Abdu Correctly Research

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ID NO 1853/2013


APRIL, 2016









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First, I would like to give my heart full to Allah who enabled me to

accomplish my work successful; secondly, I WILL like to the owed the
deepest to Advisor Eba.T IS work ethics is worth modeling for his
commitment on the this at each stage and for making invaluable
comments and suggestion I will do this research from the beginning to
the end. Thirdly I extend my gratitude to my family members who stood
on the side of me financially and materials from the initial part of the
work up to the end. I would also like to express my appreciated to my
brother from the beginning to the end.

ADIL=Agricultural Development led Industrialization

AISE=Agricultural Input Supply Enterprise

DAS=Developmental Agents

EEA=Ethiopian Economic Association

FAO=Food Agricultural Organization

GDP=Gross Domestic Product

HYV=High Yield Varity

KAO=Keble administrative office

The Ethiopia economy will be primarily agriculture almost half of the GDP and much of the
foreign currency earnings will derived from it. Despite its role, the sector would have
characterized by low productivity and high exposure to risk due to loss soil fertility. Utilization
of artificial fertilizers will one of the mechanism in order to solve this problem and hence to
increase agricultural production. To their end of purpose of this study will be explore the impact
of artificial fertilizer on agricultural productivity in sayyo woreda will articularly in mechara
Keble in order to achieve the study of objective proposal design will be used. TO generate data
both primary and secondary source will be used. The primary data for this study will be collected
via interview and questionnaire from Household heads and DAS. 60 Households head sample
respondents will have selected by using purposive sampling technique. Secondary data will be
generated by respondents will have selected by using purposive sampling technique. Secondary
data will be generated by reviewing the study of different scholars from different books which
will be focusing on the impact of utilizing artificial fertilizer on agricultural production. The
collected data will be analyzed and interpreted through qualitative and quantitative data analysis
methods. The role of artificial fertilizer; problem of artificial fertilizer, supply of fertilizer and
perception of farmers to ward fertilizer will be discussed in this study depending up on the data
being collected. Farmers should participate at any agricultural oriented conferences and take over
the problems to recognize that for the government in turns to gate solutions. In the respondent
case, 60 respondent will be analyzed and finding will be presented in various respondent’s to the
finding of the study impact of artificial fertilizer on agriculture will both positive and negative.
Based on analysis of the study and awareness created for farmer in terms of special temporal
condition about artificial fertilizer utilization and the government should distributed agricultural
specialist for exam DA, to teach farmer properly.

Key term ;Artificial fertilizer,agricultural production mecharaKeble

Table of Contents
LIST OF TABLE..........................................................................................................................................vi
LIST OF FIGURE......................................................................................................................................VII
CHAPTER ONE............................................................................................................................................1
1. INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................................1
1.1. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY.......................................................................................................1
1.2. Statement of the problem........................................................................................................................2
1.3. Objective of the study area.....................................................................................................................3
1.3.1. General objective.................................................................................................................................3
1.3.2. Specific Objective................................................................................................................................3
1.4. Research question...............................................................................................................................- 4 -
1.5. Significance of the study.........................................................................................................................4
1.6. Delimitation of the study...............................................................................................................................4
1.7 Limitation of the......................................................................................................................................4
1.8 Organization of the paper.........................................................................................................................4
CHAPTER TWO...........................................................................................................................................5
2. Review Literature.......................................................................................................................................5
2.1. Definition and concept of fertilizer.........................................................................................................5
2.2. Types of fertilizer....................................................................................................................................5
2.2.1. Artificial fertilizer................................................................................................................................5
2.2.2. Organic fertilizer..................................................................................................................................5
2.5. Fertilizer consumption in Ethiopia..........................................................................................................6
2.6. Factors affecting fertilizer use................................................................................................................6
2.7. Problem with fertilizer utilization...........................................................................................................7
2.8.1 Fertilizer use in Ethiopia.......................................................................................................................7
2.8.2 Fertilizer Imports, Sales, and consumption...........................................................................................8
2.9. Conceptual frame work...........................................................................................................................9

CHAPTER THREE …………………………………………………………………………… 10
3. DATA AND RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.......................................................................................10
3.1. Description of the study area................................................................................................................10
3.1.1. Location.............................................................................................................................................10
3.1.2. Climate Condition of study area........................................................................................................11
3.1.3. Topography........................................................................................................................................11
3.1.4. Soil type.............................................................................................................................................12
3.1.5. Vegetation..........................................................................................................................................12
3.1.6. Population............................................................................................................................................- 12-
3.1.7. Economic activity..............................................................................................................................12
3.2. Research methodology of the study......................................................................................................12
3.2.1. Research design.................................................................................................................................12
3.2.2. Data source.........................................................................................................................................12 Primary data source.........................................................................................................................13 Secondary data source.....................................................................................................................13
3.3. Sampling Techniques and sample size determination………………………………………13

3.3.1. Sampling Technique………………………………………………………………………13

3.3.2Sampling size………………………………………………………………………………13

3.4. Data collection instrument....................................................................................................................14

3.4.2. Questionnaires....................................................................................................................................14
3.4.3. Interview............................................................................................................................................15
3.5. Methods of Data Analysis.....................................................................................................................15
4. Data Analysis and interpretation...............................................................................................16
4.1 Back ground information about respondents................................................................................................16
4.2 The Role of inorganic Fertilizer Agriculture productivity............................................................................19
4.2.1 Fertilizer use of the respondent..................................................................................................................19
4.2.2 Types of fertilizer......................................................................................................................................20
4.2.3 The use of fertilizer.............................................................................................................................21
4.2.4 Size of farm land and amount of fertilizer..........................................................................................21

4.2.5 Rate of production with and without fertilizer application.................................................................22
4.3.1 Relation between market price and productivity................................................................................24
4.3.2 Factor affecting farmer’s potential fertilization utilization.................................................................24
4.5.1 The problem not using fertilizer.........................................................................................................25
4.5.2 The problem of using fertilizer...........................................................................................................26
CHAPTER FIVE………………………………………………………………………………………… 28
5.Conclusion, and Recommendation...........................................................................................................28
5.1 Conclusion.............................................................................................................................................28
5.2 Recommendation...................................................................................................................................29
Table 4.1.1 Sex structure of the respondents……………………………………………… 16

Table 4.1.2 Age Structure of the respondent………………………………………………16

Table 4.1.3 Educational status……………………………………………………………17.

