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Arc Flash
The ETAP Arc Flash Analysis Module incorporates the latest software technology available to investigate a worker’s potential exposure to arc flash energy, which may be required
for the purpose of injury prevention and determination of the minimum Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) ATPV rating. The incident energy and flash boundaries are
determined based on the following standards for Arc Flash Analysis:

l National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) 70E 2018.

l IEEE Standards 1584-2002, IEEE 1584a 2004 and IEEE1584b 201, IEEE 1584.1-2013, IEEE 1584-2018
l CSA Z462-2015, CSA Z462-2018

ETAP Arc Flash is a fully integrated module that takes advantage of all the capabilities already built into ETAP. The program automatically determines the bolted short-circuit
current (3-phase and 1-phase). It also calculates the individual arcing current contributions and arc fault clearing time of all the protective devices involved in the arc fault by
interfacing with ETAP Star (Protective device selectivity and coordination module). In addition, ETAP determines automatically the system grounding configuration (1584-2002
model only) and other information required to determine the most adequate and conservative incident energy results. All the automation dramatically reduces the time required to
perform an Arc Flash Analysis according to the standards and guidelines.

With ETAP Arc Flash, you can perform an Arc Flash Analysis for a single bus or hundreds at a time. It has built-in tools like the Arc Flash Result Analyzer and the Arc Flash Quick
Incident Energy Calculator that is available at every bus. ETAP also includes global typical boundaries, equipment gap between conductors and working distances from IEEE 1584
and NFPA 70E, which minimize the data entry process. The global data options allow you to significantly reduce the AF data entry process to bare minimum. ETAP also has a
powerful graphical sequence of operation simulation which can be displayed for all fault locations. Furthermore, starting with ETAP 19.0.0, ETAP has an enclosure editor. This
editor allows the user to apply to a higher level of detail all the features of the new IEEE 1584-2018 model.

ETAP has all the analysis functionality recommended by NFPA 70E and IEEE 1584, including the arcing current variation for systems with nominal voltage below 1 kV, the ability
to change the prefault voltage, and the ability to select different levels of bolted 3-phase fault current and a robust AC-Decay/Gen Decrement curve method which allows you to
model the decay in incident energy from different AC sources during the arc fault. Along with the analysis tools, ETAP Arc Flash provides sophisticated reporting which literally
shows the arc flash results for every location on the one-line diagram or in comprehensive analysis reports for every location. The program gives you the ability to print or create
custom MS Excel report by using the export feature from the AF Result Analyzer. It also includes built-in Summary Crystal Reports for all the faulted buses in the systems, which
include the Arc Flash Boundary and the Hazard/Risk category. The final analysis results can be shown on Arc Flash Labels that can be placed on the equipment. The labels contain
the necessary information to convey the arc flash danger level in multiple languages or unit systems.

Arc Flash Analysis

AC Arc Flash Mode
Bus Editor
Study Case Editor
Display Options
Running Arc Flash Analysis
Arc Flash Sequence of Operation
Calculation Methodology
Required Data
Arc Flash Report
Arc Flash Result Analyzer
Enclosure Editor
AC Arc Flash Calculator
DGUV-I 203-078 AF Calculator

AC Arc Flash Mode

The arc flash model allows the configuration of arc flash specific analysis. Up to version 12.6.5, ETAP combined both short-circuit and arc flash modes into one. Starting with
ETAP 14.0.0, ETAP now has a separate view for arc flash analysis.

Arc Flash Mode Toolbars

This section provides a brief description of the tools available in the arc flash analysis mode.

Arc Flash Calculation Toolbar

This toolbar has all the simulation functionalities of the arc flash calculation and simulations.

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Note: The Creating or appending to TCCs icons follow the same functionality as their counterparts in the Star Mode. There is absolutely no difference at all in TCCs created from
arc flash mode or from Star mode. The main benefit of these icons is to not force the switch of the current one-line diagram presentation from arc flash mode to Star mode.

Arc Flash Study Case Toolbar

This toolbar allows for the creation and customization of arc flash mode study cases.

The toolbar contains the following items:

l Open arc flash study case icon (single suitcase icon)

l Study case drop down list control (allows the selection of different arc flash study cases)
l Arc Flash output report dropdown list
l Arc Flash Analysis Report Manager dropdown list (allows the selection of complete or individual sub reports)

Arc Flash Mode Scenarios

The scenarios are configured by means of the scenario and study wizards. The scenario icons are accessible whenever the mode is selected as arc flash.

Whenever you click on the scenario wizard the following editor becomes available. This editor allows for the configuration of arc flash specific scenarios.

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Notice that the study mode is called “ARC FLASH” and that the study type will be either ANSI or IEC arc flash. The selection of 3-phase, 1-phase or even user-defined arc flash
simulations takes place by configuring the options directly into the study case.

The scenario wizard contains other tools which are described in detail in other sections of the user-guide; however, it is worth mentioning here that the “Preferences/Ini File” section
is a very powerful complement to the customization of individual arc flash scenarios. This section allows the automatic application of study specific options which otherwise are
only accessible through the “Options (Preferences)” editor or directly through the ETAPS.INI file.

To add the special options into each scenario all that has to be done is to click on the “Edit” icon and paste the preference line of code. At the time of running this particular scenario,
ETAP will automatically load the preference, apply it to the calculation only for the selected scenario.

An example of the application of this feature is shown below to activate the “load terminal arc flash calculation” only for one scenario called “AF-WithMtrTerm”. This particular
scenario will run a 3-phase arc flash simulation and will calculate the load terminal arc fault (all connected loads) as well for all faulted buses.

The entry “ConsiderLoadTerminalArcFault=1” (case sensitive) tells the program that the load terminal arc flash should be calculated. If the entry is not present or the value is set to
“0”, the program does not generate the load terminal arc flash results. For a list of all the INI and options preferences related to AF please go to the calculation methodology section
of this chapter.

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Arc Flash Mode Conversion (12.6.5 and Earlier to 14.0.0)

The conversion and mode split which takes place between ETAP 12.6.5 and ETAP 14.0.0 requires special handling of the existing study cases and scenarios. This section briefly
discusses this conversion.

Note: The items described in this section only apply for projects which are converted from ETAP 12.6.5 and earlier into ETAP 14.0.0. After project databases are converted to
ETAP 14.0.0 this information is no longer applicable.

Study Case Conversion

The existing Short-circuit study cases from ETAP 12.6.5 or earlier are now converted into Arc flash Study cases. Every study case converted from Short-circuit to AC Arc flash will
contain a prefix called “A_”. Every study case converted from DC-Short circuit to DC Arc flash will contain a prefix “D_”. The program converts these study cases with unique ID
and not exceeding 12 characters upon conversion.

The context conversion will check the total length of the study case name after prefixing it with A_( AC Arc flash) and D_ (DC Arc flash). If the total length exceeds 12 characters,
the conversion will try to make the study case unique with an algorithm. Once the program converts the study cases with unique ID, it passes it to the Scenarios and assign them as
it was in the previous version. The process of the conversion is explained in the flow chart below.

The conversion of scenarios is also done automatically. Each scenario that was previously configured to execute arc flash will have the new arc flash study case name.

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Arc Flash Analysis

AC Arc Flash Mode
Bus Editor
Study Case Editor
Display Options
Running Arc Flash Analysis
Arc Flash Sequence of Operation
Calculation Methodology
Required Data
Arc Flash Report
Arc Flash Result Analyzer
Enclosure Editor
AC Arc Flash Calculator
DGUV-I 203-078 AF Calculator

Bus Editor - Arc Flash Analysis

The Bus Editor contains all the input data fields needed for the arc flash calculation. The pages that have information related to arc flash are: Info, Rating, Arc Flash, and Protection.

Info Page
The only parameters which are related to arc flash on the Bus Info page are the, Bus ID, Bus nominal kV, the Equipment name, Tag# and Description fields. ETAP uses the nominal
kV to determine the right set of typical data according to IEEE Standards. Most of the fields on this tab may be displayed on certain arc flash label templates (see highlighted items
below). Note that for the IEEE 1584-2002 model, the nominal voltage used to be used in the equations. For the 2018 model the nominal voltage is used to select typical equipment
parameters, but the prefault voltage is used instead for the determination of the arcing current and incident energy. The prefault voltage can be a percentage of the bus nominal
voltage or as described in the arc-flash study case standards page.

Arc Flash Analysis

AC Arc Flash Mode
Bus Editor
Study Case Editor
Display Options
Running Arc Flash Analysis
Arc Flash Sequence of Operation
Calculation Methodology
Required Data
Arc Flash Report
Arc Flash Result Analyzer
Enclosure Editor
AC Arc Flash Calculator
DGUV-I 203-078 AF Calculator

Rating Page - Arc Flash Analysis

The Rating page contains information about equipment type (i.e., open air, switchgear, MCC, etc.). It also contains typical data for approach boundaries and equipment gap between
conductors based on IEEE 1584-2002. In addition starting in ETAP 18.0 the rating page contains typical enclosure dimensions, Gap between conductors L-G, and the Wilkins
reflectivity coefficients (“a” and “k”). Please note that these new fields are only applicable to the ArcFault methods, refer to ArcFault Section for further details. The user also may
enter custom data according to equipment manufacturer specifications. The Rating page also includes information about the required insulated glove classes.

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Select either the ANSI or IEC Standard. There is no IEC Arc Flash Standard, selecting IEC will change the short-circuit parameters for bracing to peak currents, but the arc flash
results are unaffected by this option. This option only applies for short-circuit 60909-0 2016 device evaluation and not for AF at this point.

Equipment Type
The Type option allows you to select the different types of equipment that are supported for arc flash analysis. The available equipment types are as follows:

l Other
l Switchgear
l Switchboard
l Switchrack
l Panelboard
l Cable Bus (Junction box)
l Open Air

Note: These types come from IEEE 1584-2002 Table 4. Tables 8, 9 and 10 of IEEE 1584-2018 contain similar information. The switchboard and switchrack are handled in the
same fashion as the switchgear. The Type drop-down list plays a very important role in the determination of the incident energy for systems with voltage levels less than or equal to
15 kV.

Note: In ETAP 18.0 the IEEE 1584-2002 method can be extended for equipment with voltage levels up to 36KV. Refer to Chapter 56 – Arc Fault section 56.7 for further details on
this item.

Note: For voltages above 15 kV the selection of equipment type does not make any difference in the arc flash calculations since the Lee Method applied for those voltage levels.

For new buses the default value is “Other” which is handled in the same manner as a cable bus, since in previous versions of ETAP the Cable Bus option was tied to this selection.

If the option “Automatically Update Arc Flash and Shock Protection Data” is enabled, the fields in the bus editor related to arc flash are immediately populated with typical IEEE-
1584, NESC-C2-2017, or user-defined IEEE 1584 and NFPA 70E parameters depending on the selection on the Data Options for Bus editor default editor.

Enclosure Isolation
Main PD (Main Protective Device Isolation)
This is a major change on the calculation methodology of ETAP. This option can be used to configure the program to produce more conservative results by making the assumption
that the main source protective device(s) (PDs) are or are not adequately isolated from the bus and may fail to operate and be capable of de-energizing the arc fault before it escalates
into a line-side arc fault.

If this option is checked, then the program assumes that there is enough isolation and that the directly connected source protective device (main pd(s)) can de-energize the bus arc
fault. If the option is unchecked, then it is assumed that no adequate isolation exists (i.e. no sheet metal or suficient barriers preventing the bus side arc fault from damaging the
protective device itself and possible scalation into a line-side fault) and the directly connected source PDs are ignored.

Note: This option (checked or unchecked) is not considered or applied into the calculation until the study case option “Main Protective Device is not Isolated” is enabled.

The following table lists the default values of this option for different types of equipment.

Default Values for “Main PD is Isolated” check box

Isolation Check Box for
Equipment Type
Other Isolated (checked)
MCC Not Isolated (unchecked)
Switchgear Isolated (checked)
Switchboard Not Isolated (unchecked)
Switchrack Isolated (checked)
Panelboard Not Isolated (unchecked)

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Cable Bus Isolated (checked)

Open Air Isolated (checked)

The operational logic for the “Main PD is Isolated” Checkbox is listed below:

The check boxes get updated in the same way the Gap and X-Factors get updated as part of the typical data routine. That is:

l Clicking on the “Typical Data” button resets the checkbox to the default value displayed in the table above.
l If the bus nominal kV or equipment type are modified, then the checkbox is automatically updated back to default value.
l The option is not available for buses with Nominal kV greater than 15kV.

Note: The default value for the IEEE1584 typical data sets the MCCs, switchboards and Panelboards as potential equipment configurations which may have main protective device
isolation issues. This assumption should be made based on individual equipment inspection. These are just suggested values based on intermediate drafts of IEEE1584b 2011. If the
conservative approach is not required, then the equipment can be configured as isolated.

Note: This option is used by both IEEE 1584-2002 and IEEE 1584-2018 methods; however, one an enclosure has been defined through the enclosure editor, the isolation of the
location is determined based on the selection in the enclosure editor selection.

Load PD (Load Protective Device Isolation)

This check box indicates if the equipment contains a separate compartment fed by a load protective device. A check box indicates that this separate compartment (fed by the load
PD) is considered isolated from the load PD that supplies it. The arc flash program will consider the load PD as a candidate source protective device for an arc fault at this location.
This concept is very similar to the Main PD isolation except that in this case, the load PD becomes the source PD for this location.

Note: This option only applies to the IEEE 1584-2002 method. Load PD load side isolation is only applied through the enclosure editor for the IEEE 1584-2018 method.

The Continuous Amp rating field is for new types and is not involved in the arc flash calculation. Do not confuse this value with the calculated or user-defined bolted fault current
values that the Arc Flash Module uses in the calculation.

The short-circuit bracing rating fields (Asymm. ms and Symm. ms) is for new types and is not involved in the arc flash calculation. Do not confuse these values with the calculated
or user-defined bolted fault current values that the Arc Flash Module uses in the calculation.

Arc Flash Parameters

Gap Between Conductors / Buses
This Gap is defined in IEEE 1584-2002 Section 9.4 as the gap between conductors or buses for the equipment at the fault location. This value is to be entered in millimeters (mm).

The actual gap values come from IEEE 1584-2002 Table 4 pg. 12 and from Table 8 – Classes of equipment and typical bus gaps in IEEE 1584-2018.

Table 1 shows the default values used for each device type. There is no gap between conductors for buses lower than 0.208kV or greater than 15.0 kV when using the IEEE 1584-
2002 method (unless the options to extend the method beyond 15 kV is available). However, the gap is still applicable for voltage values below 0.208 kV when the IEEE 1584-2018
method is used. The range of the gap has been extended as well up to 254 mm (0.6 < kV < 15 kV).

Please refer to the calculation methodology section for handling methods when the gap is outside their range of the IEEE 1584-2002 and 2018 methods.

Distance X Factor
The Distance X Factor field displays typical data per IEEE 1584-2002 however user defined data can be entered. The values displayed are selected according to the equipment type
and voltage as described in Table1, under the column X Factor Value. This value is a constant for each type of device and is used in equation 5.3 of IEEE 1584-2002 as an exponent.
There is no Distance X Factor for buses lower than 0.208kV or greater than 15.0 kV.

Note: In ETAP 18.0.0 the x-factor field is editable, the range for this field is listed in Table 1.
Note: This field is only used for the IEEE 1584-2002 method. The IEEE 1584-2018 method does not use it.

Electrode Configuration

Effect of Electrode Configuration for the IEEE 1584-2002 method:

This field was previously known as orientation. This is the orientation of the conductors / electrodes. This field is currently used to select a multiplying factor for arc current and
incident energy. The power system analysis industry recognizes that the IEEE 1584-2002 arc flash analysis guidelines only applied to VCB and VOA configurations. Configurations
like VCBB, HCB and HOA were not considered. This option can be used to account for this effect with the use of correction factors which are user-definable.

Effect of Electrode Configuration for the IEEE 1584-2018 method:

This is the electrode configuration as defined in Table 9 – Correlation between actual equipment and electrode configuration of section 6.6 of IEEE 1584-2018. The electrode
configuration is also described in section 3 as:

VCB: Vertical conductors/electrodes inside a metal box/enclosure

VCBB: Vertical conductors/electrodes terminated in an insulating barrier inside a metal box/enclosure
HCB: Horizontal conductors/electrodes inside a metal box/enclosure
VOA: Vertical conductors/electrodes in open air
HOA: Horizontal conductors/electrodes in open air

Once the orientation is selected, ETAP uses it to make all the equation selections based on the process described in section 4.3 of IEEE 1584-2018.

Note: the electrode configuration selected in the rating page applies only to the IEEE 1584-2018 method as long as there are no defined enclosures through the enclosure editor.
Once an enclosure editor entry has been added for the location, the selection in that editor takes precedence.

Please see the calculation methodology section on arc current and incident energy correction factors for more details.

This field allows the user to enter the type of conductor / electrode termination. The termination field can have an effect in arc flash calculations depending on the correction factors
selected for both VCBB and HCB configurations. This field used to be user-selectable in ETAP 18.1.1 and prior versions; however, it has become read-only in ETAP 19.0.0. The
termination is “open tips” for VCB, VOA, HOA and HCB and “insulating barrier” for VCBB.

