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Bob Bergantino, MBMG Member

Pat Byrne, Industry Member
Kevin Haggerty, Industry Member
Eric Regensburger, DEQ Member
Laurence Siroky, DNRC Member

No. 23 Board of Water Well Contractors September 1999


F ollowing is a list of
the approved continuing
determined by the
board, and will not
education classes that are spon- be granted for SCHEDULE
sored by the Montana Environ- consecutive years.
mental Training Center for the
Source Water Protection
next four months. As long as the
September 14, 1999 Miles City
waiver policy is not
September 16, 1999 Wolf Point
Please contact Jan Boyle at (406) abused, the board
October 27, 1999 Billings
454-2728 for additional informa- will continue its
tion and to register for the above liberal policy of
Communication Skills
continuing education classes. approving local
November 4, 1999 Great Falls
Contact your suppliers for other first aid, CPR,
upcoming schools in your area. welding, sanita-
Call Before You Dig
tion, electrical,
November 16, 1999 Sidney
Several contractors have said that safety, and related
November 18, 1999 Forsyth
they are unable to attend any training to meet
continuing education due to their this requirement.
1999 NGWA Annual Convention
busy schedule. Rule 36.21.413A However, if you
December 3-6, 1999 Nashville, Tenn.
requires four hours of board- are not on the
approved training annually. There waiver list or have
are no exceptions; however, the not made arrange-
board may approve a waiver for ments with the
good reason if the licensee agrees board's office, your license will be cannot drill water wells until you
to attend eight hours of classes in “inactive” even if you have paid have met all the requirements for
the next license year. The waiver renewal fees and have a bond in license renewal.
is given for reasonable excuses, as place. "Inactive" means that you


P ast newsletters have

presented ARM 36.21.662, on
the rule disinfection requirements.
36.21.662(2), and therefore the
contractor is not disinfecting the
well. Part (1) of this rule stands
throughout the well after a period of
24 hours." Regardless of whether
there is a written agreement, the
Complaints have come to the alone and requires that a “well and responsibility to disinfect the well
attention of BWWC to the effect its equipment shall be disinfected by belongs to the water well
that some contractors do not have a thoroughly agitating and mixing in contractor.
written agreement with the well the well a solution containing enough
owner, as suggested in ARM chlorine to leave a residual of 25 ppm

T he Well Log Report, Form

No. 603, is available in the
following software formats:
other versions of Microsoft Word,
Works, or WordPerfect. If you
have any questions, contact Pat
Natural Resources and Conserva-
tion, 48 North Last Chance Gulch,
P.O. Box 201601, Helena, MT
Microsoft Word 6.0, Microsoft Boggess at 444-0860. 59620-1601.
Word 97, and WordPerfect 6.1.
No other formats are available at When you generate the well log on The Notice of Completion of
this time. Unless you are very the computer, you will need to Groundwater Development, Form
knowledgeable about computers print three copies: one for your No. 602, that appears on the back
and the different software, you files, one for the well owner, and of the pre-printed well log form is
will not be able to convert it to the third for the Department of sent to every well owner when the
well has been developed. The
DRILLING IN 45 MPH WINDS driller is not responsible for send-
ing out this water right form.
However, if you would like some
602 forms to give to your custom-
ers, contact Mandi Shulund at


T he Board of water well con-

tractors (BWWC) granted
four variances from the construc-
tion standards in 1998-1999. Two
requests were for rehabilitating old
wells where new casing was set
Photo by Bob Rudio around old casing and sealing could
Frank Martin of Poverty Drilling, Great Falls working near Cascade, Mon- be done to only about 12 feet
tana in 45 mph winds, windchill -20° F. BWWC photo February 1999. rather than the required 18-foot
depth. Two requests were for
WELL LOG REPORTS shallow wells where the 18-foot
sealing rule could not be followed.

D rillers are required

by statute, MCA 85-2-516,
to provide a correct and complete
DNRC's Water Rights Bureau will
receive all Well Log Reports, Form
603, and review them for com-
BWWC determined that it was
better to have a licensed contractor
well log to the Department of pleteness. The bureau will not construct the shallow wells and seal
Natural Resources and Conserva- check the validity of the informa- the surface casing than to deny the
tion (DNRC) within 60 days after tion provided on the Well Log request only to find that the
a well is completed. Drillers must Report. However, the log remains landowner can use a backhoe to dig
also comply with ARM Title 36, the legal record of the work. a well and potentially expose the
Chapter 21, 6 and 8. aquifer to surface contamination.
Monitoring well logs are to be sent
DNRC is required to provide these directly to the board office at 48 One request was for drilling within
logs to the Montana Bureau of North Last Chance Gulch, P. O. 100 feet of a drainfield. The board
Mines and Geology and to return Box 201601, Helena, MT 59620- required a letter of approval from
incomplete or incorrect well logs to 1601. Contractor’s log forms or the county sanitarian before issuing
the driller to be corrected and the Form 603 may be used for a variance. The county would not
refiled. monitoring wells. approve the request.