Table 4.1.5 Martial status of the respondent ………………………………………………18

Table.4.1.5 family size of the respondent …………………………………………………18

Table 4.1.6 Religion of the respondent…………………………………………………….19

Table 4.1.7 Occupation of the respondent………………………………………………….19

Table 4.2.1 Fertilizer Utilization…………………………………………………………….20

Table 4.2.2 type of fertilizer that farmers use……………………………………………….20

Table 4.2.3 the use of fertilizer……………………………………………………………….21

Table 4.2.4 Land size amount of fertilizer……………………………………………………21

Table 4.2.5 amount of production farmer had produced………………………………………22

Table 4.3 factor affecting farmer’s potential fertilization utilization………………………..22

Table4.5 whethertherewasproblemduetousingfertilizerorno…………………………………...23.

Thediagramillustrates this process (Figure 2.1)…………………………………………………8.

Figure 2.1 Conceptual frame works of the Hypothesized Factors that Influence the Utilization

Artificial fertilizer practice in the Study area…………………………………………………9.

Figure 3.1 Location of Map of the study area……………………………………………10

.Figure 4.3 the distribution, market and supply of fertilizer ………………………………22

Figure 4.3.1 relation between fertilizer and productivity…………………………………..23

Figure 4.5.1 the problem hadn’t used artificial fertilizer……………………………………25

Figure 4.5.2 show problem occur due to using fertilizer…………………………………….26

Figure 4.5.3 Level of production in comparison of time…………………………………… 27




The world of agricultural requires inorganic fertilizer because the population is in continuous
growth and thus a greater production will necessary to maintain it. It will important to note,
however that inorganic fertilizer shouldn’t substitute organic fertilizer; they shall be integrate
with them (WWW. Ecoyclopedid . agriculture, 2018).

The practice of agriculture will have become an increase popular way of life in the world, more
over it provide countless people with productivity with substance and livelihood. Today,
however, chemical fertilizer will be playing the vital factor in the agriculture productivity in the
world (Chandra 2011).

The Ethiopian economy will be primary agriculture. In any single year,agricultural product

ion accounts half (46%) of GDP, 60% of exports, and 80% of total employment (CIA World Fact
Book, 2013). Much of the foreign currency earnings will have derived from it and 85% of the
country’s population derives their livelihood directly from the sector. Despite its role, the sector
will characterized by low productivity and high exposure to risk due to severe soil erosion and of
which one willutilization of artificial fertilizer on other of the mineral contents of the soil.
(Bezabih, 1998).

Agriculture will be the main stay of Ethiopian economy.The government priority to fight wide
spread poverty and food insecurity will also directed toward this sector. The agriculture
development lead to industrialization (ADLI), which will has been adapted as development
strategy since 1995 is strongly believed to have put the agriculture sector in its proper place in
Ethiopian economy (Berhanu, 2002).

In the intensive agriculture, nutrient management will be gaining important for sustainable
production. This use of in organic fertilizer to sustain cropping will find to increase yield only
for some few year, but all long term basic it has not be effective.It often leads to decline in soil
organic matter contents, soil acidification, and soil physical degradation, leads to increase soil

erosion .In order to solve the problem several soil fertility methods will being used, of which one
will utilization of artificial fertilizer. On the other hand utilization of in organize fertilizer will
beyond the buying capacity of poor farmer because it will be high costly and uncertain
accessibility an organic inputs, which will offer proposed as alternatives than inorganic fertilizer
even though it needs high labor force (Ojeniyi,2000)

In the study area farmer's to developed crop productivity using artificial and natural fertilizer.
Thus the study area farmers will be using more artificial fertilizer to organic fertilizer.Agriculture
willthe main economy sector of in the study areas.

1.2. Statement of the problem

Agriculture can positive and negative impact on soil use and the inorganic fertilizer can reduce
the natural nutrients on the soil surface because, artificial tends to replenish only nitrogen,
potassium, and phosphors; awhile depleting the other nutrients and minerals that will naturally
found in truly fertile soils (www.health wyze.org 26/02/2018).

More over chemical fertilizer will be resistant in the environment especially on soil fertility
because most of microorganisms decrease following the increase of chemical fertilizer uses
(Katasunori, 2003). Agriculture will heavily depend on the environment resource, direct impact
will fail by local farmers because the uses of fertilizer on their agricultural land and loss of their
ecological system the pollution in the water resource and the resolute of land degradation
because using chemical fertilizer and also bring harm both healthy and environments (LiU.YU,

Similarly, the problem of the artificial fertilizer on agricultural productivity will be occurred in
mechara Keble due to lack of awareness or Knowledge of farmers recording with the use of
artificial fertilizer how and when they will fertilizer for their crops. IN addition to this also in the
study area absence of training recording with the use of artificial fertilizer and its impact on
agricultural productivity by agricultural specialist and low agricultural production value on this
area as the result of soil fertility, so mitigation measure would be considered to increase
agricultural productivity of these Keble by solving related problem. The researcher wants to
study the impact of artificial fertilizer on agricultural productivity in selected mechara Keble.
Based on the proposal empirical observation at the area the land value become low due to lack of

farmer knowledge about the usage of artificial fertilizer, low use of fertilizer on crop production
and following traditional methods of agriculture’s the proposal will solving to the problem
farmers have been enough knowledge about using of the artificial fertilizer.

1.3 Objective of the study area

1.3.1 General objective

The general objective of this study wil to assess the impact of artificial fertilizer on agricultural
productivity on mecharaKeble in sayyo woreda.

