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How to use

Microlearning in
Microlearning is a teaching and learning approach
that involves delivering small, bite-sized chunks of
information or training to learners. This approach is
often used in adult learning as it allows learners to
absorb and retain information more effectively, as it is
easier for them to process smaller amounts of
information at a time.

Microlearning can take many forms, such as short

videos, interactive quizzes, or concise written articles.
It can be delivered through various channels, such as
online learning platforms, social media, or mobile
There are several ways to use microlearning in

As standalone training modules: Microlearning

modules can be used as standalone training on
specific topics or skills. For example, a series of
short videos on a particular software program
could be used to teach learners how to use it

As supplementary resources: Microlearning

modules can be used as supplementary resources
to support and reinforce learning in a longer
training program. For example, short quizzes or
interactive activities could be used to test learners'
knowledge and help them retain information.

As part of a blended learning approach:

Microlearning can be used as part of a blended
learning approach, where it is combined with
other forms of learning such as in-person training
or self-paced study. This can help to provide
learners with a more comprehensive and flexible
learning experience.
As part of a microlearning library: Microlearning
modules can be collected and organized into a
microlearning library, which learners can access
as needed to learn new skills or refresh their
knowledge on specific topics.

To use microlearning effectively in

eLearning, it is important to consider the
needs and learning preferences of your
audience and to design the microlearning
modules in a way that is engaging and easy
to understand.

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