already active, it exit the shadows
attack. doesn’t deactivate). and your shadow
copies disappear.
Only two shadow
copies can exist at If a shadow copy
once, and if more are hits an enemy
summoned, the others while you are in
disappear. the shadows, you
can use your
If you use this feature reaction to repeat
more than three times the attack on the
before taking a long same enemy.
rest, you only summon
one shadow copy, and
the DC for the skill
check becomes DC12.

Ranger level Spells gained

3rd Detect evil and good

5th Darkness

9th Summon shadowspawn

13th Fabricate

17th Creation
Subclass Feature lvl3 Feature lvl3 Feature lvl5 Feature lvl9 Feature lvl15

Mechanist Mecha driver Mecha Mods Mecha Weapons Weapon skills Expert Mechanist
You gian proficiency You can install one You gain access to You gain the Over the course of
with smiths tools if out of three Mecha Weapons, ability to activate two days, you can
you don’t already powerful Mecha which you can add a different special teach one creature
have it. Mods onto your to your mecha. To skill for each how to use your
Mecha. In order to add a weapon, you mecha weapon. mecha. This creature
You gain access to install and/or must use do it over You can only use then gains the ability
a powerful machine remove a mod, you a long rest where a weapon skill to pilot the mecha,
called a mecha. need to spend one you don’t create a once for each but they cannot use
This mecha acts as long rest doing so, mecha. weapon each any weapon skills.
a highly advanced but you cannot be combat, and
suit of armor, which crafting a new You can only have weapon skills are
you pilot yourself. mecha during this one weapon all activated with
Before the first turn time. equiped on your an action.
of combat, you can mecha, and mecha
decide to enter your Refer to the Mecha weapons can only Refer to the
Mecha. You can Mods table for the be used when you weapon skills
also do this at the mods. You can only are piloting your table for details
start of each of your have one Mecha mecha. At level 11, on weapon skills.
turns, as long as Mod active at a you can equip a Any skill that
you are within 5ft of time, and you second weapon on makes an attack,
your mecha. At the remove the old mod your mecha. as well as
end of your turn, if if you replace it with Compound Death
you are in your a new mod. Mecha Any mecha Shot, require you
Mecha, you can Mods can only be weapons or mecha to make an attack
leave, and enter the used while piloting weapon ammunition roll with a +3 to
space next to it. your Mecha can be affected by hit bonus. If you
spells. fail this attack roll,
If you are within You unlock three the skill doesn’t
your Mecha, refer to new Mecha Mods at activate.
the Mecha (Piloted) level 10.
statblock instead of
your own.

If your Mecha is
reduced to 0hp, it
explodes and deals
2d6 fire damage to
any enemies or
allies within 5ft of
the dead Mecha. If
you are inside of
your Mecha when it
dies, you take 2d6
fire damage and are
launched 10ft in a
random direction. If
your Mecha dies,
you can create a
new one over a long
rest. You cannot
create a second
Mecha if the first
one is still alive.

You can decide

certain traits about
your Mecha, such
as it’s appearance
and how your
Mecha uses it’s
abilities, mods, and

Artificer level Spells learned

3rd Command, Mage armor

5th Jim’s glowing coin, Dragon’s breath

9th Fireball, Nondetection

13th Staggering smite, Otiluke’s resilient sphere

17th Create spelljamming helm, Conjure volley

Statblock name Mecha (Piloted) Mecha (Unpiloted)

Hp, AC, ect. Hp 80 + 4times your artificer level Hp 60 + 4times your artificer level
AC 15 + 1 fourth your artificer level, rounded down AC 10
Initiative +2 Initiative 0
Mspd. 30ft Mspd. 0ft
Prof. bonus equal to yours Prof. bonus 0
Size: Large Size: Large

Stats Str +4 Dex+1 Con +4 Str +4 Con +4

Cha, Wis, and Int for mecha are equal to your Cha, Wis, Dex, and Int for unpiloted mecha are
bonuses for those stats. Saving throw proficiencies equal +0.
are the same as yours.

Actions Unarmed strike: None

To hit +4
Damage 5 + prof. bonus
Level unlocked Mecha Mod name Mecha Mod description

3rd Emergnecy ejector If you have this mod installed, you can safey eject yourself when your Mecha dies.
However, doing this causes you to skip your next turn and remain in the air until

3rd Autopilot If you have this mod installed, you can input a command sequence of up to three
parts. Two can be attacking, two can be movement, and one can be using an ability.
You cannot change this sequence once it is started, and while the Mecha is
enacting this sequence, you cannot re-enter your Mecha

3rd Jet burst As a bonus action, you can rocket up to 30ft forward in a straght line, dealing 2d4
fire damage to any creatures within the path.