1.3.2 Specific Objective

The specific Objectives of the study will:-

 To identify the major factors that affects the distribution, supply, and market price of
artificial fertilizer in the study area.
 To examine the negative impact of utilizing artificial fertilizer on the farm land
productivity in mechara Keble.
 To identify the roles of artificial fertilizer on agricultural productivity in the mechara

1.4 Research question

 What will the major factor that affects the distribution, supply, and market price of
artificial fertilizer in the study area?
 What will the negative impacts of utilizing artificial fertilizer on the farm land
productivity in mechara Keble?
 What will the roles of artificial fertilizer on agricultural productivity in the mechara

1.5. Significance of the study

Agriculture will be the basic for the economy of Ethiopia. Currently, the government will has
given special attention to the sector to play a leading role in the economic development of the
country. But soil degradation will one of a serious problem for Ethiopia agriculture.

Therefore, this research may fill the research gap in relation to utilization of artificial fertilizer
mechara Keble. The result of the research may also help the Keble agricultural experts, Das and
extension workers to design effective SWC plan and success in its implementation. Moreover, it
may also use as a reference for other studies in the area with similar or other themes of study.

1.6. Delimitation of the study

Geographically the study will conducted in sayyo woreda particularity in Keble on the impact
of artificial fertilizer on agricultural productivity. This area delaminate due to the problem budget
and time to conduct the research at large area coverage study.

1.7 Limitation of the

This study will designed to contribute better understanding of the impact of artificial
fertilizer on farmer’s agricultural productivity of the study area. During conducting this
research the researcher would encountered some difficult. These includes lack of time and
lack of secondary resource

1.8 Organization of the paper

The paper has five chapters. The first chapter is about overview of the problem, states the
objectives of the study, its significance as well as its scope. The second chapter presents
literature reviews in which the previous researches and thought related to impact of utilization of
artificial fertilizer are reviewed. The third chapter describes the study area, methodology used to
collect relevant data and data are analyzed method.The fourth chapter Presents the result of study
and chapter five presents conclusion and possible recommendation.


2. Review Literature

2.1. Definition and concept of fertilizer

Fertilizer is a substance added to soil to improve plant growth and yield. First used by ancient
farmers, fertilizer technology developed significantly or chemical needs to growing plants will
be discovered modern synthetic fertile will composed mainly of nitrogen, phosphorous, and
potassium compound with secondary nutrients added. The use of synthetic fertilizers will have
significantly improved the quality and quantity of the food available in the following day.
Although their long-terms use will be debated by environmentalist (WWW. Made how com

2.2. Types of fertilizer

2.2.1. Artificial fertilizer

These will be inorganic fertilizer, while the soil becomes exhausted it will provided with
fertilizer but before the fertilizer will added the plant nutrients that will be missing from the soil
will be identified these days artificial fertilizer discouraged. Instead organic fertilizer, such as
cow dung, compost etc. Will used. Excessive use of chemical fertilizer can cause pollution. This
happens when all the chemical will not taken by plants. The excess will leached out of the soil in
to rivers and lakes (Tesfaye and werkneh, 2005).

2.2.2. Organic fertilizer

Organic fertilizers will derived from animal matter animal excreta (manure), human excreta and
vegetable matter (erg compost and crop residues). Naturally occurring organic fertilizers.
Including animal wasted from meat processing, peat manure, slurry, guano (HTTP;//en.m
Wikipedia 02/01/2018).

2.3. Characteristics of fertilizer

Fertilizer will be any materials organic natural or manmade that supply plants with the necessary
nutrient for plants growth and optimum yield organic fertilizer will be natural material of plants
animal origin including livestock manure green crop resides, house hold west compost and wood
land litter. Inorganic fertilizer will be fertilizer mined for from minerals deposit with little
processing or industrial manufacturing though chemical process, for optimum plant growth,
nutrients must be available in sufficient and balanced quantities soil contain natural reserves of
plant nutrients, but this reserves will largely in forms in forms unavailable to plants and only
amino portion will have released each years though biological activities or chemical process.
This release too to composite for the removal of nutrients by agricultural production and to meet
crop requirement, there for fertilizer will have designed to supplement the nutrients already
present in the soil. The use of chemical fertilizer, organic fertilizer or bio fertilizer has its
advantage need be integrated in order to make optimum use of each type fertilizer and achieve
balanced nutrient management or crop growth (en;fttc;org; 02/01/2018).

2.4. The role of artificial fertilizer

The contribution of chemical fertilizer toward increase agricultural production wil well
established. India agricultural policy focused on increasing productivity and modern input , such
as improving seeds (HYVs), irrigation, chemical fertilizer etc., have playing an important role
increasing crop production and productivity given the diminishing land available for cultivation.
There for it will be important to understand fertilizer use pattern and efficiency over time, the
changed stricture of fertilizer market, the current policy environment and the role of various
factors influencing fertilizer consumption (www.ifpri;org 26/02/2018)

2.5. Fertilizer consumption in Ethiopia

Fertilizer consumption measure the quantity of plant nutrients used per unit of arable land.
Fertilizer product cover nitrogenous, potash, and phosphate fertilizer including ground rock
phosphate dissemination, FAO will has adopted the concept of a calendar year basis. While other
will be on a split year basis (www.trading economic, com/Ethiopia 01/01/2018).

2.6. Factors affecting fertilizer use

The most profitable type and amount of fertilizer to use depend on crop, soil, climatic economic,
and management factors. The actual amount used to depend on these factors plus the personal

characteristics of user. Some will be prejudiced either for or against fertilizer in general or some
types of fertilizer in particular other do not have necessary information to make the best use of
fertilizers (EEA, 2006/07).

2.7. Problem with fertilizer utilization

The main environmental problems associated with fertilizer use will contamination of water with
nitrates and phosphate. The nitrogen from fertilizer and manure will have eventually covered by
bacteria in the soil to nitrates these nitrate can be leached in to the stream and river, high nitrate
level in drinking water will be conducted to be dangerous to human health. The main source of
nitrates in ground water will crop resided and organic matters of that decompose and produce
nitrates at a time when crop cannot make use of them (www.agro service
international-com/eo( 01/01/2018).

