Continuing Education: No. 26 Board of Water Well Contractors March 2001

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Bob Bergantino, MBMG Member

Pat Byrne, Industry Member
Kevin Haggerty, Industry Member
Eric Regensburger, DEQ Member
Laurence Siroky, DNRC Member

No. 26 Board of Water Well Contractors March 2001

H ere is a list of the approved continuing educa-
tion classes that are sponsored by the Montana
Environmental Training Center for the next four
Hands-on Pump Operations Workshop
months. March 7-8, 2001 Missoula

Please contact Jan Boyle at 406-771-4433 for addi- 9th Annual Spring Water School
tional information and to register for the continuing March 21-23 Billings
education classes. Contact your suppliers for other
upcoming schools in your area. Chlorination
April 10, 2001 Great Falls
April 12, 2001 Butte
Several contractors have said that they are unable to
attend any continuing education due to their busy Hazardous Materials Awareness
schedule. Rule 36.21.413A requires four hours of April 26, 2001 Missoula
board-approved training annually. There are no
exceptions; however, the Board of Water Well Con- Small Water Operations
tractors (BWWC) may approve a waiver for good May 23-24, 2001 Wolf Point
reason if the licensee agrees to attend eight hours of
classes in the next license year. The waiver is given Call Before You Dig
for reasonable excuses, as determined by the board, June 26, 2001 Libby
and will not be granted for consecutive years. June 28, 2001 Polson

Most training schools put on by suppliers and manufac-

As long as the waiver policy is not abused, the board turers begin in the spring of the year. Contact your
will continue its liberal policy of approving local first supplier for upcoming schedules.
aid, CPR, welding, sanitation, electrical, safety, and
related training to meet this requirement. However,
if you are not on the waiver list or have not made and have a bond in place. "Inactive" means that you
arrangements with the board's office, your license cannot drill water wells until you have met all the
will be “inactive” even if you have paid renewal fees requirements for license renewal.

H ere is the Administrative
Rule of Montana (ARM)
36.21.662, about disinfection.
placed in the well. All water
introduced into a well during
construction shall be clean and
Following the completion of a
well, and again after the pumping
equipment has been installed, a
potable. The well and its equip- well and its equipment shall be
(1) Sand and gravel used in filter ment, including the interior of disinfected by thoroughly agitat-
pack wells shall be thoroughly the well casing, shall be thor- ing and mixing in the well a
hosed or sluiced with water, and oughly swabbed and cleaned to solution containing enough
shall be disinfected with a solu- remove all oil, grease, and for- chlorine to leave a residual of 25
tion containing at least 50 parts eign substances upon completion parts per million throughout the
per million chlorine before being of the well’s construction. well after a period of 24 hours.
(continued on Page 4)

