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Race Race background Languages known


Septaxi Septaxis are very similar to normal tabaxis, except for the amount You know common
of arms they have. They have eight total arms, and a long tail that and one other
is pre hensile, meaning they can use it like a bendy arm without language of your
fingers. Septaxis also have very large amounts of energy, to allow choice.
them to adjust to having such a large amount of appendages.

You can decide why you are a Septaxi. This can be because you
were experimented on, you were naturally mutated by the
environment, and so on, as long as it can fit your campaign setting.

Hexengon Hexengons are quite rare, with only a few existing in the world. You know common
There was once a scientist who worked with fey magic, and tried and one other
creating a device called a feycore, which can harness the pure language of your
essence of magic. Nobody knows where the original creator went, choice
but we do know that all of their inventions were built to specifically
be usable by Harengons. Some Harengons have one way or
another gotten implanted with a feycore, but very few have
survived the process.

You can decide why you are a Hexengon. This can be because
you were experimented on, you gave yourself these powers, and
so on, as long as it can fit your campaign setting.

This race is banned unless specifically stated by the DM

Hydraborn Hydraborns are the rarest race in the world. They are dragonborns You know common,
who somehow were mutated to have three different dragon heads. Draconic, and
Hydraborns are also very highly sought out by hunters due to their Hydraconic.
unique types of scales, and due to their rarity. Most Hydraborn live
only within The Nest of Three, a special hiding place that only the
most seasoned adventurers know of.

You can decide why you are a Hydraborn. This can be because
you were experimented on, you were naturally mutated by the
environment, and so on, as long as it can fit your campaign setting.

Nanosect Nanosects are an elusive species, only residing within the You have no mouth,
boundaries of the world rift. They were once created by a scientist but instead you can
who was trying to control the world rift, but the Nanosects shape yourself to
eventually evolved to be sentient creatures. They now exist either resemble letters and
in the voidwilds or interact with folk residing on the outskirts of words from
town. A few rare Nanosects dream of going out into the world, languages you know.
usually as adventurers, but seeing an adventuring Nanosect is You know common
uncommon. and sylvan.

Golruss The first of the Golruss once acted as the protectors of the world You don’t have an
rift, but when the world rift opened, almost all of the Golruss that actual mouth, but
once protected the rift suddenly abandoned it. Nowadays, some rather magically emit
Golruss live in society as willing servants, or have steady jobs, words and sounds to
usually ones that require heavy labor. Occasionally, one might see speak. You know
some of the smarter Golrusses doing more exploring and common.
socializing with other people.

Gelatinous These creatures are a subspecies of gelatinous cube, created by You can form a
mind the Chaos Lord. They are capable of sentient thought, and their mouth from which to
body acts in a way similar to that of a plasmoid, but with a few speak. You know
differences. common and one
language of your

Dwefl A Dwefl is one of the Chaos Lord’s most curious creations. They You know common,
are a combination between an elf and a dwarf, combining traits of elvish, and dwarvish
the two. Sometimes, they will be short and frail, or sometimes they
will be tall and tough. Dwefl’s usually don’t venture outside of the
world rift, as they receive open welcome from the strange people
that reside there, a pale opposite to the oppression they endure in
regular communities.

Pegataur This is another one of the Chaos Lord’s interesting creatures. You know common
This creature combines the traits of centaurs and Aarakocra. and another
Oftentimes, people call this race the Pegataur, even though the language of your
real name is scientifically the Aartaur. Some fables about the choice.
Pegataur exist, such as the story of how all the Valkries were
Pegataurs, and stories about unicorn Pegataurs as well.

Pegataurs have four wings, two on their horse body and two on
their human body, and these wings resemble that of birds. Some
Pegataurs even have feathers on their horse body and/or human

Skeleton Skeletons aren’t rare creatures, but rather few of them have decent You know common
intelligence, much less sentience. However, sometimes true life and another
can be breathed into these husks, whether by magic gone awry, or language of your
by an evil curse. Skeletons act as normal creatures, if taken as choice.
quite strange.

