KIR A1p Test Unit2 Con

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UNIT 2 TEST: Consolidation


1 Sentences a–f describe Paul’s day. Put them in the correct order (1–6). / 5 marks

a He has lunch with his friends at school.

b He has breakfast at half past seven.
c He has dinner with his family.
d 1 Paul gets up at 7 o’clock.
e He has a shower before breakfast.
f He leaves home at 8 o’clock.

2 Complete the dialogue. Use the words in the box. / 5 marks

chat  do  go  have  tidy  watch

Elena: What do you do on Sundays, Luis?

Luis: In the morning, I play football for my team. After the match, I
0 chat with my friends for about half an hour. Then I go
home and a shower.
Elena: Cool. And in the afternoon?
Luis: I don’t like Sunday afternoons. First, I 2 my room,
and then I my homework.
Elena: Oh dear. And in the evening?
Luis: Sunday evenings are good. I 4 TV with my family
and we to bed late – around 11 o’clock.

3 Match pictures 1–6 with technology words a–f. / 5 marks

1 e 2 3

4 5 6

a digital camera d projector

b drone e laptop
c 3D printer f wireless headphones

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UNIT 2 TEST: Consolidation
4 Choose the correct answers. / 5 marks

0 Our teacher uses a projector / drone / 3D printer to show us the pictures.

1 I do my homework on my interactive whiteboard / wireless headphones / laptop.
2 This digital camera / Virtual Reality headset / computer is amazing! I’m in
another world!
3 Mum reads books on her projector / tablet / wireless headphones.
4 Our teacher writes on the drone / interactive whiteboard / 3D printer.
5 Lucas listens to music with his projector / digital camera / wireless headphones.

Vocabulary total / 20 marks


5 Choose the correct answers. / 5 marks

Laura 0 get / gets up at 6 o’clock. She 1leaves / leave home at 8 o’clock. On

Mondays, Laura 2 go / goes to Art club after school with her friend Millie.
They 3 love / loves Art. In the evenings, Laura 4watches / watch TV and
have / has dinner with her family.

6 Complete the negative sentences. Use don’t or doesn’t. / 5 marks

0 We don’t go to school on Sundays.

1 My friends get up early on Saturdays.
2 Our house have a garden.
3 My parents like video games.
4 Clara play the piano.
5 Ollie and James watch TV.

7 Write affirmative [+] or negative [-] sentences. / 5 marks

0 I get up at 6 o’clock every day (-)

I don’t get up at 6 o’clock every day.

1 I don’t like my digital camera. (+)

2 My sister leaves home at 9 o’clock. (-)

3 My parents don’t have lunch together. (+)

4 I chat with my friends before school. (-)

5 Our teacher doesn’t speak good French. (+)

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UNIT 2 TEST: Consolidation
8 Complete the present simple questions. Use the words in brackets. / 5 marks

0 Do your friends like Science? (your friends, like)

1 at 7 o’clock? (she, get up)
2 volleyball on the beach? (they, play)
3 to music on your phone? (you, listen)
4 to bed early on Saturdays? (he, go)
5 interactive whiteboards? (your teachers, use)

9 Use the prompts to write present simple questions. / 5 marks

0 Where / Eva / come / from?

Where does Eva come from?

1 How / your cousin / go / to school?

2 What / you / do / after school?

3 What time / your mum / leave / home?

4 Where / David / live?

5 How / you / relax / at the weekend?

10 Complete the text. Use the words in the box. / 5 marks

brings  doesn’t  don’t  get up  leave   meets

My name’s Lauren. I 0 get up at 6.30 in the morning. I 1

have a big breakfast and I 2 home at 7.30. My best friend Sara
me at the bus stop and we chat with our friends on the bus.
We always have lunch together. Sara 4 like school lunches so
she usually a sandwich and some fruit. After school we do
our homework together at my house.

Grammar total / 30 marks

TOTAL / 50 marks

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