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Faculty of Engineering, the Built Environment

and Information Technology

MRPV301 - Research and Project Management – Trevor Stroud

Chapter 2 – Project Management Process

Project Management Processes
• Project Management is Process Driven
• Series of steps in the correct sequence
• Objective is On Time
and Within Budget
Project life cycle

Each phase will be discussed
in detail in the chapters that follow
Project Lifecycle

Project Execution
Project Selection

Project Closure
Project Planning
Project Initiation
• Identify the need • Project charter • Create WBS • Execute tasks • Obtain final
• Feasibility • Team selection • Duration estimates listed in the plan acceptance
• Risk analysis • Constraints • Resource • Procure goods and • Close the project
• Selection • Assumptions estimates services finances, and
• Cost budget • Manage resource administration
• Scope statement
• Procurement allocation • Measure customer
• Scope
• Manage scope satisfaction
management • Activity sequence
changes • Release resources
• Stakeholders • Network diagram
• Measure project • Document lessons
performance learnt
• Schedule
• Monitor risks • Develop and
• RAM distribute final
• Ensure deliverable
• Communication quality project report
plan • Archive project
• Approval information

Project Management
Project Inputs and Outputs
• Each Project Phase has an Input and an Output
• Output of preceding phase becomes input to next phase
• Outputs can be tangible objects or services
Project Inputs and Outputs
Typical inputs and outputs include:
approved business plans, project charters, project plans,
deliverables, project handover documents

• Input: Need
Initiate • Input: Charter
Execute • Input:
• Output: Project • Input: Project • Output: Project • Input: Project Deliverable
selection selection plan plan • Output: sign-off
• Output: Charter • Output:
Select Plan Close
Project Management effort chart

Increasing effort





Select Initiate Plan Execute Close

K van der Merwe © 2017

Project Management influence chart
• The later changes are made the more expensive they will be!
Influence Cost
Ability to influence

Increasing cost

Select Initiate Plan Execute Close

K van der Merwe © 2017

Project Management Terminology (p.16)
Budget is a list of expenses and revenues for set time period or activity.
Budgeted cost of work performed (BCWP) or earned value (EV) is the budgeted cost
of the work that has actually been performed – as opposed to the work that was scheduled.

Budgeted cost of work scheduled (BCWS) the original budget allocated to an activity.
Business analysis is the set of tasks, knowledge, and techniques required to identify
business needs and determine solutions to business problems. Solutions often include a
systems development component, but may also consist of process improvement or
organisational change.
Business operations are those ongoing recurring activities involved in the running of a
business for the purpose of producing value for the stakeholders. They are contrasted with
project management, and consist of business processes.
• C
Change control is the procedures used to ensure that changes related to the deliverable
are introduced in a controlled and coordinated manner.

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