As indicated above, AISE will be currently sole importer of the fertilizer in Ethiopia. An
important decision that AISE must make every years in how much fertilizer to import in order to
meet the anticipated demand from farmers. These estimates begin at the Keble by MOARD
agents, then aggregated to woreda, tonal regional and national levels in order for AISE to initiate
procurement line with GDP targets. The following diagram illustrates this process (Figure
2.1).Source; (EFA 2012) Authors, based on information collected from MOARD.

2.8 Agriculture inputs and credit market

2.8.1 Fertilizer use in Ethiopia

Fertilizer will be considering as one of the strategic agricultural input for Ethiopia agriculture.
The country depends totally on imports for fertilizer consumption. The foreign exchange needed
for fertilizer import offer comes loans, donor, and assistance (grant) and government treasury. As
domestic fertilizer consumption increase and foreign assistance doesn’t grow as required the
government will increasingly spending more from its coffer, the fertilizer market will has been
deregulated and opened for privet computation since the mid-1990s following the issuance of the
fertilizer policy, the pan-territorial fertilizer pricing system will be eliminated and subsides will
we removed (FAO,WK P,2007) However of the strategic role of fertilizer in achieving food self-
sufficiency and alleviating poverty, the government of Ethiopia in still involved in the sector by
making credit available ton farmers and encouraging more fertilizer use based on source from

Physical factor Human factors

Climate Economic activities

2.8.2 Fertilizer
Soil typeImports, Sales, and consumption
Crop type

As indicated above, AISE will be currently Management

topography sole importer of the fertilizer in Ethiopia. An
important decision that AISE must make every years in how much fertilizer to import in order to
meet the anticipated demand from farmers. These estimates begin at the Keble by MOARD
agents, then aggregated to woreda, tonal regional and national levels in order for AISE to initiate
procurement line with GDP targets. The following diagram illustrates this process (Figure 2.1).



Zonal demand

Source; (EFA 2012) Authors, based on information collected from MOARD.

T production

Demand assessment 8
Targets set by GTP
2.9. Conceptual frame work
The conceptual frame work of the research designs by the researcher to enplane and shows by
figure the Dependent and independent variables Dependent variables will be affecting artificial
fertilizer and Independence variables will physical factor and human factors.

Utilization of

Affecting Artificial Fertilizers
And degradation

Decreasing soil fertility

Loss soil matter

Loss ecological

Water pollution

Social problems

Climate change

Loss micro-organisms

Figure 2.1 Conceptual frame works of the Hypothesized Factors that Influence the Utilization
artificial fertilizer practice in the Study area.

3.1 Description of the study area
3.1.1 Location
Ameba 8 Keble will be one of the rural Keble found in Assosa woreda. The study area has
relative location will be located in the south part of Assosa town and also in the north direction
of Amba 7 Keble and in the west direction of Agusha Yeked and the east direction is Amba 3
keble.The absolute location of latitudinal and longitudinal of Ameba 8 Keble in Assosa Woreda
will be 1004’35’’-10°7’30’’N and 34032’28’'- 34 034'00''E with 1570 meter elevation.(Assosa
Woreda rural development office 2018).

Source .GISLAB (2018) Figure 3.1 Location of Map of the study area

3.1.2 Climate Condition of study area
The climate of mecharaKeble will be kola.The minimum and maximum annual averages
temperature of the Keble 19-32 degree calicous and the average rain fall amount of the Keble
ranges between 800-1500 millimeters. The seasonal rain fall pattern that extends from the first
rain period June and July and the second rain season August the reaches and warmest months
will December to march (sayyo Woreda metrology agency 2018).

3.1.3 Topography
Topography refers to the feature of land surface. The common features of the study area plain
and hill surface. The study area wide coverage plain from the relief feature the following plain
and hill. The average altitude of the study area will below 1570 mean above sea level (woreda
agricultural office 2018).

3.1.4 Soil type

The area will dominated soil red soil cover. The soil will be fertile and suitable for crop and
farming production especially for maize, sorghum, teff, etc will very productive. But it will very
sensitive for erosion agent, land degradation which will be easily dislocate and move by water
droplet and any run off because it has pore and easily to transport.( source Woreda agricultural
office, 2018).

3.1.5 Vegetation
The dominant types of vegetation found in the study area will eucalyptus (Bahirzaf), grasslands,
and mango etc. This vegetation will be used for the purposes of construction, fire wood and
income. (SourceWoreda agriculture office, 2018).

3.1.6 Population

The total populations that live in the study area, mechara Keble, will 1049 with 529 will be male
and 520 will female. The major types of religious followers in the study area will Muslims and a
few Christianity. The dominant religious will Muslim about 75% of the total number of the total
population and about 25% of Christianity of the total number of the population (woreda
agricultural office 2018).

3.1.7 Economic activity
The population of mecharaKeble will mostly engaged by agricultures and trade. The crop
cultivation in the Keble comprises maize, sorghum, teff,khat, nug and other cereal. Generally in
this Keble also economic activity depend on mixed farming of the cattle rearing and crop
produced. Cattle breading will supporting to produce natural fertilizer and activity of the society
to their practice of crop prodiction.(woreda agricultural office, 2018).

3.2 Research methodology of the study

3.2.1 Research design

Descriptive research design will employed for this study area. The researcher will utilized both
quantitative and qualitative methods. Questionnaires will collected from the respondents will be
treated in quantitative approach and interview, field observation and questionnaires data will be
analyzed in qualitatively.The quantitative parts used the questionnaires to assessing the impact of
artificial fertilizer on agricultural productivity in study area. Where as the qualitative part used in
interviews population. This design also to describe analysis and interpreted mature of the
problem under study based on data collected from primary and secondary source.