O ver twenty renewal

notices were re-
turned to the board
3. Bond continuation
certificate for the
next year
office due to wrong 4. Proof of four hours
addresses. BWWC needs of board-approved
to be notified of address continuing education
changes for special for that year
notices, rules changes,
and license renewals. The renewal forms are
The board needs the sent out annually in May.
following information It is best to have the
each year. bond and continuing
1. Completed renewal education certificates Photo by Bob Rudio
form including handy to include with Frank Chappel of Camp Drilling, Missoula, drilling
current address and the renewal form and fee near Clinton, Montana. BWWC photo July 1999.
phone number when they are returned,
2. Renewal fee ($140 prior to July 1 each NEW LICENSEE
plus late charge, if year. Water Well Contractors
any) Ladessa Croucher Libby, Mont.
Terry Daugherty Parma, Idaho
William Eddy Belgrade, Mont.
L icensing require-
ments and board
policy are as follows.
“Not Qualified” than
have a licensed water well
contractor or driller who
Troy Hauser
Randy Kotecki
Manhattan, Mont.
Missoula, Mont.
The three licenses — is unable or unwilling to James Lausch Alberton, Mont.
contractor, driller, and comply with the rules. Donald (Bill) Maxwell Belgrade, Mont.
constructor — basically Clay Parson Butte, Mont.
require: BWWC takes more
1. Apprenticeship for liberal view of a monitor- Monitoring Well Constructors
one year under a ing well constructor’s John Eddy Belgrade, Mont.
person licensed in equivalent experience. William Eddy Belgrade, Mont.
Montana, or However, substantial Troy Hauser Manhattan, Mont.
2. Reciprocity from experience, education, Wayne Klein Billings, Mont.
another state, or and references are still James Laush Alberton, Mont.
3. Equivalent experi required. Donald (Bill) Maxwell Belgrade, Mont.
ence, education, or Clay Parsons Butte, Mont.
both. BWWC also looks
favorably on a driller’s Water Well Drillers
Applicants for the application when the Steve Bowles Belgrade, Mont.
contractor’s and driller’s applicant is currently Kevin Chastain Parma, Idaho
licenses generally find employed as well as Brett Douglas Roberts, Mont.
that BWWC views their recommended by a Todd Fisher Troy, Mont.
equivalent experience licensed contractor. Joe Liss Eureka, Mont.
with skepticism and Rarely does the board Wyman McLaughlin Choteau, Mont.
rarely grants qualification waive the one-year Brendon Powers Butte, Mont.
for equivalent experi- apprenticeship Andy Roberts Polson, Mont.
ence. BWWC would requirement. Cliff Tudor Bozeman, Mont.
rather err on the side of Al Weirsma Bozeman, Mont.
A special meeting of the orally to make sure he that Mr. Smerker was A complaint had been
Montana Well Contrac- qualifies as a water well qualified by the answers sent in by Mrs. Joe
tors Examining Board contractor. he had given. Fiedler that Mr. Robert
was held March 21, Anderson of Cut Bank
1968, at 10:30 a.m., in Mr. Osborne questioned After a discussion, Mr. had drilled a well in
Room 124 of the State him on matters mostly Darlinton made a mo- 1963 or 1964 and had
Capitol Building, Helena, dealing with the rotary tion to give Mr. Smerker not given them a log of
Montana. rig, as this is the type of a license based on the the well. She had written
rig with which Mr. oral examination, but to Mr. Anderson and had
The meeting was called to Smerker is most familiar. feels he lacks experience. not received an answer.
orally examine Mr. Therefore, the board will
Charles Smerker of Great Mr. Brinck questioned watch Mr. Smerker’s The board decided to
Falls, Montana, who had him on rotary terms, operations through the contact Mr. Anderson,
taken a written examina- types and construction of year, and if they have ask him about the well,
tion and failed it. wells, and how they reason to believe that he and tell him he was
should be sterilized. is not performing prop- putting his license in
After conferring with the erly, he will be called jeopardy.
Attorney General’s Mr. Darlinton said, if he before the board. Mr.
Office, the board agreed had not known of the Osborne seconded the The meeting adjourned
to hold a special meeting written examination, he motion, and it was at 12:05 p.m.
to question Mr. Smerker would have concluded passed by voice vote.
375 copies of this document were published at an estimated cost of 19¢ per copy. The total cost of $187 includes $71 for printing and $116 for distribution.
Persons with disabilities who need an alternative, acessible format of this document should contact: DNRC, 48 North Last Chance Gulch,
P.O. Box 201601, Helena, MT 59620 -- Phone: 444-6603/Fax: 406-444-0533/TDD: 406-444-6873

Montana Department of Natural

Resources & Conservation
Board of Water Well Contractors
P.O. Box 201601
48 North Last Chance Gulch
Helena, MT 59620-1601


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