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Geosynthetics International

Hydraulic compatibility of geotextile-compost

systems in landfill covers
S. C. Ryoo1 and A. H. Aydilek2
Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of
Maryland, College Park, Maryland, USA, E-mail:
Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park,
Maryland, USA, E-mail: (corresponding author)

Received 13 June 2019, revised 09 October 2019, accepted 05 November 2019

ABSTRACT: Landfill covers are required by federal regulations to cap municipal solid waste and
prevent leachate formation. The use of compost as part of a vegetative layer in landfill final covers is one
way to improve the sustainability of landfills. In order to successfully use compost in landfill cover
applications, hydraulic compatibility of the compost and underlying geotextile filters must be adequate.
The hydraulic compatibility of various composts and geotextiles have been explored through laboratory
long-term filtration (LTF) tests. Upon completion of the LTF tests, particle size analyses, permittivity
tests, piping measurements, and image analyses were conducted to evaluate clogging and retention
performances. When the clogging ratios and piping measurements were considered, all compost-
geotextile combinations yielded acceptable clogging and retention performance. A parametric study
was conducted to determine if different characteristic pore sizes and grain sizes influenced the
laboratory clogging ratios and showed no apparent relationship. Existing filter selection criteria
successfully predicted the observed retention behavior but failed to predict the clogging behavior. Based
on limited LTF data, compost is not likely to promote clogging in geotextiles; however, additional
soil-geotextile filtration tests are necessary to propose a new filter criterion for clogging.

KEYWORDS: Geosynthetics, Geotextile, Compost, Permittivity, Physical clogging, Landfill

REFERENCE: Ryoo, S. C. and Aydilek, A. H. (2019). Hydraulic compatibility of geotextile-compost

systems in landfill covers. Geosynthetics International. []

ultimately provision of sustainable construction and

economic growth (Ryoo et al. 2018).
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) defines
2015) reported that the annual generation of municipal compost as ‘the product of controlled biological decom-
solid waste (MSW) was increasing by 500 000 t per position of organic material that has been sanitized to the
year within the last decade; the last reported annual point that it is beneficial to plant growth’ (US EPA 2012).
amount generated was 258.5 million tons. With increasing Compost can be defined based on the source materials,
amounts of waste generation and number of waste known as feedstocks, which include manure from agricul-
containment facilities, the infusion of sustainable prac- tural operations, yard trimmings, biosolids from wastewater
tices into landfills is necessary. One potential sustainable treatment plants, food by-products, industrial by-products,
practice is the use of compost in lieu of topsoil as an and municipal solid waste. Yard trimming composts, also
erosion control layer in landfill covers and highway slopes. known as source-separated compost, and biosolids com-
Reuse of compost can promote sustainable construction post are two commonly encountered composts in eastern
practices by diverting this industrial by-product and parts of the United States and can be preferred in reuse
limiting the amount of natural soils (topsoils) required applications due to their low odor (Ryoo et al. 2018).
for construction. Compost usage promotes reduction in Existing work indicates that compost is a superior
solid waste disposal costs incurred by industry, reduction material compared to topsoil for promoting the vegetative
in landfill requirements, minimization of damage to growth and decreasing erosion (Faucette and Risse 2002;
natural resources caused by excavating earthen materials Faucette et al. 2007, 2009; Curtis et al. 2009; Chaganti
for construction, creation of added value from waste and Crohn 2014). The compost layer, over time, encour-
materials, conservation of production energy, and ages the establishment and growth of vegetation, brings

1072-6349 © 2020 Thomas Telford Ltd 1

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2 Ryoo and Aydilek

Table 1. Physical properties of the materials tested

Material Fines (%) Sand (%) Gravel (%) Cc Cu PI Gs ωnatural (%) OM (%) k (cm/s)

B 1.2 90.2 8.6 1.0 5.5 NP 1.76 59 75 8 × 10−2

S 1.7 79.8 18.6 1.0 9.5 NP 1.75 7.2 51 4 × 10−2
T 15.3 84.7 15.3 1.1 11.4 NP 2.51 0.6 3.7 8 × 10−3
P 0.5 79.7 19.8 0.8 1.8 NP 2.65 0 0 7 × 10−3

Notes: Cc: coefficient of curvature, Cu: coefficient of uniformity, PI: plasticity index, NP: non-plastic, Gs: specific gravity, ωnatural: natural moisture
content, OM: organic matter, k: permeability, NA: not applicable.

biological and chemical benefits by rendering the necess- hydraulic compatibility of geotextile layers in landfill final
ary nutrients, provides an excellent substrate for soil biota, covers with two commonly used composts. Physical
suppresses plant diseases, and modifies and stabilizes the clogging behavior of geotextile-compost systems was inves-
pH of the soil environment (US EPA 2012). The addition tigated through long-term filtration (LTF) tests. The influ-
of compost to soil improves soil permeability and hence ence of particle size of the compost as well as the existence
reduces the amount of stormwater runoff and erosion of a granular protective layer adjacent to the geotextile in
(Ryoo et al. 2018). Faucette and Risse (2002) showed that drainage systems in landfill final covers were evaluated.
100% soil surface coverage (essential for weed control and The post-filtration test analysis included permittivity tests,
limiting root freezing) could be achieved with compost sieve analyses, piping measurements, and image-based
compared with only 70–75% coverage using traditional pore size characterization.
methods. Faucette et al. (2009) showed that vegetated com-
post blanket treatments reduced runoff by 52–94% and soil
erosion by 29–99% in the laboratory, performing better
than many of the other erosion control products tested.
A criterion implemented for the final cover system of Three different geomaterials were tested: biosolid compost
landfills, per U.S. EPA Title 40 Section 258, recommends (B) was produced by the City of Aberdeen, Maryland;
a minimum 150-mm thick soil layer beneath the vegetative the source-separated compost (S) and the protective cover
layer (topsoil) in order to provide protection from wind material (P) were gathered from a landscape company,
and water erosion (US EPA 1997). The thickness of the in Severn, Maryland; the topsoil (T) was obtained from
protection layer is dependent on the site location and is a local store in Perryville Maryland, and was used as a
used for a variety of purposes, including frost protection control variable. The physical properties of all materials
and prevention of human or animal intrusion. Qian et al. are shown in Table 1. A mechanical soil splitting test
(2002) outlines a typical landfill cover having 152 mm of method (ASTM C702) was used to collect characteristic
topsoil underlain by a 610-mm protective layer, and samples of each material prior to subjecting them to
indicates that drainage and filtration are key components physical analysis, which is in line with the Maryland
in assuring the proper functionality of the hydraulic Department of Transportation minimum requirement
barrier layer. values outlined in the Special Provisions Insert (SPI 2017).
Traditionally, topsoil is used as the erosion control The source-separated compost (S) contained elongated
layer material in landfill covers. However, compost can gravel-sized (>4.75 mm) wooden chips. An insignificant
be an alternative erosion control product in these systems,
mostly due to its internal skeletal structure, water retent-
ion capability, and nutrient content, which allows for T (Topsoil)
S (Source separated compost)
superior vegetative facilitation (Kirchhoff et al. 2003;
100 B (Biosolids compost)
Faucette et al. 2007, 2009). In a rainfall event, raindrop P (Protective cover material)
impact is a significant contributor to soil erosion. Due to
the presence of larger particles in its structure, compost 80
absorbs the impact of energy from raindrops; in certain
Finer by weight: %