3.2.2 Data source

The relevant data source used for this study will be both primary and secondary source.

3.2.2 Primary data source

Primary data will be used to generate information about utlizatoin of artificial fertilizer though
use of questionnnare and interview.questionnaire the data which instrument involve close ended
and open ended question would basic contract and employ to generate data household, of farmers
owners, and interview would generate the researcher interview characterisitics by open ended
questionnare for the respondent of farmers in the study area. Secondary data source

The,secondarydatasourcewouldobtainfromvariousrelateresearchs,journals,books working
papers,and census report.These secondary data would access mainly through soft copies, over the
internet,but hard copies found in Keble office and library would use.

3. 3 Sampling Techniques and sample size determination

3.3.1 Sampling Techniques
In this study area mechara keble will be selected by using purposive sampling techniques by the
researcher because of our experience to the problem of utilization artificial fertilizer and its
nearest from the university .

Purposive sample techniques of the study of mechara Keble artificial fertilizer utilization in
sayyo woreda selected from other Keble with collected data through will be detailed utilization
in study with in manageable small part of the population. The reason will be selected mechara
Keble from others will exist impact of artificial fertilizer utilization. Qualitative techniques will
also used to analysis qualitative data which Strengthen the quantitative data.

3.3.2 Sampling size

In the study area has 232 households. From these 174 will male and 58 will female head
households. Based on the time and budget consideration we applied the Kothari (2004) formula
to determine the sample size of our respondents as follows:-

z p.q. N
N= 2 2
e ( N−1 )+ z p . q

Where N = population size

e = acceptance error (0.1) in our case

Z scope= 1.96

n = Sample size

p+q=1 q = p-1

P = population reliability (frequency estimated for sample size)

(1.96) ∗0.3∗0.7∗232
Thus, our sample size will n= 2 2 ❑
(0.1) ( 232−1 ) + ( 1.96 ) (0.3∗0.7)



Accordingly, a total of 60 samples will select proportionally in mechara Keble by using

(Kothari; 2004) formula.

3.4 Data collection instrument

3.4.1 Observation
Direct field observation encompassed visited of utilization of inorganic and organic fertilizer,
topography, vegetation covered, settlement pattern and the over all aspects of crop production of
the study area. This researchers’ opinion based on their visit of the study area will be included in
the analysis.

3.4.2 Questionnaires
The researcher will be used both open ended and close ended questionnaire to obtained
information from select samples of 60 households from study area. Using this method, house
hold demographic characteristics, house hold socio economic characteristics , issues related to
artificial fertilizer problem,utlization and the existing challenges to crop productivity and
measures to be taken to improve will be obtained.

3.4.3. Interview
A key informant interview is particularly important in getting information pertinent to through
such instrument, information regarding the views of experts from assosa woreda agriculture and
rural development office and community elders of the respective sample Keble will be

3.5 Methods of Data Analysis

The data collection through questionnare, interview and observation will analysis and interprate
by using quantitative and qualitative method. The data gather from respondents in the form of
closed ended questionnaire will analysis through the quantitative techniques by using
table,graph,and percentage and the collected from respondents in the form of open ended
questionnaire and interview will analysis through qualitative method in statements.

4. Data Analysis and interpretation

This chapter includes the analysis and interpretation of the main issues generated by different
data gathering instruments Demographic data of respondents such as sex, Age, marital status
family size, educational status, religion and occupation where some of primary issue. The other
issues analyzed where the impact of artificial fertilizer on agricultural productivity and the major
role artificial fertilizer on agricultural productivity and the major role of artificial fertilizer and its
status to increase agricultural productivity.

4.1 Back ground information about respondents

Sex structure

Sex will one of the demographic components which have linkage with artificial fertilizer

Table 4.1 Sex structure of the respondents

Sex Number of respondent Percentage

Male 40 66.7%
Female 20 33.3%
Total 60 100%
Source; field survey, 2018

As you can show table 4.1 out of 60 farmers selected for the study area 40(66.7%) respondents
will be male and the remaining 20(33.3%) will females. Here we could understand that majority
of respondents will males./ This data implies that males will be the main contribution for
agricultural practices with artificial fertilizer utilization.

Age structure

Age structure will also one of the demographic components which can determine the production
and productivity of agriculture. According to the table 4.1.2 show that out of 60 farmer selected
from the study area 22(36.7%) of them will find in the age between 20-30 followed by 18(30%)
and 20(33.3%) of age groups under between 20-30, 31-40 and above 40 respectively Majority of

respondents’ found in the age between 20-30 (36.7%). From this study why adult group shall the
highest percentages will the distribution of the given questionnaires’ will especially focus on
farmers who engaged in agricultural practices rather children’s Hence it will possible to conclude
that farmers who found in adult age group will be large contributed in agricultural practices and
it’s important to growing agricultural productivity.

Table 4.1.2 Age Structure of the respondent

Age group
Age 20-30 31-40 >40 Total
Number 22 18 20 60
Percentage 36.7% 30% 33.3% 100%
Source; field survey, 2018.

Educational status

As we can see from table4.1.3 majority of the respondent will cannot read and write followed by
those who can read and write constituting 25 (41.7%) and 20(33.3%) respondents respectively.
While the reaming 10(16.7%) and 5(8.3%) will be completed grade 8 and above grade 8
respondents respectively. According to the above information of the study the majority of the
respondent will had not completed primary level of education.

Table 4.1.3 educational status of households heads of sample survey.

Educational Not read and Read and Completing Above grade 8

levels write write grade 8

Number of 25 20 10 5

total 60

percentage 41.7% 33.3% 16.7% 8.3% 100%

Table 4.1.3 Educational status Source; field survey, 2018

Marital status

Marital status refers to marriage level of individuals by considering both sexes. It has an impact
on Socio economic activities of agricultural.

