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Infra Red Remote Control

Chapter 1



In modern electronics, electronics remote control system is well

known system. Infrared remote control kit’s available in the market are quite

expensive and it some one wishes to assemble one, their IC’s may not be easily

available. More over for simple ON-OFF function such as controlling a lamp or fan

we do not need very complex circuit.

The IR remote control circuit using photodiode and phototransistor

sensor suffer from major drawback of being affected by ambient light and a very

low range.

The IR remote control circuit described here can be used for any

simple ON-OFF function. This system has memories application than other remote

control system.

The advantage is that this circuit is absolutely free form ambient light

interference and provides control range of any to focusing lens.

The components use in this system is in so convenient manner that

whole assemble is easier to built. This reduce complex city of the system.

R.L.T. College of Science, Akola.

Infra Red Remote Control

The advantage of this circuit lies in the fact that it can easily be

converted into a multichannel remote control system. The system comprise two

unit transmitter, Receiver Both transmitter and receiver can be assembled on a

general purpose PCB.

Transmitter section consist of power supply, on oscillator and in

output stage including IR LEDS in the transmitter section IC 555 is wired as an a

stable multivibrator with a Centre frequency of about 36 KHZ. The transmitter is

powered from a GP 22 size gv. battery.

The receiver uses IR sensor module which is commonly used in

colour T.V. for sening IR Singal from transmitter section. The IR singal from the

transmitter sensed by sensor and it’s output at pin and goes low which is in turn

switch on transistor T1 (BC 557) consequently capacitors start charging through

resister R5, when voltage across capacitor C8 reaches about 3.5V IC 2 (Decade

counter 4017) receive a clock pulse at pin 14 and it’s output at pin 2 goes high. This

result in forward biasing of transistor to (be 148) which energies a really connected

at it’s collector.

The output of IC 2 (pin 2) is also used for lighting LED, indicating

presence of singal for this circutary 12 v-0-12v 25 mA transformer is used for

supplying the power & IC 7805 is used for 5 v regulation purpose at it’s output.

This regulated 5 v output is given to receiver section (4017).

R.L.T. College of Science, Akola.

Infra Red Remote Control

Chapter 2


The IR remote control circuit described here can be used for any

simple ON-OFF function. The advantage is that this circuit is absolutely free from

ambient light interference and provides control range about 10 metres without the

use of any focusing lens.


Block diagram of the circuit is shown in Figure. Transmitter section

consists of a power supply, an oscillator and an output stage, where as the receiver

section comprises power supply, an infrared detector module, time delay circuit

with noise filter, bistable flip flop and a output section. The complete schematic

diagrams of the transmitter and receiver sections are shown in Figures respectively.

In the transmitter section ICI (555) is wired as a stable multi-vibrator

with a center frequency of about 36 KHZ. When switch SI is pressed, the circuit

gets energized. Output of ICI is a square wave. The two infrared LEDS connected

at its output transmit IR beams modulated at the same frequency (36 KH Z). The

oscillator frequency can be shifted slightly by adjusting preset VRI.

R.L.T. College of Science, Akola.

Infra Red Remote Control

R.L.T. College of Science, Akola.

Infra Red Remote Control

The receiver uses an infrared sensor module which is commonly used

in colour television for sensing the IR signals from the transmitter section. The

sensor module shown is figure incorporates a detector diode, an SMD ( surface

mounted device) IC which consists of a band pass filter, an amplifier and a

demodulator on a small PCB placed inside a small tin cube enclosure to get rid of

unwanted electromagnetic interference.

When switch S 1 on the transmitter is pressed, the IR LEDs radiate IR

beams with a modulating frequency of 36 KHZ. It may be noted that the IR LEDS

are directly driven by the 555 timer output, and no series current limiting resistor is

used with them. This is because at the high operating frequency, the internal

resistance of the battery and the independence offered by the wires and components

leads are enough to keep the average LED current within its specifications.

The IR signal from the transmitter is sensed by the sensor and its

output at pin 2 goes low. This in turn switches on transistor T1, consequently

capacitor C8 start charging through register R5.

When voltage across capacitor C8 reaches about 3.5 V IC2 receives a

clock pulse at pin 14 and its output at pin 2 goes high. This results in forward

basing of transistor T2, which on conduction energises relay RLI connected at its

collector. The output of IC 2 (pin 2) is also used for lighting LED1, indicating

presence of signal.