cases, up to 834 J/m2 (Fernández-Raga et al. 2010).

In contrast, smaller particles of compost can absorb
the inflow of water and increase the infiltration capacity
through their large surface areas (Faucette et al. 2007; 40
Seelsaen et al. 2007). Kirchhoff et al. (2003) describes
moisture retention in compost as an important parameter 20
in determining the efficiency of erosion control.
Utilization of compost can enhance sustainable con-
struction practices in landfills; however, despite the 0
10 1 0.1 0.01
benefits of compost, its interaction with underlying geo- Particle size: mm
textile drainage/filter layers in a landfill cover is unknown.
The objective of the current study was to evaluate the Figure 1. Grain size distributions of the materials tested
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Hydraulic compatibility of geotextile-compost systems in landfill covers 3

Table 2. Minimum average roll values (MARV) for properties of the geosynthetics tested

Geotextile Structure Mass/unit area Thickness POA Permittivity Water flow rate AOS
(g/m2) (mm) (%) (s−1) (L/min/m2) (mm)

W1 W, MF, PP 207 0.82 3 0.2 611 0.30

W2 W, MF, PP 271 0.86 8 1.5 4685 0.60
W3 W, MF, PP 271 0.66 10 2.1 5907 0.425
NW1 NW, NP, PP 163 0.81 NA 1.7 5500 0.212
NW2 NW, NP, PP 115 0.75 NA 2.1 6315 0.30

Notes: NA: not applicable, NW: nonwoven, NP: needle punched, PP: polypropylene, W: Woven, MF: monofilament, POA: Percent Open Area,
AOS: Apparent Opening Size.

Water inlet

0–25 mm Compost
25 mm
25–75 mm Protective cover
75 mm
75–100 mm Geotextile

Water outlet

Figure 2. LTF specimen of compost-to-protective cover

Table 3. Summary of LTF tests performed on compost-geotextile systems

Material Geotextile Piping (g/m2) Hydraulic gradient Ksystem (cm/s) Ksoil (cm/s) KR (ksoil/ksystem) GR

Source separated compost (S) W1 249 i = 1.0 1.9 × 10−2 2.0 × 10−2 1.09 2.06
i = 2.5 1.1 × 10−2 1.3 × 10−2 1.18 2.34
W2 242 i = 1.0 8.5 × 10−3 2.2 × 10−2 2.62 8.14
i = 2.5 3.8 × 10−3 1.3 × 10−2 3.44 11.6
W3 264 i = 1.0 5.2 × 10−2 5.5 × 10−2 1.06 1.58
i = 2.5 3.6 × 10−2 4.1 × 10−2 1.13 1.92
NW1 234 i = 1.0 1.6 × 10−2 2.0 × 10−2 1.30 2.69
i = 2.5 1.0 × 10−2 1.3 × 10−2 1.23 2.47
NW2 162 i = 1.0 2.6 × 10−3 3.4 × 10−3 1.29 2.89
i = 2.5 6.9 × 10−4 1.2 × 10−3 1.77 5.06
Biosolid compost (B) W1 239 i = 1.0 6.8 × 10−2 6.5 × 10−2 0.96 1.30
i = 2.5 3.2 × 10−2 3.3 × 10−2 1.03 1.50
W2 240 i = 1.0 4.4 × 10−2 7.8 × 10−2 1.78 3.29
i = 2.5 2.2 × 10−2 4.5 × 10−2 2.05 4.13
W3 248 i = 1.0 5.6 × 10−2 5.3 × 10−2 0.95 1.29
i = 2.5 4.8 × 10−2 4.5 × 10−2 0.98 1.39
NW1 188 i = 1.0 8.6 × 10−3 1.2 × 10−2 1.44 3.49
i = 2.5 1.0 × 10−2 1.6 × 10−2 1.62 4.21
NW2 144 i = 1.0 2.3 × 10−2 2.3 × 10−2 1.03 2.04
i = 2.5 1.2 × 10−2 1.4 × 10−2 1.14 2.40
Topsoil (T) W1 77 i = 1.0 1.2 × 10−2 9.0 × 10−3 0.74 0.92
i = 2.5 9.2 × 10−3 6.4 × 10−3 0.69 0.69
W2 759 i = 1.0 1.2 × 10−2 8.5 × 10−3 0.69 0.70
i = 2.5 5.4 × 10−3 3.5 × 10−3 0.65 0.52
W3 793 i = 1.0 1.2 × 10−2 1.2 × 10−2 0.98 1.79
i = 2.5 5.1 × 10−3 4.3 × 10−3 0.84 1.31
NW1 267 i = 1.0 7.3 × 10−3 5.4 × 10−3 0.75 0.82
i = 2.5 3.3 × 10−3 2.2 × 10−3 0.68 0.54
NW2 231 i = 1.0 5.0 × 10−3 3.3 × 10−3 0.66 0.59
i = 2.5 2.2 × 10−3 1.3 × 10−3 0.59 0.34

Notes: Bold indicates unacceptable clogging based on clogging criteria set (GR, KR > 3), Ksystem and Ksoil are the stabilized values at the end of the
imposed gradient.