As indicated below in table 4.1.4 49(81.7%) at the respondent will married and while the remain
6 (10%). 2(3.3%) and 3(5%) will single, divorced and widowed respectively. Here can
understand the majority of the household will married. It will important and advantages in the
productivity agricultural practices through using fertilizer by helping together. Because women’s
have their own contribution for such practices either by doing home activity or by participating
at the farm land activity..

Marital married single divorced Windowed Total

Number of 49 6 2 3 60
Percentage 81.7% 10% 3.3% 5% 100%
Table 4.1.4 Martial status of the respondent

Source field survey, 2018

Family size
Table 4.1.5 Family size of the respondent

Family size Frequency Percentage (%)

1-3 34 56.7
4-6 20 33.3
Above 6 6 10

Family sizes determine the group of people living together in the some housing unit and it

Source; field above in table 4.1.5 number of respondent who wil had 1-3 children’s will
34(56.7%) and the remaining of 20(33.3%) and 6(10%) will respondents who will had 4-6 and

above 6 children’s respectively. This shows that majority of respondents who will had 1-3


Table 4.1 6.Religion of the respondent

Religion Christian Islam Total

Number of 50 10 60
Percentage 83.3% 16.7% 100%

Source; field survey, 2018

Religion may have it own impact on different activities Table 4.1.6 show that 100% of
respondent will Muslim followers from this we can understand that the study area will be totally
occured 50(83.3%)Muslim followers and 10(16.7%)followed Christian. It will affect the
productivity of agricultural practices, because the christian faith followers it has a celebration
day give the region limits the time to operate activate when its relevant and by decreasing
working days.


Occupation refers to activity in which respondent or individual or group will be engaged

Number Occupation of Number of Percentage(%)

households respondent

1 Farmers 54 90

2 Merchant 3 5

3 Both farmers and 3 5


60 100

Table 4.1.7 Occupation of the respondent

Source; field survey, 2018

From the table the majority of respondent will be farmers followed farming activities of 54(90%)
and 3(5%) the remaining 3(5%) respondent engaged trading and farming activities. This study
shows that most respondent will be engaged on land cultivation practices to sustain their

4.2 The Role of inorganic Fertilizer In Agriculture productivity

4.2.1 Fertilizer use of the respondent

Table 4.2.1 Fertilizer Utilization

Fertilizer utilization Number of respondent Percentage

Yes 55 91.7%
No 5 8.3%
Total 60 100%
Source; field survey, 2018

As indicated table 4.2.1 the majority agricultural products and others 5(8.3%) will used not used
fertilizer. The majority of respondents used of respondent 55 (91.7%) used artificial fertilizer to
increase amount artificial fertilizer.

4.2.2 Types of fertilizer

Fertilizer has the great role to increase agricultural productivity.

Table 4.2.2 type of fertilizer that farmers use

Types of fertilizer Urea DAP Urea and Compost Total


Number of respondent - - 57 3 60

Percentage(%) - - 95 5 100

Source; field survey, 2018

As indicated in table 4.2.2 most respondents utilize DAP and urea together which counts
57(95%) and the remain 3(5%) farmers used compos. This that urea and DAP will be the major
component which played major role of agricultural productivity in the study area. The use of
artificial fertilizer to sustain cropping will found to increase yield for few years but long term
basic, it has not be effective. It often leads to decline in soil organic matter content of the, soil
acidification and soil physical degradation, leads to increase soil erosion. Thus, the existence of
higher percentage of farmers who use inorganic fertilizer will be affected the sustain ability of
land productivity.

4.2.3 The use of fertilizer.

Fertilizers will inputs that will important to enhance agricultural production.

Table 4.2.3 the use of fertilizer

Why you using fertilizer Frequency Percentage

To increase productivity 54 90%
To increase land fertility 6 10%
Shortage of land - -
Total 60 100%
Source; field survey, 2018

Fertilizer will inputs that will important to enhance agricultural production based on the table
4.2.3 the majority of respondent using fertilizer to increase their agricultural productivity
followed by to increase land fertility which account 54(90%) respectively. According to Harold
F (2016), the extent of to which world food production depend on fertilizer use will inevitably
increase future. Without fertilizer, the world would produce only about half as much staple food.

From this can understand that most farmers depend on fertilizers to increase agricultural

4.2.4 Size of farm land and amount of fertilizer

Each farmer will has different size of land according to their family size. Depending up on the
size of farm land they use different amount of fertilizer.

Table 4.2.4 Land size amount of fertilizer

Size farm land

<1 21 35%
1-2 33 55%
Above 3 6 10%
Total 60 100%

Use of fertilizer has you per

Rate of fertilizer kh/ha number Percentage
<25kg - -
25-50 kg 21 35%
50-100 kg 33 55%
>100kg 6 10%
Total 60 100%
Source; field survey, 2018

As indicated in table 4.2.4 majority of the respondent will had 2-3 hectare of farm land which
account 42(56%) followed by <1 hectare which accounts 21(35%) above 3 hectares According to

the Keble agriculture office, major. From some table 4.8 most respondent, used 25-50kg/ha
artificial fertilizer which account 33(55%) followed by 50-100kg/ha and >100kg/ha constituting
of 33(55%) and 6(10%) respectively. This show that most of respondent consumed lower
fertilizer rate. Generally, the existence of lower fertilizer consumption leads to the lower
productivity of agricultural land.

4.2.5 Rate of production with and without fertilizer application

Amount of agricultural productivity will be varied without they used fertilizer and they used
recognized the role fertilizer utilization.

Table 4.2.5 amount of production farmer will had produced

Without fertilizer With fertilizer

Amount of Number Percentage Amount of number Percentage
production/ha production/ha
Below 5 quintal 57 95% Below 5 quintal 5 8%
6-10 quintal 3 5% 6-10 quintal 45 75%
Above 10 - - Above 11 quintal 10 17%
Total 60 100% Total 60 100%
Source; field survey, 2018.

