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Name : Zulfa syam

Class : M ACC 4
SID : 008202000034
Assignment taxation 1&2
Opinion about paying tax appropriately to the government

As in any other nation, paying taxes to the government on time is essential for a number
of reasons, and it's a duty that both individuals and corporations in Indonesia should
take very seriously. Here are some opinions on the matter:

1. Legal and Ethical Obligation: In addition to being required by law, paying taxes is also
morally right. The government's main source of income is taxes, which it uses to pay for
social welfare programs, infrastructure, healthcare, and education, among other necessary
public services. Both individuals and corporations support the growth of the country and the
common good by paying their taxes on time.

2. Encouraging Social Justice: By transferring income and resources to assist the

underprivileged and lessen inequality, a just and efficient tax system encourages social
justice. By paying taxes, everyone guarantees that they contribute fairly to the welfare and
advancement of society, irrespective of their financial situation. It promotes a more inclusive
and equal society and aids in closing the wealth gap.

3. Building Trust in Government: Accountable and transparent tax collection procedures

encourage good governance and build public confidence in government agencies. People and
companies are more likely to believe in the government's ability to serve the public interest
when they see that their taxes are being spent wisely and effectively. Both preserving
political stability and promoting a favorable economic climate depend on this trust.

4. Fostering Economic Growth: The government may spend in infrastructure, healthcare,

and education since these sectors are vital for prosperity and economic growth. This is made
possible by having an adequate tax base. Both people and companies may help to create an
atmosphere that is favorable to business growth, job creation, and sustainable development by
paying their taxes on time. A robust tax system provides the necessary funding for public
investments that stimulate economic activity and improve living standards for all citizens.

5. Avoiding Legal Consequences: Failing to pay taxes appropriately can have serious legal
consequences, including fines, penalties, and legal action by tax authorities. Engaging in tax
evasion or avoidance schemes not only undermines the integrity of the tax system but also
exposes individuals and businesses to legal risks and reputational damage. It's essential to
comply with tax laws and regulations to avoid facing these consequences.

6. Investment in Public Goods: Tax revenue is essential for funding public goods and
services that benefit society as a whole. This includes investments in education, healthcare,
transportation, and environmental protection. By paying taxes, individuals and businesses
contribute to the provision of these essential services, which in turn improves the quality of
life for everyone in the community.

7. Building Infrastructure: Adequate tax revenue is crucial for building and maintaining
infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, airports, and utilities. A well-developed infrastructure
network is essential for economic growth, attracting investment, and facilitating trade and
commerce. By paying taxes, citizens and businesses support the construction and upkeep of
infrastructure that benefits the entire nation.

8. Ensuring Rule of Law: Paying taxes appropriately helps uphold the rule of law and
promote a culture of compliance with legal obligations. Tax evasion and avoidance
undermine the integrity of the tax system and erode trust in government institutions. By
adhering to tax laws and regulations, individuals and businesses contribute to the stability and
legitimacy of the legal framework, which is essential for fostering a just and orderly society.

9. Supporting Democracy: In a democratic society, tax revenue is essential for financing

public institutions and maintaining democratic governance. By paying taxes, citizens
participate in the democratic process by contributing to the funding of government activities
and public services. This fosters a sense of civic responsibility and empowerment among the
population, reinforcing the principles of democracy and citizenship.

10. International Reputation: Upholding high standards of tax compliance enhances

Indonesia's reputation on the global stage and strengthens its position in the international
community. By demonstrating commitment to fair and transparent tax practices, Indonesia
can attract foreign investment, promote trade relations, and participate more effectively in
global economic forums. Paying taxes appropriately contributes to Indonesia's image as a
responsible and reliable partner in the global economy.

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