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Writing Section

Q1 – Summarize Written Text

Q2 – Essay

Q # 1 – WR I T I N G S E CT I O N


Written Text

1 – 2 Qs
5-75 words allowed max
35-45 words are ideal
10 Mins for Each Q

10 10

Content Form Grammar Vocabulary


Structure Template Proofreading

Follow These Steps
Skim the passage to get three ICs from different parts of the

Use those 3 ICs to form one compound-complex sentence

between 35 and 45 words.

Use the following Magical Structure to form your compound-

complex Sentence

IC, (and/but) IC (as/because) IC.

Once you finish, check SPELLING, WORD COUNT, GRAMMAR,

Q # 2 – WR I T I N G S E CT I O N



1 – 2 Qs
200-300 words allowed
220-250 words are ideal

20 Mins for Each Q


Content Form Grammar Vocabulary Spelling


Coherence Linguistic
2 MARKS Range

Answer the prompt Template Proofreading

You’ll get ZERO if:

You write less than 120 Words or more than 380 words.

If you don’t address the question prompt (writing off-topic).

Essay Structure
Introduction Your Opinion

Main Idea
Body Paragraph 1 Explanation
Body Paragraph 2 Examples
Concluding Sentence

Paraphrase the Topic

Conclusion Your Opinion
Essay Types


Problem and Solution

Maintain the structure.
Sentence structure.

LOGIC (coherence) and FLOW (cohesion)

Synonymous (vocabulary) and fancy words.

Answer the prompt.
Agree or Disagree

In the modern era, while there is an ongoing debate with compelling reasons about IC - Sentence (1) - The topic,
it leads to intriguing arguments and broadens a person’s horizon. In my opinion, I totally agree that IC - Sentence
(2) - Your opinion, and I am going to put forth
my ideas in this essay.

At the outset, one of the key factors of my point of view is IC – Sentence (3) - Main idea. Moreover, it must be
pointed out that IC - Sentence (4) - Supportive Sentence, and it would also IC - Sentence (5) – Supportive
sentence. For instance, a recent article published on Scientific American revealed that IC - Sentence (6) because
IC -Sentence(7). Therefore, the discourse proved that IC - Sentence (8) -Body Paragraph-1 Conclusion.

Additionally, another important aspect should be highly considered is IC - Sentence (9) – Main idea.
Furthermore, it is noteworthy that IC - Sentence (10), and IC - Sentence (11) – Supportive sentence. Thus, the
previous ideas showed how IC - Sentence (12) Body Paragraph-2 Conclusion.

To conclude, I hold the conclusive proof, which has been outlined above, that supports my thoughts on IC -
Sentence (13) - Paraphrase the topic, and hence I strongly believe that IC - Sentence (14) - Paraphrase your
opinion because / as DC - Sentence (15).
Taking part in sports is important for an adult's health and happiness.
To what extent do you agree with it?
In the modern era, while there is an ongoing debate with compelling reasons about the importance of
taking part in sports for an adult's health and happiness, it leads to intriguing arguments and broadens a person’s horizon. In my
opinion, I totally agree that sports are essential for people’s health and happiness, and I am going to put forth my ideas in this

At the outset, one of the key factors of my point of view is that sports boost the immunity system. Moreover, it must be pointed
out that playing sports improves the adults’ health, and it would also relieve work stress and ensure better sleeping pattern. For
instance, a recent article published on Scientific American revealed that athletes are less likely to be infected by different
diseases because sports, in general, improve physical and mental health. Therefore, the discourse proved that playing sports is
essential for adults’ health.

Additionally, another important aspect that should be highly considered is sports give adults a chance to make new friends and
widen their social life. Furthermore, it is noteworthy that playing in a team opens new connections and enables you to have a
real social life away from the online social networks. Thus, the previous ideas showed how sports are important for adults’

To conclude, I hold the conclusive proof, which has been outlined above, that supports my thoughts on the value of sports to
adult’s pleasure and well-being, and hence I strongly believe that spots are important for the immunity and the social life of
adults because taking part in sports is important for an adult's health and happiness.
Advantages / Disadvantages
Problem and Solution

In the modern era, while there is an ongoing debate with compelling reasons about IC - Sentence (1) - The topic,
it leads to intriguing arguments and broadens a person’s horizon. In my opinion, I totally agree that IC – Sentence
(2) - Your opinion, and I am going to put forth my ideas in this essay.

At the outset, one of the key factors of my point of view is IC – Sentence (3) - Main idea. Moreover, it must be
pointed out that IC – Sentence (4) - Supportive Sentence, it would also IC - Sentence (5) – Supportive
sentence. For instance, a recent article published on Scientific American revealed that IC - Sentence (6) because
IC - Sentence (7). Therefore, the discourse proved that IC - Sentence (8) –Body Paragraph (1) Conclusion.

On the other hand, one of the main solutions of the Sentence (9) – refer to the Topic is Sentence (10) - Main
idea. Furthermore, it is noteworthy that IC - Sentence (11), and IC - Sentence (12) - Supportive sentence. Thus,
the previous ideas showed how IC - Sentence (13) Body Paragraph-2 Conclusion.

To conclude, I hold the conclusive proof, which has been outlined above, that supports my thoughts on IC -
Sentence (14) - Paraphrase the topic, and hence I strongly believe that IC - Sentence (15) - Paraphrase your
opinion because / as DC - Sentence (16).
With the increase of digital information available online, the role of the library has become obsolete. Universities
should only procure digital materials rather than constantly textbooks. Discuss both the advantages and
disadvantages of this position and give your own point of view.

In the modern era, while there is an ongoing debate with compelling reasons about whether universities should only procure digital
materials rather than constantly textbooks, it leads to intriguing arguments and broadens a person’s horizon. In my opinion, I totally
agree that universities should only procure digital materials rather than constantly textbooks, and I am going to put forth my ideas in
this essay.

At the outset, one of the key factors of my point of view is digital books have many advantages compared with traditional textbooks.
Moreover, it must be pointed out that they help eliminate the extra costs of shipping, and they also contain multi-media elements
that are not available with traditional books. For instance, a recent article published on Scientific American revealed that 85 percent
of high school students prefer to purchase digital books than going to the library and reading textbooks because they found it cheaper
and more entertaining. Therefore, the discourse proved that the advantages of procuring digital materials are eliminating the extra
costs of shipping and containing entertaining multi-media elements.

On the other hand, one of the main disadvantages of digital materials is that digital books are hard to remember. Furthermore, it is
noteworthy that some students tend to print them to write down their own notes, and they are harder to read in sunlight. Thus, the
previous ideas showed how digital books also have drawbacks.

To conclude, I hold the conclusive proof, which has been outlined above, that the advantages of procuring digital materials outweigh
the disadvantages making it the better option, and hence I strongly believe that universities should only procure digital materials
rather than constantly textbooks because they are cheaper and more entertaining.
Thank You

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