AS indicated table 4.2.5 the rate of production before using fertilizer less than 5 quintal/ha and
above 45(55%) respondents. The remaining 5(8%) respondent produced 5-10 quintal/ha. This
show that most of respondents maintained lower level of production. When they would not after
wards, through using fertilizer about 45(75%) respondents produced 6-10 quintal/ha followed by
10(17%) of above 11 quintal/ha. According to respondents from agricultural office a few farmers
who will be well educated, follows the relevant procedures of fertilizer utilize utilization and
become effective in their agricultural production. While other who would apply appropriate ways
gate low product. Related with these ideas, because of most of respondents will slower changes
of the production as compared with before they use fertilizer. Thus to obtain maximum
agricultural product through fertilizer usage.

4.3 Problem of fertilizer Supply, Distribution and Market price


Factor of fertilizer Utilization


Source; field survey, 2018

The problem of fertilizer supply and its market price affects agricultural productivity of farmer of
land. When there will short supply of artificial fertilizer with higher price, it affects agricultural
productivity negatively and vice versa. As depicted in above figure 4.4.3 respondent determined
the market supply and distribution of fertilizer as enough, low land much with the number of
respondent accounted 32(53.3%), and 12(20%) respectively. This shows the supply of fertilizer
almost enough generally enough amount of fertilizer supply will be help to increase the
productivity of agriculture..

4.3.1 Relation between market price and productivity

3.3% Balanced


Figure 4.3.1 relation between fertilizer and productivity.

Source; field survey, 2018

Instead of market supply, fertilizer market price also affects its utilization. AS we can see from
figure 4.3.1 the respondent express the relation between fertilizer market price and its
productivity a profitable 10(16.7%), balanced 48(80%), and unbalanced and un profitable

2(3.3%). Majority of the respondent considered fertilizer as advantageous due to the presence of
balanced and profitable correlation between price and productivity. There had positive
correlation between price and agricultural productivity and will the base for enhancing farmers
land production through the use of much amount of fertilizer

4.3.2 Factor affecting farmer’s potential fertilization utilization

Table 4.3.2 factor affecting farmer’s potential fertilization utilization

Factors that limit fertilizer usage frequency Percentage

Lack of purchasing capacity 8 24%
Lack of Knowledge 4 %
Negative impact of fertilizer on soil 46 68%
Others 2 3.3%
Total 60 100%
Source; field survey, 2018

The use of fertilizer will had resulted some influences on farmers. As we can see from above
table 4.3.2 major influences of negative impact of fertilizer on soil loosing, purchasing capacity
of fertilizer and lack of Knowledge constituting 51(68%), 18(24%), 3(4%) and other consisting
3(4%) respectively. Thus efficient purchasing capacity and Knowledge to manage existing
fertilizer properly will be important components for farmers to bought effective agricultural

4.4 Status of fertilizer to increase agricultural productivity

The status of fertilizer can be determined by comparing the amount of production to be obtained
before using fertilizer and during fertilizer application. According to the interview given land
gives different rate of production when who utilize it use and without fertilizer i.e. the amount of
production varies with the utilization of fertilizer.

4.5 The perception of farmers to ward fertilizers

4.5.1 The problem not using fertilizer

Table 4.5.1 Show whether there will be a problem due to the absence of fertilizer or not
Is there any problem due to Frequency Percentage
the absence of fertilizer or not
Yes 53 96%
No 7 4%
Total 60 100%
Source; field survey, 2018.

The total respondents used fertilizer to increase the product, but they will had varies perception
toward it. Some respondent’s perception using fertilizer as problem whiles other not. As
indicated in table 4.5.1 the absence of fertilizer creates problem about 72(96%) respondents rise
the problem what they had faced.

Declining of production
Decline of soil fertility

Figure 4.5.1 the problem will hadn’t used artificial fertilizer

Source, field survey, 2018.

As show figure 4.5.1 among the problem that occur due to the absence fertilizer declining of the
amount of product, declining of soil fertility and other account about 35(58%), 25(42%) and 0%
respectively. This shows that how Mach the absence of fertilizer affect the farmers. The decline
of production rate pushes the perception of farmers to ward fertilizer application. Generally most
responded change their perception to ward fertilizer to increase agricultural product through
fertilizer application.

4.5.2 The problem of using fertilizer

Table 4.5.2 whether there will problem due to using fertilizer or not

Is there any problem since you have Number of respondent Percentage
apply fertilizer
Yes 57 95%
No 3 5%
Total 60 100%
Source; field survey, 2018

According to table 4.5.2 using fertilizer also will had problem of majority of respondent which accounts
57(95%) respondents. This shows that fertilizer will had problem for farmers. This leads to the erosion
farmer’s perception to ward fertilizer. Thus the perception of farmer to ward fertilizer will good first, but
it will be started to decline through time 95% of respondent who supported the idea that, here will the
problem in using of fertilizer manifest that problem which will be faced on them.

Problem of fertilizer



Figure 4.5.2 show problem occur due to using fertilizer

Source; field survey, 2018

As indicated in figure 4.5.2 among problem of using fertilizer dependency of land only through fertilizer,
increment of fertilize price and deficiency will the main problem which accounts 57(95%),3(5%) and 0%
of others respondent respectively most of respondent perceived as fertilizer will be the main problem that
resulted the land to be dependent only on fertilizer.

4.5.3 Evaluation of production by considering the ratio between using fertilizer and
without fertilizer.

Production amount of level will somewhat different before using fertilizer and during using



25% 18%


Figure 4.5.3 Level of production in comparison of time

Source; field survey, 2018

As indicated the above figure 4.5.3 the amount of production at current when comparing with the
time without fertilizer will be in high rate followed by medium level which accounts about
15(25%) respondents and 26(43%) respondents respectively. The remain perceived it as fewer.
The reason for these cases might be the existence of problem such as price increment and
improper utilization of fertilizer. According to the response from the interview, at areas where
farmers will be used fertilizer properly with enough supply greatly motivate agricultural
practices through bringing enough amount of product. But in our case improper use of fertilizer
and supply of fertilizer with the higher price will the major problem that retards motivation to
ward its. The production without fertilizer and will unable to meet family’s food needs. When
started using fertilizer, the yields greatly increase and able to fees family and productivity will be
seal to other. Generally proper use fertilizer application will be the base of increasing agricultural
productivity and to encourage farmers to have positive attitude for fertilizer.


