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Dashboard Analysis : A comprehensive Review

on metrics and performance

Diksha Kumari Priyanshu Ghosh Shivam Mor Er .Preety Sharma
BE-CSE Scholar BE-CSE Scholar BE-CSE Scholar Assistant Proffesor CSE
Chandigarh University, Chandigarh University, Chandigarh University, Chandigarh University,

be though as a space from where everything could be

Abstract— A dashboard acts as a web-based platform controlled . Similarly, the digital dashboards are also a space
which acts as centralized hub for users to access all kind of to keep check on the data available in the databases and to
tools, information, progress reports etc. This review paper control and manage information.
on Dashboards tries to present a systematic review on the With the studies and research paper we have gone through the
various works done in this field. This paper tries to present definition of dashboard was unambiguous and varied from
a comprehensive summary of various works proposed on person to person depending upon it’s need . Shemwell [2]
the state of art of research on learning. As the research field suggested that visual displays are critical to sense-making as
is still relatively young, most studies are exploratory and humans can process large amounts of data if presented in
proof-of-concept [1]. The present status and future
meaningful ways. ]. Brouns et al. [3] described dashboards as
directions of dashboard technologies are summarized in this
“an easy to read, often single page, real-time user interface,
paper. It examines the development of data visualization
techniques, integrating cutting-edge approaches like showing a graphical presentation of the current status
interactive elements, 3D visualization, and augmented and (snapshot) and historical trends of an organization’s key
virtual reality. All things considered; this review paper tries performance indicators (KPIs) to enable instantaneous and
to give a thorough review of the developments that are informed decisions to be made at a glance. Few [4] describes
currently occurring in dashboard technologies as well as dashboards narrowly: “a predominantly visual information
insights into how important they are for navigating the displays that people use to rapidly monitor current conditions
complexity of today's data environments. that require a timely response to fulfill a specific role.”
According to Abduldaem1*, Andy Gravell2[5] a dashboard is:
“a visual display of the most important information needed to
achieve one or more objectives; consolidated and arranged on
Keywords—Dashboards, Learning Analysis, Systematic a single screen so the information can be monitored at a glance.
review, Higher Education, Data mining, Data visualization
The key benefits of dashboard include decision making,
accessibility, mobility, business intelligence, benchmarking,
I INTRODUCTION communication. But the main concern is even after multiple
In the era of digitalization and information overload where benefits provided in various sectors the importance of
almost everything is available in just one click, every dashboards is still undermined by the researcher’s community.
information that we want is available online the main concern In the paper “What do we talk about when we talk about
has shifted from availability of data to accessibility of data dashboards” the researchers argue that dashboards are worthy
and how effectively data can be utilized. Dashboards thus, of discussion and research in their own right. Their ubiquity
provide a solution for the same. Dashboards are built and alone makes them worthy of study, as the potential for impact
employed in almost every sector and industry supporting is vast[6]. This paper tries to explore the importance of
decision making, efficient use of data by presenting data in dashboards and it’s construction more into deep.
an easy to use and visually appealing manner. Thus,
considering the importance of dashboards in almost every
field of work there is a need of thorough research. This paper III. OBJECTIVE OF REVIEW
tries to communicate the various research studies conducted Ther have been various researches conducted on the
in this field. Dashboard but there is a lack in systematic review on the
subject of interest. Authors Alper Sarikaya, Michael Correll,
Lyn Bartram, Melanie Tory, and Danyel Fisher argue that the
979-8-3503-3324-4/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE dashboard’s ubiquity alone makes them worthy of study, as
The purpose of the Dashboard is to provide users with a single the potential for impact is vast.[6]
location to access a variety of tools and user information[1]
concerned with the user and avoid overwhelming with the
amount of data present . The term dashboard which initially
implied the car’s dashboard which included an array of simple This paper also tries to fulfill gap in the researches provided
controls (e.g., the steering wheel) and instrumentation could by critically analyzing the researches present . By doing so
we aim to provide a thorough understanding on how advanced as the users can interact in order to
dashboards are benefitting users by providing a common focus on the data only relevant to them . Such
space to organize and control user data. Also this review is dashboards are seen in business (market
going to give insights into various research works done and predictions), healthcare (health evaluation) and
future work needed to be done to enhance user experience Higher education(student’s performance
and dashboards usability. Along with it this review paper can evaluation) .
be helpful for the scholars as an introductory paper who wish
to do further research in this area.