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4 Ryoo and Aydilek

amount of impurities was found in S but not in T or B. S is were made to measure the Atterberg limits of the com-
a manufactured material from collected yard waste, and posts and the topsoil; however, none of the materials were
it is not unreasonable to find impurities. All impurities plastic and there was very little to no clay. Two nonwoven
were removed by hand before the filtration tests. B and P and three woven geotextiles with a range of permittivities
were classified as poorly graded sand, S was classified were employed in the testing program. Physical and
as well-graded sand with gravel, and T was classified hydraulic properties of the geotextiles are listed in Table 2.
as silty sand with gravel according to the Unified Soil
Classification System (USCS). The grain size distributions
of the materials are given in Figure 1. 3. METHODS
Compost and topsoil are vegetative facilitation
materials and field installation of these materials is often 3.1. Long term filtration test
performed without a target density (Ryoo et al. 2018). Long Term Filtration (LTF) tests were conducted to deter-
Therefore, the density during LTF testing was low but mine the interaction between the composts/topsoil and the
consistent; the maximum particle size for all test speci- geotextiles, following the procedures outlined in ASTM
mens was reduced to 19 mm and a target dry density of D5101, with some deviations. Rollin and Lombard
4.9 kN/m3, 4.9 kN/m3, 11.8 kN/m3, and 17.7 kN/m3 was (1988), Rao et al. (1992), Aydilek and Edil (2003), and
chosen for S, B, T, and P, respectively. Previous studies also Aydilek and Kutay (2005) showed that the 24-h period
indicated that the installation of compost in field erosion recommended in D5101 was inadequate for evaluating
control studies involved placement of compost in a the long-term performance of the system and extended
relatively loose state, and the material was not tamped the duration of the testing based on the stability of the
or compacted (Persyn et al. 2005; Birt et al. 2007; Beighley clogging ratios determined through the LTF test. Once a
et al. 2010; Bakr et al. 2012; SPI 2017). stabilized trend was present in the current LTF tests, a
Permeability of the composts ranged from 4 × 10−2 to termination criterion of 25% deviation of the last four
8 × 10−2 cm/s, while the average was 8 × 10−2 cm/s for permeability measurements from the mean permeability
the topsoil (Table 1). The difference in permeabilities was defined the stability of the top soil- or compost-geotextile
attributed to the fines content of the materials (1.2%, systems, as per ASTM D5084. When the stability of
1.7%, and 15.3% for B, S, and T, respectively). Attempts system permeability and clogging ratio were achieved, the

Table 4. Summary of LTF tests performed on compost-protective cover-geotextile systems

Material Geotextile Piping (g/m2) Hydraulic gradient Ksystem (cm/s) Ksoil (cm/s) KR (ksoil/ksystem) GR

Source separated compost with W1 1159 i = 1.0 1.0 × 10−2 9.2 × 10−3 0.93 0.49
protective cover (SP) i = 2.5 3.8 × 10−3 3.3 × 10−3 0.87 0.20
W2 673 i = 1.0 8.3 × 10−3 5.1 × 10−3 0.62 0.42
i = 2.5 4.5 × 10−3 2.5 × 10−3 0.56 0.22
W3 677 i = 1.0 3.5 × 10−3 2.8 × 10−3 0.79 0.25
i = 2.5 1.3 × 10−3 8.0 × 10−4 0.62 0.08
NW1 229 i = 1.0 1.1 × 10−3 8.2 × 10−4 0.76 0.17
i = 2.5 8.2 × 10−4 4.5 × 10−4 0.54 0.07
NW2 177 i = 1.0 1.4 × 10−3 8.1 × 10−4 0.57 0.11
i = 2.5 9.7 × 10−4 5.0 × 10−4 0.52 0.06
Biosolid compost with W1 1263 i = 1.0 7.4 × 10−3 8.6 × 10−3 1.16 1.01
protective cover (BP) i = 2.5 3.6 × 10−3 2.6 × 10−3 0.72 0.40
W2 769 i = 1.0 2.1 × 10−3 1.4 × 10−3 0.70 0.28
i = 2.5 1.1 × 10−3 6.3 × 10−4 0.56 0.11
W3 678 i = 1.0 2.0 × 10−3 1.1 × 10−3 0.54 0.16
i = 2.5 1.5 × 10−3 7.9 × 10−4 0.52 0.10
NW1 289 i = 1.0 1.8 × 10−3 1.0 × 10−3 0.58 0.21
i = 2.5 1.8 × 10−3 1.0 × 10−3 0.56 0.19
NW2 156 i = 1.0 2.1 × 10−3 1.2 × 10−3 0.58 0.23
i = 2.5 2.2 × 10−3 1.3 × 10−3 0.56 0.19
Topsoil with protective W1 484 i = 1.0 1.2 × 10−2 9.5 × 10−3 0.78 0.91
cover (TP) i = 2.5 1.3 × 10−2 1.0 × 10−3 0.80 1.09
W2 1185 i = 1.0 2.1 × 10−3 3.4 × 10−3 1.62 0.95
i = 2.5 3.4 × 10−3 5.4 × 10−3 1.58 0.94
W3 539 i = 1.0 2.9 × 10−3 3.9 × 10−3 1.37 1.07
i = 2.5 3.3 × 10−3 4.2 × 10−3 1.26 1.03
NW1 296 i = 1.0 1.1 × 10−2 7.5 × 10−3 0.66 0.64
i = 2.5 1.0 × 10−2 7.2 × 10−3 0.69 0.72
NW2 184 i = 1.0 1.0 × 10−2 8.1 × 10−3 0.80 0.68
i = 2.5 1.1 × 10−2 8.4 × 10−3 0.79 0.71

Notes: Ksystem and Ksoil are the stabilized values at the end of the imposed gradient.