Conductor Type
This field allows the user to enter the material of the conductor / electrode. The default is copper which is the only material supported by IEEE 1584-2002 and IEEE 1584-2018.
However, the conductor type can have an effect in the calculated incident energy and arc-flash boundary if the user specifies a correction factor value through the Tools\Options
(Preferences) menu entry:

Electrode Material Correction Factor = 1.25

If the material is aluminum, then ETAP applies this correction factor to the incident energy and arc-flash boundary. The value is user-definable and can be set to 1.0 if the “more
conservative” correction factor suggested here does not need to be used. Note that this correction factor is not based on IEEE 1584 standards and has been suggested based on
internal research of ETAP arc-flash designers.


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This field is the enclosure opening height dimension in mm. Please see IEEE 1584-2018 section 4.2 and section 4.3 for information on how the height is considered in the IEEE
1584-2018 method. Note, this field is not considered by the IEEE 1584-2002 method. Please see chapter 56 for information on how this field is used by the ArcFault methods.

This field is the enclosure opening width dimension in mm. Please see IEEE 1584-2018 section 4.2 and section 4.3 for information on how the width is considered in the IEEE
1584-2018 method. Note, this field is not considered by the IEEE 1584-2002 method. Please see chapter 56 for information on how this field is used by the ArcFault methods.

Note: The width of the enclosure should be larger than four times the gap between conductors (electrodes). This is specified in IEEE 1584-2018. If this requirement is not met, the
program will produce a warning.

Notes: Maximum height or width: 1244.6 mm (49 in) and the Maximum opening area is 1.549 m2 (2401 in2) for the IEEE 1584-2018 method. Please refer to calculation
methodology section for details on how the program handles height and width combinations outside the range.

This field is the enclosure depth dimension in mm. Please see IEEE 1584-2018 section 4.2 and section 4.3 for information on how the depth is considered in the IEEE 1584-2018
method. Note, this field is not considered by the IEEE 1584-2002 method. Please see chapter 56 for information on how this field is used by the ArcFault methods.

Note: the depth is only used by the IEEE 1584-2018 method for cases where the prefault voltage is less than 0.6 kV, the width and height are both less than 20 in. It is used to
determine if an enclosure is of “shallow” or “typical” type.

Note: The height, width and depth are all superseded by enclosure editor data once defined.

Please see chapter 56 for information on the usage of this field.

Please see chapter 56 for information on the usage of this field.

Enclosure Editor
This button is a quick launch of enclosure editor directly from the Bus editor . The logic functions of this button is summarized below

1. Initial launch of this button acquires the arc flash data from the bus editor and uses it to create enclosures for every equipment associated with this element.
2. The enclosure editor button is color coded if enclsoures exists for the corresponding bus equipment as shown below.

3. The equipment type (enclosed or open-air) selection does have an impact on enclosure data based on IEEE 1584-2018 for different electrode configurations. Therefore,
switching between equipment type between enclosed and open-air or vice-versa triggers a warning message as shown below

4. If the equipment type is changed, ETAP generates another message when clicking the enclosure editor button after the first warning message , as shown below. Upon selecting
the OK option, the program deletes any existing enclosure data and overwrites with new arc flash parameters from the bus editor prior to opening the enclosure editor.

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5. It is recommended to confirm the Bus type (Open air or enclosed) before creating any enclosures (Both in Base and Revisions) to avoid any inconsistencies between the same.
6. If enclosures are already created for a wrong Bus type, the best practice is to first delete any existing enclosures before finalizing the correct equipment type to be consistent
with both editors.

Shock Protection
Typical Data (Gap & Boundary)
The Typical Data button brings in default values and ranges for the equipment gap, X-factor, Limited, Restricted, and Prohibited Approach Boundaries. The defaults and ranges are
shown in Tables 3 ~ 9.

If you click this button, the gap, X factor and boundaries are set to the default value selected in the “Bus Shock & Arc Flash Typical Data” editor as shown below:

Please refer to the Arc Flash Analysis Data Editor for a complete list of the typical data values used. Of course, if the user-defined options are used as the source of data for the bus,
then the bus values will be populated with the customized values as defined by the user.

The following table summarizes the typical default values for the Conductor Gap under the column Gap Default Value (mm).

Table 1: Range and Default Values for Gaps between Conductors and X Factors -IEEE 1584-2002
Equipment Gap Range Default X-Factor X Factor
Nominal kV
Type* mm. Value Range Value
Open Air 40 2.000
Cable Bus 13 2.000
MCC 25 1.641
Bus Nominal Other 13 2.000
1 to 99999
kV <= 1.0 0.1-10
kV* Panelboard 25 1.641
Switchgear 32 1.473
Switchboard 32 1.473
Switchrack 32 1.473
Open Air 102 2.000
Cable Bus 13 2.000
MCC 102 0.973
1.0 kV < Bus Other 13 2.000
Nominal kV 1 to 99999 0.1-10
<= 5.0 kV Panelboard 102 0.973
Switchgear 102 0.973
Switchboard 102 0.973
Switchrack 102 0.973
Open Air 153 2.000
Cable Bus 13 2.000
MCC 153 0.973
5.0 kV < Bus Other 13 2.000
Nominal kV 1 to 99999 0.1-10
<= 15.0 kV* Panelboard 153 0.973
Switchgear 153 0.973
Switchboard 153 0.973
Switchrack 153 0.973

* Note: Any bus whose nominal voltage is less than 0.208 kV and higher than 15kV has the same default values as that of a 0.208 kV bus and a 15 kV bus; however the Lee method
is used instead of the empirical IEEE 1584 equations to determine the arc flash result if the voltage is below 0.208 kV and higher than 15kV. This means that the gaps and x-factors
are disregarded for such cases.

For default values based on the IEEE 1584-2018 method, please refer to the Arc Flash Analysis Data section of this chapter.

Limited Approach Boundary to Exp. Movable Conductor

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The Limited Approach Boundary (LAB) is defined according to NFPA 70E-2018, as the approach limit at a distance from an exposed energized electrical conductor or circuit part
which a shock hazard exists.

The LAB for exposed movable conductors is the distance, which unqualified persons may not cross when approaching a conductor that is not properly braced in a fixed position.
The value should be entered in feet or meter. The default value is the minimum value allowed in Table 130.4 (D) (a) of NFPA 70E 2018. The module will select this value
according to the kV of the bus.

Values from older NFPA 70E standards may also be used depending on the selection on the “Bus Shock & Arc Flash Typical Data” default editor.

Defaults for Limited Approach Boundaries

The range and default values for the Limited Approach Boundaries are defined according to the values listed in NFPA 70E-2018 table 130.4 (D) (a) (Approach Boundaries to
Energized Electrical Conductors). If you click the typical Gap and Boundary button, the values will be automatically updated according to the values listed in the tables below. If
you change the Bus nominal kV, the values will be reset to the default ones. Tables 2 ~ 7 list the limited approach boundaries for the 2009-2012, 2015, and 2018 editions of NFPA

Table 2: Limited Approach Boundary for Different kV Levels (NFPA 70E 2009-2012)
Limited Approach Boundaries
Exposed Movable Conductor Exposed Fixed Circuit Part
Bus Nominal kV Range
Default (ft) Range (ft) Default (ft) Range (ft)
0.001 kV to 0.300 kV 10’ 0” 10’ 0” to 30’ 0” 3’ 6” 3’ 6” to 30’ 0”
0.301 kV to 0.750 kV 10’ 0” 10’ 0” to 30’ 0” 3’ 6” 3’ 6” to 30’ 0”
0.751 kV to 15 kV 10’ 0” 10’ 0” to 30’ 0” 5’ 0” 5’ 0” to 30’ 0”
15.1 kV to 36 kV 10’ 0” 10’ 0” to 30’ 0” 6’ 0” 6’ 0” to 30’ 0”
36.1 kV to 46 kV 10’ 0” 10’ 0” to 30’ 0” 8’ 0” 8’ 0” to 30’ 0”
46.1 kV to 72.5 kV 10’ 0” 10’ 0” to 30’ 0” 8’ 0” 8’ 0” to 30’ 0”
72.6 kV to 121 kV 10’ 8” 10’ 8” to 30’ 0” 8’ 0” 8’ 0” to 30’ 0”
138 kV to 145 kV 11’ 0” 11’ 0” to 30’ 0” 10’ 0” 10’ 0” to 30’ 0”
161 kV to 169 kV 11’ 8” 11’ 8” to 30’ 0” 11’ 8” 11’ 8” to 30’ 0”
230kV to 242 kV 13’ 0” 13’ 8” to 45’ 0” 13’ 0” 13’ 0” to 45’ 0”
345 kV to 362 kV 15’ 4” 15’ 4” to 45’ 0” 15’ 4” 15’ 4” to 45’ 0”
500 kV to 550 kV 19’ 0” 19’ 0” to 45’ 0” 19’ 8” 19’ 0” to 45’ 0”
765 kV to 800 kV 23’ 9” 23’ 9” to 45’ 0” 23’ 9” 23’ 9” to 45’ 0”

* Note: If the Bus kV is higher than 800 kV, the boundary distances remain the same as those for the 800 kV

Table 3: Limited Approach Boundary for Different kV Levels (NFPA 70E 2015)
Limited Approach Boundaries
Exposed Movable Conductor Exposed Fixed Circuit Part
Bus Nominal kV Range
Default (ft) Range (ft) Default (ft) Range (ft)
0.001 kV to 0.300 kV 10’ 0” 10’ 0” to 30’ 0” 3’ 6” 3’ 6” to 30’ 0”
0.301 kV to 0.750 kV 10’ 0” 10’ 0” to 30’ 0” 3’ 6” 3’ 6” to 30’ 0”
0.751 kV to 15 kV 10’ 0” 10’ 0” to 30’ 0” 5’ 0” 5’ 0” to 30’ 0”
15.1 kV to 36 kV 10’ 0” 10’ 0” to 30’ 0” 6’ 0” 6’ 0” to 30’ 0”
36.1 kV to 46 kV 10’ 0” 10’ 0” to 30’ 0” 8’ 0” 8’ 0” to 30’ 0”
46.1 kV to 72.5 kV 10’ 0” 10’ 0” to 30’ 0” 8’ 0” 8’ 0” to 30’ 0”
72.6 kV to 121 kV 10’ 8” 10’ 8” to 30’ 0” 8’ 0” 8’ 0” to 30’ 0”
138 kV to 145 kV 11’ 0” 11’ 0” to 30’ 0” 10’ 0” 10’ 0” to 30’ 0”
161 kV to 169 kV 11’ 8” 11’ 8” to 30’ 0” 11’ 8” 11’ 8” to 30’ 0”
230kV to 242 kV 13’ 0” 13’ 8” to 45’ 0” 13’ 0” 13’ 0” to 45’ 0”
345 kV to 362 kV 15’ 4” 15’ 4” to 45’ 0” 15’ 4” 15’ 4” to 45’ 0”
500 kV to 550 kV 19’ 0” 19’ 0” to 45’ 0” 19’ 0” 19’ 0” to 45’ 0”
765 kV to 800 kV 23’ 9” 23’ 9” to 45’ 0” 23’ 9” 23’ 9” to 45’ 0”

* Note: If the Bus kV is higher than 800 kV, the boundary distances remain the same as those for the 800 kV

Table 4: Limited Approach Boundary for Different kV Levels (NFPA 70E 2018)
Limited Approach Boundaries
Exposed Movable Conductor Exposed Fixed Circuit Part
Bus Nominal kV Range
Default (ft) Range (ft) Default (ft) Range (ft)
0.001 kV to 0.300 kV 10’ 0” 10’ 0” to 30’ 0” 3’ 6” 3’ 6” to 30’ 0”
0.301 kV to 0.750 kV 10’ 0” 10’ 0” to 30’ 0” 3’ 6” 3’ 6” to 30’ 0”
0.751 kV to 15 kV 10’ 0” 10’ 0” to 30’ 0” 5’ 0” 5’ 0” to 30’ 0”
15.1 kV to 36 kV 10’ 0” 10’ 0” to 30’ 0” 6’ 0” 6’ 0” to 30’ 0”
36.1 kV to 46 kV 10’ 0” 10’ 0” to 30’ 0” 8’ 0” 8’ 0” to 30’ 0”
46.1 kV to 72.5 kV 10’ 0” 10’ 0” to 30’ 0” 8’ 0” 8’ 0” to 30’ 0”
72.6 kV to 121 kV 10’ 8” 10’ 8” to 30’ 0” 8’ 0” 8’ 0” to 30’ 0”
138 kV to 145 kV 11’ 0” 11’ 0” to 30’ 0” 10’ 0” 10’ 0” to 30’ 0”
161 kV to 169 kV 11’ 8” 11’ 8” to 30’ 0” 11’ 8” 11’ 8” to 30’ 0”
230kV to 242 kV 13’ 0” 13’ 0” to 45’ 0” 13’ 0” 13’ 0” to 45’ 0”
345 kV to 362 kV 15’ 4” 15’ 4” to 45’ 0” 15’ 4” 15’ 4” to 45’ 0”
500 kV to 550 kV 19’ 0” 19’ 0” to 45’ 0” 19’ 0” 19’ 0” to 45’ 0”
765 kV to 800 kV 23’ 9” 23’ 9” to 45’ 0” 23’ 9” 23’ 9” to 45’ 0”

* Note: If the Bus kV is higher than 800 kV, the boundary distances remain the same as those for the 800 kV

The units of the limited approach boundary can be set to metric units if the project standards are set to “Metric” units.

Limited Approach Boundary to Fixed Circuit Part

The Limited Approach Boundary for Fixed Circuit Parts is the distance, which unqualified persons may not cross when approaching a conductor that is fixed (not movable). The
value should be entered in feet. The default value is the minimum value allowed in Table 130.4 (D) of NFPA 70E 2018. ETAP will select this value according to the kV of the bus.
This value may be displayed on the Arc Flash Hazard Label if selected in the appropriate template.

See Table 4 ~ 6 above for definitions of the range and default values for Limited Approach Boundaries.

Limited Approach Boundary Toggle Radio Button

This toggle radio button allows you to select which limited approach boundary to display on the Label. Depending on the selection, the label from the Bus Arc Flash page or the
global arc flash calculation labels will show the “Exposed Movable Conductor” or the “Fixed Circuit Part” limited approach boundary.

This toggle radio button basically serves the purpose of telling the program which one of these values should be passed to the arc flash labels.

This value may be displayed on the Arc Flash Hazard Label if selected in the appropriate template.

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Restricted Approach Boundary

The Restricted Approach Boundary (RAB) is defined according to NFPA 70E-2018 as the approach limit at a distance from an exposed live part within which there is an increased
risk of shock due to electrical arc over combined with inadvertent movement. The value should be entered in feet-inch format or meters.

Defaults for Restricted and Prohibited Approach Boundaries

The range and default values of the Restricted and Prohibited Approach Boundaries are defined according to the values listed in NFPA 70E-2018 table 130.4 (D) (a) (Shock
Protection Approach Boundaries to Exposed Energized Electrical Conductors or Circuit Parts for Alternating-Current Systems). If you click the typical Gap and Boundary button,
the values will be automatically updated according to the values listed in the table below. If you change the Bus nominal kV, the values will be reset to the default ones.

This value may be displayed on the Arc Flash Hazard Label if selected in the appropriate template.

Table 5: Restricted and Prohibited Approach Boundary for Different kV levels (NFPA 70E 2009-2012)
Restricted and Prohibited Approach Boundaries
Restricted Approach Prohibited Approach
Bus Nominal kV
Boundary Boundary
Default (ft) Range (ft) Default (ft) Range (ft)
0.001 kV to 0.300 kV 1’ 0” 1’ 0” to 30’ 0” 0’ 1” 0’ 1” to 30’ 0”
0.301 kV to 0.750 kV 1’ 0” 1’ 0” to 30’ 0” 0’ 1” 0’ 1” to 30’ 0”
0.751 kV to 15 kV 2’ 2” 2’ 2” to 30’ 0” 0’ 7” 0’ 7” to 30’ 0”
0’ 10” to 30’
15.1 kV to 36 kV 2’ 7” 2’ 9” to 30’ 0” 0’ 10”
36.1 kV to 46 kV 2’ 9” 2’ 9” to 30’ 0” 1’ 5” 1’ 5” to 30’ 0”
46.1 kV to 72.5 kV 3’ 3” 3’ 6” to 30’ 0” 2’ 2” 2’ 2” to 30’ 0”
72.6 kV to 121 kV 3’ 4” 3’ 6” to 30’ 0” 2’ 9” 2’ 9” to 30’ 0”
3’ 10” to 30’
138 kV to 145 kV 3’ 10” 3’ 4” 3’ 6” to 30’ 0”
161 kV to 169 kV 4’ 3” 4’ 3” to 30’ 0” 3’ 9” 3’ 9” to 30’ 0”
230kV to 242 kV 5’ 8” 5’ 8” to 45’ 0” 5’ 2” 5’ 2” to 45’ 0”
345 kV to 362 kV 9’ 2” 9’ 2” to 45’ 0” 8’ 8” 8’ 8” to 45’ 0”
11’ 8” to 45’ 11’ 4” to 45’
500 kV to 550 kV 11’ 10” 11’ 4”
0” 0”
15’ 11” to 45’ 15’ 5” to 45’
765 kV to 800 kV 15’ 11” 15’ 5”
0” 0”

*Note: If the Bus kV is higher than 800 kV, the boundary distances remain the same as those for the 800 kV.