Race Size Creature Type Speed Trait 1


Septaxi Medium Monstrosity Walking speed is 40ft, Darkvision

and you have a
climbing speed equal Allows you to see up to 60 ft in
to three times your dim light as if it were bright light,
walking speed and 70ft in darkness as if it was
dim light.

Hexengon Medium Humanoid Walking speed is 30ft Hare trigger

or small
You can add your proficiency
bonus to your initiative and saving
Hydraborn Medium Monstrosity Walking speed is 30ft Hydra’s breath
or large
You have three dragon’s heads,
each with their own breath
weapon. You get to choose three
breath weapons from the breath
weapons chart, but they are all 5ft
by 30ft lines in size and shape.
Breath weapons can all be used
as one action, but must target
different areas. When you hit an
enemy with a breath weapon,
they must make a Dex. saving
throw. The DC for this throw
equals 10+your con modifier+your
dex modifier. They take 1d8
damage on a failed throw, and
1d6 on a successful one. Damage
increases by one dice every fifth
level, levels 5, 10, 15, and 20.

Nanosect Medium You have two You have a flying Hive swarm
creature types, speed of 50ft, and a
beast and walking speed of 30ft You are a swarm of insects, and
construct, but you you can choose what type of
can still be affected insect as long as it has the ability
by spells that to fly, e.x. Any insect with wings.
wouldn’t affect You have one larger insect that
constructs acts as the central mind for the
swarm, and they have to be
connected to a part of the swarm
to control it. You can make the
swarm split apart into as many
pieces as you want, but the
pieces not connected to the
central mind are far weaker, must
be within 1 mile of you, and can
also be killed easily. These pieces
don’t count with your
Nano-constructs feature. If the
central mind dies, you can take 8
hours to select a new central
mind. If you are damaged, your
DM may decide that you have lost
some insects. If you lose too
many insects, your size
decreases to small. At any time, if
you find more of the same kind of
insect that makes up your swarm,
you may add it to yourself. The
DM may decide if you have
collected enough insects to
increase in size.
Golruss Large construct Walking speed is 20ft, Elemental construct
increases by 10ft when
surrounded by your You choose an element, which
structure element becomes your structure element.
When you are hit with damage
that is the same type as your
structure element, you roll a d20.
If you roll at or higher than 12, you
take half damage. If you roll at or
higher than 20 you take no
damage. This only affects
damage taken of your structure
element. The number needed for
the rolls decreases by 1 every fifth
level. If you choose darkness as
your structure element, effects are
triggered by necrotic or force
damage, you must decide when
you create your character which
one it it. If you choose water,
effects are triggered by cold
damage. If you choose wind,
effects are triggered by force

Gelatinous Medium Ooze Walking speed is 30ft Acidic body

Your entire body can become a
corrosive acid, capable of melting
through flesh easily.

You can choose if you want to

melt a creature with your body
when you touch it, but using this
trait to attack another creature
uses an action. When you touch a
creature while acidic, you deal
1d6 acid damage to the creature
touched. This damage stacks
onto damage when making an
unarmed strike.

Dwefl Small or Humanoid Walking speed is 30ft Trance-state

Rather than sleeping, Dwefls only
need to enter a trance-like state
for at least around 5 hours. During
this trance, Dwefls somehow still
manage to get tasks done. They
can repair weapons and armor,
they can maintain clothing, and
they have even been known to
build structures while in this
You can also improve any two of
your stats by +2, and another two
stats by +1 when you create your

Pegataur Medium Fey Walking speed is 40ft, Flying hoof

and you have a flying
speed of 40ft You can make unarmed strikes
while flying. When you do, roll
4d12. Then, subtract the total by
the distance moved divided by
five(in feet). You deal this much
bludgeoning damage to the
enemy you hit. This can only be
activated when moving at least
30ft in one turn.