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Hydraulic compatibility of geotextile-compost systems in landfill covers 5

Table 6. Percent increase in weight at the soil-geotextile interface

due to densification

Geotextile BP SP TP B S T
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)

POA ratio (POAR)

NW1 11 17 7 0 18 16
NW2 14 −2 4 28 9 24

W1 75 43 9 −1 26 9
W2 13 42 29 0 −2 11
W3 54 38 23 −3 0 12



Gradient ratio (GR)







Figure 3. Photo of densification at SP-W1. Arrow depicts the gap

that forms within the column
Permeability ratio (KR)



test was either terminated or the imposed gradient was


Notes: The values shown are the end of stability under i = 2.5, NM = Not measured.

The LTF test used constant-head imposed gradients

of 1.0 and 2.5 to test the filtration of the systems. In order

to mimic the conditions in a landfill cover system, a

three-layer cover was implemented in the LTF columns

(Figure 2). Qian et al. (2002) stated that a typical landfill


cover consists of an erosion control layer, a protective

cover layer, and a drainage layer; therefore, each test

consisted of either pure compost or compost plus a pro-


tective cover. A compost-to-protective cover ratio of 1 : 4,

by weight, was utilized during the specimen preparation in
Permittivity ratio (ΨR)

NW 1

scope with Qian et al. (2002) and US EPA (1997). The


water was slowly introduced to the specimen from the

bottom until full saturation was achieved. All specimens
Table 5. Summary of clogging ratios


were held for at least 24 h upon saturation. This process

allowed trapped air bubbles to be dissolved back into the
deaired water. A 5-micron filter was replaced every other

month to collect suspended particles from the water

supply. A nano-membrane deairing unit under a vacuum

pressure of 0.7 bars was used. The total dissolved oxygen


averaged from 0.2 to 3.0 ppm.

Due to the high organic content of the compost,

microorganisms (such as algae) could cause a decrease

in system permeability. Ochre, a microorganism, was also



present in the preliminary tests due to the high iron

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6 Ryoo and Aydilek

content in the water. Ochre is a gelatinous substance from this may have increased the dissolved oxygen content
a microbial colonization of bacteria consortia and is red in when in contact with metals present in the compost
color due to its high iron oxide content. Mendonca and (Kjellerup 2018 (personal communication)). The most
Maurício (2006) and Veylon et al. (2016) both encoun- effective method was to cover the columns and reservoirs
tered ochre formation during long-term filtration evalu- to prevent the ingress of light to the algae (the primary
ation of geotextiles. Fannin et al. (1994) used chlorine source of energy for algae).
tablets to control microorganism growth; however, during Manometer readings and the flow rate and temperature
the current tests, the use of chlorine tablets was not of the deaired water, as well as the dissolved oxygen
effective, possibly due to their high oxidizing capacity; content, were recorded every 24 h. Upon completion of the

Table 7. Changes in the O95, O50, and POA of the geotextiles subjected to filtration tests

Geotextile Percent reduction in POA Pore Pore size Percent reduction in measured pore
of geotextile (%) size of virgin size of geotextile (%)
geotextile (mm)

NW1 NM NM NM NM NM NM O95 0.38 21 30 25 27 NM NM

O50 0.28 20 23 30 16 NM NM
NW2 NM NM NM NM NM NM O95 0.18 16 27 36 13 NM NM
O50 0.12 46 54 57 46 NM NM
W1 8.4 13 6.6 9.2 7.6 13 O95 0.31 0.1 13 0.6 1.0 4.5 8.2
O50 0.30 7.0 16 1.8 16 5.1 14
W2 3.1 5.7 7.7 14 9.7 7.6 O95 0.60 0.5 2.3 6.0 6.0 5.4 2.8
O50 0.57 0.9 2.9 0.2 5.9 4.8 5.8
W3 7 25 1.4 18 0.5 21 O95 0.43 4.4 5.6 3.4 3.6 3.7 6.9
O50 0.41 0.1 6.9 3.7 5.4 4.2 7.2

Notes: NM: Not measured.


2.5 SP
Permeability ratio, KR




0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Time (hours)

System permeability (cm/s)





0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Time (hours)

Figure 4. Temporal characteristics of (a) KR and (b) system permeability for NW1
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Hydraulic compatibility of geotextile-compost systems in landfill covers 7

LTF tests, the columns were dismantled, the soil samples Moreover, the use of flow rate in KR calculations was
were collected at 0–25 mm, 25–75 mm, and 75–100 mm, advantageous since flow impediment (whether through
and dried and wash-sieved to determine changes in the clogging or otherwise) would be directly related to
original grain size distributions. The geotextiles were decreases in flow rates at the soil-geotextile interface
extracted from the columns, and were cleaned, brushed, caused by clogging of the geotextile or formation of a
and dried for post-LTF tests. Piping is a phenomenon bridging layer above the interface.
where the soil erodes from the soil matrix and is transported
through the geotextile. The soil eroding from the geotextile 3.2. Permittivity test
and accumulating in the bottom chamber was collected Permittivity (Ψ) is a ratio of geotextile permeability to
and weighed to determine the amount of piping. geotextile thickness and defines the volumetric flow rate of
Gradient ratio (GR = isoil-geotextile/isoil ) was calculated water per unit cross sectional area per unit head (ASTM
following the procedures outlined in ASTM D5101. D4491). A series of permittivity tests were conducted on
However, the GR values are significantly influenced by virgin as well as post-LTF geotextiles, and a ratio of these
fluctuations in manometer readings; thus, permeability two permittivities, called the permittivity ratio (ΨR ), was
ratio (KR) was preferred to define the clogging conditions, calculated. This ratio is another indicator of clogging,
following the recommendations of Aydilek and Edil along with KR and GR, and can be used to explain if there
(2003), Sabiri et al. (2017), and Abbaspour et al. (2018) is any deviation between the permittivities of the virgin
ksoil and post-LTF geotextiles. The permittivity tests were
KR ¼ ð1Þ conducted following the procedures outlined in ASTM
D4491, and a 50-mm imposed gradient (Method 1 in
where ksoil was determined through the manometer read- ASTM D4491) was selected due to the expected flow rates
ings at the 25 mm and 75 mm manometer ports and being too high. To determine the average permittivity,
ksystem was determined through the applied hydraulic five flow readings were collected, and the average of these
gradient (Figure 2). Fischer (1994), Aydilek and Kutay values was reported as the geotextile permittivity.
(2005), and Narejo et al. (2013) also showed that GR may
not be representative due to the analysis of a relatively 3.3. Image analysis
small soil-geotextile contact zone in the LTF test appa- Image-based pore size characterization was conducted
ratus, and recommended the use of alternative ratios. on both woven and nonwoven geotextiles. While the