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Infra Red Remote Control

R.L.T. College of Science, Akola.

Infra Red Remote Control

When no signal is available, output of the sensor module goes high

and transistor T1 is switched OFF. Now capacitor C8 starts discharging through

resistor R6 and voltage across it gradually decreases to Zero. When another signal

arrives after about 300 ms, capacitor C8 again charges through resistor R5 and pin

14 of IC2 gets another clock pulse. But as Q2 output of IC2 is connected to its reset

pin 15 through diode D4, the output at pin 2 toggles. That is, IC2 works as a

bistable flip-flop.

If another pulse arrives from the transmitter before a delay of about

300 ms with respect to previous one. Transistor T1 again turns on and voltage

across capacitor C8 cannot fall below 1.5 V, i.e., the V1 value (the maximum input

voltage required to sense a logical low by IC2). Hence, the output of IC2 does not

change, as there is no low to high transition. This feature prevents false triggering

due to switch bouncing and other such reasons. The same resistor capacitor (R5,

C8) network provides immunity against IR noise from other sources. This is

explained below.

If an unwanted signal with the same modulating frequency as that of

the transmitter happens to arrive at the sensor its output will go low and IC2 would

have charged its output state. But, fortunately, the noise signals are of very short

duration, and hence they cannot interfere with the circuit. Because, within this short

time period capacitor C8 cannot charge to a voltage equal to Vh value (i.e., the

minimum input voltage required to a sense logical high by IC 2) through resistor

R.L.T. College of Science, Akola.

Infra Red Remote Control

R5, and so these noise pulses do not have any effect on the circuit. However,

sustained noise with modulating frequency equal to that of the transmitter will, of

course, change the output. But the chances of the same happening are very remote.

This can be easily understood from the waveforms shown in Figure.

R.L.T. College of Science, Akola.

Infra Red Remote Control

Chapter 3



A P-N junction is known as semiconductor diode or crystal diode.



The property of a crystal diode is to conduct to current in one

direction only. A crystal diode can be represented by a symbol shown in figure.

The arrow in the symbol indicate the direction of conventional current flow a

crystal diode. It has two terminal anode and cathode. If anode of diode is positive

w.r. to cathode the diode is forward bias. If anode of diode is negative w.r. to

cathode diode is set to be under reverse bias condition.

B) LED :- (Light emitting diode )

Symbol :


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Infra Red Remote Control

The LED is a PN junction device which emits distant when a current

passes through in the forward direction. (i.e. when LED is forward bias). The

charde carrier recombination occurs at a PN junction as electrons cross from N side

and recombines with holes on the P side. When recombination takes place the

charge carrier give up energy in the form of heat and light. If the semi conducting

material is translucent, the light is emitted and junction becomes the source of light.


Symbol :


If the PN junction results from a diffusion in Gallium Arsenide

(GaAs) transient energy is infrared with a typical peak of 9000 A. This ideally

matches the response of silicon photodiodes and phototransistors.

R.L.T. College of Science, Akola.

Infra Red Remote Control


CD4017BC is a 5 stage divide by 10 johnson counter with 10 decoded

outputs and a carry out bit. This counter is cleared to these zero count, by a logical

“1” on their reset line. These counters are advanced on the positive edge of the

clock signal when the clock enable signal is in the logical “0” state.

The configuration of the CD4017BC permits medium speed operation

and assures a hazard free counting sequence. The 10/8 decoded outputs are

normally in the logical “0” state and go to the logical “1” state only at their

respective time slot. Each decoded output remains high for 1 full clock cycle. The

carryout signal completes a full cycle for every 10/8 clock input cycles and is used

as a ripple carry signal to any succeeding stages.


* Wide supply voltage range 3.0 V to 15 V

* High noise immunity 0.45 VDD (typ.)

* Low power Fan out of 2 driving 74L.

TTL Compatibility or 1 driving 74LS

* Medium speed operation 5.0 MHZ (typ.) with 10 V


* Low power 10 u W (typ.)

*Fully static operation

R.L.T. College of Science, Akola.

Infra Red Remote Control


* Automotive

* Instrumentation

* Medical electronics

* Alarm systems

* Industrial electronics.

* Remote metering.

R.L.T. College of Science, Akola.