W e have had many requests

to repeat "Helpful Hints"
printed in newsletters of the past
so that it is not a total surprise.
BWWC can likely resolve the
complaint before it gets to be a
However, Montana’s rules pro-
hibit mixing cuttings with bento-
three years. We have selected personal vendetta.
the following topics to be re- Why? Because during the 1980s
peated in this newsletter. Most complaints occur because much testing of sealants was
of a financial misunderstanding. done. The results were variable,
ARTESIAN WELLS The board does not and cannot but seem to indicate that, al-
Nearly all water wells are under interfere in those business though neither neat cement nor
some pressure after drilling and dealings. The board does get pure bentonite was perfect, they
could be termed “artesian wells.” involved, however, if the allega- were indeed the best under most
“Flowing wells” are simply tion is about improper well circumstances. Recent testing
artesian wells that have enough construction methods. indicates that mixing cuttings
pressure for water to flow out of with bentonite does not substan-
the top of the casing. You are WATER WITCHING tially affect hydration and seal-
required to control a flowing On occasion, you will be asked to ing; however, under certain high
well, which means capping it and drill exactly where an owner had pH and temperature conditions,
installing a shutoff valve to shut the well witched. It doesn’t help bentonite does not hydrate
it off completely. If it flows either to argue or to agree. Your effectively, particularly to shut
around the casing, you must basic job is to drill where the out hydrocarbons.
pressure grout it until it is con- owner wants, because the well
trolled or stops flowing. This is location is, within limits, his So, there is no sealant that is best
not easy and usually is a trial- responsibility. The limits are under all conditions. Pursuant
and-error procedure. You can basically safety from utilities and to ARM 36.21.634(33), you are
pressure grout inside the casing state requirements for maintain- required to use a pure sealant of
or blow a hole down outside the ing distances from septic tanks, bentonite clay grout, neat ce-
outer casing with air and water sewer lines, etc. Drillers get into ment grout, or neat cement
before grouting. You can use trouble when there is not grout with up to 5 percent, by
different setting ingredients with enough water or the well is dry. weight, of bentonite clay.
the grout. Cement grout usually Don’t compound the problem by
works best with some quick set arguing about water witching or QUOTES FOR
gels, calcium, or other products by promising water. Remember THE LIGHTER SIDE
recommended by manufacturers. your responsibility is to drill the
Plugs set above the flowing zone hole properly and develop the ATTITUDE
are often used. In any event, you water that you encounter. A positive attitude will not
must control the flow, and solve all your problems, but it
thereafter it is up to the well MIXING CUTTINGS WITH will annoy enough people to
owner to work out the amount BENTONITE make it worth the effort.
of the beneficial use with the In the good old days, drillers ---Herm Albright
DNRC regional office. used anything from mud to inner
tubes to keep the hole from
If you think your boss is
COMPLAINTS caving and keep circulation until stupid, remember, you
Everyone gets complaints. the casing was set. Bentonite wouldn't have a job if he was
BWWC receives nearly 300 was often mixed with anything, smarter.
complaints annually, ranging including drill cuttings, because ---Albert Grant
from drillers using foul language, it was commonly used in the oil
or destroying a lawn, to actual fields and with mud rotary rigs. RISK
well construction violations. If Older, experienced drillers still If the creator had a purpose in
you can’t satisfy the well owner want to use a mix of cuttings and equipping us with a neck, he
and it looks like trouble, it is bentonite to seal the upper 18 surely meant us to stick it out.
wise to inform the BWWC office feet of a water well or to puddle ---Arthur Koestler
as to the nature of the complaint, the mix behind driven casing.

M any people responded to

the article titled "Progress
on GPS Systems for Well Logs" in
locate the position to a quarter of
a quarter of a quarter section (10
acres), the basic unit will work
entire section in which the
position is located. With map
controls, you can zoom in or out
the last edition of this newsletter. fine. and change the map size. You
This article explained that the can go to print controls and
Natural Resource Information Step 2. On your home or office adjust the orientation so that it
System (NRIS) mapping tool computer, go to www.nris.state. will print in landscape. Print the
called TopoFinder could be used (You can map.
to convert Global Positioning “bookmark” this address for easy
System (GPS) coordinates to access later.) This will bring you Step 4. Use a pencil and ruler to
township, range, and section to the NRIS home page. Scroll divide the section into four equal
(TRS). However, it did not down to where it says "USGS quarters. Divide each of the four
explain how to find the quarter Topographic Maps", click on it, quarters into four equal quarters.
of a quarter of a quarter section and then click on the following: Divide only the square that
for each position. The following "Topo Finder", and "Search Tools" contains the red X into four
instructions will on the figure called "Montana quarters. The square that now
assist you in this Topographic Map Finder." Enter contains the red X is the quarter
task from start to the latitude and longitude infor- of a quarter, of a quarter section.
finish. mation on the next figure. You This position can now be placed
can enter this as degrees, min- in front of the TRS location from
Step 1. Get your utes, and seconds or as degrees Step 2 to make the full descrip-
GPS position. This and decimal minutes. Click on tion of the location.
can be done with "Locate D/M/S" or "Locate D/
a basic, handheld". The TopoFinder will WEB SITES
GPS unit. These plot the position as a red X on a TO BOOKMARK
typically cost a few U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) The Internet is a huge information
hundred dollars quadrangle (quad) map. The TRS bank, and finding what you are
and give readings location will be listed in the TRS looking for can be time -consuming
with an accuracy of + or – 100 position box. and frustrating. Provided below is a
feet. Higher accuracy units are list of web sites that relate to BWWC.
available at a very high cost. Step 3. Adjust the size of the
However if you only need to strip map so that you can see the BWWC NEWSLETTER
This site provides the latest BWWC
HISTORICAL BOARD MINUTES newsletter,Well Developments.