Permeability ratio, KR

2.0 T




0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500
Time (hours)


System permeability (cm/s)




0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500
Time (hours)

Figure 5. Temporal characteristics of (a) KR and (b) system permeability for NW2
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8 Ryoo and Aydilek

woven geotextiles required no specimen preparation, PSD indicates a range of pore size distributions by com-
planar thin sections of the nonwovens were prepared parison of a circular shaped area fitted in each pore.
following the procedures listed in Aydilek et al. (2002). The percentage of the pore sizes that were smaller than the
An optical light microscope with a workstation platform set diameter in the geotextile were calculated. For a given
of 45 mm × 25 mm and a 2.5 to 100× macro zoom lens geotextile, images of all samples were subjected to the
coupled with an image-capturing software was employed same procedure and the average pore size diameter was
to capture the pore structure images of the geotextile determined. The changes in geotextile pore opening sizes
samples. A digital camera mounted on the microscope of the virgin and post-LTF test geotextiles were used to
sent the 6000 × 4000 pixel images of the samples to the assess the clogging of the geotextiles. The details of the
computer software. Magnification (objective) ratio was image analysis and PSD determination procedures are
2.5× and 2.5–5×, and the corresponding pixel size was provided in Aydilek et al. (2002).
1.6–2.4 × 10−3 mm for the planar thin-sections The speci-
mens were illuminated from the bottom, as suggested by
Franks et al. (2015).
An image processing software, ImageJ, was used to 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
convert the captured images into 8-bit (black and white) 4.1. Clogging behavior
photos. The white pixels represented open pore spaces
The physical clogging behavior of the tested systems was
shown through light and the black pixels represented fibers
evaluated using the permeability ratio (KR), permittivity
and the soil samples clogging the pore spaces, and the
ratio (ΨR), percent open area ratio (POAR), and gradient
information was utilized to calculate the percent open area
ratio (GR). For this study, a clogging limit of KR = 3 was
(POA) of the virgin as well as post-LTF test geotextiles,
adopted following the suggestions of Aydilek and Edil
which was then used to define the percent open area ratio
(2003), Aydilek and Kutay (2005), Narejo et al. (2013),
POAPost Test and Abbaspour et al. (2018).
POAR ¼ ð2Þ Tables 3 and 4 summarize the ksoil, ksystem, KR, and GR.
A decrease in ksystem with increasing applied hydraulic
Pore size distribution (PSD) was calculated with a gradient could be observed in most cases. A similar
published procedure outlined by Aydilek et al. (2002). phenomenon was observed by Fischer (1994), who

Permeability ratio, KR

2.0 T



0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Time (hours)

System permeability (cm/s)





0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Time (hours)

Figure 6. Temporal characteristics of (a) KR and (b) system permeability for W1

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Hydraulic compatibility of geotextile-compost systems in landfill covers 9

associated the decreases in flow rates and ksystem with gradient, which accounts for BP and SP having higher
densification of the soil, not clogging of the geotextile, values of densification than B and S. The higher den-
where loose soil would be densified under an imposed sification at the soil-geotextile interface for BP and SP
gradient. Considering the soil placement methodology in could be the cause of a decrease in KR values as the
LTF columns and relatively low unit weights of the hydraulic gradient increases. Densification for T (when
geomaterials tested (4.9 kN/m3 for compost, 11.8 kN/m3 comparing percent change at the soil-geotextile interface)
for topsoil and 17.7 kN/m3 for the protective cover), was less than that for BP, SP, and TP; however, it was
densification would be expected under the imposed greater than that for S and B in most soil-geotextile com-
gradients (Table 5). binations and was minimal in all, except S-NW1, S-W1,
KR and GR values increased with increasing applied and B-NW2. The higher densification could be due to
gradient for S and B; in most cases, consistent with specific gravity; T and P have comparable specific gravity
the findings reported in past studies (Aydilek and Edil values of 2.51 and 2.65, respectively, while the specific
2003; Aydilek and Kutay 2005; Hong and Wu 2011; Sabiri gravities of B and S are close (1.76 and 1.75, respectively).
et al. 2017). However, similar observations could not be Huang et al. (2009) noted lower Gs values with increasing
made during testing of the topsoil or compost-geotextile- organic matter content in soils, consistent with the obser-
protective cover systems. Instead, a decrease in KR with vations made for T, P, B, and S in the current study. Per
increasing hydraulic gradient was seen for T, TP, SP, and volume, soils with low specific gravity are lighter than soils
BP, suggesting that densification may have had an impact with high specific gravity; this could indicate why higher
on the KR and GR values. Table 6 outlines the percent degrees of densification in T and P occurred compared to
change by weight of the soil-geotextile interface. This B and S, as more force would be applied at the soil-
percentage change by weight of the soil-geotextile inter- geotextile interface of T and P compared to B and S
face layer, determined via post-filtration sieve analysis, yielding to self-weight compression.
was used to quantify densification, which suggested that If GR values of the compost-only tests are to be ana-
densification had occurred more substantially with the lyzed with the U.S Army Corps of Engineers (US ACE
presence of the protective cover. Figure 3 is a typical gap 1986) limit of 3.0, S-W2, S-NW2, B-W2, and B-NW1
that formed in all the tests with protective covers; this type would be considered clogged. The highest values were
of gap was also observed by Fischer (1994). The gap is an recorded for S-W2 with a GR value of 8.14 at i = 1.0 and a
indicator of P settling under the imposed hydraulic GR value of 11.6 at i = 2.5. If the KR values were to be