Table 6: Restricted Approach Boundary for Different kV levels (NFPA 70E 2015)
Bus Nominal kV Restricted Approach Boundary
Default (ft-in) Range (ft-in)
0.001 kV to 0.300 kV 1’ 0” 1’ 0” to 30’ 0”
0.301 kV to 0.750 kV 1’ 0” 1’ 0” to 30’ 0”
0.751 kV to 15 kV 2’ 2” 2’ 2” to 30’ 0”
15.1 kV to 36 kV 2’ 7” 2’ 9” to 30’ 0”
36.1 kV to 46 kV 2’ 9” 2’ 9” to 30’ 0”
46.1 kV to 72.5 kV 3’ 3” 3’ 6” to 30’ 0”
72.6 kV to 121 kV 3’ 4” 3’ 6” to 30’ 0”
138 kV to 145 kV 3’ 10” 3’ 10” to 30’ 0”
161 kV to 169 kV 4’ 3” 4’ 3” to 30’ 0”
230kV to 242 kV 5’ 8” 5’ 8” to 45’ 0”
345 kV to 362 kV 9’ 2” 9’ 2” to 45’ 0”
500 kV to 550 kV 11’ 10” 11’ 8” to 45’ 0”
765 kV to 800 kV 15’ 11” 15’ 11” to 45’ 0”

*Note: If the Bus kV is higher than 800 kV, the boundary distances remain the same as those for the 800 kV.

Table 7: Restricted Approach Boundary for Different kV levels (NFPA 70E 2018)
Restricted Approach Boundary
Bus Nominal kV Range
Default (ft-in) Range (ft-in)
0.001 kV to 0.300 kV 1’ 0” 1’ 0” to 30’ 0”
0.301 kV to 0.750 kV 1’ 0” 1’ 0” to 30’ 0”
0.751 kV to 15 kV 2’ 2” 2’ 2” to 30’ 0”
15.1 kV to 36 kV 2’ 9” 2’ 9” to 30’ 0”
36.1 kV to 46 kV 2’ 9” 2’ 9” to 30’ 0”
46.1 kV to 72.5 kV 3’ 6” 3’ 6” to 30’ 0”
72.6 kV to 121 kV 3’ 6” 3’ 6” to 30’ 0”
138 kV to 145 kV 3’ 10” 3’ 10” to 30’ 0”
161 kV to 169 kV 4’ 3” 4’ 3” to 30’ 0”
230kV to 242 kV 5’ 8” 5’ 8” to 45’ 0”
345 kV to 362 kV 9’ 2” 9’ 2” to 45’ 0”
500 kV to 550 kV 11’ 8” 11’ 8” to 45’ 0”
765 kV to 800 kV 15’ 11” 15’ 11” to 45’ 0”

*Note: If the Bus kV is higher than 800 kV, the boundary distances remain the same as those for the 800 kV.

The units of the Restricted and Prohibited approach boundaries can be set to metric units if the project standards are set to “Metric” units.

Prohibited Approach Boundary

The Prohibited Approach Boundary (PAB) is defined according to NFPA 70E-2009 as the approach limit at a distance from an exposed live part within which work is considered
the same as making contact with the live part. The value should be entered in feet-inch format or meters.

For definitions of the range and default values for Prohibited Approach Boundaries, see Table 5 above.

Note that ETAP no longer supports the PAB for NFPA 70E 2015 & 2018. The PAB was removed from NFPA 70E 2015. If the PAB needs to be included, you must configure the
program to use it by checking the “Enable Prohibited Boundary” box from the “Shock Risk Assessment Data” editor. Please see images below where the PAB is displayed after the
box is checked.

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Note: In ETAP 18.0 the Shock Risk Assesment data editor has been enhanced to list all shock protection boundaries in the “feet-inch” format as listed in the NFPA 70E Standard.
When using the metric unit system the boundaries are listed in meters similar to previous ETAP versions.

Insulating Glove Class

The insulating glove class field shows the insulating glove class and voltage rating determined based on the bus nominal kV. This information is updated automatically as soon as
the bus nominal kV is known. The Table 8 below shows the nominal bus kV ranges and the corresponding insulating glove classes and voltage ratings according to ASTM
D120/IEC903 Standards.

Note: In ETAP the default values are editable and can be customized to allow only for higher glove classes than those specified by ASTM D120-14a. To modify the glove classes
used by the program you need to access the user-defined portion of the “Shock Risk Assessment Data” editor from the Project\Settings\Arc Flash menu.

Table 8: ASTM Insulated Glove Voltage Classes: (ASTM D120/IEC903) Standards

Maximum use
ETAP Bus nominal kV
Types of Insulating Glove voltage rating AC Class
Volts L-L
500 00 Bus kV ≤ 0.500
Low Voltage Gloves
1000 0 0.500 kV < Bus kV ≤ 1.0 kV
7500 1 1.0 kV < Bus kV ≤ 7.5 kV
17000 2 7.5 kV < Bus kV ≤ 17.0 kV
High Voltage Gloves
26500 3 17.0 kV < Bus kV ≤ 26.5 kV
36000 4 26.5 kV < Bus kV ≤ 36.0 kV
No available class per ASTM N/A N/A Bus kV > 36.0 kV

Note: ASTM does not define the insulating glove voltage rating or class for voltage higher than 36000 Volts. As a result of this, the voltage rating is set to the bus nominal kV if the
bus nominal voltage is higher than 36 kV and the glove class is omitted in the labels.

Shock hazard when

The “Shock hazard when” field may be used to provide additional information about electrocution (shock hazard) so that it may be printed on some label templates or the MS Excel
arc flash report. You can use it to add a description about when there is a shock hazard present. You can type up to 50 alphanumeric characters and define your own informational
message. The following table contains three possibilities that have been built into the program.

Note: This information is only to be displayed on certain arc flash label templates and will not cause any effect on the arc flash results (i.e. effect of covers open or closed, etc). The
default for this field is “covers removed”.

Table 9: Possible additional descriptions of the “Shock Hazard” for the AF labels
Field Default Comments
covers removed This could read “doors are open”
Shock Hazard when enclosure doors are closed This could read “covers are on”
hinged covers are open This could read “opening hinged doors”

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Automatically Update Arc Flash and Shock Protection Data

This option configures the bus editor to automatically update arc flash data every time the bus nominal kV or the equipment type are modified. Selecting this checkbox saves you an
extra click to update the typical or user-defined values for each bus that is configured. This option is selected by default.

Data Options
This button opens the default “Bus Shock & Arc Flash Typical Data” editor. This editor allows you to configure the bus editor’s data source for the Gaps, X-factors, working
distances and protection boundaries. The bus arc flash typical data editor can also be accessed from the project \settings\Arc Flash\Bus Arc Flash Typical Data menu:

ETAP brings data into the bus editor according to the selections on the Bus AF Typical Data editor. The selections on this editor are global defaults and this means that if you
change the default at one bus, then the source of data changes accordingly for all buses. The fact that this editor can be opened from the bus rating page is purely designed for
convenience. The following image illustrates the concept of the global data options:

Arc Flash Analysis

AC Arc Flash Mode
Bus Editor
Study Case Editor
Display Options
Running Arc Flash Analysis
Arc Flash Sequence of Operation
Calculation Methodology
Required Data
Arc Flash Report
Arc Flash Result Analyzer
Enclosure Editor
AC Arc Flash Calculator
DGUV-I 203-078 AF Calculator

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Arc Flash Page - Bus Editor

Refer to Chapter Arc Flash Analysis for detailed information.

The Bus Arc Flash page contains two main sections. The calculated and the user-defined groups allow to view and to define key results and parameters respectively. There is a link
to the new arc-flash calculator on this page. The calculator is a powerful analysis tool that allows you to perform a quick analysis. This page also contains options to help engineers
visualize arc flash reference values in the time-current characteristic plots.

This tab includes fields marked as “Calculated” which are updated by the global arc flash calculation to this page (read-only display fields). Those marked as User-Defined can be
manually entered, except for the fault clearing time (FCT) and source PD arcing current when you have selected a source PD.

Note: The Quick incident energy calculator which sits right on the User-defined page only works with the IEEE 1584-2002 and Lee methods. Click on the “Calculator” button to
open the full arc-flash calculator.

This section displays the results of the global arc flash calculation. The Bus Editor Arc Flash page uses the update values to determine the incident energy.

The method display field shows the calculation method chosen for the global arc flash calculation for this particular bus. This field may show the ArcFault methods, IEEE 1584-
2002, IEEE 1584-2018 or the Theoretical Lee Method. These are the only methods supported by the global arc flash calculation.

Bus Fault Current

This field shows the total bus bolted (3-Phase/1-Phase) fault current in kA which is calculated by the Short-Circuit Program {1/2 cycle, 1.5 to 4 cycle (ANSI), Decay method or
initial symmetrical current (I”k for IEC)}. This field may be updated from the global arc flash calculation if the option “Update Fault Currents” is selected from the Arc Flash page
of the AF Study Case.

Bus Arcing Current(Ia)

This field shows the total bus arcing current calculated based on the 3-phase short-circuit current (1/2 Cycle Symmetrical RMS, 1.5 to 4 cycle, Decay or initial symmetrical (I”k for
IEC)). This field may be updated by the global arc flash calculation if the option “Update Fault Currents” is selected from the Arc Flash page of the AF Study Case.

Source PD
This is the ID of the source protective device determined by the global arc flash calculation to be the device which clears the fault at the bus (last operating device to de-energize the
fault). If there are multiple source branches with protective devices, ETAP will select the one that takes the longer to trip (clear the fault).

The ID of the source PD is passed to the Bus Arc Flash page if the update options are selected in the Arc Flash page of the Arc Flash Study Case. Once updated, this value is not
recalculated by this editor. It is only recalculated and updated by the global arc flash calculation. The value will be updated only upon a successful global arc flash calculation.

Source PD Arcing Current

The fault current shown in this field is the actual arcing current in kA passing through the source PD that clears the fault. Please note that the current shown here is expressed using
the base kV of the location of the protective device. This means that the current shown here could be the arcing current passing through the protective device on the primary side of
the feeder transformer.

This current value is passed to the Bus Arc Flash page if the option “Update Fault Currents” is selected in the Arc Flash page of the AF Study Case. Please note that this value is not
calculated inside the editor, but passed by the global arc flash calculation. The value will be updated only upon a successful global arc flash calculation. Please also note that this
value will not be updated if you are using the fault current decay method since the current is changing over time.

Fault Clearing Time (FCT)

The arc duration is defined in ETAP as the Fault Clearing Time (FCT). This is the calculated time in seconds, which is needed by the protective device to completely open and clear
the arc fault (extinguish the arc). The FCT value is calculated by the global arc flash calculations and is updated into this field. The global arc flash calculation will update this value
if the option “Update FCT to Bus AF Page” is checked in the “Clearing Time” page of the AF Study Case Editor.

Note: Once updated, this value is not recalculated by this editor. It is only recalculated and updated by the global arc flash calculation.

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Grounding (IEEE 1584-2002 only)

The Calculated system grounding for arc flash calculations is defined as grounded or ungrounded according to IEEE 1584-2002. Grounded systems are those that have solidly
grounded connections. Ungrounded systems are those that are open (Delta, Wye-open) and those that are high and low resistance grounded.

This Calculated System grounding is determined by the global arc flash calculations and is updated into this field if the option “Update Grounding to Bus AF Page” is selected in the
“Parameters” page of the AF Study Case.

Note 1: Once updated, this value is not recalculated by this editor. It is only recalculated and updated by the global arc flash calculation.

Note 2: As different protective devices operate, the system grounding configuration may change (i.e. if a source which is solidly grounded trips and the remaining sources are open
or resistance grounded). ETAP assumes that the grounding configuration remains constant during the fault duration. If it is possible that the system grounding configuration will
change during the fault, then assume that the system is ungrounded. This will yield more conservative results.

Note 3: This field has no effect on the IEEE 1584-2018 method.

Incident Energy
This is the calculated incident energy based on the system calculated parameters. The units for the incident energy are cal/cm2. This display only field shows the incident energy
calculated using either the empirically derived IEEE 1584 2002/2018 model, the Lee Method (depending on the system voltage and current), or the ArcFault methods. This value
used to not be updated if the fault current decay method was used in previous versions of ETAP; however, it is now always updated if determined by the global arc flash calculation.

The incident energy is sorted or grouped based on the selected PPE Level selection. The Arc Flash Boundary (ft.) is also determined based on this value. This field is empty if the
calculation does not have enough parameters or the user has no authorization to run Arc Flash Analysis based on IEEE 1584-2002/2018 Standards.

Arc Flash Boundary

The Arc Flash Boundary is the distance from the arc source at which the onset of a second-degree burn could occur. This value is determined based on second-degree burn criteria of
1.2 cal/cm2. This is determined from the incident energy and fault clearing time. The unit of this field is in feet. This value is empty unless the incident energy is calculated.

PPE Level
The PPE Level is determined based on the system calculated incident energy for the bus. This sorting system is based on the incident energy value. Note that this levels system is
meant for an engineer to quickly sort results based on the range of incident energy. It is recommended that the engineer use generic names for this levels to avoid any confusion with
the “Categories” described by NFPA 70E.

Working Distance
The working distance display field from the calculated section of the Bus Arc Flash page displays the distance value used by the global arc flash calculation to determine the incident
energy. This parameter is updated by the global arc flash calculation.

The user-defined section of the Bus Arc Flash page allows the user to define parameters to perform an Arc Flash Analysis. Some of the user-defined parameters may also be used for
the global arc flash calculation.

Bus Fault Current

This is the total bolted fault current value in kA, which may be known beforehand. The program will calculate the user-defined bus arcing current based on this value using the
settings of the bus editor (local input parameters from the rating page).

Bus Arcing Current

This field displays the total bus arcing current calculated based on the user-defined Bus Fault Current in kA. This is a useful field since it shows the arcing current based on the
available bolted 3-phase fault current.

Source PD
This drop-down list allows you to select a protective device which can be used to determine the fault clearing time (FCT) for a fault at this bus. The drop-down list contains all the
overcurrent relays, in-line relays, re-closers, differential relays (not applicable), directional relays fuses, and low voltage circuit breakers in the system. The global arc flash
calculation may use this protective device as the source PD to determine the FCT if the option “Except if PD is Selected in Bus Editor” is selected from the Clearing Time page of
the Arc Flash Study Case, otherwise, it will be ignored when you run the global arc flash calculation.

In ETAP, a relay must be interlocked with a breaker, contactor or switch. If you select a relay from this list then the program will find the current passing through the current
transformer connected to the relay and then proceed to find the breaker from the interlock list that can actually clear the fault (breaker connected to a source path to the faulted bus).
If you select a fuse or a low voltage breaker with its own trip device, the program will consider it to be the source PD to be used to determine the FCT.

If the Arc Flash Program uses a PD from this drop-down list, it will use it to calculate the FCT based on the actual arcing current passing through it. The arcing current is shown
immediately below this drop-down list as a display only field. The FCT can be found from the reports only (i.e., Analysis section or the Summary Reports).

Note: If no protective device is selected from this drop list (blank option selected), then the user-defined fault clearing time field becomes editable and you can define your own
value. In previous versions of ETAP (i.e., 5.0.0 to 5.0.3 running the user-defined source PD calculation would overwrite this value. This is no longer true in version 5.5 since the
only way to observe the source PD FCT is through the Crystal Reports).

For IEEE 1584-2018 method starting from ETAP 19.0, The user-defined PD selected from the Bus enclosure (if exists) is used to determine the final FCT and it supersedes the
selection made from the bus editor

Source PD Arcing Current

This display only field shows the arcing current (in kA) passing through the protective device selected in the User-Defined Source PD drop-down list. This value can be updated if
the update Buses “Fault Currents” option has been selected in the Arc Flash page of the Arc Flash Study Case Editor. If the global Arc Flash Program fails to determine the FCT or
the arcing current through this PD, this field will not be updated.

Fault Clearing Time

This field is the User-Defined Fault Clearing Time in seconds. This value can be defined by the user as the Fault Clearing Time to be used in the determination of the incident
energy for the faulted bus.

The global arc flash calculation will use the User-Defined Fault Clearing Time only if the Fixed FCT checkbox is selected or if the User-Defined FCT option has been selected from
the Study Case Arc Flash page. This field will be hidden if a User-Defined Source PD has been selected from the drop-down list right above this field. The default value for this
field is 0.1 seconds.

Please note that the minimum time delay for overcurrent relays operating in their instantaneous region is one cycle. This means that if the arcing current is above the instantaneous
pickup of the relay and it has no specified time delay, then ETAP Arc Flash will add at least one cycle as the operating (trip) time of the relay. The trip time is then added to the
operating time of the circuit breaker interlocked to the overcurrent relay.

Please note that the minimum operating time for a fuse is 0.01 seconds for a case where the arcing current is above the total clearing time at the bottom of the curve (based on IEEE
1584 2002 section 4.6).