Infra Red Remote Control


The receiver uses an infrared sensor module which is commonly used

in colour television for sensing the IR signals from the transmitter section. The

sensor module shown in Figure incorporates a detector diode, an SMD ( surface

mounted device ) IC which consists of a band pass filter, an amplifier and a

demodulator on a small pcb placed inside a small tin cube enclosure to get rid of

unwanted electromagnetic interference.

Photodiodes and phototransistors are often used as the sensing

elements at the receiver end of an optodata transfer system, such as a light-beam

switch or alarm or remote control system, etc., in which data is sent to the receiver

via an opto carrier wave.

In such applications, to signal reaching the photosensor may at some

times be very weak and at other times very strong. Also, the sensor may be

subjected to a great deal of noise in the form of unwanted light ( visible or invisible)

signals, etc. Top help minimize these problems, the link is usually operated in the

infrared range, and the opto sensor output is passed to processing circuitry, viz., a

low noise pre amplifier with a wide dynamic operating range. Figure show typical

examples of such circuits, using photodiode sensors.

R.L.T. College of Science, Akola.

Infra Red Remote Control

The circuit is designed for use with a 36 KHZ. carrier wave, and tuned

circuit L1-C1-C2 is wired in series with D1 and damped by R1 to provide the

necessary frequency selective low noise action. The output signals are taped off at

the C1-C2 junction and then amplified by Q1 and then this amplified signal will

demodulated using detector diode and the output we get a original signal which we


R.L.T. College of Science, Akola.

Infra Red Remote Control

Chapter 4


Semiconductors :-

IC1 : 555 timer

IC2 : 4017 decade counter

IC3 : 7805 voltage regulator

T1 : BC557 pnp transistor

T2 : BC148 npn transistor

D1-D3 : IN4001 rectifier diode

D4 : IN4148 switching diode

LED1 : Red LED

Resistors :-

( all ¼ watt, ± 5% carbon, unless stated otherwise )

R1, R5 : 4.7 Kilo-ohm

R2, R4, R8 : 10 Kilo-0hm

R3 : 100 ohm

R6 : 470 Kilo-ohm

R7 : 220 Kilo-ohm

R9 : 1 Kilo-ohm

VR 1 : 10 Kilo-ohm

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Infra Red Remote Control

Capacitors :-

C1 : 10 µF, 16 V electrolytic

C2 : 0.001 µF ceramic disc

C3 : 0.01 µF ceramic disc

C4 : 1000 µF, 25 electrolytic

C5, C9 : 0.1 µF ceramic disc

C6 : 100 µF, 16 V electrolytic

C7 : 47 µF, 16 V electrolytic

C8 : 1 µF, 16 V electrolytic

C10 : 2.2 µF, 16 V electrolytic

Miscellaneous :-

XI : 230 V primary to 9 V-0-9V

250 mA secondary transformer

B1 : 9V battery

S1 : Push to on switch

RL1 : Infrared LEDs

Infrared sensor module.

R.L.T. College of Science, Akola.

Infra Red Remote Control

Chapter 5



i) The circuit is absolutely free from ambient light.

ii) It’s provide control range at about 10 meter.

iii) It is a cheaper.

iv) It is not a complex circuit.

v) The component’s are easily available in the market.

vi) It can easily be converted into a multi channel remote control system.

vii) Noise pulse do not have any effect on the circuit.


i) IR LED are costly.

ii) IR sensor is costly.

iii) This circuit only work as an ON-OFF another circuit.

R.L.T. College of Science, Akola.

Infra Red Remote Control









R.L.T. College of Science, Akola.

Infra Red Remote Control

The completion of project report on "INFRA RED REMOTE

CONTROL" has given us immense pleasure and knowledge.

Obligations were heavy during our project work and it is a great

pleasure to acknowledge deep sense of gratitude to our guide Prof. R.G.

Chavan (H.O.D.) for his valuable guidance, advice, positive criticism,

suggestion and constant encouragement throughout the project.

We would like to thanks sincerely to all the staff members of

Electronics Department and our friends for their help and guidance during this


Last but not least we are thankful to all of them who directly or

indirectly helped us in computing this report successfully.

Mr. Pankaj M. More

Mr. Rahul H. Chaudhari
Mr. Rajikshah Chandshah Shah
Final Yr. B.Sc. ( Electronics)

R.L.T. College of Science, Akola.

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