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Presidential Election Recaps

Year: 1876
Party 1: Republicans Party 2: Democrats

Candidates: Rutherford B. Hayes Candidates: Samuel J. Tilden

Foreign Policy: Emphasis on post-Civil War reconstruction Foreign Policy:

Advocated for a less interventionist approach

Domestic Policy: Focus on economic development and industrialization Domestic Policy:

Emphasized civil rights and governmental reform

Party 3 (Not always applicable): Who won? Rutherford B. Hayes

Candidates: Why did they win? Compromise of 1877

Foreign Policy: Who would you have voted for? Rutherford B. Hayes

3 most important vocabulary terms (Define them):

Reconstruction: The period following the Civil War, focusing on rebuilding the country and integrating freed slaves into society.

Compromise of 1877: An informal agreement that resolved the 1876 presidential election.

Industrialization: The process of change characterized by the shift from agrarian and handicraft economies to industrial ones.

Domestic Policy:

Year: 1880

Party 1: Republicans Party 2: Democrats

Candidates: James A. Garfield Candidates: Winfield S. Hancock

Foreign Policy: Continued focus on economic growth and expansion Foreign

Policy: Advocated for diplomatic solutions over military interventions

Domestic Policy: Support for civil service reform Domestic Policy: Emphasized civil rights and
governmental reform

Party 3 (Not always applicable): Who won? James A. Garfield

Presidential Election Recaps

Candidates: Why did they win? Broad appeal and

support for civil service reform

Foreign Policy: Who would you have voted for? James A.


3 most important vocabulary terms (Define):

Civil Service Reform: Effort to eliminate political corruption and nepotism by introducing merit-based hiring for government

Diplomacy: The conduct of relations and negotiations between countries.

Expansionism: The policy of expanding a nation's territory through diplomatic or military means.

Domestic Policy:

Year: 1884
Party 1: Democrats Party 2:

Candidates: Grover Cleveland Candidates: James G. Blaine

Foreign Policy: Emphasized non-intervention and diplomacy Foreign Policy:

Advocated for a more assertive stance in foreign affairs

Domestic Policy: Focused on conservatism and limited government Domestic Policy:

Supported protective tariffs and economic nationalism

Party 3 (Not always applicable): Who won? Grover Cleveland

Candidates: Why did they win? Scandals surrounding James G.


Foreign Policy: Who would you have voted for? Grover Cleveland

3 most important vocabulary terms (Define them):

Conservatism: Advocating for financial management, limited government spending, and reduced taxation.

Protective Tariffs: Taxes on imported goods designed to protect domestic industries from foreign competition.

Reformist: Somone supporting or advocating for political or social reform to address perceived issues or shortcomings.

Domestic Policy:

Presidential Election Recaps

Year: 1888

Party 1: Republicans Party 2: Democrats

Candidates: Benjamin Harrison Candidates: Grover Cleveland

Foreign Policy: Continued assertiveness in foreign affairs Foreign Policy:

Emphasis on diplomacy and avoiding conflicts

Domestic Policy: Support for protective tariffs and industrial development Domestic Policy:
Continued focus on conservatism

Party 3 (Not always applicable): Who won? Benjamin Harrison

Candidates: Why did they win? Differences in economic


Foreign Policy: Who would you have voted for? Grover


3 most important vocabulary terms (Define):

Industrial Development: The growth and expansion of industries, often associated with technological advancements and economic

Swing States: States where the outcome of an election is uncertain and can go either way, influencing the overall result.

Conservatism: Advocating for financial management, limited government spending, and reduced taxation.

Domestic Policy:

Year: 1892

Party 1: Democrats Party 2:

Candidates: Grover Cleveland Candidates: Benjamin Harrison

Foreign Policy: Continued emphasis on diplomacy and non-intervention

Foreign Policy: Assertive stance in international affairs

Domestic Policy: Advocated for tariff reform and regulatory measures Domestic Policy: Support
for protective tariffs and industrial growth

Presidential Election Recaps

Party 3 (Not always applicable): Populist Party Who won? Grover


Candidates: James B. Weaver Why did they win? Appeal

to a broader base

Foreign Policy: Anti-imperialist and anti-interventionist stance

Who would you have voted for? James B. Weaver

3 most important vocabulary terms (Define):

Tariff Reform: The restructuring or modification of import duties to achieve specific economic or political objectives.

Imperialism: A policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force.

Agrarian economy: Economy related to farming or agricultural interest.

Domestic Policy: Advocated for agrarian interests, currency reform, and workers' rights

Year: 1896

Party 1: Republicans Party 2: Democrats

Candidates: William McKinley Candidates: William Jennings Bryan

Foreign Policy: Continued assertiveness and expansionist policies Foreign

Policy: Opposition to imperialism and interventionism

Domestic Policy: Support for the gold standard, protective tariffs, and industrial growth
Domestic Policy: Advocated for bimetallism and populist economic reforms

Party 3 (Not always applicable): Populist Party Who won? William McKinley

Candidates: Same as Democrats Why did they win?

Support for the gold standard

Foreign Policy: Who would you have voted for? William


3 most important vocabulary terms (Define):

Bimetallism: A monetary system that uses gold and silver as the basis for currency.

Gold Standard: A monetary system in which the standard economic unit of account is based on a fixed quantity of gold.

Interventionism: A policy of interference in the domestic or foreign affairs of another country.

Domestic Policy:

Year: 1900

Presidential Election Recaps

Party 1: Republicans Party 2: Democrats

Candidates: William McKinley Candidates: William Jennings Bryan

Foreign Policy: Continued assertive stance in international affairs Foreign

Policy: Opposition to imperialism and interventionism

Domestic Policy: Support for the gold standard, protective tariffs, and industrial growth
Domestic Policy: Advocated for bimetallism and populist economic reforms

Party 3 (Not always applicable): Who won? William McKinley

Candidates: Why did they win? Support for the gold


Foreign Policy: Who would you have voted for?

3 most important vocabulary terms (Define):

Bimetallism: A monetary system that uses gold and silver as the basis for currency.

Gold Standard: A monetary system in which the standard economic unit of account is based on a fixed quantity of gold.

Interventionism: A policy of interference in the domestic or foreign affairs of another country.

Domestic Policy:


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