Please note that the fault clearing time for circuit breakers with integral trip units will be determine solely based on the manufacturer provided time current characteristic curve since
these curves include both the tripping and clearing time.

Fixed FCT
If this checkbox is selected, then the global arc flash calculation uses the User-Defined Fault Clearing Time (FCT) value to determine the incident energy of this bus. The calculation
would be the same as that of the situation when the Study Case has the option “User-Defined FCT” selected. However in this case, the program does not automatically try to find
the FCT from the TCCs for this bus, but it automatically searches for the FCT of other buses which do not have this checkbox selected.

Using the Fixed FCT feature does not imply that the program will use this set time to evaluate the incident energy of “Source Protective Devices” connected directly to the faulted
bus. The program will still try to find the worst-case incident energy for faults on the line side of source PDs by searching upstream protective devices.

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If this checkbox is selected, the fields “Source PD ID drop List” and “Source PD Arcing Current” will be hidden since they are not applicable. The program will indicate that it used
the Fixed FCT on the reports by showing a flag next to the bus FCT field.

Grounding (IEEE 1584-2002 only)

This drop-down list allows you to define the type of grounding to be used at this bus. The default value for this drop-down list is grounded. From the Arc Flash page of the Arc
Flash Study Case, you have the option to use this selection for the global arc flash calculation.

Incident Energy (does not work for IEEE 1584-2018)

This is the incident energy based on the User-Defined parameters. The units for the incident energy are cal/cm2. This display only field shows the incident energy calculated using
either the empirically derived IEEE 1584 2002 model or the Lee Method (depending on the system voltage).

This incident energy value is used to determine the User-Defined Hazard/Risk Category and the User-Defined Arc Flash Boundary (ft.). This field is empty if the calculation does
not have enough parameters or the user has no authorization to run Arc Flash Analysis based on IEEE 1584-2002 Standards.

Arc Flash Boundary (does not work for IEEE 1584-2018)

The Arc Flash Boundary is the distance from the arc source at which the onset of a second-degree burn could occur. This value is determined based on second-degree burn criteria of
1.2 cal/cm2. This is determined from the User-Defined Incident Energy and Fault Clearing Time. The unit of this field is in feet.

PPE Level (does not work for IEEE 1584-2018)

This sorting system follows the selection from the arc flash global calculation updated value in the “calculated” section. Similar to the PPE Level of the calculated section, this tool
is only a featured used by engineers to sort incident energy results using different incident energy range.

Working Distance
Enter the distance from the possible arc point to the person in inches. This distance is defined as the distance between the arc point and the persons face and torso. This value has a
range of 1 to 999.99 in. This is the distance value used to determine the incident energy. The default value is dependent on the voltage level of the device and the equipment type
selected in the rating page of the bus editor. When a new bus is added to the one line diagram, the default equipment type is “Other” and the default working distance is set to 18.
Once the equipment type is changed, the default value will change according to the typical values used which are based on IEEE 1584-2002 Table D.7.4. or Table 10 of section 6.7
of IEEE 1584-2018. Open the Arc Flash Analysis Data table to view the working distance values used for the voltage ratings and equipment types (see next image).

Note: The Arc Flash Analysis Data table is located in the Project menu under Settings – Arc Flash. Refer to Chapter Menu Bars Section One-Line Diagram Menu Bars for more

This section provides an input field which can be used as a measure of the allowable incident energy at this location.

Allowable Energy
In the Allowable Energy field, you can define the incident energy for alert purposes. The units are in cal/cm2. This value is compared automatically by the global arc flash
calculation to the calculated incident energy. If the calculated value exceeds the available PPE protection, the module generates an alert.

TCC Plot Energy

This section allows you to generate incident energy curves and plot the arcing current in a TCC (Star view).

Ib / Ia
This toggle radio box allows the use of bolted fault current or arcing current as the base for the incident energy curve displayed on the TCC plot.

The system calculated radio box determines what data is to be used to generate the Arc Flash Label and what energy is to be displayed on the TCC plot. If this option is selected all
the corresponding calculated values will be used to create the label.

User-Defined (IEEE 1584-2002 only)

The user-defined radio box allows you to use the user-defined data to generate labels or to show the user-defined incident energy curve on the TCC. If this option is selected all the
corresponding user-defined values will be used to create the label.

This drop-down list is no longer available in ETAP. Labels can only be generated from the report manager and the arc flash result analyzer.

The print button is no longer available in ETAP. Labels can only be printed from the report manager and the arc flash result analyzer.

TCC Plot-Calculated or User-Defined Energy (IEEE 1584-2002 only)

This checkbox allows you to display the system calculated or user-defined incident energy curve as it varies over time and fault current in the ETAP Star View TCC. If you select
this checkbox, the corresponding curve will appear on the Star View that contains the same bus.

The curve that appears on the Star View is a function of the incident energy and the parameters that vary are the time and current. If the incident energy value is kept constant, then
any combination of FCT and bolted fault current that falls below this curve yields an incident energy value that is lower.

TCC Plot-Allowable Energy

This checkbox allows you to display the Allowable Incident Energy Curve as it varies over time and fault current in the ETAP Star View TCC. If you select this checkbox, the
corresponding curve will appear on the Star View that contains the same bus.

TCC Plot-All Energy Categories

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This checkbox allows displaying the incident energy categories or levels in the ETAP Star View TCC. The curves displayed correspond to the levels described for NFPA 70E 2009.
The image below displays the incident energy lines.

Note: The TCC plot selections described above are hidden when running the ArcFault methods.

TCC Plot Arcing Current

This section allows the display of the arcing current on the ETAP STAR TCCs.

Calculated/UD Source PD
This checkbox determines if the arcing current is displayed in a TCC. This current can come from the calculated Source PD Arcing Current or from the user-defined source
protective device field.

This checkbox determines if the user-defined arcing current value will be displayed in a TCC. The user-defined arcing current must be manually entered.

Calculated/User-Defined kV
This toggle radio box determines which base kV (reference kV) will be used to display the arcing current value. The value can be calculated or it can be user-defined.

The following image shows the arcing current values displayed in a STAR TCC.

The arcing current can be used as reference for coordination of the TCC curves. When the fault current decay method is used the source protective device arcing current is not
displayed. This is due to the multiple values determined over the fault duration. The display of the fault current with the decay method will be available in a future release of the

Quick Incident Energy Calculator and Bus Arc Flash Page Logic
This section describes logic which applies mainly to ETAP 18.1.1 and prior versions. The quick incident energy calculator from the arc flash tab has been superseded with a far
more powerful calculator in ETAP 19.0.0 which contains all the methods including the new IEEE 1584-2018 method. This section is intended to describe the behavior for versions
prior to ETAP 19.0.0.

Method Used
For buses in the range of 0.208 kV to 15.0 kV, the empirically derived IEEE Std. 1584 Method is used. For buses with kV greater than 15, the theoretically derived Lee Method is
used. ETAP automatically determines which method is being used according to the bus nominal voltage (Bus Info page).

Range of Operation
These calculations follow the methodology described in IEEE 1584-2002. The same limitations of this method apply to the quick incident energy calculator.

1. If any of the following: the Bus Nominal kV, Bolted Fault Current or Fault Clearing Time are set to zero the calculation is not triggered, and there are no displayed results.
This applies to either set of parameters (User-Defined and Calculated).

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2. If the bus nominal kV is less than 0.208 kV, this message is displayed: “Lee Method is used outside empirical method range”. This applies to the globally calculated results or
“calculated” section. The method section will display the chosen method. For user-defined calculations, the method is not displayed however this section follows the same
method range and limits as those used by the global calculation.

3. If the bolted fault current is outside the range of 0.7 kA to 106 kA and the bus nominal kV is between 0.208 and 15 kV the following message is displayed: “Lee Method”.

4. If the user-defined source PD is selected, then there are no results updated into the calculated section. The only item which may be updated is the arcing current variation flag
(for systems rated less than 1.0 kV) if applicable.

If the IEEE 1584-2002 Arc Flash Method is not licensed, the calculation is disabled, and you will need to contact Operation Technology, Inc. to get authorization to run this

The following table shows the parameters required to run an arc flash calculation in the Bus Arc Flash page.

Table 11: Required Parameters for Bus Arc Flash Calculation

Info Page Rating Page Arc Flash Page
Bus Nominal KV Equipment Type Total 3-Phase Fault Current
Gap Between Conductors Fault Clearing Time(FCT)
X-Factor System Grounding
Working Distance

Info Page
Phase V Page
Load Page
Motor/Gen Page
Rating Page
Arc Flash Page
Protection Page
Harmonic Page
Reliability Page
Remarks Page
Comment Page

AC Elements Editor Overview

Protection Page - Bus Editor

Starting in ETAP 18.0 the Bus protection page contains fields used to plot the Arc Energy Damage Point in TCC plots for Arc Resistant equipment. This plot can be used observe if
the equipment is applied within its limits by visual comparison of the equipment ratings in relation to the protection settings. Per the PCIC paper titled “PERFORMANCE OF AN
ARC-RESISTANT MEDIUM-VOLTAGE MOTOR CONTROL CENTER FOR AN IN-SERVICE FAULT” (PCIC-2017-03) manufacturers typically provide the following
nameplate data for this plot, the “Internal Arcing Short Circuit Current” and “Arcing duration”. This is the maximum RMS symmetrical prospective current and the period of time
the equipment experienced the arcing fault during qualification testing respectively. For further details on the items described above please refer to IEEE C37.20.7 and the PCIC
paper mentioned above.

By default this option is disabled in the editor however when enabled the bus editor lists the option shown in the Figure below.

Plot Damage Point

This check box enables/disables the Arc Energy Damage Point plot when generating TCC plots.

Arc Current
This is the arcing current rating listed on the nameplate of the equipment. The default value for this field is 50 kA and range for this field is of 0.01 kA to 999 kA.

Arcing Time
This is the amount of time the equipment is rated to sustain an internal arcing fault at the rated Arcing current. The default value for this field is 0.5 sec and range for this field is of
0.001 sec. to 99999 secs.

Shown below is a sample TCC plot which has the Arc Damage Point plotted.

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Arc Flash Analysis

AC Arc Flash Mode
Bus Editor
Study Case Editor
Display Options
Running Arc Flash Analysis
Arc Flash Sequence of Operation
Calculation Methodology
Required Data
Arc Flash Report
Arc Flash Result Analyzer
Enclosure Editor
AC Arc Flash Calculator
DGUV-I 203-078 AF Calculator

Arc Flash Study Case Editor Overview

The Arc Study Case Editor contains solution control variables, faulted bus selection, and a variety of options for output reports. ETAP allows you to create and save an unlimited
number of study cases. Arc flash calculations are conducted and reported in accordance with the settings of the study case selected in the toolbar. You can easily switch between
study cases without the trouble of resetting the study case options each time. This feature is designed to organize your study efforts and save you time.

With respect to the multi-dimensional database concept of ETAP, study cases can be used for any combination of the three major system components (i.e., for any configuration
status, one-line diagram presentation, and Base/Revision data).

The arc-flash study case editor can be accessed from the study case toolbar by clicking on the study case button. You can also access this editor from the System Manager by
clicking on the arc flash study case folder.

To create a new Study Case, go to System Manager, right-click on the Arc Flash Study Case folder, and select Create New. A new Study Case will be created, which is a copy of the
default Study Case, and be added to the Arc Flash Study Case folder.

Arc Flash Analysis

AC Arc Flash Mode
Bus Editor
Study Case Editor
Display Options
Running Arc Flash Analysis
Arc Flash Sequence of Operation
Calculation Methodology
Required Data

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Arc Flash Report
Arc Flash Result Analyzer
Enclosure Editor
AC Arc Flash Calculator
DGUV-I 203-078 AF Calculator

Info Page - Arc Flash Study Case Editor

On the Info page, you can select faulted buses and specify contribution level, etc. Refer to Chapter Short-Circuit Analysis Section Info Page for more information.

Arc Flash Analysis

AC Arc Flash Mode
Bus Editor
Study Case Editor
Display Options
Running Arc Flash Analysis
Arc Flash Sequence of Operation
Calculation Methodology
Required Data
Arc Flash Report
Arc Flash Result Analyzer
Enclosure Editor
AC Arc Flash Calculator
DGUV-I 203-078 AF Calculator

Method Page - Arc Flash Study Case Editor

The structure of the Arc Flash “Method” page is shown below:

With the IEEE 1584-2018 Method Selected:

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With the IEEE 1584-2002 Method Selected:

This section is used to select which method to use when determining the incident energy for a faulted bus. The NFPA 70E option has been retired (removed) in ETAP 19.0.0. The
IEEE 1584 option uses the equations listed in IEEE 1584-2002, but still uses sections of NFPA 70E-2000, 2004, 2009, 2012-2018 for additional equations. Starting in ETAP 18.0
the ArcFault option is listed which includes two iterative Arc Flash analysis methods. The option called IEEE 1584-2018 uses the new IEEE 1584-2018 edition of the standard.

IEEE 1584-2018
If this option is selected the program performs the arc flash calculations based on the IEEE 1584-2018 version of the standard. Whenever the system voltage, bolted fault current and
gap are outside the range of the new method, ETAP may continue to use the method with warnings. The theoretically-derived Ralph is used only for some especial cases where the
new IEEE 1584-2018 method cannot be used. Please consult the calculation methodology section for more details.

IEEE 1584-2002
If this option is selected the program performs the calculations based on the IEEE 1584-2002 version of the standard. Whenever the system short-circuit current or nominal voltage
are outside the range of the IEEE 1584-2002 method equations, ETAP may use the theoretically-derived Ralph Lee method since this version of the standard makes a reference to

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this method.

The ArcFault method is an arc fault analysis module in ETAP 18.0 which has been designed for the calculation of incident energy and arc flash boundaries for open air line-to-
ground (LG) faults. The module can be extended to line-to-line and 3-phase faults as well in both open air and enclosed configurations. For further details on this method refer to
Chapter 56- ArcFault.

Arc Current Variation % (IEEE 1584-2002 only)

Enter the arcing current variation in percent (0 to 30%). The Arc Flash Program will consider the arcing current reduction factor for determining the Fault Clearing Time. The
default value for this field is 15% (or 85% of the original value), but ETAP provides a more flexible analysis tool by allowing you to analyze the variation up to 30% if desired.

The arc current variation takes the original 100% of Ia value and the reduced Ia value to determine two Fault Clearing times (FCT). The incident energy is calculated based on both
sets of parameters and the one which produces higher incident energy is selected as the set of values to be reported by ETAP. In other words, the Arc Flash Program Reports the set
of values which yield the higher incident energy (i.e., 85%Ia and its corresponding FCT or 100%Ia and its corresponding FCT). The program shows in the reports and the one-line
diagram which set of values has been used to determine the incident energy.

Note: The arcing current variation is not considered for faulted buses with nominal kV > 1 when the IEEE 1584-2002 method is used.

Apply Iarc variation <= 0.6 kV (IEEE 1584-2018 only)

Check this option to consider arc current correction factor based on IEEE 1584-2018 section 4.5 for low voltage systems.

Apply Iarc variation > 0.6 kV (IEEE 1584-2018 only)

Check this option to consider arc current correction factor based on IEEE 1584-2018 section 4.5 for medium voltage systems.

Run Device Duty before Arc Flash Calculation

This option configures ETAP Arc Flash to perform a protective device short-circuit duty evaluation at every faulted bus before performing the arc flash calculation. The program
would generate alerts for any over duty device, but will still proceed to calculate the arc flash results. Please see the calculation methodology section for more details on how this
option is used by ETAP Arc flash.

Bus Fault Current

This group of the Arc Flash page indicates the source of the bolted fault current to be used for the Arc Flash Hazard calculations. ETAP uses the bolted fault current to determine the
arcing current to be used in the determination of the incident energy.

User-Defined (Bus Editor) (IEEE 1584-2002 only)

Use the Bus Editor User-Defined Fault Current to perform the incident energy calculation. The arc flash calculation will use all the User-Defined values in the Bus Editor to perform
the calculation. ETAP will only report the bus information along with calculated cal/cm2, boundary and risk category (similar to the bus quick incident energy calculation).

If this option is selected, some of the options on the editor no longer apply since an actual short-circuit calculation may be needed to determine or apply such options. The
unavailable options are those related to the calculated short-circuit current, automatic determination of the FCT and updating of the short-circuit and FCT results back to the faulted

Calculate the bolted fault current by means of a short-circuit calculation and use the calculated short-circuit bolted fault current values in the arc flash calculation.

IEC Calculate
If there is no further option displayed after selecting this option, it means that the IEC standard is being used. Please note that IEC does not have any current guideline to calculate
the incident energy. All equations are taken from IEEE 1584 or NFPA 70E, but the initial symmetrical fault current is used to determine the arcing current magnitude.

3-Phase System
Calculate the arc flash results at every faulted 3-phase bus. Select whether to use symmetrical ½ cycle 3-phase (momentary) fault current, symmetrical 1.5 to 4 cycle 3-phase
(interrupting) fault, or the fault current decay to determine the fault clearing time and incident energy level when running an Arc Flash analysis on 3-phase buses.