Majority of the papers suggested that their future work will
C. Fields of Usage:
entail testing their concept on larger or different user groups Going further with the research we found that
and refining their design. Five papers have pointed out that dashboards were incorporated in vast fields like
given the unresolved issues in the field of learning business, health care, smart cities, Iot applications,
dashboards, ethics and data privacy considerations seem to student performance evaluation. But majority of the
be especially essential. papers covered healthcare sector, business sector and
Furthermore, this systematic review tries to explore the Learning evaluation so we will be discussing these
following: three in detail.
(i) Types and categories of dashboards i) Business modelling dashboards:
(ii) Various domains and uses where dashboards Model-driven business transformation and
are vastly used business performance modeling are two areas of
(iii) How can Dashboards
research that have gained a lot of attention recently.
designing and implementation be
In this paper [7]. These days, a wide range of
enhanced vendors offer complex tools for representing
business activity and business process models
(iv) What possible future works need to be done to [8][9]. models for monitoring [9][10]. Business
enhance dashboards usability. Achievement. In BPM management (BPM) [11], a
III LITERATURE REVIEW variety of elements that serve as a health monitor for
the company. It offers noteworthy advantages to the
We conducted an exploratory search with a goal to explore businesses by providing them with the capacity to
different types of dashboard ideas , designs an tools used in respond quickly to alterations in their surroundings
parallel we conducted a multi domain research to explore the [12]. The modern dashboards displays key
vast usage and practices surrounding dashboards. Through performance indicators (KPIs) and key risk
the domain review, we were able to characterize dashboard
indicators(KRIs) , in related charts, maps, and
uses and domains and pinpoint pressing challenges as
scorecards , in order for an enterprise to focus on the
identified by the literature. We also discuss problems and
most important activities [13]. ii) Educational Field:
difficulties that arise when using dashboards in real-world
scenarios; some of these draw attention to the social context Dashboards play a major in learning and evaluating the
of dashboards as the main "big data" interface. In the end, we students performance in the era of online education and
pinpoint a number of intriguing and important research digitalization of study resources. R.Carrilo et al.,C.
directions. A. Dashboards Definition: Reanaud et al. ,Y . Prie et al.and E. Lavoue et al. talk
As discussed earlier in the introduction section that the about how to improve learner’s engagement by
definition of dashboards is still unambiguous. Its definition constructing mind maps[18] .The authors write about
varies from person to person depending upon it’s usage. B. how student dashboards are useful in in the field of
Types of dashboards: Learning analytics and Data mining[1] the two major
As the we conducted the research we found there were no terms vastly used by authors to describe the
clear universal type distinction given for dashboards. With implementation usage in learning field . The volume
the research analysis we can divide dashboards on the basis and complexity of data being gathered by educational
of data visualization and usage into (i) Static dashboards (ii) technologies, like Massive Open Online Courses
Dynamic dashboards. (MOOCs) and Learning Management Systems (LMS),
i) Static dashboards: These dashboards are is growing quickly [1]. According to the paper published
mainly concerned with visual display. They by T.Elias[4] Learning analytics is an emerging field in
tend to lack the interactivity element and are which sophisticated analytic tools are used to improve
designed only for the purpose of general learning and education. Learning analytics is product of
awareness and information display [6]. These increase in online education[14] . Also there is a recent
dashboards are generally seen in business and increase in interest in improving learning and teaching by
educational usage where employee and student analysis of data , how it can be used to enhance learning
data need to be accessed and displayed. experience of students and also the user experience of
different stakeholders. Thus, learning analysis can be
ii) Dynamic dashboards: These dashboards are
described as analysis of user data and how this data can be
having interactivity and decision-making
used to further improve user experience of Dashboards.
components where dashboards can analyze,
predict and make judgements about the user’s Then the data that is gathered needs to be analyzed,
performance. The functionality is more processed and visualized [15].
overwhelmed by the amount of information presented to
The process of sifting through massive data sets to find links them confused by visualizations type.
