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p prov teoucueun pouch h

tegh tp PItegh p
assuming the z points in a pipe arenotequal lie PitPe vine hi hi then thisequation onlyholds af all

points along the streamline if Eu hitsrats constant

I pgztp constant it fluidis incompressible andenergy is consecud

atallpoints along okstreamline


13 Enter equation Navier Stokes forideal incompressible

flaw pro

pEetcu o v tip age

Identity v nu Gov ux oxo

p Eettou ux ow OCPPga

p Ee ux ow o

steady stateflan s Ee c

pLux oxo ocptpgz.ttpun

theflowis laminaeand irrational so txt o

0 Ptpgettapu o 11S

p pge tapu constant Bernoulli Equation

Problem 2

21 Pressure Ckgm's2

Density Ckgm3

velocity mst

akinematic viscosity m s 1

22 Q kg s

2.3 Qnap for lamina flow

awilldependon Op the pressuredrop acrossone pipe

L the lengthof the pipe

c the radius of thepipe

the viscosity of the fluid

for lamina flow weassure anop

Increasing viscosityshould reduce the mass flow rate and

A large crosssection would increase flow rate and

asthelengthofoupipeincreases themassmovingthrash shoulddecrease Q L

Q A Opr's l were A is a proportionality constant

a s memr kgmtatters a a

we know Q hasdimensions Kys i s z 2 1 2 1

3 i
Q s

i 38 3 0 383

decrease so rco
As length increases the flowrate should

as the radius increases the flan cake should increase this is proportional to area so B o Bmod2 0

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