Panel/1-Ph UPS / 1-Ph System (1-Phase systems)

If the 1-Phase option is selected, then the program will calculate the arc flash results for the buses connected below UPS, Phase Adapters and Panels. ETAP will only calculate Arc
Flash results for the elements selected under the Panel/UPS/1Ph Subsystem section on the Info page. If single phase is selected, ETAP will use the initial symmetrical half cycle
bolted short-circuit current to determine the arcing current.

3-Phase to 1-Phase CF
The user-defined correction factor can be used to remove adjust the incident energy calculated for single-phase equipment. The use of three-phase equations published in IEEE
1584-2018 and 2002 can be overconserative since only one phase instead of three is arcing. The average power per cycle delivered by a single-phase arc is less than that of a three-
phase arc. The default value is 1.0, but it can be adjusted to lower values as deemed appropriate based on engineering judgement.

Symm. ½ Cycle
If this option is selected, ETAP will use the symmetrical ½ cycle 3-phase (momentary) fault current to determine the fault clearing time and the incident energy.

Symm. 1. 5 to 4 Cycle
If this option is selected, the module will use the symmetrical 1.5 to 4 cycle 3-phase (interrupting) fault current to determine the fault clearing time and the incident energy for
medium voltage elements (above 1.0 kV).

Fault Current Decay

When this option is selected, ETAP will automatically consider motor and generator current decay for the calculation of the arcing current and fault clearing times. ETAP will use
changing arcing current values to determine the final protective device fault clearing time (FCT). The program determines automatically the subtransient, transient and steady-state
bolted fault currents and uses these currents to determine the equivalent arcing current and final fault clearing time (by integrating the three equivalent arcing currents).

Steady-State Ibf at
This input field holds the time value in cycles at which the arc flash program will assume a steady-state bolted short-circuit current in order to determine the equivalent arcing
current. At this time, the program will assume that all motor contribution has completely decayed and that the generator contribution is at a steady state value. This option is hidden
unless the option “Gen Current Decay” has been selected.

Syn. Gen Steady-State Ibf

Select whether to limit the steady-state bolted fault current to a global user-defined value (for all generators) or have ETAP determine the steady-state bolted fault current based on
each generator’s decrement curve.

Limit Gen Ibf to

This option allows the program to assume steady-state short-circuit contribution from synchronous generators assumming a current boost or forced sustained current value. The
sustained short-circuit contribution in %FLA is used to detemine the steady-state arcing current values coming from the generator.

Determine from Decrement Curve

Specify the generator contribution at steady-state conditions based on its equivalent impedance. This equivalent impedance is determined based on the generator decrement curve.
Please note that the decrement curve of the generator may already contain sustained field forced current and thus the program will account for it automatically.

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Update Fault Current to Bus AF Page (IEEE 1584-2002 only)

If this box is checked, then the arc flash calculation will update all the buses in the system with the calculated bolted arcing fault current values. Please note that the fault currents
will not be updated if the fault current decay method is used.

Motor Contributions
This section allows the user to define the time (between 5 & steady-state time which is typically 30 cycles) at which ETAP will not consider motor contribution for the calculation of
the incident energy and allows the user to remove small motor contributions from the simulation. These options are available if the Fault Current Decay is used to determine the
incident energy and fault clearing time.

Remove after
Check the box to remove the motor contribution from the calculation of the incident energy at a time in between four cycles and the user-defined value for steady-state current
conditions. This time value in cycles has to be higher than 4 cycles and smaller or equal to the steady-state time value defined in the Bolted Fault Current section.

Please notice that the program will assume motor current decay at ½ cycle, 1.5 to 4 cycle and at the final steady-state current value (this value is set to 30 cycles by default). This
current contribution decay is automatically considered in the calculation of the fault clearing time.

Please also note that by default the time value at which the program assumes the motor contribution has decayed to negligible values is 30 cycles and this happens to be the same
default value for the steady-state current simulation time.

Exclude if Motor ≤ 50 HP/kW

Check this option to entirely exclude small motors from making any contributions to the arcing fault currents regardless of time (i.e. these small motors are not considered to make
any contributions at the ½ cycle current calculation or any time after that). This value is entered in either Horsepower or kilowatts. Please note that this option applies to motor loads
and lumped loads with motor load ratings in kW less than the limit.

Incident Energy for LV Equipment

This option allows to assign a certain incident energy value for low voltage equipment where it is possible that the arc may not sustain.

The IEEE1584-2002 equations applied to low voltage equipment can yield very high incident energy values. This is mostly caused by the low arc fault currents and the long clearing
time they produce. It is not certain for how long the arc will persist (or when it will self-extinguish); however, the program approach is to assume that the fault persists until the
protective device upstream operates. Also the rate of energy accumulation should be proportional to the voltage level. The current equations of IEEE 1584-2002 do not account for
this. Overall, the 2002 method may yield over conservative result for some LV equipments with low kVA rating.

However, given the fact that the current and voltage combination to sustain the arc indefinitely, it may be possible to assume certain energy values for these locations to take a
conservative approach until better calculation models are available.

Incident Energy for LV Equipment

Once enabled, the check box “Incident Energy for LV equipment” tells the program to find the locations specified below the voltage and kVA rating and to automatically assign an
energy value to them.

Voltage ≤ 208 and Xfmr ≤ 125 kVA (IEEE 1584-2002 only)

These input fields serve the purpose of defining which locations are fed from transformers with the specified electrical characteristics. The default value in ETAP is 0.208 kV and
125 kVA These values are user defined. Both values also apply to single-phase locations.

Voltage <= 208 (IEEE 1584-2018 only)

This input field allows the user to configure the voltage threshold at which to apply the low-voltage sustainability exception. IEEE 1584-2018 states that arcs are less likely to
sustain at voltage levels below 240 VAC and fault currents below 2.0 kA. ETAP decided to take a conservative approach and set the default value at 208 VAC. This value is user-
definable and can be se to any desired value.

Incident Energy and Bolted Fault Current Values (First Set) (IEEE 1584-2002 only)
This check box and input fields allow the assignment of the incident energy for any circuit which is has bolted fault current less than or equal to the specified value. The
approximated impedance of the transformer is also displayed.

Incident Energy and Bolted Fault Current Values (Second Set) (IEEE 1584-2002 only)
This check box and input fields allow the assignment of the incident energy for any circuit which is has bolted fault current less than or equal to the specified value. The
approximated impedance of the transformer is also displayed. The maximum bolted fault current which can be specified is 15 kA.

In the image above, Ibf refers to:

l Ibf” for 1-phase faults

l Ibf” or Ibf’ for 3-phase faults depending on Ibf value selected from the bolted fault current section.

Note: Ibf for these options never stands for steady-state bolted fault current.

Display only fields which show the calculated impedance in percent. The equations used are:

Incident Energy and Bolted Fault Current Values (First Set) (IEEE 1584-2018 only)
This check box and input fields set allows the user to defina a default incident energy value when the system voltage and bolted fault current are below the specified values. The
default values are 1.2 cal/cm2 and 2000 Amp.

Incident Energy and Bolted Fault Current Values (Second Set) (IEEE 1584-2018 only)
This check box and input fields set allows the user to define a default incident energy value when the system voltage and bolted fault current are above the first set of values but
below the values specified in this section. The default values are 4.0 cal/cm2 and 5000 Amp. This set of values are disabled based on the wording introduced in IEEE 1584-2018;
however, based on user judgment or other engineering preferences users can enable this option to assign the incident energy value.

Note: When the voltage and bolted fault current are above the enabled limits, the program calculates the results using the selected method.

IEEE 1584-2018 Low-Voltage Sustainability Statement: “Sustainable arcs are possible but less likely in three-phase systems operating at 240 V or less with an available short-
circuit current less than 2000 A.”

The program uses the same settings to assign incident energy to both three-phase and single-phase systems. Note that for the IEEE 1584-2018 method, the program only checks
voltage and current and not if the system is radial or looped (contrary to how it was implemented with the IEEE 1584-2002 method).

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Application Notes on the Arc Flash Method Page

Depending on the calculation methodology that you select, certain options are not enabled. The following table gives you a list of all the features which are enabled with for each
calculation method:

Method Features Not Available

Fault Current Decay All features can be used
Motor contributions options are not available
½ Cycle
AC decay options are not available
Motor contributions options are not available
1.5 to 4 Cycle
AC decay options are not available
Motor contributions options are not available
1-Phase Arc Flash
AC decay options are not available
Motor contributions options are not available
IEC Method AC decay options are not available
Set Hazard Cat for LV Equipment options are not available

The image below shows the results for two locations fed from small low voltage transformers. In one case, the incident energy was assigned as 1.2 cal/cm2 and in the other as
4.0 cal/cm2.

Update AF Results to Buses

This group of options allows the user to update the results from the global arc flash calculation into each bus location. The main intent of this options is to provide quick access to
the calculated results and to allows for the worst-case AF results to be displayed on the one-line diagram using datablock elements.

When this radio box is selected, the program updates the arc flash result into the bus arc flash page all the time as soon as the calculation is complete. All faulted locations are
updated automatically with the results of the simulation.

No Update
When this radio box is selected, the program never updates any result into the arc flash page of the faulted buses. Note that any result previously there remains unaffected.

Update if Result is More Conservative

When this radio box is selected, the program updates the arc flash results into the bus arc flash page only if the results of the current simulation are higher than the results currently
being stored in the arc flash page.

Arc Flash Analysis

AC Arc Flash Mode
Bus Editor
Study Case Editor
Display Options
Running Arc Flash Analysis
Arc Flash Sequence of Operation
Calculation Methodology
Required Data
Arc Flash Report
Arc Flash Result Analyzer
Enclosure Editor
AC Arc Flash Calculator
DGUV-I 203-078 AF Calculator

Clearing Time Page - Arc Flash Study Case Editor

This page allows you to configure all the settings related to the determination of the fault clearing time (FCT) based on different types of equipment and protective device operation
(i.e. overcurrent and current limiting).

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Fault Clearing Time (FCT)

This group of the Arc Flash page allows you to set the Study Case options of the Fault Clearing Time. Unless clearly stated all the options listed in this tab apply to both the IEEE
1584-2002 and 2018 methods. When the ArcFault methods are selected some options are hidden. Please refer to chapter 56 for more details on ArcFault Fault Clearing Time

Auto Select Source Protective Device (PD)

If this option is selected, the Arc Flash Module will automatically determine the FCT from the available TCC curves of the source protective devices that can clear the fault. If no
element TCC information is available, ETAP will display the message “FCT not determined”.

If there is more than one protective device that needs to open to clear the fault, ETAP will select the FCT of the element that takes the longest to open.

Except if PD is Selected in Bus Editor (IEEE 1584-2002 only)

If this check box is selected, the Arc Flash Program will determine the Fault Clearing Time (FCT) based on the User-Defined Source Protective Device defined in the Bus Arc Flash
page (if selected there). The program calculates the FCT automatically for those buses that do not have a selection. If this option is not checked, the Arc Flash Program will
automatically calculate the FCT for all the faulted buses.

Except if PD is Selected in Bus / Enclosure Editor (IEEE 1584-2018 only)

If this box is selected, the arc flash program follows the same logic applied for the “Except if PD is Selected in Bus Editor” option from previous versions of ETAP (i.e. ETAP
18.1.1. and prior). However, the option enables the user-defined protective devices to be considered when defined through the enclosure editor.

Limit Maximum FCT

This option allows you to set a maximum fault clearing time for all the buses. If the FCT determined is greater than this value, then it will be clipped to this value. The program
determines the incident energy based on the maximum FCT if the actual FCT exceeds it. This maximum FCT value applies to both the Bus and Source Protective Device FCT
Incident Energy Calculations.

In some situations only the FCT for a fault at a source PD may exceed this value. In this situation only the FCT for a fault at the source PD should be clipped to the Maximum FCT.
The FCT for the bus is unaffected in this case. There is a flag in the Analysis and Summary Reports which indicates that there is a clipped value for the faulted bus FCT or source
PD FCT. Please see the report section to see this flag. The default value is 2 seconds.

Limit Maximum FCT field in Seconds.

Enter the maximum FCT allowed to determine the incident energy for any element in the system (Buses and Source Protective Devices). The range is from 0.01 to 99 seconds. The
default value is 2 seconds.
Please refer to the calculation methodology section on how ETAP arc-flash applies this option for different conditions.

User-Defined From Bus Editor

If this option is selected, the Arc Flash Module will use the FCT values specified in the Bus Editor Arc Flash page to calculate the incident energy for all the buses in the system. If
this option is selected, the program does not apply the arcing current variation or update the FCT to the bus Arc Flash page (these options are grayed-out).

Update FCT to Bus AF Page (IEEE 1584-2002 only)

If this box is checked, the module will update the FCT (determined from TCCs) value into the Bus Editor Arc Flash page.

Main Protective Device Isolation

This section brings a major change in the calculation methodology of ETAP. This set of options can be used to configure the program to produce more conservative results by
making the assumption that the main source protective devices are or are not adequately isolated from the bus and may fail to operate or be capable of de-energizing the arc fault
before it escalates into a line-side arc fault. Please refer to the calculation methodology section for more details on the implementation of this option.

Main Protective Device is not Isolated

If this option is checked, then the program considers the “individual” or “global” isolation settings for the arc flash calculation. If the option is enabled, then the arc flash program
considers the main protective device isolation to determine the fault clearing time.

Individual (Bus Editor) / Global

This toggle radio box determines which set of main PD isolation settings are used in the arc flash calculation.

Typical IEEE 1584 / User-Defined

If the isolation settings are determined globally, then this toggle radio box determines the data source of the global isolation settings. Please see the arc flash analysis data editor for
details on these data sources.

Note: For IEEE 1584-2018 method, when enclosures are created the main PD isolation is based on the “Enclosure Isolation” setting from configuration page of the enclosure editor.
The concept of main protective device isolation does not apply to line side of main Protective Device (i.e. It is ignored)

Current Limiting Devices

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This section enables the handling of current limiting fuses for arc flash calculations. Please refer to the calculation methodology section for more details on the implementation.

Determine CLF operation based on Peak Let-Through Curves

This checkbox enables the determination of the current limiting operation of fuses based on the peak let-through curves.

For Class L & RK1, use IEEE 1584 Equations (if applicable)
If this option is enabled, then the IEEE 1584 2002 current limiting fuse equations are used for class L & RK1 fuses as defined in section 5.6 of that standard or as defined in Annex
H of IEEE 1584-2018. If the operating conditions or fuse ratings are not within the range of these equations, then the program can use the peak let-through curves to determine
current limiting operation. Please refer to the calculation methodology section for more details on this implementation.

Note: For IEEE 1584-2018, this option only applies to VCB electrode configuration. When this option is applied to IEEE 1584-2002, this option does not check for electrode

Use bottom of CLF TCC (if peak let-through curve is not available)
If this option is enabled, then the program will attempt to determine current limiting operation for a fuse based on the time current curve in the library. This is for cases when the
peak let-through curves for the fuse model or class are not available in the fuse library and the only curve available is the current limiting fuse TCC. Please refer to the calculation
methodology section for more details on this implementation.

Arc Flash Analysis

AC Arc Flash Mode
Bus Editor
Study Case Editor
Display Options
Running Arc Flash Analysis
Arc Flash Sequence of Operation
Calculation Methodology
Required Data
Arc Flash Report
Arc Flash Result Analyzer
Enclosure Editor
AC Arc Flash Calculator
DGUV-I 203-078 AF Calculator

Parameters Page - Arc Flash Study Case Editor

Set the options for the selection of global or individual AF input data for the calculation. Also select a global selection for the standard that defines the incident energy levels and
shock risk analysis you want to use for the arc flash study. The options presented in this tab may be disabled or hidden (not used or applicable) depending on the calculation method
selected. This is clearly defined for each option.

Bus Gaps & Working Distance

Select the source of the arc flash parameters to be used in the global AF calculation. The data can be defined in every single bus or it can be selected for all the buses depending on
the nominal voltage of the equipment from a global location. Under Project Settings – Arc Flash, the Arc Flash Analysis Data table is used to determine the values for the each
parameter if global is selected.

Note: If the IEEE 1584-2002 method is selected, this group is called “Bus Gap, X-Factor & Working Distance”.

Individual (Bus / Enclosure Editor)

If this option is selected, the program will use the gaps, x-factors and working distances defined in each bus editor or in each enclosure defined through the enclosure editor when
applying the IEEE 1584-2018 method.

Note: If the IEEE 1584-2002 method is selected, this option is called “Individual (Bus Editor)”.

If this option is selected, then the program will use the gaps, x-factors and working distances as defined in the “Arc Flash Analysis Data” editor. The option to use the default typical
IEEE 1584 2002 values can be selected to use the read-only values from the data editor. If the user-defined option is used, the user has the option to globally define gaps and
working distances and use these global user-defined parameters in the calculation.

This option presents a tremendous adavantage since it may reduce the data entry requirements for all similar equipment in your system. In essence all you have to define for each
individual bus is the Bus Nominal KV and the Bus Equipment type (i.e. MCC, Switchgear, Open air, etc). Once it is defined for every bus, you can globally control the rest of the

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arc flash parameters to be used in the global arc flash calculation.

Note 1: PLEASE NOTE THAT IF THE INDIVIDUAL AF PARAMETERS ARE DIFFERENT AT THE INDIVIDUAL BUSES, and the global values are different, then the results
at the bus arc flash page calculator may be different from the global AF results. This is simply a result of making a different data source selection for the required parameters.

