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13 the pressure in the fluids can be expressed as

pi Pino pit where

pino is thepressure at andpitis the perturbed pressure in fluid i

runthe boundary layeris completely

flat the fluidsdonoterect a perturbed pressure withonly the equilibrium pressurecontributing


so ne hav pi pin at equilibrium

using use in cartesian coordinates vie vieca

z direction If pg

i Pi egizz t c

i In the unperturbed case thepressure is sin bythe hydrostatic pressure with a linear

variation in z

di upto

odz o from part

o Cureton o

our to so bylinearity of 0operator

on c o as u is constant and one o

020 o

same for Oz on o

Oi satisfy Laplace Equation

4 Let variations be z E sat

At the interface the velocity of fluid I must beequal to that of fluid 2 sothatmassdoesnotaccumulate

at the
interfaceand the normal component ve is cannons andequal tothat of theinterface
the velocity of the fluid in the zdirection is given by vzdate as iois ee careofchangeof
interface location

É É V 11 T Odi hi 00
so neglect as nontinea
wife pong

z DE

If hi

for fluid 1 3 t4 Ec

7 3 4Ec
1s pi riotor
using use in cartesian coordinates vie vieca

z direction É pg

a piepg z t c

i In the unperturbed case the pressure is sin bythe hydrostatic pressure with alinear

variation in z

Pi PitoPi

from pie If zvi tget tf canst

p It t z uit É t gz t pi c

i pi a p É t zChi Is t gz

p piJI EXIT pin3 C In pigz

But fi Piotop Pio a fini pgzz c Pio t zpile

dPi P YEth 3
fluid 1 pl t hit ge p zpni t pi

same for fluid a

16 at the interface we musthav that the Bernoulli Equation for fluid i and 2 are equal

P Prize

Pi JP leg Piotoplee

from pie If zvi get ft const

p III uit t gz pi c

e Ci p É 4,3 gE ca p YE 423 ge
pi pget C

pi pget Ca

dp P 3 4.35

JR p E tu
In the absence of transient disturbances

P zO C

Pelzo c

P Ie o Paleo

c Cz

pi dp p top

p 3 hi gE p 3 4 gee

1.77 01 0 z explickse we we know 010 0 Fran Laplace Equation

Oz AzizexpEnckewe k ai Oi z a e aretz
assume Giselle 0 8 agilesa o d

0,127 Getz once get

1.87 Assume Eloiti Éexplicitwas
iwÉexp ickxwas

IF nkÉexpickxwa
3 4 3
iwiexplicksewe thinkÉexplickewe Koiexplickwa

fluid i iwithinkÉ KE with E a o

fluid z ivethanked Kd with E old

p 3 hi3 gE p É 4.3 gE

PCnwaexp ickxwe I think I explickc we J t getexplickwe

PCnwaexp ickxwe thankEzexplickc we J t getexplickewe

p l iwothinkin get satiworthinkortgé

ivethanked Kd E Én he

Sub into

P WE Y Ui nKE E h tgÉ P WE Y ha MKE E h tgÉ

p l we zuwk hit gk p w zuakth Ki gk

w p pal Zuk au than the phitman top pesky o
i in with the ansatz onexplickse we if there is a positive imaginary part

then Osos which occurs when n ke weso we ke and is unstable

If it is a negative imaginary past then o and domes out which ones when WKCE

weep pal Zuk auteur th penitent top pesky o 11haha o
k B kg
wz Pite E Eoexp n Kt Mit
when a heavier fluid rests on top of a lighter fluid p p so Wco

i w co means we have a positive imaginary part so all modes

are unstable

i iz welp pal Zuk auteur th penitents Cafferty o 11 go

using Quadraticformula w

we Y Ink Fft thrust

i E E exp nk a
pipe I Fifth mike
the instability decays for w complex and grows for wt complex leading tounstable
Problem 2

2n Oi koines 2m mis sweed

to matrixform

o ktechI ancu ttech I

o ktica I 2m u ItcusI

u stela I EnCokacase
ti lo Keecht.CI cul
ti o 3ktcul anCeccafinu

tacos 3ktcut tech tico

sub into

u Iktico I t EnLO JESI

hi Okkdis t Em Oi to di

Oi Kdiiher 2mChi Ineedi

sub into

he z SEK25ueeui diitzwaiDd a

Sd's there tWChii

i u Sdk EUii t m his
Problem 3

I geog with Bes b too glacis o

EE geog

Irsay's E'ay's whichgives to as nocrosssectionalfoin

in citygirlgeog o o

ni BKE with sorry

in By've

sub into o


assume solution of theform

yea notapetapetapetape
given 2494 0 a EIB
i bed notapetapetape 13 4

3.1.27 Clampedend
is stationarywith no deflection bio o b'co o

abfreeendstressand resultant moment

y o o you so
3.1.3 bed notapetapetape 13 4

Clamped EndBcs yea o ao o

gita o a to

free end b L za bash 1 5 0

y L bas 1 0 a 85 L
sub into

azz EEE

yes EI Yo

Byiutpy 0

N Ext

By E cityg xlpoi By tpyo

i By py c
Assumesolutionof theform with K
yep Ep

Bcs clamped Endsso you 0 Eta o a Ep

y'd o bro boo

yea Ep l

clamped end be you0 Ell cocky o

Klann ne oil

yin o s Epsinckl o g

Kenn ne an

to satisfy bothBcs

I Got ne an

plait 41
By Ty Ky o

for an oscillatingflagellum to as there is no crosssectional run

Ky is the ycomponentof theexternalGoa

for hydrodynamic friction F MME KEE

movement in bdirection with fictional coefficient 9

Ky 9dg

3.3.27 Bc of a room bio Acoscut

assume solution of thefam

yeah Aexplicatekid

Ky Et

Byir ty Ky o

give Fiwaexplicut ka

from given'aexplicatka


InwaerplicutKis e K'aexpCilatKsa

if end cosorising n Ente
K f en's
sub back into gowning equation Aexp i wt f cosMs x exp wt sin Ms x

Realdecay team wt sin Ms x we 920 B20 sin 8 20

System decays for v20 and is unstable for eco

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