and patterns that may be used to address business problems
through data analysis is known as data mining. Businesses Security and Ethical concerns: As discussed before that
are able to forecast future trends and make better informed users need to know who is accessing their data and for what
business decisions by utilizing data mining techniques and purpose . Apart from that their were concerns about data
technologies. Data mining enables discovery of hidden breach and data leak. So , infrastructure of dashboard needs
information from many patterns of relationships that exist to be strong. As , it builds user trust .
within these large, often noisy and messy datasets [16]. Also
it aid’s human understanding and support learner’s
performance improvements[17].Currently there are various E. Improving designing and model of dashboards:
emerging technologies which an help in data analysis and
finding relationships between data. With the introduction of
AI and machine learning data mining can be integrated in I) Data visualization: Visualization plays an important
dashboards which can further help in improving it’s role in making the user experience more enriching. Also, in
performance. the current era of information overload choosing the correct
visualization technique is important . Data can be represented
graphs, maps , dials, text, Line graph, Bar Graph, Pie chart ,
iii) Health Care :
box graph, Scatter plot etc. [1][22]. Most LADs (Learning
Health Care industry being such an essential service analytics Dashboards ) use graphical visualization techniques
provider it’s efficiency can be of great benefit not only however it can be hard to interpret for some user .Thus, a
from business perspective but, also for the general public. research in textual reporting in learning analytics developed
Our research found that dashboards are massively used in tools which can provide textual description of the graphical
the health care sector . Dashboards are not only used to as visualization of data which can be used as a complementary
data visualization tool but also used as a preventative tool in textual reporting and data visualization[23]. Useful
measure for certain patients detoriating health. Examples dashboards are characterized by two main functions: the
would be .A research in the development of dashboards to selection of appropriate data; and the choice of the most
monitor information obtained from a hospital organization appropriate visualization technique [24].
to support decision makers. This was done basically to for Author of Design Principles in the Development of
hospital organization need to improve service access and Dashboards for Business Management talk about the
for managers to optimize resource allocation [19]. importance of logos. How developing a strong identity is
Digitization of patients healthcare information has important and how logos can be useful in it [25]. In order to
profoundly impacted the healthcare industry [20] in a result in a representation in various graph types that allow for
positive way and is going to further impact in future. a thorough understanding of the data, this visual
transformation must be structured in accordance with the
type of data presented and with different visual attributes,
D. Challenges:
namely position, saturation, and size [26].
After going through the various researches, we found that the II) User Data and experience: User is the audience ,
main challenges in the dashboard implementation were and everything needs to be customized according to
mainly: audience’s needs. A dashboard should be designed keeping
user as the center of attention, user should be able to see
Design concerns: How data is being visually represented an through the dashboard with minimal effort, Visualizations
so that the user experience is enhanced. As we all know that used in the dashboard should be easy to understand for the
visually appealing things attract user’s attention more. Don user with minimal effort [27]. Also, we observed that user
Norman [21] defines User Experience (UX) as the degree to data gathering plays an important role in the efficiency of
which a product enhances the user's experience. The user's dashboard. It is important to understand our goal and object
needs must be met in order for the experience to be and keeping that in mind we need to gather user data. Also
successful, and any issues or complications in the user's ask relevant questions in order to understand which part of
activity must be avoided. Selection of design can be the data is relevant to our study and which is not. It can help
challenging as design not only needs to be visually appealing in getting rid of unnecessary data and avoid information
to the user but also it should have usability. There needs to be overload.
a balance between both.
III) Decision making: One of the most important aspect
User Data gathering: The data collected mainly included of a dashboard’s performance is decision making . In the
login information of the users, time spend on the dashboard, above section as we divided dashboards into two sections one
information accessed by the users . But the main concerns is static (which only displays information) and another one is
were user data access. User will provide their information dynamic which (provides necessary feedback as well). Being
only if there is trust. Users need to know who is having access able to make predictions and judgements and provide the
to their data and how their data is used to track their progress. necessary feedback is an important feature of dashboards
Implementing dashboards, This includes investigating which can be improved if dashboard’s decision-making
particular requirements for different user groups (learners, abilities are improved.
instructors, mangers, staffs etc), determining the granularity
level of information be-ing displayed on the dashboard, and IV) Updates : In order to keep up with the new industrial
adopting proper visualization techniques, as users could get features and changes in technology a dashboard’s model
should be build in such a way that it should be able to handle VII REFERENCES
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