Typical IEEE 1584 2002/2018 / User-Defined

Select typical or user-defined global arc flash parameters. Depending on the calculation method selected, the typical 1584 option changes name accordingly to either IEEE 1584
2002 or IEEE 1584-2018.

This button open the arc flash analysis data editor. The global parameters can be defined from this editor.

This section allows you to select the incident energy levels which can be used to sort and filter the incident energy results. There are four basic options to select. All four sets of
filtering tools can be selected.

Incident Energy Levels

This section allows you to select the incident energy levels which can be used to sort and filter the incident energy results. There are four basic options to select. All four sets of
filtering tools can be selected.

NFPA 70E 2000 (Applies only to IEEE 1584-2002)

If this option is selected the PPE description is determined based on annex H of NFPA 70E-2000 and the incident energy sorting range values come from Table 3-3.9.3.

NFPA 70E 2004 (Applies only to IEEE 1584-2002)

If this option is selected the PPE description is determined based on annex H of NFPA 70E-2004 and the incident energy sorting range values come from Table 130.7 (C)(11).

NFPA 70E 2009 (Applies only to IEEE 1584-2002)

If this option is selected the PPE description is determined based on annex H of NFPA 70E-2004 and the incident energy sorting range values come from Table 130.7 (C)(11).

NFPA 70E 2012 to 2018 / User-Defined

If this option is selected the PPE descriptions are determined based on the user-defined settings. Since by new definitions in NFPA 70E 2012~2018, it is likely that this option
should be used in conjunction with a power system analysis program method. There is some new information which is very likely to be added to NFPA 70E 2018 which shows
samples of PPE selection which can be used in conjunction with this option of the program.

Note: The PPE Requirements provided by ETAP are only samples and are based on different versions of NFPA 70E. It is recommended that all PPE Requirements be approved prior
to implementation on any arc flash labels or reports.

Note: This option is the only option supported with the IEEE 1584-2018 method since the standard was released in 2018.

Edit/Approve PPE
This button opens the PPE Requirements editor. This editor can be used to modify and approve the PPE Requirements which can be used to be printed on the arc flash labels.

Note: The PPE Requirements will not be printed on the arc flash labels, reports or arc flash analyzer until they have been approved by the engineer in charge or the facility safety
manager. A warning message will appear when running the Arc Flash study if the PPE Requirements have not been approved.

Note: Beginning with ETAP 12.6.0 a new warning message will appear when the NFPA 70E PPE Requirements are not set to the latest available year in the Parameters page of the
study case editor.

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System Grounding (IEEE 1584-2002 only)

The System Grounding group allows you to specify to the Arc Flash Program how to determine the grounding configuration of the faulted buses. This group of options applies only
to IEEE 1584-2002.

One-Line Diagram Connection

If this option is selected, the Arc Flash Program automatically detects the faulted bus grounding connection. The Arc Flash Program runs a grounding system check on the elements
connected around the faulted bus and depending on their grounding connection; the module will return a value of “grounded” or “ungrounded”.

For example, a transformer connected 4.16/0.480 Delta/Wye-solid feeds a secondary bus at 0.480 kV. The system is purely radial (no alternate source). If you run the Arc Flash
Analysis on the secondary bus and select the option “One-Line Diagram Connection”, ETAP will consider this bus as grounded for the arc flash calculation.

Note: High and low resistance grounded systems are considered as ungrounded by the module. This is according to IEEE 1584-2002 section 9.5.

User-Defined (Bus Editor)

If this option is selected, the module will use the User-Defined System-Grounding configuration specified in the Bus Editor Arc Flash page.

Update Grounding to Bus AF Page

If this box is checked, then the program updates the calculated system grounding configuration to the Bus Editor Arc Flash page.

Note: The System grounding selections are not used for ArcFault and hidden in the study case.

Arc Flash Boundary

Select the energy value to use to find the Arc Flash Boundary. The default value is 1.2 cal/cm2. This is based on the category 1 level from NFPA 70E 2009. This option applies to
both IEEE 1584-2002, ArcFault and IEEE 1584-2018 methods.

1.2 cal/cm2
Select to use 1.2 cal/cm2 as given by NFPA 70E 2009.

Enter a user-defined energy value to use to find the Arc Flash Boundary. If your safety program requires everyone at all times to wear PPE rated for cat 1 or Cat 2, then based on
engineering supervision, the value of EB can be set to a higher value than 1.2. this will reduce the required Arc Flash Boundary to a smaller distance. The program only allows you to
set this value to a maximum of 40.00 cal/cm2. As an example we can show the difference in the calculated Arc Flash Boundary for two cases (please see image below).

As you can see the Arc Flash Boundary is reduced by almost 50% if you set EB to 4.0 cal/cm2.

Shock Risk Assessment

Configure the parameters used to display the shock risk assessment for the equipment to the working personnel. The values of the different boundaries and glove protection is
selected based on the nominal bus voltage. Under Project Settings – Arc Flash, the Shock Risk Assessment Data table is used to determine the values for the each parameter if global
is selected. Some options presented here do not apply to the IEEE 1584-2018 method. This is clearly specified for each option.

If this option is selected, the program will use the approach boundaries defined in each bus editor.

If global is selected, select to use the approach boundaries set by either NFPA 70E 2009-2012, NFPA 70E 2015, NFPA 70E 2018 or the User-Defined values as specified in the

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Shock Risk Assessment Data table.

NFPA 70E 2004 (IEEE 1584-2002 only)

Select to use the approach boundaries as defined by NFPA 70E 2004 table 130.2(C).

NFPA 70E 2009 to 2012 (IEEE 1584-2002 only)

Select to use the approach boundaries as defined by NFPA 70E 2012 table 130.4(C) (a)

NFPA 70E 2015 (IEEE 1584-2002 only)

Select to use the approach boundaries as defined by NFPA 70E 2015 table 130.4 (D) (a)

NFPA 70E 2018

Select to use the approach boundaries as defined by NFPA 70E 2018 table 130.4 (D) (a). This option applies to both IEEE 1584-2002 and 2018 methods.

Select to use the user-defined approach boundaries as set from the Shock Risk Assessment Data table. This option applies to both IEEE 1584-2002 and 2018 methods.

Note: The shock protection selections are not used for ArcFault and hidden in the study case.

Voltage Rated Gloves

Define which set of gloves to use for a particular bus nominal voltage. The options allowed are ASTM D 120-14a or User-Defined. The user-defined option would allow the user to
specify a higher glove class to be used for certain equipment. The options presented for voltage-rated gloves apply to both IEEE 1584-2002 and IEEE 1584-2018 methods.

ASTM D 120-14a
Select to use the class level for the gloves used as defined by ASTM D 120-14a

Select to use the class level for the gloves used as defined by the user-defined settings in the Shock Risk Assessment Data table.

This button opens the “Shock Risk Assessment” data editor. The shock risk global definitions can be defined from this editor.

Arc Flash Analysis

AC Arc Flash Mode
Bus Editor
Study Case Editor
Display Options
Running Arc Flash Analysis
Arc Flash Sequence of Operation
Calculation Methodology
Required Data
Arc Flash Report
Arc Flash Result Analyzer
Enclosure Editor
AC Arc Flash Calculator
DGUV-I 203-078 AF Calculator

Adjustment Page - Arc Flash Study Case Editor

The adjustment page only has one option related to AF, but it is an important option. It allows you to configure the program to run arc flash calculations using the maximum and
minimum impedance tolerances.

Apply Pos. Tolerance and Max. Temp. for Arc Flash

If you select this option, the program will set all impedance tolerances to a positive value. This means that you will get a smaller fault current magnitude. This will tend to reduce the
arcing currents. It is possible that the worst case incident energy may occur when the system provides minimum short-circuit currents because of the inverse overcurrent
characteristic of several protective devices. A small reduction in the arcing current may significantly increase the fault clearing time and thus the fault would release energy for a
longer time.

It may be a good idea to combine the positive tolerances option with the configuration which yields minimum short-circuit currents in order to estimate smaller fault current
magnitudes. This combination should be considered when performing Arc Flash calculations.

Note: This option should not be used in combination with the scenarios intended to yield the maximum fault current or when the “Run Device Duty Calculation Before Arc Flash”
option is enabled.

Arc Flash Analysis

AC Arc Flash Mode
Bus Editor
Study Case Editor
Display Options
Running Arc Flash Analysis
Arc Flash Sequence of Operation
Calculation Methodology
Required Data
Arc Flash Report
Arc Flash Result Analyzer
Enclosure Editor
AC Arc Flash Calculator
DGUV-I 203-078 AF Calculator

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SC Standard Page - Arc Flash Study Case Editor

ANSI and IEC Standards are available for short-circuit studies. Different sets of solution control variables (prefault voltage, calculation methods, etc.) are available for each
standard. Refer to Chapter Short-Circuit Analysis Section Standard Page for more information.

The Arc Flash Study Case Editor ANSI SC Standard page is shown below:

The Arc Flash Study Case Editor IEC SC Standard page is shown below:

The majority of options presented in this tab apply to both IEEE 1584-2002 and IEEE 1584-2018 methods. However, the prefault voltage options are used by the IEEE 1584-2018
method as input parameter to determine the arc current and any other voltage dependent calculation result (with the exception of the selection of typical equipment gaps, working
distances and other dimension related parameters).

Arc Flash Analysis

AC Arc Flash Mode
Bus Editor
Study Case Editor
Display Options
Running Arc Flash Analysis
Arc Flash Sequence of Operation
Calculation Methodology

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Required Data
Arc Flash Report
Arc Flash Result Analyzer
Enclosure Editor
AC Arc Flash Calculator
DGUV-I 203-078 AF Calculator

Alert Page - Arc Flash Study Case Editor

The Alert page allows you to set up alerts on arc flash calculation results. The objective is to alert you to certain conditions of interest in arc flash studies. The alerts are determined
based on predetermined device ratings and system topology after performing an arc flash calculation.

There are two categories of alerts generated by the arc flash calculations: Critical and Marginal. The difference between the two is their use of different condition percent values for
the same monitored parameter. If a condition for a Critical Alert is met, then an alert will be generated in the alert view window and the overloaded element will turn red in the one-
line diagram. The same is true for Marginal Alerts, with the exception that the overloaded component will be displayed in the color magenta. Also, the Marginal Alerts checkbox
must be selected to display the Marginal Alerts. If a device alert qualifies it for both Critical and Marginal alerts, then only Critical Alerts are displayed.

Bus Alert
Arc flash simulation alerts for buses are designed to monitor crest, symmetrical, and asymmetrical bracing conditions. These conditions are determined from bus rating values and
Arc Flash Analysis results. The percent of monitored parameter value in the Arc Flash Study Case Alert page is fixed at 100% for Critical Arc Flash Alerts. The Marginal alert
percent value is user-defined.

Protective Device Alert

The set-up of protective device simulation alerts is similar to that of bus alerts. You can enter the monitored parameter percent values for Marginal Alerts into the Arc Flash Study
Case Editor alert set up page; however, this value is fixed to 100% for critical level alerts.

For all protective devices the current rating will be compared against the maximum through fault current or the total bus fault current depending on the selection in the protective
device duty in the Arc Flash Study Case SC Standards page.

Marginal Device Limit

ETAP flags all protective devices whose momentary and interrupting duties exceed their capabilities by displaying the element in red on the one-line diagram and flagging it in the
output report. Select the Marginal Device Limit option and specify the marginal limit in percent of the device capability to flag devices with marginal capabilities.

For example, consider a circuit breaker with an interrupting rating of 42 kA and a calculated short-circuit duty of 41 kA. The capability of this circuit breaker is not exceeded;
however, if the marginal device limit is set to 95%, the circuit breaker will be flagged in the output report and will be displayed in purple in the one-line diagram as a device with
marginal capability.

Auto Display
The Auto Display feature of the Arc Flash Study Case Editor Alert page allows you to decide if the Alert View window should be automatically displayed as soon as the short-
circuit calculation is completed.

Arc Flash Analysis

AC Arc Flash Mode
Bus Editor
Study Case Editor
Display Options
Running Arc Flash Analysis
Arc Flash Sequence of Operation
Calculation Methodology
Required Data
Arc Flash Report
Arc Flash Result Analyzer
Enclosure Editor
AC Arc Flash Calculator
DGUV-I 203-078 AF Calculator

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Display Options
This section describes the display of arc flash result annotations on the one-line diagram (in Arc Flash Mode). The display annotations vary depending on the calculation method
selected. Differences are highlighted in each section. The Arc Flash Display Options are shown below:

Fault Type
This section allows to display the bolted/arcing fault currents for different types of faults on the one-line diagram. This section also allows switching between the subtransient,
transient and steady-state fault currents for AF with the fault current decay method selected.

Logic for Fault Type Section

The display options shown in this section are determined based on the options selected under the Bus Fault Current section of the Method page of the AF study case editor. The
following images illustrate this logic:

As can be seen by the image above, when you run the decay method, you can see six different sets of fault currents displayed on the one-line diagram for any fault location. The AF

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program utilizes all six sets of fault current to make the determination of the fault clearing time and the incident energy as the fault currents reduce over time. Please note that all
currents displayed are those obtained assuming that no protective device operates and that the fault persists until steady-state conditions (i.e. 30 cycles or more).

The following relationships show how ETAP determines the individual arcing current contributions from the bolted fault current values when the IEEE 1584-2002 method is

The following relationships show how ETAP determines the individual arcing current contributions from the bolted fault current values when the IEEE 1584-2018 method is


Ibfc”, Ibfc’ and Ibfc values represent the individual subtransient, transient and steady-state bolted fault contributions.

This group provides display options for calculated results from an Arc Flash Hazard Analysis. The results are provided for every faulted bus in the system. The program shows both
the arcing current and the equivalent bolted fault currents used to obtain them. The arcing currents are denoted as Ia and the bolted fault currents are denoted as Ibf.

Incident Energy
If this checkbox is selected, the Arc Flash Module will display the calculated incident energy on the one-line diagram for each faulted bus. The results are placed next to the faulted
bus. The units for this value are Cal/cm2.

Arc Flash Boundary

If the AFB (Arc Flash Boundary) option is selected, the Arc Flash Program will display the calculated Arc Flash Boundary on the one-line diagram. The results are placed next to
the faulted bus. The units for this value are ft (m for metric).

Energy Level
This is selected incident energy levels selected from the arc flash study case parameters page. An incident energy level assigned to each bus based on the criteria selected from the
parameters page.

Total Arcing Current

This is the total arcing current calculated for each bus. This is the current used to determine the incident energy at each bus. Its units are kA. It can be displayed in the same fashion
as the total 3-phase fault current for each bus. The arcing current is the same as the bolted fault current for buses with nominal voltage > 15.0 kV.

Also note that the individual current contributions shown on the one-line diagram can be either the arcing current or the bolted fault current depending on the selection of the toggle
radio box “Ia-Arcing Current” or “Ibf- Bolted Fault Current”.

This option can be used to display the final fault clearing time (FCT) for every faulted bus (FCT of the bus only). The FCT can be displayed in seconds or cycles.

Arc Flash Warnings Displayed on the OLD

The Arc Flash Program provides certain warnings on the one-line diagram. The warnings are:

1. The FCT not determined: This message indicates one of the following conditions:

a. The user-defined FCT is set to zero

b. The program failed to determine the bus FCT because there is no TCCs selected for the source PDs.
c. There is no protection on the source branches.
d. The source protective device is outside the regular search area of the program (one way to correct this issue is to go to Options (Preferences) and increase the default
value across from Bus Levels Away To Find Source PD).

2. Exceeds Max PPE Arc Rating: This message indicates that the incident energy calculated is higher than the maximum value specified for the incident energy levels.

3. Arcing Current Variation %Ia (Bus only): This message indicates that the incident energy was determined based on the reduced arcing current value. This may indicate
problems with the coordination in the system or may be corrected with adjustments to the instantaneous pickup setting of overcurrent protective devices (applies to buses with

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kV rating less than 1000 VAC).

Arc Fault Location

This group provides display options for calculated results from an Arc Flash Hazard Analysis. The results are provided for every faulted bus in the system. Select to determine
whether arc flash results should show at the selected location. The same Arc Flash Display Options apply if the IEC short-circuit calculation is performed.

Bus & Load PD

This check box allows you to show the arc flash analysis results for a fault right at the buses. Typically, the incident energy results for a fault at the load protective device are set the
same as those as the bus.

Source PDs
This check box allows you to show the arc flash analysis results for a fault right at source protective device. Typically, the incident energy results for a fault at the source protective
device are a lot worse than those of the fault at the bus. ETAP automatically determines the results at the source protective devices assuming that the source protective device itself is
not capable of clearing the fault. Usually PDs upstream from the source PD location end up operating to clear this kind of fault.

Load PD (Load Side) – Combined with IEEE 1584-2002

This box allows the program to show the results of an arc flash analysis for every load protective device assuming that the load protective device is fully isolated from the arc fault.
The results will only be displayed if the following items are configured before running the calculation:

l The Option(Preference) \ Arc Flash \ Calculate Load PD Load Side Arc Flash is set to “True”
l The “Load PD” check box is selected under the “Enclosure Section” of the Bus Rating page for the faulted bus.

