Handout #2 - Inglés 1 - M.I.

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ISFT 196 - Inglés I - Mantenimiento Industrial

Handout # 2: Basics
A. Vocabulary: Prepositions and tools
1. Try this quiz. Choose the correct answer.

2. Match the pictures with the words in the box.

B. Letters and Numbers
1. (t.04) Listen and correct the four mistakes in the business card.
2. (t. 05) Listen and complete the forms.

3. Design your own business card. Dictate and spell out details from your card to your partner.

4. Spelling competition.
Team A: Make a list of ten countries. Check the spelling. Then ask team B to spell them correctly.
Team B: Make a list of ten capital cities. Check the spelling. Then ask team A to spell them correctly.
Example: How do you spell EGYPT? How do you spell TOKYO?
5. (T.06) Listen and match the pictures with the announcements.

6. Listen again and complete the sentences with numbers and letters.
a. Counter number _________________, please.
b. This is Radio _________________ on _________________ FM.
c. Please pay _________________ pounds and _________________ pence.
d. The _________________ train to Oxford will depart from platform number _________________
e. Flight number _________________ is boarding now. Please go to gate number _________________
f. To donate money to Live Aid, ring this number now: _________________
g. Begin countdown now:

7. What do the following mean?

8. (T. 07) Listen and write the numbers in the correct space.
C. Dates and times
1. (T. 08) Listen to the sports results. Add the positions (2nd, 3rd and 5th) and complete the times in the blanks
in the chart.

2. Complete your weekly schedule.

3. Read out these airport codes.

4. Give the days of the flights.

5. (T.09) Listen and write down the dates. Use dd/mm/yy.
6. Complete the table. Read your answers.

7. Read out these times. First, use the 24-hour clock. Then use the 12-hour clock.
a. 5.15
b. 8.50
c. 11.14
d. 13.40
e. 15.18
f. 17.30

8. (T. 10) Listen and add the times to the timetable in 4. Use the 24-hour clock.
9. (T. 11) Listen and write the correct number next to each watch.

10. Read out the times and dates on the watches. Use the 12-hour clock.

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