RER - Module 1.2

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in - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students

RESOURCES - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students
Earth Angles - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books ,Internship, F
inalYearProjects and many exciting offers for students

1.Hour Angle
 Hour angle is the angular distance between the meridian of
the observer and the meridian whose plane contains sun
 Hour angle is zero at solar noon
 Increases by 15 degrees every hour - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students


 ω = 15 (tc − 12)
 t c = solar time
 ω = (1/4) t n
 t n = time in minutes
before or after solar noon - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students

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2.Declination angle 35

 Angle between the rays of the sun and the plane of earth’s
equator - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students

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3.Latitude Angle
 Angle between line drawn on a point from earth’s surface to
the center of earth and the earth’s equitorial plane
 Intersection of earth’s equitorial plane with the surface of
earth forms the equator and it is at 0 degree latitude
 +90 degree– North Pole
 -90 degree –South Pole
 +23.45 degree-Tropic of Cancer
 -23.45 degree –Tropic of Capricorn
 66.55 degree- Artic Circle
 -66.55 degree -Antarctic Circle - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students

38 - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students
Sun Angle - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students


1. Solar Altitude Angle (α)

2. Zenith Angle (θz)
3. Solar Azimuth Angle (γs) - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students


Solar Altitude Angle(α)

 Angle between the central ray of the sun
and a horizontal
plane containing the observer

Zenith Angle(θz)
 Complement of solar altitude angle
 θz = 90 − a

Solar Azimuth
 Angle between the horizontal projection
of suns ray on the
horizontal surface and the south
coordinate - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students
Surface Angles - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students


1.Surface Azimuth Angle (γ)

2.Tilt Angle or Slope (β)
3. Angle of Incidence (θ) - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students


Slope angle(β)
 Angle between tilted (collector)and horizontal
Surface Azimuth Angle(ç)
 Angle between the line towards South and the
projection of normal to the horizontal surface

Angle of Incidence(θ)
 Angle between sun’s ray and the normal to the
tilted surface(collector) - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students


Sun Earth Angle Relationships

cos ∅�osþ + s�n∅s�nþ�osy cosð�os� + cos ðs�nω s�n∅s�nþs�ny
�os� =
+s�nð s�n∅�osþ − �os∅s�nþ�osy

Special cases:
1. For a surface facing south, ç=0
�os� = cos( ∅ − þ) cosð�os� + s�nð sin(∅ − þ
2. For a horizontal surface, þ=0, � =�z
�os�z = cos∅cosð�os� + sin ð s�n∅
3. For a vertical surface facing due south, ç=0, þ=900

�os� = −sinð�osϕ + cos ð�osω s�n∅ - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students


Solar Radiations
 Sun’s energy reaches earth in the form of electromagnetic
 Sun converts its mass into light particles called photons
 When a photon is absorbed ,it gets converted to electrical or
heat energy
 When solar energy travels from outer space to earth energy is
lost due to
 Scattering
 Absorption
 Cloud cover
 Reflection
 Climate - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students

45 - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students


Problems with harnessing solar

 Only a small fraction of the energy leaving an area of the sun
reaches an equal area on earth
 Energy is available for only about half a day
 Atmospheric conditions are unpredictable - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students


Solar Constant(Isc)
 It is the measure of energy density
 Amount of solar electromagnetic radiation that would be
incident on a unit area in a plane perpendicular to the rays of
sun at a distance of one AU
 Include all types of solar radiation ,not only visible light
 World radiation Center (WRC) has adopted this as 1367
W/m2 - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students


Spectral energy distribution of

solar radiation
 Solar radiation has

 5% UV

 43% visible

 52% infrared - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students


Radiation Wavelength(վm)

• Ultraviolet A • 0.1-0.28

• Ultraviolet B • 0.28-0.315
• Ultraviolet C • 0.315-0.4
• Visible • 0.4-0.78
• IR A • 0.7-1.4
• IR B • 1.4-3
• IR C • 3-100 - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students


Extra terrestrial radiation

 Intensity of solar radiation attenuates as it propagates

from the surface of the sun but wavelength remains


 Extra- terrestrial radiation

 Is the solar radiation incident on the outer

atmosphere of the earth - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students

Deviation in extra terrestrial 51

1. Variation in the radiation emitted by the sun
- It is less than ±1.5%
2. Variation of the earth sun distance arising from the earths
slightly elliptical path
- It is approximately ±3%
- Is specified as follows

