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“Race for the Double Helix” Questions

BIOL 101 – Due Same Day as Exam #5

Amy Van Grouw

1. What were your first impressions of the main characters?

James Watson: driven, intelligent, odd, calculating

Francis Crick: fun, intelligent, scattered, friendly

Rosalind Franklin: high-class, intelligent, witty, innovative

Maurice Wilkins: insecure, unsure, odd

2. Compare the research approaches/ styles/ attitudes of Watson and Crick with those of Franklin. Do
you think Franklin should have shared her information more freely with the others? Do you think she
should have worked more closely with Wilkins? Why? Why not?

Franklin’s research is much more solitary and factual. She is very private, works alone, and does not
willingly share information until she is absolutely positive. She is also very focused and has her own specific
way of conducting research that she adheres to. Franklin also focused on crystallography for most of her

Watson and Crick do not work as much in private as they are partners. They are also much less focused
and intense in comparison to Franklin. Many times, they mention “playing around” with some ideas which
indicates that they are much more relax about their research on the outside although they do still take it
seriously. They also were working to build a model.

I can understand why Franklin was protective over the information she discovered as it was common for
men to receive credit for a woman’s work. However, if she did share her information, she may have been able
to discover more information and look at her research through a different viewpoint. I believe that Wilkins was
someone she could have chosen to work with more closely at times. This would offer another perspective and
allow Franklin to focus more on one specific thing and hopefully gain more results.

3. Do you think Watson may have had a valid point when he told Rosalind that a "fresh" look "at her
work may be what was needed? Explain your answer.

Yes, I do think that Watson had a valid point when he told Rosalind that a “fresh look” at her work was
needed. Oftentimes, being too close to research can cloud your perspective and make it impossible to look at it
any way. Due to this, Rosalind would never be able to see any other potential solutions without letting someone
on the outside look in and offer a different viewpoint.
4. What important relationship between DNA nucleotides did Watson and Crick discover? What
methods did they use to accomplish this?

Watson and Crick discovered that there are two chains running in opposite directions forming a double
helix with the phosphates on the outside and the DNA nucleotide bases on the inside (adenine to thymine and
guanine to cytosine). To accomplish this, Watson and Crick looked at the photos Franklin took, examined
others research, and built their own models many times in many different manners.

5. When Franklin finally had the opportunity to look at the DNA double-helix model constructed by
Watson & Crick, what was her response? (write a couple of sentences summarizing what she felt and
what she said)

Franklin appeared to be happy and contemplative when she saw completed model. She understood that
she was unable to see it although it was right in front of her. However, she does not seem to be jealous. She is in
awe of the beauty of DNA and grateful to be part of its discovery. She admits that she did have a part in the
research but also acknowledges that where she failed, others succeeded.

6. What was Wilkin’s response?

Wilkin’s called the model “beautiful, simple, and true”. He also insists that he not be given credit for it
as it was Watson and Crick’s work.

7. What were your later impressions of the main characters?

James Watson: creepy, underhanded, odd, intelligent, driven

Francis Crick: relaxed, odd, intelligent, witty

Rosalind Franklin: critical, strong-willed, determined, intelligent

Maurice Wilkins: sad, lonely, intelligent

8. Who was awarded the Nobel Prize for the discovery of DNA structure? In your opinion, were the
Nobel Prizes awarded fairly? Why or why not? Which person do you think played the most important
role in the discovery of DNA structure? Explain your answer.

Francis Crick, James Watson, and Maurice Wilkins were awarded the Nobel Prize for the discovery of
DNA structure in 1962. The Nobel Prizes were awarded fairly with the exception of Rosalind Franklin.
Although it is understandable that it cannot be awarded to someone who is dead, she put in a lot of work and
deserved the Nobel Prize just as much as the rest of them did. I believe Francis Crick played the most important
role in the discovery of DNA as he was able to think outside of the box and work well with others who joined
him along the way.
9. Which person do you think played the least important role in the discovery of DNA structure? Explain
your answer.

I think that Maurice Wilkins played the least important role in the discovery of DNA. Throughout the
film, although it is evident that Wilkins put in work and research previously, he does not participate in much of
the hands-on work. He even admits that once Franklin was doing research, he felt like he was doing nothing.
So, while Wilkins played a role in the discovery of DNA, he was by far the least important.

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