3.5 SP
Permeability ratio, KR

2.5 TP




0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Time (hours)

System permeability (cm/s)





0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Time (hours)

Figure 7. Temporal characteristics of (a) KR and (b) system permeability for W2

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10 Ryoo and Aydilek

analyzed, S-W2 would be the only one considered conducted with S and B. When KR was plotted against the
clogged, with a KR value of 3.44 at i = 2.5. imposed gradient for B and S, all geotextiles except NW1,
When protective cover was implemented, four out of the showed an increase in KR values as the imposed hydraulic
30 tests had GR values greater than or equal to 1.0. When gradient was increased. A majority of the BP, SP, T,
KR values were considered, five out of the 30 tests had and TP tests yielded up to 20% decrease or no change in
values greater than or equal to 1.0. However, both KR and KR. Inclusion of a protective cover decreased the system
GR values stayed below the limit of 3.0. The highest GR permeability in many of the cases as a result of densifica-
value was 1.09 (TS-W1) and the lowest GR value was 0.06 tion and material intermixing at the material interface;
(S-NW2), suggesting an acceptable range of values per however, the changes in the stabilized permeabilities
ASTM D5101. were less than one order of magnitude (Tables 3 and 4).
The majority of the compost-geotextile systems would The accompanying KR values also slightly decreased
be considered not clogged based on the KR values, which or remained unchanged, yet the stabilized values stayed
could be confirmed by the measured POAR and ΨR between 0.5 and 1.0 (Figures 4–8). Most of the KR values
(Table 7). For instance, stabilized end-of-test KR and GR were lower than the limit of 3.0, except in the case of
(at i = 2.5) were lower than 3.0, except for S-W2, S-NW2, S-W2, indicating that partial clogging of the geotextiles
B-W2, and B-NW1. The majority of the POAR and ΨR did not have a significant impact on the overall filtration
values were close to 1.0, suggesting no change in the flow performance of the geotextile-compost and geotextile-
capacity of the geotextiles. More importantly, the greatest compost-protective cover systems.
reductions in Ψ (0–13%) and POA (1–23%) were observed Clogging ratios (KR, POAR, and ΨR) are plotted versus
with BP-W1, SP-W1, and TSP-W1; however, these the permittivity of the virgin geotextiles in Figure 9. POAR
systems had low GR (0.2–1.09) and KR (0.56–1.58) and ΨR values were minimally affected from an increase
values, which indicated that the permeability of the in permittivity of the virgin geotextiles. A parametric
system was not impeded by clogging of the geotextile or study was conducted to relate the clogging ratios to several
blockage of the geotextile pores by soil particles. characteristic geotextile pore size-to-characteristic grain
Temporal characteristics of KR and ksystem are given in size ratios (O95/D85, O90/D15) and characteristic geotextile
Figures 4–8. The data depicted good compatibility based pore size (O95, O90, O50, and O30), but no clear trends were
on the low KR (0.52–2.0), except for the tests on W2 observed (Ryoo and Aydilek 2019).

2.5 SP
Permeability ratio, KR

2.0 T



0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Time (hours)


System permeability: cm/s




0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Time (hours)

Figure 8. Temporal characteristics of (a) KR and (b) system permeability for W3

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Hydraulic compatibility of geotextile-compost systems in landfill covers 11

4.2. Retention behavior cover increased the overall piping rate when compared to
Retention was characterized by measuring the amount of tests conducted on compost only.
piped material per geotextile area during the LTF testing. However, piping was inconsequential to the perme-
According to ASTM D5101, piping is ‘the tendency of the ability. Manometer head value change can dramatically
geotextile to let a quantity of soil pass through its plane influence the GR and KR values; thus, piping was not the
which could potentially lead to stability’. All woven and cause of GR and KR significantly dropping below 1.0,
nonwoven geotextiles, tested with topsoil or compost, inconsistent with the observations made by Odabasi and
yielded insignificant piping (Tables 3 and 4). The highest Aydilek (2018). Accordingly, the shifts in GSD of the
piping was measured as 1262 g/m2 for B-W1, and all compost-geotextile and topsoil-geotextile combinations
piping amounts remained below 2500 g/m2, an internal did not show any trends with measured piping amounts
stability limit typically used for granular and geotextile or clogging ratios (not shown herein).
filters (Lafleur et al. 1989; Bhatia et al. 1996; Aydilek and Two common retention ratios, O95/D85 and O50/D50, are
Edil 2002; Aydilek and Kutay 2005; Huang and Luo plotted versus piping in Figure 10. O50/D50 versus piping
2007; Palmeira and Tatto 2015). The use of protective showed a general increasing trend, with some scatter in

3.5 3.5

3.0 ψR

2.5 KR 2.5
Clogging ratio

2.0 POAR Clogging ratio 2.0

1.5 1.5

1.0 1.0

0.5 0.5

0 0
2 4 6 8 10 12 2 4 6 8 10 12
Virgin geotextile POA Virgin geotextile POA
(a) (b)

3.5 3.5

3.0 3.0

2.5 2.5
Clogging ratio

Clogging ratio

2.0 2.0

1.5 1.5

1.0 1.0

0.5 0.5

0 0
2 4 6 8 10 12 2 4 6 8 10 12
Virgin geotextile POA Virgin geotextile POA
(c) (d)

3.5 3.5

3.0 3.0

2.5 2.5
Clogging ratio

Clogging ratio

2.0 2.0

1.5 1.5

1.0 1.0

0.5 0.5

0 0
2 4 6 8 10 12 2 4 6 8 10 12
Virgin geotextile POA Virgin geotextile POA
(e) (f)