Note: If these options are not configured, then the program will not show the load PD Load-side arc flash results and most likely the incident energy result for every load protective
devices will be set the same as those of the faulted bus to which they are connected.

Load PD (Load Side) – Combined with IEEE 1584-2018

This box allows the program to show the results of an arc flash analysis at the load PD enclosure defined through the enclosure editor. Unlike the implementation of this option with
the IEEE 1584-2002 method, all the characteristics of the load PD load side arc fault come from the individual enclosure location defined in the enclosure editor. If a load PD
location is not defined then there is no annotation display for this location on the one-line diagram.

Unlike the implementation of this option with the IEEE 1584-2002 method, the load PD load side location can now have its own working distance, gap, dimensions, enclosure
isolation plus many other features which were impossible to do unless a separate bus was added at the load side of the protective device.

Note: Load PD Load side calculations are not supported inside a motor composite network for the current version of ETAP

Load Terminal – Combined with IEEE 1584-2002

This check box allows you to display the arc flash analysis results for a fault at the load terminal junction box. ETAP calculates the load terminal fault for every load connected to a
faulted bus.

This option is shown only if the Tools/Options (Preferences) ‘Calc Load Terminal Fault Arc Flash’ entry is set to TRUE. If the entry is set to False, the option is not displayed in the
Arc Fault Location section of the display options.

The image below shows the location of this preference entry:

Load Terminal – Combined with IEEE 1584-2018

This check box allows you to display the arc flash results on the one-line diagram when the IEEE 1584-2018 method is selected. In order to see the load terminal results displayed
on the OLD, it is necessary to create specific enclosure locations through the enclosure editor. If there is not enclosure location defined, then there is not result on the OLD.

Unlike the implementation of this option with the IEEE 1584-2002 method, the load terminal location can now have its own working distance, gap, dimensions, enclosure isolation
plus many other features which were impossible to do unless a separate bus was added at the motor terminals.

Arc Flash Sequence of Op.

This section holds one setting to control the number of flashes when an arc flash sequence of operation fault is inserted in the one-line diagram.

This option controls the number of flashes used to represent the operation of protective devices in AF SQOP. The value can be changed from 0 to 3. Setting this option to zero
means that there is no flashing and the entire set of X symbols are directly displayed without flashing.

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Arc Flash Analysis

AC Arc Flash Mode
Bus Editor
Study Case Editor
Display Options
Running Arc Flash Analysis
Arc Flash Sequence of Operation
Calculation Methodology
Required Data
Arc Flash Report
Arc Flash Result Analyzer
Enclosure Editor
AC Arc Flash Calculator
DGUV-I 203-078 AF Calculator

Running Arc Flash Analysis

The global arc flash calculation is started by clicking one of the arc flash calculation buttons on the Arc Flash toolbar (either the ANSI or IEC). This button runs an arc flash
calculation for all the faulted buses. You can perform a quick arc flash calculation for a single bus if you open the Bus Arc Flash page that contains a Quick Incident Energy
Calculator (See Section Arc Flash Study Case).

Setting Up the Arc Flash Study Case

To open the Arc Flash Study Case, switch to AF Mode and click the button highlighted below:

Info Page
To begin, set up an arc flash calculation by selecting the buses to be faulted. You do this by right-clicking the buses and selecting the Fault option while in arc flash mode. Or, you
can open the arc flash study case, click the Info page, and select the buses to be faulted.

In general, an arc flash calculation depends on the Short-Circuit Analysis results. You can select the different options for the short-circuit calculation. For Arc Flash Analysis, you
want to get accurate, rather than overly conservative, results. This means you should aim at running a calculation that yields realistic values. Make sure to consider the equipment
cables and overload heaters in the calculation.

SC Standards Page
The arc flash calculation can be performed using the ANSI (1-Phase or 3-Phase) & IEC (3-Phase) short-circuit currents. You can determine which standard you want to use to
determine the short-circuit current by selecting the appropriate option from the Standards page of the arc flash study case.

Note: IEEE 1584 or NFPA 70E Standards are used to calculate the incident energy. Selecting the IEC short-circuit calculation does not imply that the Arc Flash Analysis is
performed based on any existing IEC Arc Flash Standard except those standards used for short-circuit calculations. In future releases, ETAP will implement IEC arc flash standards
similar to the IEEE 1584 as they become available.

Please note that IEC and ANSI short-circuit results are different and this will cause the Arc Flash Program to yield different results for each.

Arc Flash Method / Clearing Time / Parameters / Alert Pages

All of these pages can be configured according to the instructions given in section Arc Flash Study Case.

Starting the Global Arc Flash Calculation

To start the calculation, click the Arc Flash button on one of the Arc Flash toolbars.

ANSI Arc Flash Toolbar Calculation

Click the Arc Flash button on the ANSI Arc Flash toolbar to run an ANSI Short-Circuit-based arc flash calculation.

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IEC Toolbar Arc Flash Calculation

Click the Arc Flash button on the IEC Arc Flash toolbar to run an IEC Short-Circuit-based arc flash calculation.

Arc Flash Analysis

AC Arc Flash Mode
Bus Editor
Study Case Editor
Display Options
Running Arc Flash Analysis
Arc Flash Sequence of Operation
Calculation Methodology
Required Data
Arc Flash Report
Arc Flash Result Analyzer
Enclosure Editor
AC Arc Flash Calculator
DGUV-I 203-078 AF Calculator

Arc Flash Sequence of Operation

The AF SQOP feature is a powerful tool to graphically display the events during an arc fault. It is designed to display the sequence of operation of protective devices during an arc
fault. This tool also lists the events in a tabulated format by using the arc flash sequence of operation viewer.

This section describes all the operational capabilities of the Arc Flash Sequence of Operation feature.

Graphical Fault Insertion

The AF SQOP can be started by placing a fault on an element in the one-line diagram. This is similar to the method used in ETAP STAR SQOP.

The sequence of operation is displayed graphically on the one-line diagram. The AF SQOP can also be displayed in list form by clicking on the AF SQOP Viewer on the icon right
below the fault insertion. The fault insertion can be placed on any element reported as a fault location. This includes the Bus, Source and Load PDs and terminal fault locations.

Their sequence display follows certain logic. The logic is described below:

1. The direction and contribution currents are not displayed on the one-line diagram in this version of the program. This is different from the STAR fault insertion. The main
reason for this is that placing a fault on a bus in ETAP arc flash also determines results for faults at different locations in the equipment. The direction of the current is
calculated internally for multiple locations and cannot be easily displayed on the one-line diagram.

2. The sequence may not be displayed if the fault is placed in parts of the system handled with special conditions. These conditions include:

b. Locations where the incident energy is assigned automatically by the program (i.e. user-defined). This includes some low voltage locations where the energy is
assigned based on the bolted fault current and system voltage (i.e. 208 kV or Ibf < 10 kA). The reason is that no actual protective device is operating and there is no
sequence to display.
c. The incident energy is determined based on equations as is the case for current limiting fuses with IEEE 1584 equations.
d. There is no protective device which trips at all. In this case, the sequence will return an FCT not determined message on the one-line diagram.

3. If a load terminal is faulted (i.e. placing the fault insertion directly on top of a load), the program automatically allows the load terminals to be faulted for that location. There
is no need to enable the global load terminal fault setting (Tools\Options (Preferences)). However, if the IEEE 1584-2018 method is selected, it is necessary to create a
separate enclosure location where the actual details about the load terminal location can be specified.
4. If a load PD load side is faulted (i.e. placing the fault insertion directly on a load protective device), the program will display the load-side arc-flash results if the option
“Calculated Load PD Load Side Arc Flash” has been enabled from Tools\Options (Preferences)\Arc Flash. Starting with ETAP 19.0.0 a load-side enclosure needs to be
created for performing a load PD load-side arc-flash simulation. Please see section 18.13 for more details on enclosures.

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5. The sequence is stopped by pressing the ESC key or by changing modes. The AF SQOP also stops playing if any element data is changed.

6. The arc flash viewer can only be accessed while the fault insertion symbol and the sequence are currently playing on the one-line diagram. The AF Viewer icon is disabled
from the Arc Flash toolbar otherwise.

AF SQOP from the Arc Flash Viewer

The AF Sequence of Operation can also be accessed for each faulted location from the Arc Flash Result Analyzer. The power of this feature is greatly enhanced by the fact that the
AFRA is non-modal. This means that the AFRA window can remain open while the AF SQOP is displayed on the one-line diagram. This allows playing the sequence for problem
areas discovered using the AFRA without having to exit and reselect the scenario.

After running the arc flash calculations in ETAP 12.0.0 or higher, you may access the AF SQOP by opening the AFRA and selecting the specific result for which you would like to
see the sequence. The image below shows the process:

The image above shows that selecting a single record from the AFRA window enables the “Display AFSQOP on One-Line Diagram” icon in the sequence of operation section of
the AFRA window (lower right hand side corner).

The rules for playing the sequence of events from the AFRA are listed below:

1. The AF SQOP starts to play when the “One-Line-Diagram” Icon is clicked (in the Seq. of Operation section).

2. The AF SQOP displays the last arcing current value passing through the PD at the time of the operation. This arcing current value is displayed next to the protective device.

3. The faulted element is temporarily highlighted in a red color and the fault insertion icon is displayed next to it.

4. Similar to regular STAR SQOP, using the ESC key or switching mode stops the sequence.

5. No TCC normalized view is generated while the AF SQOP is being displayed graphically. This may be handled in a future release of the program. The AF SQOP graphical
sequence is cleared whenever the mode of operation is changed and thus no normalized view is possible.

Arc Flash SQOP Viewer

This section describes the AF SQOP Viewer. The AF SQOP Viewer is a display window which lists the protective device operation is sequential order. This window is similar to the
STAR SQOP window, except that it is designed to handle more fault locations.

The AF SQOP Viewer can be launched from Arc Flash toolbar or from the arc flash result analyzer. The operation of this window is determined based on its method of launching. If
the viewer is launched from the SC toolbar after placing a graphical fault insertion, then it will contain only the sequence results for the selected fault location.

Launching the viewer from the arc flash result analyzer allows the viewer to contain the sequence results for all the elements selected at the time the sequence viewer is launched.
The viewer can then be used to browse through different sequence groups for different fault locations without having to do a fault insertion.

The images above illustrate the different methods to launch the viewer window. The viewer contains two separate windows which allow the selection of the sequence to be
displayed and the display of the actual sequence. The image below shows the structure of the arc flash SQOP viewer:

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The window on the left is the selection window. It allows the selection of the sequence displayed on the right hand side window. The operation of the viewer is as described below:

1. The viewer displays only one sequence at a time from the selected element and report (left hand side selection window).

2. The play sequence button will play the sequence on the one-line diagram in similar fashion as to how it is played from the arc flash result analyzer (see AF SQOP from the
Arc Flash Viewer section). Playing the sequence on the one-line diagram will be available in a future release of the program.

3. The “Play” sequence button turns into a “Stop” button when the sequence is currently being displayed on the one-line diagram. It is a toggle Play/Stop Icon. This icon will be
available in a future release of the program.

4. The “Fault Location”, “Type”, “kV”, and “Output Report” columns have sort and filter capabilities. For example a single left click on the column header should bring up the
window for sorting or filtering.

5. The export button generates an excel sheet which contains all the selected sequences in the AF viewer (not just the sequence displayed at the time of the selection). The excel
spreadsheet contains one spreadsheet for each report.

Arc Flash SQOP modes of Operation

This section describes the basic modes of operation of the AF SQOP tool. There are two basic sequence display modes which can be configured to allow flexibility in the graphical
presentation of the tripping sequence of the protective devices.

The modes of operation for the Arc Flash SQOP tool can be configured by accessing the Tools\Options (Preferences) editor and setting the following entry to True or False:

SQOP – Report PDs that de-energize each source path = True (default)
Under this condition the program reports only the operation of protective devices which de-energize a source branch. Any other operation along a source branch would be excluded
from the sequence as long as it occurs after the source path is de-energized.

If there are no protective devices which operate to completely de-energize the fault, then there is no sequence displayed and the following message is displayed “FCT Not
Determined”. However, the AF Viewer contains a list of the possible source protective devices which did not operate to help identify which protective devices are not tripping
during the fault.

SQOP – Report PDs that de-energize each source path = False

Under this condition the program reports all the operations of protective devices which would trip based on the arc fault current. The sequence is reported assuming that any device
along the source path trips as long as the arc fault current is high enough for it to operate. This approach is similar to what STAR SQOP uses for its sequence display.

This mode of operation may be useful for illustration purposes as to how long it would take an upstream protective device to trip if the downstream device were to fail to trip the
fault. It can also be useful to see how far away a protective device may operate. The main drawback of this mode is that it may report too many operations used only by the program
to compare and determine final source protective device.

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The following images show the sequence displayed graphically using both settings:

SQOP – Report PDs that de-energize each source path = True SQOP – Report PDs that de-energize each source path = False

As can be seen in the images above when the option is set to True, only first PD which de-energizes the fault is reported. When false, multiple PDs operate even if the fault is de-
energized by the first operation.

Please note that this option does not affect any calculations. It only affects the method of displaying the sequence on the one-line diagram. For both modes of operation, the arc flash
program still would take the fault clearing time of the first PD which operates (de-energizes) to determine the incident energy.

Arc Flash Analysis

AC Arc Flash Mode
Bus Editor
Study Case Editor
Display Options
Running Arc Flash Analysis
Arc Flash Sequence of Operation
Calculation Methodology
Required Data
Arc Flash Report
Arc Flash Result Analyzer
Enclosure Editor
AC Arc Flash Calculator
DGUV-I 203-078 AF Calculator

Calculation Methodology
Determination of the Arcing Current Contributions
Determination of the Fault Clearing Time (FCT)
Troubleshooting “FCT not Determined” Problems
Determination of the Incident Energy
Applying the Maximum FCT Option for the Incident Energy
Differential Relay Handling for AF
Maintenance Mode Switch
Current Limiting Fuse Handling
Modeling Zone Interlock Prot. and Light Detecting Relays
Effect of Arc Resistant Switchgear in Arc Flash
Main Protective Device Isolation
Running Device Duty before Arc Flash Analysis
Logic for Determining the System Grounding
Calculating Incident Energy for PDs
Calculating Incident Energy for Tie-PDs
Incident Energy Level Determination
Arcing Current & Incident Energy Correction Factors

ETAP Arc Flash has supported two main standards over the last two decades (2002 to 2018). These standard are NFPA 70E and IEEE 1584. Starting with ETAP 19.0.0 ETAP AF
will support both IEEE 1584-2002 [B8] and IEEE 1584-2018 [B1] for a period of about two to three years to allow transition time for implementing the new standard. IEEE
standards supersede previous versions the minute they are released. However, ETAP has decided to continue to support both for a limited period of time to allow current studies
which were started with the 2002 version to be completed. The 2002 option is also supported because of the requirement of maintenance of existing arc flash analysis.

IEEE Standards 1584-2002, 1584a 2004 & 1584b 2011

l The Empirically Derived model is used for voltages in the range of 0.208-15kV. The Theoretically Derived Lee Model is used for voltage levels above 15kV and below
0.208kV. The Lee method is also used if the bolted fault current is outside the range 0.7 kA ≤ Ibf ≤106.
l The empirically derived model has a bolted fault current range of 0.7- 106kA.
l Grounded and Ungrounded (high or low resistance) configurations are considered for faulted buses with nominal voltage in the range of 0.208-15kV.
l The Arc Flash module determines the bolted fault current from the ETAP Short-Circuit module.
l The 3-phase and 1-phase fault current values are used. Depending on the voltage level and the type of equipment, ETAP determines the Arc Fault Currents. Whenever the
theoretically derived Lee method is used, the arcing current is set the same as the bolted fault current.

ETAP uses the equipment type information from the Bus Editor Rating page to determine the incident energy exposure values as a function of distance and location. The results are
displayed on the one-line diagram, the bus arc flash page, AF Result Analyzer, and in the Crystal Reports (including labels).

NFPA 70E-2018 (not including the IEEE 1584 equations of annex D.7)

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l The bolted fault current range for the formulae is 16-50 kA.
l The calculation of the incident energy exposure is valid for enclosed system voltages below 600 and only for open air equipment when the voltage is greater than 600 Volts
(see Annex D section D.3 of NFPA 70E 2018).
l This method does not consider the type of equipment and the distance factors. The output of the module remains the same as that of ETAP 4.7.6, which is the look up table

ETAP does not use the equation listed in sections 5.7 of IEEE 1584-2002 or Annex I of IEEE 1584-2018 for determining the energy of based on current limiting Low Voltage
Circuit Breakers. These equations are not used since the module takes a more conservative approach by interfacing to the actual TCCs of the devices available in ETAP Star. This is
generally considered a more accurate approach and more conservative.

IEEE Standard 1584-2018

The new IEEE 1584-2018 [B1] model supersedes the IEEE 1584-2002 model. The development of this new edition of the standard has taken over fifteen years or work and is a
result of thousands on man hours of research, development and validation. The following sections provide a summary of the main features of this new model.