Skeleton Medium Undead Walking speed is 30ft Risen creature

or small
You are the skeleton of a once
dead creature, and you can
decide what creature this is.
Whatever creature you decide to
have as your skeleton body
doesn’t affect your traits, unless it
has a specific size. Skeletons
cannot use any lineage.

Race Trait 2 Trait 3 Trait 4 Trait 5


Septaxi Over armed Nerve routing Hyper energy Prehensile tail

Septaxis have 8 arms, as When performing an You get two actions At level 8, you gain
well as a tail that can be unarmed strike with on each turn. This the ability to use your
used to hold items. The your arms, you may number increases by tail to wield weapons.
tail cannot use weapons. choose any number of one every fifth level.
2 arms are in normal arms on one side of
positions on the body, 2 your body to attack with,
arms are just below the as long as they aren’t
first two, and you can holding any weapons.
decide exactly where the
other four are located.

Hexengon Mystic blood Ether Conversion Feycore Stabilizer hex

At first level, you can If you have spells, you In your chest is At level 8,
choose two 1st level may choose an amount implanted a feycore, a class/subclass
spells from any class's of spells equal to one magical device that features no longer
spell list, and learn them fourth your level powers your racial have limited amounts
as cantrips. This rounded down and turn traits. This device of charges. However,
increases by one every them into cantrips. stores your magical they can only be used
fifth level. You cannot use These spell must be a power, and thus three times every hour
this feature if you use level at or lower than makes it difficult to unless they would
your Ether Conversion one fourth of your level change your magic. If work more times
feature. rounded up. you want to change normally. If a class
the spells you have, feature would be far
you must do so during too broken with this,
the course of two long your DM may decide
rests. This does allow to not allow this
learned spellcasters feature to work on that
to change their spells. class feature.
However, I likely

Hydraborn Triple layered scales Dragon’s roar Hydra’s heads Three heads are
better than one
You always add your dex, As an action, you can If you die, you and
con, and str modifiers to use dragon’s roar to what killed you make At level 8, you gain
your AC, but you cannot either incite fear or three competing dex the ability to fuse your
wear any armor. You also anger into your throws. If you lose all breath weapons from
cannot gain any enemies. When you use three, you die, but if hydra’s breath into
unarmoured bonuses. this, you decide whether you win one, you live, one beam. This beam
to make enemies fear but you cannot use is double the size, and
you, or target you. If you hydra’s breath until has the full combined
choose fear, creatures you take a long rest. damage of the breath
within the radius make a This doesn’t activate if weapons, however,
con throw. If they you die to a curse, this attack has no
succeed, they aren’t and you don’t roll element, and instantly
affected. This affects a death saving throws if ends your turn.
15 foot radius centered you die.
around you.
Nanosect Nano-production Nano-costructs Swarm healers Swarm spies

During a long rest, you You can equally split You can split yourself Starting at level 8, you
can generate enough yourself into three into insects loaded can split yourself into
insects to return back to smaller copies. One with healing particles. swarm spies. Swarm
medium size. All copy has your central These can heal others spies can attach to
nano-constructs are mind in it so it retains all for 5 hp for every 10 creatures, people,
returned when you do normal qualities, except healers sent out. and objects, blending
this for size. The other When healers are into their
copy(ies) have half your done healing, they die surroundings. These
qualities (minimum of rather than return to insects are capable of
ten for stats and 12 for you. Healers can also relaying information to
armor class), including be used as armor, you, or to whoever
health and damage, and providing bonus max they are attached to.
can casts spell without hp for up to 2 hours. If Swarm spies can also
a spellcasting focus. the bonus hp is manipulate items, e.x.
Any features or traits depleted, all the Picking locks, opening
that require a certain healer drones die. doors and chests, and
stat prerequisite aren’t Bonus hp amount is so on.
affected by this stat equal to healed hp
change. These copies amount per drone
make their own initiative
rolls in combat.

If you are a spellcaster,

your spell slots can be
divided among your
copies as you see fit,
and any expended spell
slots carry over both
ways as well.