Figure 9. Clogging ratios versus virgin geotextile percent open area for (a) S, (b) SP, (c) B, (d) BP, (e) T, and (f) TP
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12 Ryoo and Aydilek

data. Although O95/D85 criteria set by Calhoun (1972), observed in these systems. The movement of the soil
Carroll (1983), and Christopher and Holtz (1985) relate to particles through the protective layer could be a con-
retention performance, a similar conclusion could not be tributor to the higher percent reduction. This was contrary
made in the current study, possibly due to limited number to the trend suggested by Odabasi and Aydilek (2018)
of test data. Increase in virgin geotextile POA (which where soils with lower fines content were attributed to the
is directly related to permittivity) also did not depict smaller changes in POA.
an expected trend of increase in piping. Aydilek and Edil PSD shifts are plotted in Figures 11 and 12.
(2002) reported similar findings where O50/D50 correlated Characteristic pore opening sizes from post-filtration
with piping; however, O95/D85 did not. geotextiles showed a decrease in all soil-geotextile com-
binations. Percent reduction in O95 and O50 was small
(<16%) for the woven geotextiles. However, nonwoven
4.3. Post long-term filtration test analysis of geotextile geotextiles had a higher percent reduction in their O95
pore structure and O50 (13–57%) with the O50 value for NW2 having
Image analysis was used to determine shifts in the pore the greatest reduction out of all the geotextiles tested
size distributions (PSD) and changes in POA of the virgin (Table 7). No correlations could be found between the
geotextiles upon filtration. Table 7 summarizes the results. clogging results and the shifts in PSD or POA.
The percent reduction in POAs ranged from 3% to 25%.
The highest percent reduction in the POA came from the
compost-geotextile and topsoil-geotextile combinations
with protective coverings, possibly due to densification 100

80 B W1
1400 S BP BP
Percent finer (%)

1200 SP T
B TP 60 T
Piping (g/m2)

1000 TP
400 20
0 0
0.4 0.3 0.2
0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30
Pore size (mm)
O95/D85 (mm)

1400 80 W2
Percent finer (%)

Piping (g/m2)

0 0
0 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 0.6 0.5
O95/D85 (mm) Pore size (mm)

(b) 100

80 W3
Percent finer (%)
Piping (g/m2)

1000 60
600 40
200 20

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0
0.5 0.4 0.3
Virgin geotextile POA (%) Pore size (mm)
Figure 11. Changes in pore size distribution (PSD) of the woven
Figure 10. Piping versus (a) O95/D85, (b) O50/D50, and (c) POA geotextiles filtering compost and topsoil
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Hydraulic compatibility of geotextile-compost systems in landfill covers 13

4.4. Application of the existing filter selection criteria are empirical and have been developed for inorganic
Clogging ratios, piping amounts, and PSD were used to soils. Due to the high organic content of compost, some of
test the predictive capability of the common existing filter the existing filtration criteria may not be applicable and
selection criteria listed in Table 8. The criteria 25 years as such, the predictions may not necessarily match
or older were selected due to extensive experience with the laboratory performance. Conducting LTF tests with
them. Existing retention criteria aligned with the labora- additional combinations is recommended to create a filter
tory performance of all compost-geotextile and topsoil- selection criterion for compost-geotextile systems.
geotextile combinations (i.e. 100% successful prediction). The current research focused primarily on the geotextile
All combinations exhibited a successful anti-clogging filter performance against physical clogging. As stated
performance in the laboratory, except S-W1, which earlier, biological activity was observed during the current
experienced clogging in the laboratory considering a KR laboratory tests, even though it was not quantified, and
limit of 3.0. As seen in Figure 13, most of the existing steps were taken to minimize biological activity. A case
clogging criteria failed to predict the laboratory perform- study done by Koerner and Koerner (2015) showed ochre
ance. Among the criteria tested, the Fischer et al. (1990) leading to excessive clogging of nonwoven filters, some
criterion most accurately matched with the laboratory which reduced flow capacity by 99.5%. Palmeira et al.
performance, where it used O15 values, consistent with the (2008) observed ‘great reductions’ in geotextile perme-
observations noted by Odabasi and Aydilek (2018). ability due to biological clogging, which was reported to
Aydilek (2006), through laboratory-based measurements occur when biological activity formed a bacterial bio-film
and analytical modeling, also found that the controlling that impeded flow. Mendonca and Maurício (2006) and
geotextile pore size for clogging ranged from O15 to O50. Veylon et al. (2016) showed that, while the formation
of biological products resulted in the loss of filter per-
formance, minimal changes in filter performance were
4.5. Limitations of the study present. These studies, along with many others, showed
The research findings were limited to only the two that organic matter can play a major role in the flow
nonwoven and three woven geotextiles and two types of characteristics of soil-geotextile systems and an increase in
composts and one topsoil analyzed. The existing geo- microbiological activity can cause a decrease in per-
textile filter selection criteria were unable to accurately meability. Compost is highly organic, biological activity
predict clogging performances of the organic soil- is expected, and future work is needed to study the
geotextile combinations. Existing filter selection criteria impact of this activity, including biofilm growth, on filter
Past research has shown that compost increases the
porosity and decreases the bulk density of the medium,
B which can lead to high infiltration rates but also high
80 BP nutrient load (extractions of nitrogen, phosphorus,
Percent finer (%)

SP and potassium). The findings of the current study have

focused on the physical characteristics of compost and its
hydraulic compatibility with geotextile filters, and no tests
40 were conducted to assess the nutrient leaching perform-
ance. It is strongly advised to run such leaching tests
20 before incorporating compost into landfill covers.
Due to possible high nutrient leaching from composts,
0 blends of topsoil and compost, rather than pure compost,
0.5 0.3 0.1 0.08 0.06
may be of interest as such a mixture can act as biocover
Pore size (mm)
and minimize potential fugitive methane emissions while
performing as vegetation cover as well. In this case, the
physical and geotechnical (e.g. frictional properties,
hydraulic conductivity, soil-water retention) properties of
topsoils with varying silt and clay contents and topsoil-
Percent finer (%)

compost blends, and their hydraulic compatibility with

underlying geotextiles need to be studied.