T he twenty-seventh meeting of
the Water Well Contractors
Examining Board was held
The minutes of the previous
meeting were approved as sub-
Thursday morning, August 28, This site provides the Administrative
1969, in Mr. Brinck’s office in the Mr. Hardy gave his report. He Rules of Montana for BWWC.
Board of Health Building. had been to Silver Gate as there
was an unlicensed water well MONTANA CODE ANNOTATED (MCA)
The meeting was called to order contractor from Wyoming drilling
at 9:00 a.m. by Mr. C. W. Brinck, wells in that area. It is doubtful This site provides the Montana
Chairman of the Board. Those he will return to drill wells as a statutes for BWWC.
present were Mr. C. W. Brinck, warrant was issued for his arrest
Mr. Everett Darlinton, Mr. Wesley and the bond set at $200, which WELL LOG REPORT FORMS
Lindsay, and Mr. Ernest Bond, is still pending. Mr. Cushman, an
Technical Advisor. Mr. W. C. unlicensed water well contractor home.htm
Hardy, state Water Well License from Idaho received the contract This site contains Well Log Report
Form 603 for drillers' use only to
Inspector was also present. to drill 27 water wells on the
record wells drilled.
(continued on Page 4)
HISTORICAL MEETING Mr. Bond said a pos- questions on construc- of iron bacteria prob-
(continued from Page 3) sible project he is tion and safety and not lems.
considering is corrosion so much on drilling
Indian reservation close in the well and the equipment. Wells that contain water
to Ronan. After a trip to cause. He said he with high iron or sulphur
Polson and Ronan, Mr. would welcome any Mr. Brinck was unani- content may require
Cushman came in and ideas or suggestions on mously re-elected as more chlorine. Chlorine
took the examination. the bulletin. Chairman of the Board, pellets (calcium hy-
Mr. Hardy also reported and Mr. Lindsay was pochlorite) and granules
there are many of the Mr. Darlinton made a unanimously elected will give up to a 50 parts
signs that do not meet motion to the Water Vice Chairman. per million (ppm) chlo-
the specifications set Well Contractors Exam- rine residual. To pro-
forth in the RuLes and ining' Board to transfer DISINFECTION duce a 50-ppm result,
Regulations. $100 per year for this (continued from Page 1) use about one ounce of
biennium to the Coun- (2) The responsibility for pellets for 100 gallons.
The Board went on cil of Natural Resources the chlorination of the One ounce of granules is
record commending Mr. for support of a coordi- well shall be agreed about the same as 35
Bond for the first issue native office. Mr. upon in writing by the pellets per 100 gallons.
of the quarterly News Lindsay seconded the parties to the drilling It is necessary to flush
bulletin for Montana motion, and it was agreement. the well and system
water well drillers, The passed by voice vote. within 36 hours to
Montana Driller. It is 3) The contractor shall prevent corrosion that
very informative and Mr. Lindsay and Mr. clean and disinfect the results from using high
should be a great help Bond are to write new drilling equipment after levels of chlorine. Bacte-
to the drillers. examinations. Mr. drilling in an area of ria growth can be con-
Lindsay said he thought known or suspected tained if you sanitize the
there should be more con-tamination or areas well annually.
375 copies of this document were published at an estimated cost of 19¢ per copy. The total cost of $187 includes $71 for printing and $116 for distribution.
Persons with disabilities who need an alternative, acessible format of this document should contact: DNRC, 48 North Last Chance Gulch,
P.O. Box 201601, Helena, MT 59620 -- Phone: 406- 444-6603/Fax: 406-444-0533/TDD: 406-444-6873

Montana Department of Natural

Resources & Conservation
Board of Water Well Contractors
P.O. Box 201601
48 North Last Chance Gulch
Helena, MT 59620-1601


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