10th Overclock If you have this mod installed, you can use your action to grant yourself a second
action on your next turn. This feature can be used twice per combat.

10th Blast shield If you have this mod installed, you gain 10 temporary hp. If you lose all this
temporary hp, you unleash a burst of energy that deals 10 damage to any creature
within 10ft of you. You can spend an action to recharge this shield.

10th Energy siphon If you have this mod installed, when you hit an enemy with a Mecha Weapon, you
restore hp equal to half the damage dealt by the weapon.

Mecha weapon Mecha weapon description


Energy Blade As an action you can use this weapon to deal 2d6 lightning damage to any enemy within 5ft of you. If
you fail to hit the enemy’s AC by 4 or less, their AC decreases by 2 until their armor is repaired. This
effect can stack

Matter Cannon As an action or bonus action, you can shoo at a target within 40ft of you for 2d6+4 damage.

Piston Hammer As an action, you can attack an enemy within 10ft of you for 2d10+Str. mod. damage. This attack
triggers twice if it hits.

Dragon Mortar As an action or bonus action, you can shoot a target within 100ft of you for 2d10 damage. This also
deals a bonus 2d6 fire damage to any other enemies within 5ft of the target.

Rocket Scythe As an action, you can move forward up to 30ft and attack all enemies in front of you for 10 damage.
Any enemies within the path of your movement are put in front of you, all occupying the same space
until you damage them.

Triple Compacted As a turn, you can deal 3d20 peircing damage to an enemy within 30ft of you.

Mecha weapon name Weapon skill name and description

Energy Blade Particle Phaser Slash

You make 12 separate attacks. Each attack reaches 5ft forward, and has a width of 15ft. Every
attack deals 3d6 damage, and decreases the AC of any enemy hit by 1 every time it is hit.

Matter Cannon Compressed Mattter Beam

When you use this, you end your turn. On the next turn, you shoot out a 50ft long by 10ft wide
beam, dealing 16d6 damage to all enemies within the beam.

Piston Hammer Quake Crusher Strike

When you use this, you attack one enemy for 2d12 damage, and then you repeat the damage four
more times.

Dragon Mortar Hyper Dragon Volley

When you use this skill, you can select up to 10 targets. You then shoot a dragon shaped projectile
at every enemy you targeted. If you selected less that 10 targets, you can choose any number of
targets to shoot a(n) extra projctile(s) at, until the total amount of projectiles equals 10.

Each projectile deals 2d12 fire damage in a 15ft diameter centered around the target.

Rocket Scythe Red Reaper Rush

When you use this skill, you move a total of 60ft in any direction. At the end of this movement, you
deal 20 fire damage to any enemies you touched while moving, and if you touched an enemy more
than one time, you deal another 20 fire damage for each other time it was touched.

Triple Compacted Compound Death Shot

You choose a target within 40ft of you. You then shoot a long arrow that deals 15d20 peircing
damage to that target. This damage ignores any immunities or resistances.