5. Conclusion, and Recommendation

5.1 Conclusion
The majority of the respondent factors that will affect the utilization of artificial fertilizer has soil
type, climate, economic activates, crop type and topography will has been used fertilizer to
increase agricultural productivity. The most utilized fertilizer will urea and DAP together.
Fertilizer plays a great role to increase agricultural product. The existence of high percentage of
farmers who will had used inorganic fertilizer. Efficient purchasing capacity and Knowledge to
manage the existing fertilizer properly will important components to bring enough amount of
product. The existence of lower fertilizer consumption leads to lower productivity of farm land.
It is determined by the distribution rate of fertilizer for a given user. The status of farmers will
had to utilize fertilizer. The perception of farmers to ward fertilizer stated to decline through time
because of their appropriate usage. Lack of awareness about fertilizer utilization and
management and different infrastructure result in bringing lower agricultural product.

5.2 Recommendation
The majority problem of the Keble will be transport, cleaning during water, and farming land
(Keble agriculture office). In order to control their problem the government should first avoid
such primary problem. For example facilitating transport problem leads the appropriate condition
for the accessibility of other facilitates such as easy fertilizer distribution for remote areas. So to
adjust the distribution of fertilizer, government should address basic facilities in study area.
Other problem required to list will dependency on artificial fertilizer, improper fertilizer
utilization, and lack of continues discussion at agricultural oriented issue.

 To solve those problems the researcher recommends that farmers should use both organic
and inorganic fertilizer to sustain their farm land productivity.
 The government should create awareness about the utilization of artificial fertilizer on the
 Farmers should participate at any agricultural oriented conferences and training should
and take over the problems to recognize for the government in turns to gate solutions.
 The agricultural exporters should be create awareness for farms how and when used of
artificial fertilizer utilization.

 To change the negative perception of farmers towards fertilizer government should solve
farmer’s problem through preparing conferences and listening farmer heartbeat.
 Farmers should gate awareness about proper utilization and management of artificial
fertilizer application.
 The government should be established of tarring center for the farmers.

Generally the problem can be solved in to two ways. First by using top down approach the
government should create different strategies and techniques and then address it to farmers
should receive and apply properly that new strategies and technologies for their
effectiveness. On the other hand, by using bottom up approach, the farmer should discuss
their representative addressed the issue to the government or other responsible body than
fairly the government should avoid those problems that stand or rise from farmers according
to the context.

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Dear Respondent

These questionnaires prepared by farmer’s utilization of artificial fertilizer in Assosa woreda in

case of Mechara Keble.

The researcher needs your contribution swear the given question correctly

a woreda in case of mechara Keble.

If you have more than answer, you can select more and select the choice.

PART ONE; Personal information

1. Sex. ☐ Male. ☐ Female

2. Age ☐ 20-30 ☐31-40 ☐>40

3. Marital status ☐ married ☐ divorced ☐ single widowed

4. Family size status ☐ 1-3 ☐ 4-6 ☐ >6
5. Religion ☐ Christianity ☐ Islam ☐catholic ☐ protestant
6. Education status ☐ cannot read and write ☐completed grade 8 ☐ can read and write
7. Occupation; ☐ farmer ☐ Animal rearing ☐ Merchant ☐ other
PART TWO; Target questions
1. Have you used fertilizer to increase productivity? ☐Yes ☐ No
2. If your answer in question number, 1, is “yes” what type of fertilizer you will be used?
☐ Fertilizer ☐ Natural fertilizer ☐ Dap ☐Urea
☐ Urea and dap
3 .Why you would use fertilizer?
☐ to increase productivity ☐ to regulate land fertility ☐, Lack of land other

4. How much land you have in hectare

☐ below 1 ha ☐, 1-2 C, above 3
5. How much fertilizer you have used in each hectare?
☐ <25KG ☐ 25-50KG ☐ 50-100KG ☐ > 100KG

6. What are the factors that use in fertilizer?
☐ Lack of purchasing capacity ☐ Lack of knowledge☐ Negative impact of fertilizer
7. What is the major factor that affects you to use fertilizer?
☐ Lack of supply ☐ Lack of transport ☐ Lack of credit service
8. Is there any problem since you have using fertilizer?
☐ Yes ☐ NO
9. How Mach amount of crop you produce through fertilizer use in each hectare?
☐ 5 quintal ☐ 6-10 quintal ☐ 10-15 quintal ☐ above 15 quintal
10. How can used describe the market supply and distribution of fertilizer?
☐ Sufficient ☐ insufficient ☐ over sufficient ☐ very in sufficient
11. How can you described market price of fertilizer in relation to the product what it gives?
☐ Balance ☐ profitable ☐ unprofitable
12. How much amount of crop did you produce when you didn’t use fertilizer?
☐ <5 quintal ☐ 6-10quintal ☐ 11-15 quintal ☐ >15 quintal
13. Do you the problem hadn’t used artificial fertilizer, what type of problem?
☐Declined of productive rate ☐ decline soil fertility and other
14. Is there in problem since you have using fertilizer ?
☐ Yes ☐ No
15. If you answer is ''yes'' what is the problem of fertilizer?
☐ depend of the land fertilizer ☐ deficient of due to drought and rainfall variability
☐ Increment of fertilizer price ☐ other
16. How can describe the rate of production by using artificial fertilizer comperating use the rate
production without artificial fertilizer intern of output?
☐ high ☐ medium ☐ low ☐very high

PART THREE; Open questionnaires

1. How do you explain the activity of Keble agricultural office about artificial fertilizer utilization to
increase farmers’ agricultural production?

2 .How do you explain the role artificial fertilizer on agricultural productivity?
3. What are the negative impacts of artificial fertilizer utilization of the farm land production activities?


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