Raghunandan Test 8

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Use the keywords in the right context.
T0S b i t a
asepon to the Geaeral
Manaqe or
toan Bhoud e
Auantg the loan lear batoe
uhat Dld be tho
Oan &howld be checed Methd
Ashethes the
paat hitony
(onpany has good franial
nteqmhy to pm
A whethes the
cbmypany's Pathelaan
take loDn
whethen n
Hepay Loan tonpany ha tailed to

Qohethen the conpany : lDan pplicasen

w Heected o preioua bank and what
w the Heasane toe the dane

1he Inueangahng eitier Ahal alo chect oe


Act ad iabthel e Loans

the conpay

hal noporate
to the
painta to
ubnit Heportto the
A loai

Marag ea tor qrantig
| Page No.

inengatorÄnal ep olling purte
the inLutigator wohile
kaep tpllounng inpotaat
0 The Report 2hau be phepand wit
unaubig danguage ie ho ewod Ahal
sepuuernent tuo Meanings or uncle maaning
0 ne Repot Ahall be prepaed bassd an jadd
and cirmstanee Hthe thn any osdphn

(9 The înuutpatrr ahal prouide he aepat

paagaph osmat
(4) the
eeport hald net conteain anyting tach u
ot elvant
Paga No.

10 deaw an Audit proqraume gpect

pojnta ahould be
uene and expunditue x2 uea

O hetne the mOA and AOA allows the Cineplx

to cenduct uh busines
Sale o ticketi
To Vouch the acuray
ha che the ale a thdcet
a) Jne Auditor ithe n coah or Bart
and cormeuponding McoNe ithe
b) Houw enline and
cOTYespondibg paiol to the
LOMAon there

How à the s, ae
come tom yame,coreypording
and beueragey u fecorded and
iptt teept
eom aduetsenenti uodet
9 How u the ncone
booke t Accont
aLas hould aliobe
SEncometem paiing

Payent ot Aadane te the Atot

6) whetnen
Ahold be checked

nsurane peeni paid for

n ohh busness
Page No.

pnse or manogMent ey building

Aptatnauld also be cekod
Hence cunepl ex a moie theate complo
Ahall be checled by the Mentonad koiry
Jo au to obtan and appropriae
audit Quidenc Bhile cDndchng te

8yAs pua sA 200Ouoral ahjechue ot Tndypest

Ahadihr and cendu tudit a pn Atanda

budes alo the compAAin

ditgentn n atue

A t and liahities, proit cnd

drd lsse
shengthwlake, GpRotunitie and thnau

Hence ,the nate tinina and etent a tudit

pocedune ie Rit hsseslment protawe
a per n3I5 and tuuthen audit pnud
4he A4eesed Hut a pu sa 330 and othe
pianned audit pocade wiu change

Alo thec aye cirwumetnces where thee 0u

a neo to
change ple
(Page No

he highen the Aìze tne MOre tee copla u btne

Past xpience a the Audior ith othe


hangu in circntnc
Plan need to be anged
a) ohen there u chnge
b) when audit uidnce s abtained Lon
audit phoudu pufomeo
As pn the boue ta and cirumstan ce, Mr.s4
e senir andd uni or aticled asç
eepetiely Goth o e awsigned stat
Mr. S unstrued
anutactuving conpany Mr. s inst
fa m diat anaudit plan by taig hetnene
lrior to fin) who
a sinlar ient a portn dhip
iew to we
was haing a uncorret
Hence Mrs iet
Hetence em Inilor
tiilor ient to dragt
audi plan
Paga No.

The Audit puocedes to be waed to chect

addu the valldig of account balance leel .

o Vendoy neads to be iduntied and corregond.

purhase orde neodut be hecked the
purchase orcden o Nsing the wendor hould
be ask ad for the iame' witth help ot managrut.
Reconviaon Ahoutd be uadu rehwen
Qoodu ordued and ypods weceued
coion Gnugrg eloyeu nd wendor tuowd
be idantigied
9 s takacontrlt Anould be iaented
Meet with company managemnt anddujce
the asUe
|Pege No.

a) the
and phaues invol ed in Rik baul
0Tne Rùk ahould be aesed a pu cA31S
2) funtheA Ahudit pvcedue anowld. be moade as
SA 33O

tcLordngy eport 4hould be phepoa

ORir Rpotiag Procedumea

) seps to
to be taucen tor thne Rle assene
pha t the audit
OIdentihy the cient and undeitund the buis
4 the ient as pe the sA315
theouenal engagemert
dyte the buinen
Tdehtibtthethenteral ontl
Riak o4 mateial istatnent
ay Apecial consideratong
conLuicaing che
centl to mananwent ande haxe chavged wteh
qaenarce SA 265

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