� est = �cc 1.0 + 0.033cos(360 ) �/n 2
3. This being outside the atmosphere is unaffected by
changes in atmospheric conditions - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students


Terrestrial radiations
 Is the solar radiations that reach the earth surface

after absorption and scattering in the atmosphere

 Solar insolation

 Is defined as the solar radiation per unit area

received on a flat horizontal surface on the earth - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students


Solar Radiation
 Received on the earth surface

 Direct or beam radiation (unchanged in direction)

 Diffuse radiation (direction changed after scattering and


 Global radiation: Sum of direct and diffuse radiation - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students


Global radiation
 Is the total radiation at any location on the surface of the earth which is

the sum of beam radiation and diffused radiation

 Beam radiation is the solar radiation propagating in a straight line

and received at the earth surface without change of direction i.e in

line with the sun

 Diffused radiation is the solar radiation scattered by aerosols, dust

and molecules. Has no unique direction (anisotropic in nature) - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students

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Depletion of solar radiation

1. Absorption
a. N2, O2 and other atmospheric gases absorb X rays and extreme ultraviolet
b. Ozone absorbs ultraviolet radiations (λ <0.38µm)
c. Water vapor and CO2 absorbs infrared radiations (λ > 2.3µm)
d. Dust and air molecules absorb parts of solar radiant energy irrespective of

2. Scattering
 Under normal atmospheric conditions
 by dust particles and air molecules involves redistribution of incident energy
- part of it is lost and the remaining reaches the earth as diffuse radiation
 In cloudy atmosphere
 A major part of the incoming radiation is reflected back by the clouds
 Part of it is absorbed by the clouds
 Part of it is transmitted downwards to the earth surface as diffused radiations - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students


Air mass, m
 Defined as the ratio of the path length the solar beam traversed through the

atmosphere to ground to the vertical path length (min) through the


patℎ Sengtℎ tra�ersed by b e a m rad�at�on

 m=
�ert�caS patℎ Sengtℎ o f a t m o s p ℎ e re - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students


 Air mass, m

 AM0 => m=0,Zero atmosphere i.e. radiation in outer space

 AM1 => m=1 i.e sun is overhead (�z=0)

 AM2=> m=2 (�z=600)

n = CÆ = sec�z= cosec α

Where α= inclination angle

�z= zenith angle

Sun at zenith => sun is directly overhead - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students


Irradiance on a tilted surface

 �oℎ = � o s�na
 �TS = �0sin(a + þ)
 α= 90-#+9
 �TS = �0ℎsin(a + þ)/(s�na)
 �TS = Solar radiation on tilted surf ace
�0=solar radiation measured
Perpendicular to sun
 �0ℎ= solar radiation measured
on a horizontal surface - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students
Solar Thermal Energy - Vtu N
otes, questionPaper, books, Internship, Final Year Pro
jectsand ma
ny exciting offers for students


 Technologies for conversion of solar energy into usable form

 Passive system
-- collects energy through the orientation, materials and construction of
--suited for
--- design of buildings
--- thermo siphoning solar hot water systems(refers to a method of
passive heat exchange based on natural convection, which circulates
a fluid without the necessity of a mechanical pump)
 Active System
-- Use pumps to circulate water or any other absorbing fluid through
solar collectors
--can be open loop(water is directly heated by collector) or closed
loop(antifreeze or glycol mixture is heated before transferring it to
water via heat exchanger) - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students


Thermosiphon system - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students


Multipurpose utilization of solar energy - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students


Direct Thermal Applications

 Solar energy can be collected to create high temperature steam
as well as low temperature heat
 Low ,Medium, and high temperature collectors
 Low and medium temperature collectors are flat plates
 Low temperature collectors are used to heat swimming pools
whereas Medium temperature collectors are used to heat water
or air for domestic and commercial purposes
 High temperature systems use mirrors or reflective surfaces to
concentrate sunlight and are used for electric power generation - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students


Low Temperature Solar Thermal

 Space Heating for Homes ,offices and green houses
 Domestic and Industrial hot water
 Pool heating
 Desalination
 Solar Cooking
 Crop Drying - Vtu Notes, question Paper, books, Internship, Final Year Projects and many exciting offers for students

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