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Mark (✓) in the box you consider most appropriate

Section A :

Gender of respondents

1. sex : Male [ ] Female [ ]

2. Age of respondents

under 20 years [ ] 21-30. [ ] 30-40. [ ]

40 and above [ ]

3. Marital status of Respondents

Single [ ] Married [ ] Divorce [ ] Sperated [ ]

4. Educational Qualifications

FSLC [ ]. WAEC [ ] NCE [ ] ND, HND, BLC [ ] PDG, MA, MSC, and above [ ]

5. Occupation of Respondents

Student [ ] Workers [ ] Civil servant [ ]

Trades [ ] Self employed [ ] Unemployed [ ]

Section B

6. Are you aware of Cybercrime popular known as Yahoo ?

Strongly Agree [ ] Agree [ ] Disagree [ ] strongly Disagree

7. Are Cybercrimine case always on mass media ?

Barely [ ] Agree [ ] strongly Agree [ ]

Disagree [ ] strongly Disagree [ ]

8. what was your source of information about Cybercrime ?

Radio [ ] Television [ ] Internet [ ] Others [ ]

9. what is your assessment about Cybercrime ?

Very Good [ ] Good [ ] very bad [ ] bad [ ]

10. What are the factors that tend to cause Nigeria youths involvement in cybercrime?

Porverty [ ] peer pressure [ ] corruption [ ] unemployment [ ] others [ ]

11. Can The Federal Government curb the continued spread of cybercrime among Nigeria
youths and the general public ?

Barley [ ] Agree [ ] strongly Agree [ ] disagree [ ] strongly Disagree [ ]

12. What are the rules government and non-government bodies play to curb Cybercrime in
Nigeria ?

Educating the youths [ ] creating awareness on the effect of Cybercrime [ ] creating job
opportunities for the unemployed [ ]

13. is the internet used as a channel for asissment of Cybercrime scamming activities ?

yes [ ] very sure [ ] No [ ] not sure [ ]

14. What is the level of ignorance exhibited by the public concerning Cybercrime ?

high [ ] low [ ] Acceptable range [ ]

15. To what extent are you aware of Cybercrime ?

To a large extent [ ] to an extent [ ] no impact [ ]

16. what is the assesment of Asaba residents on the effect of Cybercrime scamming activities
among Nigeria youths ?

High [ ] Low [ ] no impact [ ]

17. how effective is Cybercrime influencing the behavior of Asaba youths ?

Effective [ ] very effective [ ] not effective

18. what gender involved in cybercrime the more ?

Male [ ] Female [ ]

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