At any point, you can

return a copy to you,
killing it. If a copy dies, it
returns to you, giving
you back any spellslots.
If you have no more
copies left, you return to
normal. The number of
copies that can be
made increases by one
every fifth level.

Golruss Elemental shield Elemental veins Elemental attunement Elemental abilities

If you take full damage When an ally hits you At level 8, you get to Your strength and
from an attack of your with an attack that deals pick a second constitution scores
structure element, you damage of the same structure element, increase by 2. When
surround yourself with type as your structure which is used in the your elemental shield
your structure element. element, you heal hp same way as your first is active, you gain +2
When you get equal to half the structure element. to all ability scores.
surrounded by your damage dealt.
structure element, you
cause your element to
start harmlessly forming
a sphere around you.
You also get a shield
over your hp equal to half
the amount of damage
taken from the attack. At
10th level, this activates if
you take half damage
from the attack as well.

Gelatinous “Shapeless” form Translucent body Absorption Elemental reduction

You can choose if your Your body is almost When you try to You have resistance
normal shape is a completely translucent, grapple an enemy, to acid, fire, and
humanoid, blob, or a although it can become you can absorb them lightning damage.
cube. a pale light blue when into your body. When
you want it to. Your near you do this, the
You can stretch yourself invisible body comes in enemy takes 1d6 acid
to be as thin as 1 inch in handy when it comes to damage, and takes
radius. hiding, giving you 1d6 acid damage
advantage on stealth each turn they stay
checks. stuck in your body. At
the end of your turn,
an absorbed enemy
makes a dex saving
throw, DC 14. If they
succeed, they escape
and exit your body.

You can also absorb

objects into your body,
but you can choose if
you dissolve them or

Dwefl Stout adaptability Lanky adaptability Forests blessing Mountains blessing

When you are in rocky When you are in You can always detect You can always detect
conditions, you increase forested or grassy any forest or any mountain or cave
your constitution score by conditions, your grassland within 1 within 1 mile of you,
+2. dexterity score mile of you, granted it granted it isn’t
increases by +2. isn’t protected by protected by magical
If your con. Score is magical means of means of
already at 20, you can If your dex. Score is antidetection. antidetection.
improve any one other already at 20, you can
score by one with this improve any one other
feature. score by one with this

Pegataur Stampede charge Flight hover Riding mount Carrying mount

Once per turn, as a Once per turn, you can If an ally is within five If an enemy is within
bonus action, you can move 30ft above the feet of you, they can 5ft of you, you can
move a distance up to ground. mount you. This ally force them to mount
twice your movement cannot be over 200lbs you. This enemy
speed, without provoking While flying, you cannot in weight. cannot be over 200lbs
opportunity attacks or be grappled, but you in weight.
activation your flying hoof cannot move back down When you have an
feature. to the ground until the ally mounted on you, While the enemy is
end of your turn. your movement speed mounted, your
decreases by 10ft, movement speed
and you can’t use decreases by 10ft.
flight hover. If you use You can use a bonus
flying hoof while action to throw the
mounted, your ally enemy up to 15ft in
can use their reaction any direction, and this
to make a meele provokes opportunity
attack against an attacks for both you
enemy within 5ft of and your allies within
your path. This melee 5ft of the path of the
attack can be either enemy.
an unarmed strike or
a weapon attack

Skeleton Light body Inconspicuous self Empty bones Undying soul

You gain a +5 to Dex, As a bonus action, you You don’t need to eat, You have immunity to
and a -1 to Con, Str, and can go completely limp, drink, or sleep. necrotic damage, and
Cha. becoming take two times radiant
indistinguishable from You can also damage.
You also gain advantage any normal skeleton. If deconstruct yourself
on any stealth checks, you do this in an area to fit within a tighter
unless you are wearing where a stray skeleton space, and then
armour. is highly abnormal, this reconstructyourself
would likely attract later.
attention if somebody
finds you.

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