This research study evaluated the filtration performance
0 of two composts (biosolids and source separated) and
0.2 0.1 0.08 0.06
Pore size (mm)
a control variable (topsoil) with three woven geotextiles
(W1, W2, W3) and two nonwoven geotextiles (NW1,
Figure 12. Changes in pore size distribution (PSD) of the NW2). Laboratory long-term filtration (LTF) tests were
nonwoven geotextiles filtering compost conducted to assess the hydraulic compatibility of the high
Geosynthetics International

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14 Ryoo and Aydilek

organic content geomaterials and geotextiles with and

O15/D15 > 0.8–1

without protective coverings. Upon completion of LTF

Fischer et al.
tests, a series of sieve analysis, permittivity tests, imaging,

and piping measurements were conducted to evaluate the
filtration performance. The following conclusions are
derived from the results of the research study.
Millar et al.

O50/D15 > 1

(1) KR may not be sufficient in determining clogging,

and ΨR, POAR and changes in PSD should also be

used to confirm the clogging behavior. KR values

indicated that all the tested soil-geotextile
French Comm
on GT and

combinations, except S-W2, remained unclogged,

O90/D15 > 4

which was verified by the measured the ΨR and


POAR values. KR for S-W2 indicated clogging

while the ΨR and POAR values did not.
(2) Inclusion of a protective cover beneath the compost
and Holtz

layer decreases the clogging potential but promotes

O95/D15 > 3

piping. The highest piping was measured at

1185 g/m2 for TP-W2. The LTF tests showed that
none of the soil-geotextile combinations exceeded
2500 g/m2, indicating that all the soil-geotextile
Millar et al.

O50/D85 ≤ 1

combinations evaluated in the current study


performed satisfactorily for retention.

(3) Most of the existing geotextile filter criteria for
clogging were unable to predict the laboratory
O85/D75 ≤ 2

performance, except for Fischer et al. (1990),


which used small pore opening sizes of O15 and

successfully predicted the performance of 83% of
the soil-geotextile combinations. The existing
O95/D50 ≤ (9–18)/Cu

geotextile filter criteria were able to predict the

retention behavior of all the organic soil-geotextile
Giroud (1988)

systems tested.
(4) Topsoil had a lower KR than compost in all
soil-geotextile combinations (excluding protective
covers). Topsoil-geotextile combinations performed
less well in 81% of clogging values compared to the
O95/D85 ≤ 1.8
and Holtz

compost-geotextile combinations. However, the


overwhelming majority of the compost-geotextile


combinations performed within the filtration criteria


(KR < 3), which indicates acceptable use of compost

material in landfill applications.
O90/D50 ≤ 2.5–4.5
Teindl (1979)
Table 8. Existing retention and clogging criteria evaluated

Compost has been shown to serve as an effective erosion

Schober and

control layer material in steep areas due to its large par-

ticle structure, resilience against raindrop impact, ability
to mitigate sediment loss, increase in water retention
and thus decrease in stormwater runoff, outperforming
O90/D90 ≤ 1

topsoil. Compost has increasingly been used as an


erosion/stormwater control layer in geotechnical infra-


structure to reduce runoff volume and to improve water

quality. Even though compost use in landfill covers is not
O95/D85 ≤ 2–3

very common, this geomaterial has great potential to

replace topsoil due its superior hydraulic and plant growth

characteristics and increasing trends towards infusing sus-

tainable practices into construction. The current study is
an attempt to show that compost can be hydraulically
O95/D85 ≤ 1

compatible with underlying geotextiles in landfill covers


and may be preferred over topsoil. However, laboratory

leaching tests need to be conducted to assess nutrient
leaching from compost before incorporating this material
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Hydraulic compatibility of geotextile-compost systems in landfill covers 15

% Success in prediction of clogging performance

100 S
80 TP




Christopher and
Holtz (1985)

French Comm. on
GT and GM (1986)

Millar et al. (1986)

Fischer et al. (1990)

Figure 13. Predictions of the existing clogging criteria

into landfills, even though some studies suggest that leach- Oxx characteristic geotextile pore sizes (m)
ing in the field may be mitigated by vegetative growth Oxx/Dxx characteristic geotextile pore sizes to
(Caltrans 2012). The focus in the current study was on characteristic grain size ratios
pure compost but blends of topsoil and compost may act (dimensionless)
as a biocover and minimize potential fugitive methane POA percent open area (dimensionless)
emissions while performing as vegetation layer material POAPost Test percent open area (post test)
in final cover systems, and further analysis may be (dimensionless)
necessary to understand the hydraulic compatibility of POAR percent open area ratio (dimensionless)
such blends with underlying geotextiles using the meth- POAVirgin percent open area (pre test) (dimensionless)
odology described in this paper. ΨR permittivity ratio (dimensionless)

Financial assistance for this research was provided by
Geosynthetic Institute (GSI), which is gratefully acknowl- ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
edged. The summary, conclusions, and recommendations B Biosolid compost
stated in this article are those of the authors and are not BP Biosolid compost with protective cover
influenced by GSI. The materials used in this study were EPA Environmental Protection Agency
supplied by the geosynthetic manufacturers and various GSD Grain size distribution
soil providers without financial assistance. The authors LTF Long-term filtration
thank these companies and groups for the assistance MSW Municipal solid waste
provided. NW Nonwoven geotextile
P Protective cover
PSD Pore size distribution
NOTATION S Source-separated compost
SP Source-separated compost with protective cover
Basic SI units are shown in parentheses. TS Topsoil
TSP Topsoil with protective cover
GR gradient ratio (dimensionless) USCS Unified Soil Classification System
i imposed hydraulic gradient W Woven geotextile
isoil hydraulic gradient of soil (dimensionless)
isoil-geotextile hydraulic gradient of soil-geotextile REFERENCES
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