Model Development
The new model was developed based on over 1800 tests. In comparison, the IEEE 1584-2002 model was developed based on approximately 300 tests. To get a complete description
of the tests performed, please refer to Annex G of IEEE 1584-2018. The following table provides a summary of the tests performed to obtain the processed data used in the new arc
flash model development.

*Not included in final IEEE 1584-2018 D6 Arc-Flash Model

The original model development intended to have six different electrode configurations but due to limitations in the model development resources, only five electrode configurations

The test setups are displayed in the following figures:

Vertical Electrodes in the Cubic Box (VCB)Electrodes are Terminated in the Middle of the Box

Vertical Electrodes in the Cubic Box (VCBB) - Electrodes are Terminated at the Bottom of the Box (Barrier Test)

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Vertical Electrodes in the Open Air (VOA)

Horizontal Electrodes in the Open Air (HOA)

The following images show the plasma flows on the horizontal electrode configurations. The horizontal orientation has been proven to be the one which projects the highest amount
of thermal energy to the calorimeters. The arc-flash event shown here has both convective and radiation modes of heat transfer.

The following image shows the electrode configuration which projects the least amount of thermal energy to the calorimeters (which are placed on the left hand side). Note that the
majority of the transferred energy is in the form of radiation.

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The VCBB and HCB configurations both can transfer higher amounts of thermal energy to the calorimeters. The image below shows the plasma trajectory of a VCBB fault. The
barrier at the bottom of the enclosure where the electrodes terminate may cause the plasma flow to be redirected and focused towards the calorimeter on the left hand side.

Range of the model

Similar to the IEEE 1584-2002 model, the new IEEE 1584-2018 model has a limited range for the input parameters. Please refer to section 4.2 of IEEE 1584-2018 for more details
on the model range of parameters.

The number of tests used to develop the model was much higher than previously used to account for additional configurations, yet the range of the voltage and bolted fault current
(short-circuit current) is similar to that of the previous model. The following table provides a summary of the model voltage, short-circuit current, gap and working distance range.
The notable improvement is the range of the gap for medium-voltage equipment. Previously the gap range (2002 model) extended to only 153 mm. The gap range has almost

The following table summarizes the recommended range of the enclosure dimensions. The maximum width or height is 49 inch. It is very likely that larger opening sizes may be
encountered in actual equipment. To handle this, ETAP applies the enclosure size correction factor of the largest opening area supported by the model (2401 in2).

The IEEE 1584-2018 model is valid per its published range for both 50 and 60 Hz, yet 95% plus of the tests were performed on 60 Hz systems. Also noted in the following table is
that only three-phase results were used to create the new arc-flash model. Yet, IEEE 1584-2018 in section 4.11 still recommends that the model can be used for single-phase systems
and expects that the results be conservative.

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One of the major improvements in the new IEEE 1584-2018 model is the “enclosure size correction factor” (CF). This CF is new and helps to model more accurately the change in
thermal energy reflection for enclosures of different dimensions and opening areas.

The following table provides a summary of the actual sizes of the test enclosures used in the model development and testing. There are a total of six sizes used. It is noteworthy that
the depth only has an effect for low voltage equipment. Furthermore, the information from the tests performed for the IEEE 1584-2002 model [B3] were reused to expand the range
of enclosure sizes in this new model.

This section meant to provide a quick overall summary of the range of the parameters of the IEEE 1584-2018 model, yet for complete information please refer to IEEE 1584-2018
section 4.2 and Annex G.

Parameters outside the range of the IEEE 1584-2018 model

This section discusses how to handle situations where some or all of the parameters fall outside the range of the IEEE 1584-2018 model. Most notably, this section also discusses
some of the changes in the recommendations provided in the new standard with reference on how to handle situations where the parameters fall outside the range of the model.

1. Theoretically-derived Ralph Lee Method: The reference to this method has been removed. IEEE 1584-2018 does not make any specific recommendations on what method to use
when any of the parameters falls outside the range
2. The IEEE 1584-2018 standard still makes a suggestion to allow the 3-phase equations to be applied to single-phase systems.

The most dominant parameter in the selection of an arc-flash model is voltage. The most common situation where voltage comes into play is when modeling arc faults in medium-
voltage equipment with voltage rated higher than 15 kV line-to-line. In previous versions of IEEE 1584 (2002) a reference to the Ralph Lee method allowed the possibility to use
this method for this condition, yet its results were found to be totally unrealistic. Also, the physical behavior of the arcs and the mode of failure are totally different for overhead
open-air equipment. Several IEEE papers and tutorials have been written on the subject [B2]. The following table presents a concise view of the application of different models
across voltage levels between 0.208 kV to 15 kV and higher.

The shaded areas in green color (marked as G) indicate that the method is directly applicable. The shaded areas in yellow color (marked as Y) indicate that the model can be
extended with some engineering assumptions. The non-shaded areas indicate that the model should not be used at all. Note that the Ralph Lee method should not be used at all for
voltages above 15 kV, yet since it was previously applied by ETAP as an alternative to the IEEE 1584-2002 method, the program still uses but with a clear warning. The warning
message indicates that alternative methods such as the extension of the IEEE 1584-2002 method or the ArcFault module should be used instead. The following images show
examples of equipment which is clearly outside the range of the IEEE 1584 models.

Another major parameter which can be outside the range of the IEEE 1584 models is the bolted fault current (available short-circuit current). It is more difficult to deal with this
situation since there is not available tests with extremely high short-circuit current values. This situation is most common in low-voltage power distribution systems.

The following image shows the results of a comparative study performed to determine the trend and amount of incident energy predicted by several available methods. As can be
observed in the plot below, four methods were compared for an arc fault with short-circuit current between 100 kA to 200 kA. The gap between conductors was set to 60 mm and
the electrode configuration selected was VOA and the working distance used was 24 inch. The fault duration used was 200 ms.

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As can be seen the IEEE 1584-2002 model produces the least amount of incident energy. The IEEE 1584-2018 method is more conservative and the Lee method and BGI/GUV-
5188 (currently, DGUV-I 203-078, German Arc-Flash Method) produce predict significantly higher incident energy values. Since there are no actual test results performed to
validate any of the results of the methods presented in the previous chart, it may be advisable to look into alternative models and perhaps use a mean or average of all the results to
establish a reasonable incident energy value.

Arc Current Model (0.208 kV to 0.6 kV)

Perhaps the greatest improvement to the IEEE 1584-2018 model is its capability to model five different electrode configurations and their effect on the arc current. The arc current
predictions of the new model have been significantly enhanced when compared to those of the IEEE 1584-2002 model. The main areas of improvement are its improved expected
arc physical behavior, its increased sensitivity to gap variation, the correction of inconsistencies (such as cases when Ia > Ibf), etc. etc. Please refer to Annex G.5.5 of [B1] for more
details on the improvements to the arc current model. The following plot shows a comparative analysis of the arc current predictions of the new model vs. the IEEE 1584-2002

As can be observed from the previous image, the behavior of the arc current for low voltage systems is quite different from that of the IEEE 1584-2002 model. Note that for voltages
above 690 VAC, that the IEEE 1584-2002 model would predict that the arc current could be higher than the short-circuit current.

The following images show the behavior of the new arc current model when analysis for short-circuit current parameter sweep. In the plots below, the y-axis represents the arc
current and the x-axis represents the short-circuit current. The short-circuit current parameter sweep plot shows differences in the arc current predictions which are not as drastic as
what the previous voltage sweep plot shows.

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Arc Current Model (0.6 kV to 15 kV)

Similar to the 2002 model, the IEEE 1584-2018 arc flash model has two different models for arc current. The medium-voltage part of the model is described in section 4.4 and 4.9 of
[1]. The model uses an interpolation approach to apply the effect of the voltage on the arc current. The effect of voltage on the predicted arc current becomes less dominant as the
voltage increases.

The new model centers around the calculation of the arc current at three different voltages which are 600, 2700 and 14300 Volts AC. The process of interpolation and selection of
the final arc current for medium voltage is described in section 4.9 of [B1]. The following plot shows the results of a parameter sweep for short-circuit current for the medium-
voltage arc current model. The chart also includes a comparison of the arc current prediction of the IEEE 1584-2002 model.

The previous plot also shows some more fundamental problems with the arc current prediction produced by the 2002 model. The arc currents are the same for VOA and VCB
electrode configurations. This is physically impossible because of the interaction of the metal enclosure with arc columns. This interaction changes the effective length of the arc
columns, changes the arc resistance and total current magnitude. The IEEE 2018 model shows a significant difference between VCB and VOA arc current. This difference will cause
significant difference in the expected time of overcurrent protective devices.

The last set of comparison plots are shown below. The purpose of these plots is to show the behavior of the arc current at voltage levels near the middle and upper voltage limits of
the model (4.16 kV and 14.7 kV).

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Arc Current Variation Correction Factor

The arc current variation is defined as the probabilistic change in measured arc current between similar test samples. The arc current variation is affected by variations in the bolted
fault current, voltage and gap, yet the new IEEE 1584-2018 model only considers the voltage as the parameters to be used to determine the potential percent variation in the arc

The arc current is the most important factor to determine the operation time of overcurrent protective devices. This is the reason the new IEEE 1584-2018 model applied an
enhanced arc current model. The arc current predicted by the model is considered to be the average arc current for the duration of the arc. In reality the arc current can experience
variations caused by the ac and dc components of the short-circuit current. Also, the magnitude of the arc current can vary as the arc ignites, persists and extinguishes. The average
current model does not include the arc current measured during ignition or extinguishing periods of the arc. It only includes the average of all three-phase arc currents.

Since the model predicts the average current, it is also necessary to determine the lower bound arc current based on the expected arc current variation. The lower bound or otherwise
called as minimum arc current was determined using a fixed 15% value reduction of the 100% arc current predicted by the model. Please see IEEE 1584-2002 for more details. The
IEEE 1584-1002 model also produced average arc currents and the 85% value was considered to be the lower bound arc current.

The physical concept of arc current variation was not changed. It was simply improved. Based on the analysis done during the new arc flash model development phase, it was found
that the variation in the arc current was higher at voltages below 480 Volts and far less at voltages like 600 Volts and 2700 Volts ac. Yet the variation was still present in medium-
voltage systems with far less impact. The following chart shows the analysis done to determine the arc current variation for the VCB electrode configuration.

The Y-axis represents the variation in the measured average three-phase current magnitude. The x-axis represents the system voltage (referred to as Voc in [B1]). As can be clearly
observed, the variation was still present in the medium-voltage range, but to a less amount than what is shown at 0.208 kV. The chart shows the variation defined as the difference
between the highest measured current and the lowest measured current for the same test setup (i.e. same gap, voltage, Ibf and electrode configuration). The arc current variation was
determined from the median of the measured variation at each voltage level. The plot below shows the median arc current variation in percent for each of the five electrode

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The plot shows that the HOA configuration has the highest potential arc current variation and VCBB the lowest variation in the low-voltage range.

The arc current variation is now applied to both medium and low-voltage equipment. The options are placed in the method page of the arc-flash study case.

The value of the arc current variation is no longer fixed to 15% but calculated continuously based on the equations provided in section 4.5 of IEEE 1584-2018.

Just like in previous versions of ETAP, the arc-flash program performs two calculations. One at 100% of the predicted arc current and a second one using the reduced arc current.
The program reports which of the two solutions produces higher incident energy results. For a complete solved example and application of the equations provided in section 4.5,
please also refer to Annex D of IEEE 1584-2018.

Note: The arc current variation value is shown as a truncated integer number in the arc-flash report analyzer. As an example if the arc current variation is 12.2%, the analyzer will
report it as 12%, yet the program uses a full double format number to calculate its effect in the results. The number will be reported as a float number with several significant figures
in a future version of the program.

Incident Energy Model – (0.208 kV to 0.6 kV)

The incident energy model is described in great detail in sections 4.3, 4.6, 4.9 and 4.10 of IEEE 1584-2018. The overall incident energy model is different from that of the 2002
model because it includes the additional three electrode configurations. At the same time for enclosed configurations VCB, VCBB and HCB and enclosure size correction factor is
also applied.

The incident energy model follows the same principle as the arc current. An interpolation process as described in section 4.9 is done to determine the incident energy. The
interpolation takes place by obtaining intermediate incident energy values at 600, 2700 and 14300 Volts ac.

The following chart shows the results of a comparative analysis of the incident energy predictions of the new IEEE 1584-2018 model against those of the 2002 model. This plot
shows the results for a low-voltage case with 208 Volts ac, short-circuit current of 10 kA and a gap of 19 mm.

The y-axis shows the incident energy in cal/cm2 at a working distance of 18 inch. The box size used for the comparison is that of a typical panelboard. The x-axis is the fault
duration. The plots reveals some highly interesting results. First we can observe that the HCB configuration (solid red) produces the highest incident energy flux; even higher than
both the VCBB (solid magenta) and VCB (solid blue). This is of course expected for the new IEEE 1584-2018 model. The surprising result is that the VCB results of the IEEE
1584-2002 model show incident energy values which are even higher than those of the new model HCB configuration. This is mainly the result of an overly conservative correction
factor which was applied to the 2002 low-voltage incident energy model. The incident energy results for VCB for the 2018 model are significantly lower than those of its
counterpart. This is notable and important since calculations of incident energy may need to extent to short-circuit currents and voltage which were previously ignored based on the
notable 125 kVA / 240 Volt exception.

The following chart shows a comparison at 480 Volts with a short-circuit current of 12.5 kA and a gap of 19 mm. The enclosure size is 20 inch by 20 inch. The working distance is
18 inch. It can be observed that at this voltage level, the HCB configuration produces results which are higher than those of the VCB of 2002. This is what is expected for all cases at
higher voltages like 600, 4160, etc. etc.

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Low Voltage Incident Energy Assignment (low-voltage arc sustainability threshold)

The low voltage incident energy model for IEEE 1584-2018 will be tested with lower voltages and fault currents. As previously described in this chapter, the low voltage arc
sustainability limits have been revised in this edition of the standard. The reasons the limits were revised is because additional electrode configurations such as VCBB used in the
testing revealed that arcs can sustain at much lower short-circuit currents than previously presented in the 2002 standard. It is worth noting the IEEE 1584 struggled significantly to
come up with this revised limits. It is very difficult to determine an absolute low-end arc-sustainability condition. In fact, such task may not be possible using the test setups shown
in this chapter. It may be necessary to determine this level using actual equipment for each manufacturer.

The new limits were derived based on intensive testing performed for both three-phase and single-phase test systems. The one factor which may also play a factor is the electrode
material such as copper or aluminum. Aluminum conductors have different heat transfer and melting temperatures which may make arcs sustain at lower fault currents. However the
standard has no recommended effect for aluminum.

The previous versions of IEEE 1584 suggested a limit for sustainability at around 240 Volts ac with approximately 125 kVA (or 10 kA with a 3.5% impedance transformer). This
left a substantial amount of equipment out of the scope of incident energy calculations. However, since the limit has been lowered to 240 Volt ac with 2.0 kA of short-circuit current,
it means that more systems have to be analyzed. However as mentioned previously in this chapter, an overly conservative incident energy correction factor was removed from the
low-voltage model for IEEE 1584-2018 as shown in the plot below:

As can be easily observed in this plot, the incident energy results of the new IEEE 1584-2018 model are more accurate and also less over conservative for low-voltage equipment
which falls in the potential category of additional equipment which may need to be analyzed under the new limits provided in the 2018 edition of the standard.

Incident Energy Model – (0.6 kV to 15 kV)

The medium voltage part of the model uses interpolation as previously mentioned. The model electrode configurations play a big role in the prediction of the incident energy. The
medium-voltage incident energy model is described in section 4.6 and 4.9 of IEEE 1584-2018.

The plot below shows a comparison of the incident energy for both IEEE 1584-2018 and 2002 models. The results reveal consistently that if the equipment is determined to be now
of HCB configuration that the incident energy can be significantly more. In the plot below the incident energy for a VCB configuration using the 2002 model is 20 cal/cm2 while it
is predicted to be over 45 cal/cm2 using the 2018 model if the HCB electrode configuration is used.

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The same can be observed at 4160 and 13.8 kV respectively.

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Arc-Flash Boundary Model (0.208 to 0.6 kV)

The arc-flash boundary model has also undergone a significant improvement. The testing methods used allow the new model to predict shorter boundary distances. It is accepted that
the IEEE 1584-2002 method could produce overly conservative arc-flash boundaries. This can become evident when comparing the incident energy measurements at different
working distances. The testing and data processing used to develop the new arc-flash boundary model reveal a gain in margin which becomes evident when comparing the results of
both methods (2002 and 2018).

The following plots all present a comparison of the predicted arc-flash boundary in mm (y-axis) for both the IEEE 1584-2018 and 2002 methods. The x-axis represents the fault
clearing time or arc duration in cycles. The plots were generated for different equipment with typical data as described in the plot title.

The plot above shows that for low-voltage, (208 Volts), that the arc-flash boundary (AFB) predicted by the IEEE 1584-2018 model is almost half of what was previously predicted
by the 2002 model. The solid blue color plot represents the AFB of a VCB configuration for the 2018 model. The dashed grayscale plot represents the AFB obtained using the IEEE
1584-2002 model.

file:///C:/Users/MICHAEL-INGENIERO/AppData/Local/Temp/~hhA07B.htm 28-05-2024

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