Subclass Feature lvl3 Feature lvl3 Feature lvl5 Feature lvl9 Feature lvl15

Operator Drones Drone wavelength Energy converter Minidrones Overswarm

Artificer siphon
You gain You gain three more You gain six As an action, you can
proficiency with You gain a special max drones. minidrones. As a use overswarm.
weavers tools if device that acts bonus action, you When you do, your
you don’t have it as a translator, When you create a can attach a maximum drone limit
already. allowing you to drone, you can minidrone to any disappears, allowing
communicate with choose if you want to creature or object you to create as
You gain two your drones. This replace its energy within 10ft of you or many drones as you
drones. These device consists of blast with one of the one of your drones. want. After three of
drones all share a visual piece, other moves listed: Once attached, the your turns, or after
one turn which such as a minidrone cannot be two minutes, the
they take after monocle, that Restorative pulse removed. overswarm ends and
your turn. On the displays Any creatures or your maximum limit
drones turn, each information, and other drones you If the minidrone returns to normal.
drone can take up an auditory piece, choose within 10ft of stays attached to a When the affect has
to one action or that allows you to the drone restore single object or ended, the next time
bonus action, and receive sounds 2d8hp creature for at least a drone dies, you
move. Refer to from your drones, three turns, or one take 1d4 damage
drone statblock allowing you to Shock disabler minute, you can until your amount of
for drone actions hear any sounds Any creatures within activate the drone. drones no longer
and stats. If a within up to 50ft of 5ft of the drone must When you activate a exceeds your
drone is reduced your drones. This make a DC13 Con minidrone, the maximum limit.
to 0hp, it dies. A device is saving throw. If they minidrone dies, and
drone counts as a indestructible. succeed, they take you can choose one
construct. 1d6 damage. If they of the following
If a drone ever fail, they take 1d8 options for the
As an action, you goes further than damage, and become effect:
can create up to 150ft away from paralyzed.
two drones. You you, you lose
can also do this control of the Synthetic pulse Heal creature
as a bonus drone, but you Each creature within Minidrone heals the
action, but can can still see and 10ft must make a creature it is
only create one hear from it. While DC15 Con saving attached to for 3d6
drone that way. a drone is in this throw, or they are hp.
state, you can forced to target this
You can only choose to drone for three turns. Detonate minidrone
have three deactivate it, Any creature who is Minidrone creates
drones active at a allowing you to affected by this takes an explosion that
time, and cannot create more 1d4 damage. deals 3d8 fire
create more than drones. damage to any
three. Overheat engine creatures within a
Drone creates an 15ft diameter
explosion dealing around it’s position.
3d10 fire damage to
any creatures within Shock stunner
10ft of it. The drone Minidrone paralyzes
then dies. the creature it is
attached to.

Hallucinatory gas
Minidrone releases
a cloud of gas that
is 5ft in radius. Any
creature who
breathes in this gas
conceived any
creatures they can
see as enemy to

All minidrones
refresh upon a short
or long rest.

Artificer level Spells learned

3rd Unseen Servant, Grease

5th Jim’s glowing coin, Dust Devil

9th Conjure Barrage, Nondetection

13th Galder’s Tower, Resilient Sphere

17th Passwall, Mass Cure Wounds

Statblock name Drone

Hp, AC, ect. Hp 30

AC 14
Mspd. 30ft walking, 50ft flying
Prof. bonus +3
Size: small

Stats Str +0 Dex +5 Con +2 Cha +0 Wis +0 Int +3

Actions Drone shot

Ranged weapon attack 60ft range, +10 to hit, 1d6 piercing dmg

Energy blast
Makes any creature within 5ft of the drone make a DC12 Dex
saving throw. If they fail, they take 2d6 force damage, and they
take half damage if they succeed. If a drone uses energy blast, or
an attack from your energy converter feature, they cannot take
an action on their next turn.

Bonus actions Target lock

Select a creature within 60ft that the drone can see. The drone
can then only attack that target, but with advantage on attack
rolls against it, and a +3 dmg bonus. This effect ends if the target
dies, or the drone uses target lock or sentry plant.

Sentry plant
The drone loses all actions/bonus actions and movement for the
next five turns, or until you use a bonus action on the drone’s turn
to reverse this state. While in this state, whenever a creature
enters a space within 20ft of the drone, it makes three drone shot
attacks on that creature, unless you tell the drone not to. After the
drone makes these attacks, it cannot take and action or bonus
action on it’s next turn.

Thermal scan
Drone detects any creatures within 20ft of it. This can detect
invisible creatures, and this isn’t affected by blindness. Any
creatures that the drone detects are now visible to you as well.

Subclass name Feature lvl2 Feature lvl6 Feature lvl10 Feature lvl14

Memeomancer Book of memes Wizard time! Overkill! Killstreak

Your spellcrystal You can expend one use If you kill an enemy, you If you kill five enemies in a
turns into a special of a memecard to be able heal an amount of hp row, meaning you kill five
book of cards that to cast a normal spell as a equal to the amount of enemies before another
holds special cards bonus action instead of an damage you dealt to the ally kills one, you gain an
that turn into the action. enemy that goes over extra action or bonus
spells you cast. their max. Health. action on your turn that
This book starts You also gain access to 5 you kill the fifth enemy.
with any spells that uncommon card slots, You gain access to 5 epic
you have in your which can hold card slots, which can hold You gain access to three
spellbook, and uncommon rarity epic rarity memecards. legendary card slots,
these spells are memecards for your book which can hold legendary
casted normally. of memes. rarity memecards.
You can also add
spells into the book

The book has 5

common card slots,
of which you fill
with cards that
contain the spells
listed in the
memecards table,
but you can only
equip memecards
of common rarity in
these slots. These
memecards can be
used three times
each, with ten total
charges refreshing
every long rest.
Unless specified,
as an action, you
can use a
memecard, and
using a memecard
uses up one
charge of the card
used, and casts the
spell contained
within the card. You
can switch out what
memecards you
have in your book
when you take a
long rest.

