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Ever since, the development of the first computer, technology is advancing

day-by-day. Therefore, the programming language has also evolved! From the
binary codes of ones and zeros to the Fifth-Generation languages which is
now used in Artificial Intelligence (AI) where a computer solves the problem
by itself by just defining the problems and constraints that need to be satisfied
without specifying the algorithm to solve that particular language. The most
common computer programming languages are C++, C, JAVA and Python.

What is JAVA?
Java initially called as “Oak” was conceived by James Gosling, Patrick
Naughton, Chris Warth, Ed Frank and Mike Sheridan at Sun Microsystems,
Inc. in 1991, Its main purpose of development was to provide a platform
independent Programming language (Based on the concept of ‘WORA’). It
took 18 months to develop the first working version of Java. At that time, it
was known as ‘Oak’, after an oak tree outside Gosling’s office. The language
was renamed as Java which was chosen randomly from a list of names. Many
people contributed to the design and evolution of this language. JAVA 15 is the
latest version of Java.
Java is a 3rd Generation, Object-Oriented Programming Language. Today, it is
used in numerous applications such as web-based applications, mobile
applications, image processors, etc. It is a language which focuses mainly on
data rather than methods, Data hiding from external methods and
communication of Objects with each other only using methods.

Is Java a platform independent

Many programming languages like C and C++ produce different machine
codes on different systems when a program is compiled. Such a code
produced after compilation can only be run on the same system (Thus, the
code produced is platform dependent).
But, in JAVA when the program (Source Code) is compiled, it is rather
converted into a platform independent Bytecode. The bytecode produced is a
machine instruction for the java processor chip, Java Virtual Machine (JVM).
The java bytecode is exactly the same for every platform but it needs JVM to
be executed.

What is WORA?
Java was designed, keeping in mind the concept of WORA,” Write Once and
Run Anywhere.” It means that when a Java program is compiled, it is
converted into a platform independent Bytecode which is capable of running
on any system containing Java Virtual Machine (JVM) which interprets the
platform independent bytecode into a platform dependent machine code.
Therefore, a bytecode for a java program would be same for every system.

Features of Java -:
1) Object-Oriented Language-Easy to model real world entities and it
follows the main principles of OOP,
2) Secure-Java was designed for safe execution of code across networks.
Since it follows the principles of Data Abstraction, Encapsulation and
Data Hiding it is quite secure to use.
3) Light Weight Codes-Large applications can be created without much
4) Reusable-As Java allows inheritance of data from one class to another,
classes and data can be used again and again from the pre-existing
5) Platform Independent and Portable-As Java bytecode is same on every
system. The Java programs obey to the concept of WORA (“Write Once
and Run Anywhere”), Java is a platform independent language.
6) Java enables a feature, Automatic Garbage Collection which helps to
prevent corruption of memory.
7) Dynamic- In every code generated in Java, all the objects are created
during the run time and the interaction of objects with help of
methods are also done during run time. This is also known as dynamic

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