Link to Memecards

Subclass Feature lvl3 Feature lvl3 Feature lvl6 Feature lvl14


College of Crowd reacher Bardic irritation Endless noise Ringing in their ears
Bard When you cast a You gain the ability to annoy Any ally within 5ft of you If you attack a
spell that has an aoe enemies with your sound. When gains a 10ft bonus to creature who has a
radius, the radius you do this, roll a bardic inspiration their speed. This lasts bardic irritation die
increases by 5ft. If die. You can then subtract that until they end their turn on them, you can
any other creatures number from one ability check, out of the range of this deal an extra 1d6
are playing attack roll, or saving throw it makes. ability. This bonus is damage to the
instruments within 5ft You can subtract this number doubled if you cast a creature hit. This
of you, this bonus before or after it rolls, but before the spell while an ally is in increases to 2d6 at
increases by 5ft. success is determined range. level 17.

Subclass Feature lvl2 Feature lvl2 Feature lvl6 Feature lvl10 Feature lvl14

Circle of Augmentation Wildstrike Channel Form Abomination form Wildstrike mastery

monsters Wildshape
Druid You have learned You have learned to As an action on your When you use
Your druidic to use your powers channel your turn, you can use wildstrike, you deal
powers of to shape your transformative magic abomination form to an extra effect
shapeshifting arms into animal into objects around change yourself into a according to the
have modified based weapons you. creature of monstrous extra effect listed on
themselves to and use them to likeness. the wildstrike table.
better fit your attack. If you have
body. augmentation When you use this You also gain three
When you perform wildshape active, feature, you can new special
When you an unarmed strike, you can touch an choose an animal part wildstrike options,
wildshape, you you may choose object to try and to shape any one of called ancient
may forgo using a one of the transfer the your body parts into, wildstrikes. These
charge and wildstrike options transformation into it. however, your arms are much more
choose to gain a listed on the When you do this, must be a part listed powerful than a
part of the animal wildstrike table you make the object on the wildstrike table. normal wildstrike,
you would that are at or roll a wisdom save You then gain the but have limited
wildshape into, below your druid against your attributes of each part uses. Ancient
rather than the level divided by 2. spellcasting DC -4. If you pick for yourself, wildstrike has two
whole animal. You then replace it succeeds, you including the two charges. You regain
This would only your unarmed don’t transform the wildstrike options you all charges when
affect certain strike with the object. If it fails, you picked. This form can you take a long rest.
parts of your wildstirke type of transform the object last up to two hours,
body, e.x., you your choosing, and into the creature you and you can use a
could give you keep your currently have a part bonus action to dispel
yourself owls wildstrike for up to of, and you end your this form. While this is
eyes in replace of 1 hour. You can augmentation active, you cannot use
your own, or a use this feature wildshape. When this wildshape,
serpent’s tail again to change feature is used, you augmentation
instead of legs. what type of expend one charge wildshape, or switch
wildstrike you are of your wildshape. your wildstrike parts.
You cannot use using, or if you Using this feature
this feature if it is want to end your consumes two charges
already active, or wildstrike feature. of wildshape.
if you have a
normal wildshape You gain more
active. wildstrike options
at levels 6, 10, and

Wildstrike Snake Falcon Bear Bee Alligator Squid Leopard Leech

type lvl 6 lvl 6 lvl 10 lvl 10

Damage 1+Str mod. 2+Str mod. 4+Str mod. 0+Str mod. 2+Str 2+Str 1d4+Str 2d6
mod. mod. mod.

properties 10ft range Bonus +3 to none Enemy Applies Grapples Attacks Heals you
hit makes Con. bleed enemy twice 1hp for
saving throw, upon hit every 1hp
DC 15. If damage
they fail, you deal to
they are the enemy

Extra Adds three Adds dex Shoves enemy Saving throw +3 +3 Attacks a +1d6
effect stacks of mod. To hit 5ft away from DC becomes damage damage third time damage
poison you 17
Ancient Dragon Kraken Unicorn
wildstrike type

Damage 4d6+Str mod. 2d6+Str mod. 2d6+Str mod.+Wis mod.

Effects You choose one of the four Attacks five times at once. You can When you use this attack, you
elements listed below, and deal only hit one target with this attack can choose to heal an ally
+10 bonus damage of that up to three times before having to within 10ft of the attacked
element. attack different targets target for twice the amount of
damage dealt
● Fire
● Cold
● Lighting
● Acid

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